Walking into the Red Mansion starts from the maid

Chapter 85 Tell a story and scare who?

She couldn't finish her studies, so Yunzhu pouted for the first time to refute Jia Baoyu's master, asking her to read miscellaneous notes in the middle of the night for others to listen to?Those traditional characters alone are enough for her to drink a pot.

Not to mention controlling the voice and speed of speech to lull Jia Baoyu to sleep.

If you can't sleep, then don't sleep!
Turning her eyes, Yunzhu couldn't help but bewitched: "Second Master asked me to study, but it was hard for me, but if Second Master wants to hear stories, I have something very strange, which Second Master can enjoy in his spare time. "

These idle books have been read over and over for a long time, and there is no point in reading them. When Yunzhu said that he had something new, Baoyu immediately felt relieved and fell asleep. He hurriedly said: "Speak, say Come."

These days, there are not many people who have never read the Notes on Tomb Raiders. Every time you read such a grand and magnificent story, there will be new refreshments. Props, when I encounter something I can’t remember, I start to make it up...

Before the Qinling Sacred Tree finished speaking, a beautiful rose color had already poured in from the window, and there was a new reincarnation in Jiang Yunxuan.

When Sheyue and Qiuwen entered the room with brand-new clothes, shoes and socks, warm water towels, and teapots and cups, what they saw was Yunzhu sitting on the big bed, next to the pale-faced Qilu and Jia on the left and right. precious jade.

"What's the matter?" Qiu Wen poked her head, and immediately turned pale with fright at the scene, and was about to step forward to check, but when she bent down to pull Jia Baoyu, the tenor voice screamed loudly. It penetrated the sky above Jiang Yunxuan.

Yunzhu's good words shocked Jia Baoyu and Qilu at the same time.

"In the future, there will be no need for Yunzhu to be on duty at night." Jia Baoyu, with green salt in his mouth and a circle of bruises under his eyes, turned his head and instructed Qi Xie.He also has a temperament that is not afraid of anything when he asks himself, so before Yunzhu opened his mouth, he thought to himself that it was just some gossip from the backcountry, and it was nothing to listen to.

who knows……

"It's all because of the servant's negligence. In the past, she looked stable. After all, she was young and inappropriate." Qi Xie nodded obediently, and the same Wu Qing under her eyes showed the success of this bedtime story. At the same time, it ended in a few words. Another possibility for Yunxuan.

Yunzhu carried the water into the house, glanced at the two of them, and felt even more helpless.

"It's maple dew tea with wild ginseng." She put the tea that had been rolled three times in front of Jia Baoyu, and seeing him drink it all in one gulp, she pursed her lips and said, "If the second master likes it, I'll cook it again." Have a glass."

I have never seen him drink so well in the past, and he drank the maple dew tea in just two gulps.But this is the tea she is used to making, so she is happy to make a few more trips to show her thoughtfulness.

Who knows that Jia Baoyu shook his head while putting on his clothes and said, "No need, I'll go to Sister Lin's to drink." Seeing that Yunzhu hesitated to speak, Baoyu hurriedly said, "You don't need to tell that story, it's true It's creepy."

He was used to seeing such lingering and moving words in the West Chamber, so naturally he rarely heard of these horrors.

"Ah? Ah, I understand." Revisiting the original story will give her an inexplicable sense of belonging in her heart, as if she has never left the original world.But now Baoyu doesn't want to hear it anymore, which makes Yunzhu feel a little regretful.

"By the way, what kind of cake tools do you have..." He discussed with Daiyu for a long time that day, and he still felt that the word cake was the most suitable for the dessert. Just uttering these two words from the tip of his tongue gave off an inexplicably sweet smell, so By default, it's called the cake cake.

"I'm just drawing the blueprint, not to mention it will take time to redo it." Yunzhu patiently explained to Jia Baoyu the working principle of the egg beater, how to turn eggs and milk into sweet and smooth cream, Those cumbersome steps made Jia Baoyu frowned uncontrollably.

When I went out, I couldn't help but look at Yunzhu again, thinking that a girl who is so diligent and motivated doesn't look like a person with so many wonderful ideas in her head!
In a blink of an eye, he became complacent again. As expected of him, Jiangdong Huawang, the reason why so many capable people can gather in the courtyard must be because he himself is extraordinary.

Thinking of this, he took a big stride and went to the green yarn closet next door.

As soon as Xueyan opened the curtain, she saw a bright red flamboyant figure standing in front of the door, she hurriedly knelt down and said, "Second Master Bao is here."

Because of the awkward situation yesterday, Daiyu was originally very impatient to look at Baoyu, but when she saw the black eyes, she immediately attacked herself eight hundred times, her heart and eyes were full of distress.

"What's the matter?" Daiyu turned her head, and the man with a face like gold paper and dark eyes came into her eyes, and she hurriedly got up and asked with concern.

"This..." Seeing this concern, he became enthusiastic all of a sudden, wanting to tell sister Lin the fascinating story.

