Chapter 81
After Daiyu passed away, her daily contact with Jiang Yunxuan became more intensive. The two maids saw it, but they couldn't help thinking about it.Zijuan is mature and stable, just looking for various opportunities to prevent Daiyu from going to Jiangyunxuan.

Seeing Xueyan who came and went again and again, she also recalled it unconsciously.Although she was young, she was very discerning, and she didn't dare to make irresponsible remarks in front of the girl.After all, because of the old lady's illness, the girl can't eat or sleep well now.

Nine out of ten bowls of the tonic soup she drank made her vomit, how dare she make her unhappy?
No, taking advantage of Miss Bao's afternoon nap with her own girl, she came to find Yunzhu to pour out her bitterness.The two are about the same age and live next to each other. Although they are not in the same courtyard, they are two points closer than others.

"Yesterday the old lady woke up, but for some reason she scolded the second master again. We girls are timid. When we came back, we couldn't even eat well, and we couldn't sleep well. Yesterday, we went to me at midnight. Under the door, I heard the movement of turning over, what do you think should be done?"

In the corridor on the side of Jiang Yunxuan, Yunzhu was carrying the newly delivered gold silk charcoal, and was stopped by Xueyan in front of the half gate, looking at the people standing in the yard with their heads bowed, Yunzhu pulled her into the side In the tea room, he opened his mouth and said:

"Didn't you say that the ginseng Yangrong pill is good to eat? Could it be that it doesn't work now? Then you have to ask Imperial Physician Wang to come and have a look, how can a weak person withstand such torture."

The two of them were wearing identical blue satin bijars, and they both had round faces and drooping hair. They were so young that no one cared if they whispered next to each other.

She knew that Xueyan was just complaining and complaining, Lin Daiyu had always had a plan in mind, and she never changed her mind, how could a servant persuade her with a few words?

If she was really persuasive, she wouldn't fall ill due to overthinking.For this reason, she was concerned for a few words, then with a cup of herbal tea, she turned the topic to other places.

"Oh." Xueyan sighed, took the herbal tea that Yunzhu handed over, took a sip, and asked, "What kind of tea is this? I haven't drunk it before."

After all, he took another sip.

"Boil the plantain with raspberries, and add some mint. You can treat it as a herbal tea." Yunzhu kept some selfish intentions in changing the tea leaves every month, and only kept the most expensive ones, which cost eight dollars a month Throw it in the space like that, thinking that the tea that has changed its taste is still good tea, and there will always be people who want it at half price in the future.

"It's very hot in summer, white water can't be swallowed, drinking too much tea can't sleep well, this method is good, it's very refreshing, I'll cook some for the girl later."

"We are rough-skinned and thick-skinned. We are not the same as Miss Lin. If we can eat you, we must ask the imperial physician." Xue Yan wrote down Yunzhu's instructions, and went back and forth to take away a tea bowl of raspberries. I saw her bend a few bamboo slices into an arc on the fire and insert them into the bamboo tube, and then stir them like eggs in a tea bowl.

Seeing a layer of foam quickly rising from the surface of the tea soup, Xueyan was dumbfounded and said: "Second Master Bao, is there still a need for the tea whisk to be used?"

"It's not a tea whisk, just wait, it will come in handy in a few days." Yunzhu blinked her eyes, and after a while, divided the remaining raspberries in half, put them in two tea bowls and handed them over. In the hands of Xueyan: "Sister Qingwen's cousin sent it in. It was picked early this morning. Take it to Sister Zijuan and the others to try something new."

I heard that many officials went to Zhuangzi to guard the fields under the operation of Qingwen. Compared with the prosperity of the capital, Zhuangzi is a bit deserted, but it is self-sufficient in daily life. In addition to the monthly money, there are also a lot of mountain goods and wild animals. , life is much more moist than now.

"I heard Xiaohong and the others whispering furtively, saying that they made some milk snacks, isn't that what they made?" She saw that Yunzhu had been peeling bamboos today, and she had been leaning by the fire in hot weather. He said that he didn't concentrate on talking to himself, and he felt weird for a long time.

The masters they serve respectively are separated by a wall, how can they have no idea what the next door does on weekdays.

And because of the milk snacks, Xiaohong sticks to Yunzhu when she hates to have to go to work!

"Ahem, first of all, let's go back to Yangzhou, the girl, it was you who suggested to prepare medicinal materials, so that the girl's business was not delayed on the way, that... you mentioned the second class, and I heard that the birthday is approaching, so how can we say it? It's kind of friendly Right, because of emotion and reason, I should also give you a congratulatory gift, don't forget to leave a post for me!" Xue Yan hurriedly finished speaking under Yun Chen's eyes, holding a Raspberry lifted the curtain with hands and feet and left.

It doesn't mean anything else, she just wants to see how delicious milk desserts can be!
"It's just that I've been with everyone for so long, and I'm taking this opportunity to have a home-cooked meal together." Yunzhu said vaguely.

