After the banquet was over, Jia Baoyu personally sent Daiyu back to the next door. When he came back, he saw Yunzhu was adding tea, so he recruited her into the room. After listening to Yunzhu's answer, Jia Baoyu was also startled.

There were only two people in the room at this time, seeing Yunzhu's sincere look, Baoyu stretched his arms, and put himself in the armchair with a relaxed posture, and said with a smile: "The gold ingot is gone, are you very disappointed?"

"Second Lord is worrying too much." It's nothing, what Yunzhu thought about at the beginning was the extra monthly reward, gold is of course good, but as long as it is a reward, there is nothing she doesn't like.

"Okay, I'm crazy at the beginning, you take this gold leaf, don't tell others when you go back. You don't have anything to do here, you have to go and tell Ping'er the blueprint when you have time, go back."

Jia Baoyu bragged about Haikou where he bought an ingot of gold in front of everyone, and everyone was bitter, but not many people took it seriously.After all, the young master is not yet an adult, and there is very little cash in his private treasury, and he himself is a spendthrift. In addition to the public share, the old lady needs to subsidize it from time to time to make enough money. How can there be any surplus to give to the maids?
Gold ingots, the smallest one weighs one or two!
Now it's Yunzhu's unexpected joy to change to a few gold leaves in private, even without the hands of a big maid like Sheyue Qiuwen, she bowed her knees happily, "Thank you, Second Lord, for your kindness!"

Seeing Musk Moon coming in and looking at the two of them in surprise, she turned around and asked softly, "Second Master wants Yunzhu to be on duty today?" Lay the small mattress on the side of the step.

Yunzhu felt that Jia Baoyu looked heartless, but in detail, he could be regarded as a gentle and considerate temperament, but he was a young master from a rich family, so it was inevitable that he would be a bit stingy.

Jia Zheng, who was furious before, and Mrs. Wang, who was deep in thought, are not like their own.

"Sister Musk Moon, I am not as careful and thoughtful as you are. I am not worthy to serve in the second master's room. If you have any other orders, you can just order me." There is no right or wrong, only can.

She is a second-class maid, she has to be decent or not, and she has a background or background, of course she can't.

Sheyue spread the mattress quickly with her hands and feet, and folded the old mattress that had been removed and put it aside. It seemed that she could handle it with ease. Yunzhu wanted to help pull the bed sheet or something, but Muskyue stopped her and said: "You don't need to come."

Seeing Yunzhu's cramped look, Sheyue lowered her brows, and as if nothing had happened, she swept over Baoyu who was busy flipping through books in front of the window, and said calmly: "I'm familiar with these things, but you are now eight years old. The work should also be started one after another." As expected, she was familiar with and quickly passed the replaced things to the girl who came in and was responsible for picking up the laundry.

Yunzhu breathed a sigh of relief.

When it comes to being on duty at night, a picture can even be conjured up in her mind.

Like a little bean sprout, he squatted on the edge of the footrest in front of the bed, watching Jia Baoyu's sleeping figure, staying awake all the time, noticing that he wanted tea and turned over.And for the monthly money, I need to be confused all night and not be able to sleep all night.

The corner of her mouth moved, and she agreed in a deep voice, but Musk Moon didn't say anything after that.

In the eyes of everyone, Yunzhu neither got an ingot of gold, nor heard that Baoyu subsidized her monthly money, the original sour smell dissipated within a few days, and many people even showed sympathy.

The master's reward is a great kindness, but he didn't reward it after saying it, what does it mean?It means that the master doesn't take you seriously, so what about the girl in the old lady's room?After all, it's just a low-level bean sprouts, nothing to be afraid of.

For a while, the famous person who had received a compliment from Wang Xifeng as the host of the banquet, fell from the clouds in everyone's eyes in an instant, and no one cared.

"I feel sorry for you!" Xiao Hongzuan whispered to Yunzhu's ear while lying under the blanket.

She has big ambitions, if her parents said she wanted to avoid the limelight, why would she not have a good name now?If Xiaohong said that Jia Baoyu should have rewarded Yunzhu in public, that would be called face.

"I think the benefits are the best. I don't have the ability to ask Baoyu to value me. How good is this?" Xiaohong looked at the tea room with her, but Yunzhu was the one who made tea conscientiously, while Xiaohong was in charge of the outside world. The tea leaves that come and go.

The fat errand who waited quietly was not a good face to say from Xiaohong's mouth, Yunzhu couldn't help but enviously said: "Your errand is free and rich, and you are the most comfortable, even with so many people. Embroidering handkerchiefs in time, how carefree it is, it is enviable."

Speaking of handkerchiefs, Xiao Hong suddenly lost her temper, and involuntarily moved her hand along Mrs. Bamboo's, and pulled out a light green silk handkerchief, still in a trance.

