Chapter 8
The fire-burning girl in the old matriarch's yard was occupied by the third-class maid. Zhao Liu didn't understand the other things for the time being. She only knew that the third-class maid's monthly salary was half a penny!
Sure enough, the salary increase depends on job hopping!

For a while, she didn't complain that she was given away as a favor, and she happily followed Sister Shan to the yard of Second Grandma Lian to thank her, and then went to kowtow in front of the old lady.

"The person Feng girl picks must be good!"

The gray-haired old lady was surrounded by everyone and sat in the high hall. Zhao Liu suspected that she couldn't see herself clearly, but she didn't dare to look up when she lowered her head. She silently counted 1001, 1002, 1003... It took ten seconds before a sentence came slowly.

Teaching the rules, Zhao Liu knelt down in the hall surrounded by red and emerald green like a muscular reflex, and kowtowed three times firmly for his half-money money.

This hall is magnificent, the knees kneeling on the ground are not as cold and hard as the bluestone floor tiles in the outer courtyard, when I just bent over to touch it, the delicate and warm touch is like touching a newborn lamb.

No wonder when I just walked in, my feet felt as if they were stepping on clouds, soft as soon as they entered the room.

"Hahahaha, look at this honest girl, the old lady kowtowed to you, but she is wishing you a long life!"

Before Zhao Liu got up, he heard a series of laughter.

Slightly raised eyelids were just able to see the scene directly in front of the hall, and there was a fair-skinned girl standing beside the graceful old lady. From her fair and delicate hands, it looked like a flowery face with pink cheeks, black and oily hair behind her head, a red gold hairpin ring on her head, and a very neat apricot-colored skirt.

She has seen this elder sister before, she is Yuanyang, the big maid who asked the kitchen for chicken skin soup.

The old lady nodded Yuanyang's head with a smile, and scolded her, "You monkey, but you can't wait for your servant to come, and you can say anything to me!"

"Get up and answer the question, our old matriarch loves girls the most. In the future, you will know that the custom of kneeling with a screwdriver is not popular in this courtyard. How old is it?"

Yuanyang smiled and refused to dare, and turned to Zhao Liushi, although she was still smiling, but the smile didn't reach her eyes, she was standing sideways beside the old lady, asking Zhao Liu condescendingly, and the frolicking ladies around her also looked over curiously.

It's damn oppressive.

As the patriarch of the feudal society, Mrs. Shi wanted to serve countless maids and servants by her side. For the ancients who received this kind of class education since childhood, it is of course more dignified to serve such an authority.

From the decency in front of the people to the diet and daily life in the back, all aspects are superior to other courtyards, as can be seen from the decoration of Zhao Liuyi's entrance.

Hearing Yuanyang's words, she spared her from kneeling, and praised the old matriarch's face, she kept saying her words in her heart, I have never seen such a clever girl in the servant's room.

Zhao Liu turned all the people in front of him into the appearance of Brother Kong Fang, and said with a bright smile: "Back to Sister Yuanyang, the name of the servant is Zhao Liu, and she will be six years old after the Chinese New Year."

The mandarin duck heard this, nodded with a smile, moved its feet and turned sideways to the old lady and said: "Look, old lady, the solid-eyed girl has an auspicious name of Liuliu Dashun. Doesn't this match her three heads just now, wishing you a hundred years of worry-free good intentions?"

Three sentences are inseparable from flattery, Zhao Liu knelt down, admiring him deeply.

At least these words let her speak, and she can't speak well without repeating them in her head three or five times.

"Zhao Liu's name is not good, but there are other sisters in the family?" A male voice interrupted, startling Zhao Liu, and after following the voice, he realized that this was probably the incarnate demon king Jia Baoyu.

Jia Baoyu lifted the curtain and entered the room, everyone in the room saluted from a distance, Zhao Liu had no choice but to follow Fushen, after everyone finished the mutual courtesy, they saw Jia Baoyu standing still four or five steps in front of her, apparently waiting for her to reply.

"In the words of Second Master Bao, there are six servants in the family, and there are five older sisters." Zhao Liu was stunned, and had to bend down to answer. The book said that Jia Baoyu liked to play with girls the most, and it was true.

When Jia Baoyu heard this, he clapped his hands and laughed, "Look at my ancestor, he has five older sisters in such a lucky way! It's just that the name is scribbled, why don't we change it?"

For ordinary households, it is not good luck to have more girls. Zhao Liu slandered in his heart that the six sisters were probably the most painful thorn in the tough old lady's heart, otherwise the name selection would not be so perfunctory.

The boss also had the name of Zhao Xin, but they only took two, three, four, five, six as their names.

But at this time Jia Baoyu proposed to change her name, but Zhao Liu had no right to refuse.

"It's really rude, what are you thinking, the devil? Why don't you tell us and let everyone listen." Mrs. Shi sat on the head and laughed.

I saw the old lady looking at Lin Daiyu for a while, and looking at Jia Baoyu for a while, with a loving and happy look on her face.

Except that she glanced at her when she came in at the beginning, but her gaze never stayed on her after that.