The mansion was full of excitement, how could she dare to invite people to dinner with a big swagger?Isn't that giving eye drops to wives and grandmas?

In short, it's best to be quiet and not attract attention.

After seeing off the snow geese, he sat in the tea room and adjusted several bamboo egg-beating sticks repeatedly, and then installed them on a gear. The power point is replaced with a crank.

Yunzhu was very happy to deliver a semi-automatic egg beater by herself, thinking happily that the process of making cakes could be shortened by at least half an hour, and she would no longer have to owe favors to the big kitchen in the future!
It's just that there is no impenetrable wall in the world. After Yunzhu delivered the tea to Sheyue at the door of the main room at night, he saw Baoyu standing under the window to blow the wind. Set up a home-cooked meal? Call me too!"

Yunzhu felt a little uneasy in her heart, blinked her eyes and looked at Qilu.

"What's the matter, you don't like congratulatory gifts, do you?"

"How could it be?" Yunzhu was grinning, she was a child after all, after being beaten and lying down for a few days, she must be very bored in her heart, and couldn't wait to have fun with everyone.

There is a saying that the guest does as he pleases, not to mention that he is still a servant, so if he is too rigid, it is easy to be self-defeating.

So Yunzhu thought for a while, and then said to Jia Baoyu: "Second Lord Lao valued it so much that my monthly money has increased a lot, so it is also appropriate to treat Second Master to a meal. It's just that my level is limited, and it's just plain food. I'm afraid it won't be as decent as Second Master's usual face..."

Even if Jia Baoyu came to eat, she would not agree to buy a good meal out of her own pocket!

Seeing that Yunzhu was restless at first, and then looked like a broken jar, Jia Baoyu sneered, and became narrowed rarely, and said with a smile: "It's easy to get dragon liver and phoenix marrow, but rough tea and light food are hard to eat. I would like to see what kind of rough food it is." Fa'er, it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, how about today? As soon as the ingredients are available in the old lady's small kitchen, you just need to ask for it. If you do well, I will reward you with an ingot of gold! If you don't do well..."

Yunzhu fell silent.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have had a birthday party with Xiaohong and the others. It was obviously a private pastime, but now it's Jia Baoyu's trouble...

"What's the matter if you can't do well? Baoyu, stop scaring the little girl, you see her face is pale!" She Yue came forward with the crushed fruit, and rarely opened her mouth to relieve Yunzhu.

"Hey, the birthday star will be rewarded if he doesn't do well. How about this, if he doesn't do well, he will be rewarded for two months! From my private treasury, don't let the wives know, let's enjoy ourselves behind closed doors." Jia Baoyu also knew that these young maids were very nervous when serving them, so he deliberately wanted to make them more comfortable, so he set a reward of a gold ingot with a big wave of his hand.

This made all the people present envious, and selectively filtered out the premise of "can't do it well", and their eyes fell on Yunzhu, staring straight at Yunzhu, and the hairs on his back broke out in sweat.

This Jia Baoyu, I don't know whether he really doesn't understand or is pretending to be stupid. He lives in the same yard, and he doesn't worry about the few but the unevenness.Not to mention a piece of gold, just two months' money, no more, no less, just happens to be the amount of year-end bonus given to the second-class maids in the mansion, which is enough for many low-ranking maids to be jealous.

Seeing Yunzhu's bitter face, Jia Baoyu immediately burst out laughing.

He didn't like the condescending temper of those sour scholars, and he always had a straightforward temper with the maids. Seeing that Yunzhu abided by the etiquette and refused to make fun of him, he restrained his temper and asked her: "Just say it, and you have to do it." what?"

Although I discussed the menu several times with Xiaohong and the others, they were all very tasty recipes. I originally thought that we would find a corner in the garden to have a hearty meal on a day of rest, but now we don’t Sorry to export.

what to eatEat cream cake, eat spicy boiled fish, eat hanging oven barbecue!

Not expensive and heavy taste,
"What to eat?" She was about to change some convenient dishes to prevaricate Jia Baoyu, but she heard laughter from the side, turned her head, and saw Lin Daiyu walking over with Xue Baochai tenderly.

Two young girls, one plump and one thin, stood side by side. Girl Bao was restless and afraid of heat. She often came out after asking Mrs. Wang and the old lady, and was about to rest in Daiyu or Baoyu's room after the heat. I will take my leave and leave. Today is a very coincidental event, and all these people were asked to come to Jiangyunxuan.

Jia Baoyu's eyes lit up, and regardless of his physical discomfort, he jumped up and down and shouted happily: "Sister Lin is here!" He also knew why Baochai was here, and said with a smile: "Sister Bao is here too!" It just so happens that there is a little girl in my yard celebrating her birthday, and they are talking about having a banquet for dinner, and everyone is having a good time together, and I am about to invite someone to invite you!"