But when the words came to his lips, Jia Baoyu thought to himself, sister Lin shouldn't be told to listen to such a horror story, what should I do if I am frightened?
So the words changed, and he said: "I tossed and turned yesterday, I couldn't sleep anyway, thinking it was all my fault, that made you sad, so I had to come to see you early in the morning, why are you awake?"

Daiyu thought to herself, if it was usual, this person would have to stay in bed for a while, and today he dressed up and appeared in front of the door so early in the morning, he must know that he has done something wrong and come to regret it coming.

Daiyu held the handkerchief, sat back and let Zicuckoo toss and turn on her head, although her face was tired, but there was a bright light in her brows, and she said softly: "You know, I have seven or eight out of ten days. I can't sleep well, how can I sleep soundly when I was thinking about you like that yesterday?"

These words were accompanied by melancholy with smoky brows, and a hint of intimacy secretly, coupled with Jia Baoyu's silly and happy appearance intoxicated by the spring breeze.

Zijuan turned her back and pretended to hold a pearl hairpin, and sighed softly, her silly girl...

For several days in a row, Yunzhu was turned away by the main room, and even the errand of delivering tea was taken away by Qiu Wen. If it wasn't for the solid monthly payment of [-] Wen, she would almost feel that this is a second-class person. The Maid is like a dream.

"I got a few citrons from the kitchen and made some tea, you should come and have a drink together." Yunzhu beckoned Xiaohong into the room, and poured a pot of iced lemon black tea for each of them, looking very pleased with herself sip it.

She didn't expect there to be lemons here.

When I went to the big kitchen yesterday, I happened to encounter a new fruit. The fruit called citron was half-baked and not yellow. It was thrown aside casually, and it looked like a lemon.

Yunzhu was curious about how the ancients ate lemons, so she heard the boy said that they were going to send them to the old lady's room to be smoked.

Xiaohong held it in her hand, but didn't drink it. Isn't this the cantaloupe used by wives and girls to smoke Gong's house?Why did you still eat it?
But seeing Yunzhu's expectant look, he pretended to say, "This is not bad."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yunzhu scald the lemon slices with a thin iron sheet, then sprinkled brown sugar on it, and roasted until it bubbled, turning the brown sugar into burnt brown.

Picking it up and stuffing it into his mouth, he didn't forget to pass a piece to himself. Seeing that Yunzhu was chewing, he thought about it and took a bite. He felt that it had a sweet and sour taste.

If it is hot and tiring in summer, then this roasted lemon slices sprinkled with sugar is beautiful and refreshing, completely different from the summer food that you eat in the past, but Xiaohong has not forgotten the purpose of this cantaloupe, and she has not forgotten when she came. Target.

She chewed a few sips, drank another cup of melon slice tea, and asked, "First, you were on duty once, but now even Hui Xiang has been on duty three times, but you haven't said anything yet. Could it be that you really offended me?" Baoyu, did you make Baoyu angry?"

"Who said that?"

"...just... it's been rumored that you offended the second master and you will be sent to Zhuangzi." Xiaohong hesitated to observe Yunzhu's face. She had been hiding in the tea room for the past few days. My son, who goes out early and returns late every day, and I don't have time to ask carefully, now I don't want to miss every look of Yunzhu.

"I think it's good not to be on duty at night, let them say it." Anyway, it won't affect my salary, so whoever falls in love with the night shift can do it, so don't delay her from sleeping.

I am growing my body, so staying up late is not a good idea.

"My father said, if you want to find a way to transfer me to visit the courtyard of the relative's villa, do you... want to go?" Ever since Xiaohong was promoted to second class, her daily clothes are more elaborate, and there are countless people who inquire about her life experience openly and secretly. After knowing that her father was Lin Zhixiao, there was an endless stream of intimacy.

Today I want to match her, and tomorrow I want to ask her to accept a gift, and some monsters even climb up to her and want to go to her house... The ghosts and ghosts that I have never seen in the past swarmed in front of Xiaohong, and even her father became cautious.

Father Lin had no choice but to find time to tell Xiaohong about his plan.

Thinking of Baoyu treating her so mediocrely, and thinking of Jia Yun, who is as gentle and considerate as jade, Xiaohong immediately agrees.

But after thinking about it, going to such a big yard alone without any acquaintances is really frustrating, so after many times of scrutiny and selection, I locked my eyes on Yunzhu.

Keep your mouth shut, do few things, and don't pinch the tip.

She is simply the best choice for a companion, but she is also a second-class maid, the one in the young master's room is completely different from the one who looks after the yard, and the twisted melon is not sweet, so she had to ask Yunzhu's opinion.

"When I was young, I was able to pinch and count. My mother was scared when she saw it, so she sold me." Yunzhu and Xiaohong looked at each other, their eyes lit up, but they shook their heads again and said nonsensically One sentence.