I think so, just a little maid, if Jia Baoyu didn't become interested, who cares what her name is?
"Miss Zhao Liu, I don't know what kind of errand you want to come to the ancestor's yard?
The maids around the ancestors are all jewels and beautiful birds, I thought,

Ms. Zhao Liu might as well be called Yunzhu. Sister Pearl has an oval face, and Yunzhu is also an oval face. The two beads are just a pair!Now the old lady has a pair of beads? "

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Jia Baoyu came up with a name on his own.

The maid next to her called Pearl saw that she had been pointed out, so she stood beside Mrs. Shi, saluted and said, "It's hard for the second master to find a girl for me. Now we just see if the old lady will let me let her go."

As he spoke, he looked at the expression on the old lady's face.

"You skinny monkey, you skinny monkey, your sister Pearl is the only daughter of the family, how dare you find a girl for her, see if Wang Sheng's family doesn't hate you!" The old lady frowned, and in a blink of an eye she pulled Jia Baoyu to pat her with a smile on her face, and couldn't stop laughing and cursing.

For some reason, Zhao Liu felt that Yuanyang and Pearl were both relieved.

As the pearl came down from the top, Zhao Liu could only feel a gust of fragrant wind blowing in front of him, watching the pearl in brocade and gold pull his hand,

"Sister Yunzhu, from now on we will all be maids in the old lady's courtyard. Our old lady is kind and compassionate to the poor and weak. If you please the old lady, you will have a very good future!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard Mrs. Shi say, "Since the devil has found a younger sister for you, there is no need to let Yizhu in Shuangzhu be a fire-burning girl. Since Yunzhu is young, she should go to the tea room to learn the rules, and let Feng-girl choose another fire-burning girl for the small kitchen tomorrow."

With this sentence, although he was just making a border for the big girl's face, Zhao Liu felt that the power nest was really good, and the person at the top raised his annual salary by several levels with just a few words.

Now she really kowtowed to her salary sincerely.

The mandarin ducks and the pearls came down together to give a big gift to the old lady, and they poured out auspicious words as if they didn't want money. Zhao Liu was in a hurry and couldn't say any auspicious words. After thanking him, he had to follow the crowd to worship again and again.

Xie Wan'en was about to go out with her mother-in-law and was led to the tea room. She was thinking in her heart, although the girl in the tea room is also a third-class maid, but the dignity and rewards are many times better than the fire girl!
More than three months ago, she just crossed over. At that time, she couldn't even eat a full meal. Now she is about to earn more than [-] a month. Although the time span is less than half a year, she has already figured it out from the beginning when she was uncertain to the current high-paying position.

Whether it's Zhao Liu or Yunzhu.

Whether it's the sixth girl from a poor family, or the little girl in this wealthy nest, the road in front of him is that one, whether he is Senluo Palace or Jiuchongtian, just be reckless!

They come, the security.

Sucking at the strange eyes of Pearl and Mandarin Duck just now, she couldn't care about any plots and tricks in it for a moment, she just felt that many winged brothers Kong Fang flew into her toilet-sized space.

She was so beautiful in her heart that her face was rosy. After paying homage to the old matriarch, she pulled Pearl beside her and solemnly called her sister, then turned around and went out with all the servants.

Anyway, as long as she works hard with peace of mind, the maids in the old lady's room will not have accidents out of nowhere, and no matter what kind of ghosts and ghosts he plots, it probably won't hurt her.

The quiet tea room is located in the courtyard on the west side of the hall where the kowtow was just now. After the woman opened the curtain, a girl with goose-yellow trousers and double buns came out from inside.

"Just now I heard that Sister Pearl got a younger sister, so I think you are that Sister Yunzhu!"

This girl was born with red lips and white teeth, and picturesque eyebrows. As soon as she opened the curtain, she passed the woman who was going to be introduced, and directly held Zhao Liu, no, Yunzhu's hand.

The ones I saw before were all rough servant girls who don't wear copper clips like her. At first glance, there are so many beautiful girls dressed in rich and noble clothes, and Yunzhu's eyes are really dazzled.

Before he could stretch his body, he hugged the hand held by the other party, "Greetings to the civil servant sister."

This time, it was the other party's turn to be surprised, "You recognize me?"

Seeing that they both recognized each other, the woman thought they were old acquaintances. She had other things to do, so she left directly and said that she would go back to return to the second mistress, and she stayed with Yun Yun for a while.

"The civil official's sister's name spreads far and wide. My sister saw her go to the big kitchen from afar in Huifangyuan. The civil official's sister has a demeanor. I really envy all of us little maids."

Yunzhu blessed the old woman, and after the two parties said goodbye, they turned around and flattered the civil servant. Seeing the civil servant's cheeks flushed, he immediately knew that his flattery was in place.

"It's strange that Sister Pearl wants to take you in as a girl. You are so attractive, I only hate that I didn't go to the front to serve you today, so I am slow to start, so I don't have such a good sister!

Now I will take you to the tea room to have a look, can you make tea? "

 For the smoothness of the plot, many characters in this article have added some private settings based on Cao Gong’s description. Readers feel free to read it, don’t take it seriously
(End of this chapter)

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