As everyone entered the house, Baochai washed his hands first, and seeing Jia Baoyu standing at the door as if nothing had happened, he asked, "Look, but you can walk on the ground now? If it doesn't matter, then I will go and ask my wife to greet me." , she misses you in her heart."

Although he was a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old, because he grew up in a wealthy family and was very favored, Jia Baoyu's diligent girls were Xue and Lin, and Miss Shi and her younger sister Tanchun who were often in front of the old lady.

Among them, Daiyu is the most congenial with him, and even his half-sister Tanchun is ranked second.

Baoyu didn't care about anything when he got mixed up, and now he was looking at the fan pendant in Sister Lin's hand, and at the same time dealing with Baochai's gossip, at the end he suddenly asked: "Sister Lin, have you ever heard of desserts made of milk? "

Daiyu thought for a while, then turned her face to Baochai and asked, "Sister Bao shared a plate of crispy cheese with me at noon. It was sour. Although it was fragrant, it didn't taste as good. Maybe it needs to be seasoned with honey. , so that people can know the beauty of milk."

"The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic says that cow's milk is a cold thing, and eating it can damage the sun. How can your sister Lin use those?" Baochai shook her head and said with a smile: "Young lady Lin just took a bite of that plate of crispy cheese. I'm afraid I haven't even tasted it!"

Xueyan laughed at the side, and she made jokes, talking about six or seven fashionable side dishes and three or four staple foods in each meal. If you can eat one of the same, you will be grateful to Mantian Bodhisattva and God Buddha.

The girl in her family is only alive when she is in front of Miss Bao, and she can eat two more mouthfuls even with rice.

So whenever Baochai comes, Xueyan is the happiest.

If the girl from her family is asked to eat alone, it would be worrying if she wished she could smell the smell and count it as a meal.Lin Daiyu saw the way she and Zicuckoo were touching and laughing, and Daiyu couldn't help laughing and scolded: "Where did I starve to death? When you Miss Bao is away, I also eat well!"

When Jia Baoyu heard this, he immediately looked downcast and said, "Oh, what should I do? Yunzhu in my yard has learned a milk dessert. I heard that they are planning to make it. If you say so, Aren't you useless?"

Yunzhu naturally didn't know about the drama of these girls and young masters. She was rolling up her sleeves and experimenting with her 'egg beater'.

"In the countryside we use this waterwheel to make glutinous rice cakes. What kind of ingenuity is this to figure out such a clever thing?" The lady on the stove in the kitchen held Yunzhu's hand and asked her to do such a rough job. , No need to wear out the tender skin, it is not good to serve in front of Baoyu.

Everyone smiled teasingly at Yunzhu, complimented Yunzhu's craftsmanship, and asked if they could learn how to do it in the future.Yunzhu laughed dryly, thinking that it wasn't something expensive, she simply broke the key and let the ladies in the kitchen listen.

The flattery came here originally, but no one expected that Yunzhu would teach them so generously and without hiding anything.

What a cook does is a job that is eaten all over the world. If you have some housekeeping skills and fresh craftsmanship, you can't wait to put it in the coffin by yourself. How can you be willing to teach it to outsiders?
All of a sudden, the superficial compliment turned out to be somewhat sincere, and everyone hurriedly prepared the side dishes of boiled pork slices according to Yunzhu's orders.

Yunzhu looked at it with raised eyebrows, and pursed the corners of her mouth, feeling a little embarrassed.

This cream cake is no better than sweet potato sugar. Milk is the most expensive thing in ordinary people. It is made of sugar, oil and egg white noodles. a complex diet.

Not to mention that it is suitable for all ages like sweet potato candy.

So it's better to just teach outsiders like this and get a favor in the small kitchen.In the future, when you are really hungry, you can also swipe your face for a meal.

"I heard that you were here as soon as I came back. Why didn't Huixiang come to help you?" When everyone was throwing away their arms and whipping cream, Xiaohong walked in from the outside. .

"That's not what I said to the second master..." Xiaohong was the insider of the original plan, and the original plan was to invite a few acquaintances to celebrate, but how did she know that the words leaked to Jia Baoyu?
"If you speak louder, let the second master know that if you don't like it anymore, you will definitely miss us!" Yunzhu said in a low voice.

After all, both of them couldn't help laughing.

Who told you to catch up with public expenses to eat and drink?Based on the sum of several people, it would cost three or four taels of silver to buy this banquet from the beginning to the end.Now it's good, not only don't have to spend money by yourself, but also the lottery is hanging in front of you, both of them are in high spirits, and they even do their strenuous work in high spirits.

Now that the wages are paid for, it is reasonable to extend the scope of the banquet to the entire Jiang Yunxuan.

But Yunzhu frowned, without it, there is not enough milk!

(End of this chapter)

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