Yunzhu is taking off her double bun. The gold-clad copper butterfly flower looks much better than last year's copper butterfly. It looks very delicate in her hand. Every night when Yunzhu takes off her hair, she will cherish it Play with it for a long time.

While playing with it in her hand, she thought, if this is real, Yunzhu sighed, she has seen those girls who wear golden hairpins and golden hairpins after Jiji.For nothing else, the red gold hairpin can be carefully twisted from the top and leftovers, and the accumulation of less can make more.

Anyway, the mansion will fry the gold wares every quarter, not only to ensure the gold wares are bright, but also to repair the details, which makes Yunzhu, a money fan, very envious.

Reluctantly put down the butterfly clips, seeing Xiaohong's obsessed look in the mirror, she couldn't help but smile and said: "This green color is so good, it looks a bit cooler in summer, it's strange that you have to embroider a few more, and it's good to use it in turn .”

Xiaohong paused for a moment, feeling a little guilty, seeing that Yunzhu didn't understand, she smiled and said: "Yes, it's really hot to death today, and how many sweat towels are not enough for working."

Seeing Hui Xiang coming in, Xiao Hong just glanced indifferently, then looked away, and got under the quilt again.

"Sister Huixiang is back." Yunzhu was sitting on the bedside, arranging the clothes and sachets she will wear tomorrow and waiting for Wu. She has become a habit of smiling when she sees people, and the corners of her mouth are raised slightly on weekdays , with a round, white and tender face, she has fooled many people.

"Hmm." Hui Xiang hummed, and went out the door with the tub in her hand without any greetings.

"What are you proud of!" As far as Xiaohong is concerned, there are really no friends in Jiang Yunxuan who can talk to her. They are all superficial, that is, Yunzhu's honest appearance, which caught her eyes.

It's just that no matter how scheming the city is, she is a little girl after all, so many words can't be buried in her heart for a long time.

No, as soon as Huixiang went out, Xiaohong couldn't wait to smile and said: "She used to love to pat Xiren's horses when Xiren was around, but now that Xiren is gone, she turns her head and looks at Musk Moon again. Tell me, we are servants, we have our own book in the heart of the master, no matter how much she slacks, she can't get what she doesn't deserve."

"What's wrong with her?" This is the truth. The master started to observe which one to kick out early in the morning. But let go of the contract.

The same person's different fate is especially obvious in the inner house.

Xiao Hong snorted guiltily, but couldn't stop her desire to share gossip, "There are many things to do. During the day, when Miss Bao and Miss Lin came over, you went to the kitchen and didn't watch a big show."

The more he talked, the more lively he was, completely forgetting the agreement he had made with Young Master Yun in the garden, and focused on criticizing Hui Xiang.

"Tell me, Baoyu took a nap with Bing Jian next to her, so do you want her to fan her disheveled clothes?" Xiao Hong vividly learned the whole story, and at the end she spread her hands in disgust and snorted coldly:

"Nowadays, who in the family doesn't know how Hua Xiren got out of the door? That is Miss Shi, who is kind and remembers the kindness of serving her back then, so she was picked up from Zhuangzi. Where are you going!"

What a mouthful.

"How are you doing?" Yun Zhu asked worriedly, she didn't care which maid got on the bed, she was only afraid that they would be implicated after getting on the bed.

If all the maids around Jia Baoyu were notorious in the future, in this era of over-the-top reputation, Yunzhu never thought of going to the deep mountains and old forests to live an isolated farming life.

"Hmph, although I can't do anything, I will call in rescuers!" Xiaohong is not the one to hold her breath silently, she didn't take it seriously at first, but Miss Dangbao said that Huixiang was too thoughtful, so she immediately went back to look for it. My family asked what to do.

Lin Zhixiao's family has seen storms, and accompanied Sister Feng to gain a firm foothold in Jia's mansion without making a sound. If they don't have any skills, who will believe it?

"My mother said that if my wife finds out, I'm afraid we will be implicated too. So I invited the second mistress of the same generation to come to the town hall, and then told Miss Bao and Miss Lin to stay and eat at ease, and there was no trouble in Jiang Yunxuan. .”

No wonder Wang Xifeng wanted to stay at Jiangyunxuan for dinner. It turned out that Xiaohong's family had written it, but when she thought that Wang Xifeng "bought" her cake recipe with ten taels of silver, she was so happy that she called Wang Xifeng to come.

It is very good to make money without making a big fuss.

Yunzhu looked at it coldly, and said that in the golden and jade marriage, the piece of "gold" was very indifferent, and it was almost all adults' wishful thinking.Looking at Baochai herself, after so long, she seldom looked at Baoyu with a straight eye, and she was even less patient with Baoyu than she was with Daiyu.

"What does she want to do!" Dare to be so arrogant under Mrs. Wang's eyes, what kind of family background!

"Who knows, I'm getting bigger." Xiaohong snorted, and said in a rather embarrassing manner: "I'm just sorry, I asked about your cake, and there is no such trick in the whole capital, take it outside to say goodbye To open a shop is to find a restaurant..." No matter what, it is more than ten taels of silver.

Yunzhu was rarely silent.

"It's nothing." She persuaded herself to open something more in her heart. There is no difference between being a human servant and a human animal. "As a human servant, we have no way to open a shop outside, and there is no way to sell it in a restaurant. Second Mistress took it just right. , I made money and got a backer, which is a good thing."

Her words are half-truth and half-false. Recently, she has nothing to do, and she has read some laws in twos and threes. The law of this dynasty: the ownership of the property of slaves and maidservants belongs to the master's family. It is also under the name of the Jia family.

That is to say, if one day the Jia mansion can't get rid of the pot, the property under the names of the servants and maidservants in the mansion will be confiscated in the first wave.

Yunzhu is not stupid enough to make wedding clothes for others.

"You are the most honest person." Xiaohong was cautious, she couldn't make any promises with her mouth, but she felt a little more sincere in her heart, thinking that this child was so helpless, yet he was born so upright and reliable. is rare.

Ming'er looked for an opportunity and asked his parents to see if he could have a deep friendship.

On the second day, Jia Baoyu asked Sheyue to bring out a box of copper coins, saying that she was happy yesterday, so the reward was shared among everyone in Jiang Yunxuan.Xu Shi got the reward, and the servants in the yard were all beaming. Yunzhu counted the hundred or so big coins in his hand, and carefully hid the gold leaf into the space.

After passing the joyful mood in the yard, Yunzhu was making cloth shoes with thousand-ply soles for herself in the tea room. For some reason, she often felt uneasy, but she couldn't tell why she was worried, so she had to line up a full line of cloth shoes for herself. Work and avoid overthinking.

Therefore, in addition to the network errands sent by the old lady's room every day, she spends a lot of spare time either making shoes for herself, or making intimate items such as bellybands and panties for herself.

Judging from the current stature, it is about twelve or thirteen years old, and different sizes of mille-soled soles are made. Although the needlework is far less than Qingwen's, it is also more comfortable than the shoes and socks uniformly distributed by the public.

The most important thing is that there are so many roads to come and go every day. I spent some time on the soles and adjusted the thickness of the pads to roughly make them look like sneakers.

When you put it on, not only is it not as strenuous as usual soles, but also has a vague effect of increasing height.

"It's really a year older than a year old, and it seems to have grown taller." Qilu felt that Yunzhu's head was not as easy to touch as before. After looking Yunzhu up and down, she smiled and expressed emotion, "Look at it The mansion is making autumn clothes, don't forget to report the new size."

Yunzhu, who was stepping on the technology on the soles of his feet, covered his mouth and smiled. Seeing that there was no one around, he kicked off his shoes and asked Qilu to take another look, "Sister, do you see any changes?"

"Naughty!" Qi Shui looked at her feet suspiciously, and after seeing the heel padded inside the embroidered shoes, she thought that Yunzhu couldn't wait to grow up, so she whispered: "The girl serving in Baoyu's room has an extra one every month. The reward, because I am afraid that others will complain about the money, so sometimes it is food, sometimes it is soup, which is considered decent by my wife. Don't worry, I will arrange it for you later."

"???" Yunzhu was confused, put on her shoes and asked suspiciously: "What did sister say? I'm doing a good job in the tea room now? After the dog days, it's getting colder every day. I stay in the tea room and have a fire every day, and I can only be envied by everyone."

Yunzhu counted, June is already halfway through, and winter in the capital comes earlier than in the south. It is a crime to guard the stove in summer, but the tea room in winter is a beautiful thing. I didn’t see Qingwen in previous years. Do you run to the tea room just looking at the opportunity?
Therefore, the plan to be on the night shift as explained by Qilu was not taken seriously.

He even taught a few good friends how to make layered-soled sneakers. There were too many little red shoes to wear, so he followed suit on a whim and then forgot about it.

On the other hand, Qi Lai happened to have a pair of worn out shoes that she couldn't bear to throw away, so she repaired them that night according to Yunzhu's method, and the next day she wore the old shoes to run an errand.

At night, when I got a chance, I grabbed Yunzhu and asked, "Qingwen also taught you this method? Her hand is really clever."

of course not.

Listening to Yunzhu's chatter, Qixi boasted: "That's right, you've also improved."

Qi Xun has never been stingy about complimenting the little girls. She always believes that the girls still need to praise from time to time in order to be more motivated to do errands. Then the rest of the second class will come in turn, so that you can learn the affairs of the school, so that Baoyu can get more usable ones."

"What?!" Yunzhu stared at Qilu with shocked eyes, only the sad news of tomorrow night's night shift circling in her mind.

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