"What?" Xiaohong was puzzled, thinking that Yunzhu was unwilling, and was about to get rid of this topic, so let it be if she didn't want to ask.

Unexpectedly, Yun Zhushen said mysteriously: "I predict that something big will happen at the end of this year, why don't you wait and see, and decide after a year whether you want to go to visit the family's villa to look at the yard?"

The past few days Qingwen has been busy making robes for Jia Baoyu. Yunzhu saw the pattern when she went to deliver the pattern, and it was the style of solar terms. Such grand Su embroidery and dignified tailoring, who would wear it if they didn't meet noble people?
The appearance of this magic stick made Xiaohong's eyes widen, she was stunned for a long time, and she couldn't help asking: "Did you also talk nonsense in front of Baoyu like this, and that's why he drove you out?"

"I told you that I wasn't kicked out, why don't you believe it?" Yunzhu took a sip of tea angrily, what does it have to do with Jia Baoyu who is timid?
Thinking that the other party's plan is in line with his own wishes, he immediately gave Xiaohong a reassurance and said: "I really would like to go to the yard with you, what a light job? It's just wishful thinking."

Seeing Xiaohong's doubts, she had no choice but to continue: "It's just that we can't leave right now. The second wife is holding Baoyu to study. How can she agree to have a servant who doesn't know her background come in to serve at this time?"

"I didn't intend to go now." Xiaohong buttoned up the corner of her clothes. Her father said that she would arrange someone to take care of her after the eldest girl came back to visit her relatives. Now the yard is still under the care of everyone Lai. How can it be inserted? People who go in?It's just that it's not easy to tell outsiders.

After getting Yunzhu's right words, Xiaohong immediately asked for another piece of caramel lemon happily, and then turned around and went out after holding it in her mouth.

Looking at the swaying door curtain, Yunzhu knew that Xiaohong had been moved, but that Jia Yun...

It's good to think about it carefully, although the family is not rich, the young master from the outside world, didn't you see that you have to give gifts to the daughter-in-law in the same family to fulfill it?But after all, he has a Jia word, no money, no lack of fame, and he is a decent young man who can scare a large number of unsuspecting outsiders to death.

Let's talk about character, I left it in a hurry that day, kindness can be seen under the openness, and in the romantic scandals circulating in the Jia family, there has never been the name of this master, so it can be seen that he is a clean man.

The two families are a pair, Xiaohong has money, and Jia Yun has status. Isn't this a match made in heaven?
It’s so nice to have a pair of parents who wholeheartedly care for their daughter. Yunzhu immediately had a pink eye attack, chewed four or five slices of lemon, stomped her feet until she was so sour, and sighed, who told her that she didn’t have a good father and mother? ?
Fortunately, there was a third sister who was upright, and thinking of the 200 taels of silver given by the third brother-in-law in the space, it was a little bit to make up for the regret in my heart.

The day passed with a busy day.

When the summer heat disappeared, Yunzhu changed into shoes of about size 33, and she gained a lot of stature.From the beginning, Jia Baoyu hid from her whenever he saw her, and now he can occasionally ask her to do some errands, which dispelled the rumors that Yunzhu in the world would be driven away.

"Why isn't the second master here? Did he mean to choose new window screens today?" Seeing Yunzhu floating dust with a duster, Qi Xie asked immediately.

"The second master has already chosen, and the second grandma has also opened the warehouse to deliver the gauze." As she spoke, she turned towards the row of light red feather gauzes on the corridor.Although it is called gauze, it has to be replaced with a thick material waiting for winter.

Where does Jia Baoyu have the time to take care of chores in the yard now?
I heard that Miss Lin got angry a few days ago and broke the tassels she made for Baoyu with her own hands. Later, she didn't know how Baoyu coaxed the beauty into her heart. These two days were completely in a gluey state, and they met to read books every day. Embroidering, swimming in the lake to enjoy the scenery, so happy, even Baochai came to find no one.

After hearing this, Qi Xun nodded, and when she left, she didn't forget to ask: "That's okay, the artisans will come over to paste new window screens later, just keep an eye on them, don't let them mess up the other things."

These days, the whole house is changing window screens, gold, silver and jade ornaments are being maintained and put into storage for replacement, flowers and plants in the courtyard are changing, a group of people are noisy and noisy, even Yunzhu, the tea-making maid, is too busy to touch the ground.

The mansion also sent a lot of wild animals, such as birds, cranes, deer, rabbits, chickens and geese, except some of them were kept in the Grand View Garden, and the rest were scattered in the courtyards of the mansion for the owners to enjoy.

Seeing this lively scene, the old lady was very happy, and waved her hands to start two opera troupes, and they sang for a whole day in turn.

Spend money like dirt, spend money like dirt!

Xiaohong lamented the scene where the bounty was thrown in front of the stage, but Yunzhu worried that she couldn't pick it up if she wasn't there.There is no additional bonus for these two months. Although he has been promoted to the second class, the monthly money is no different from the previous third class.

How can we feel at ease when this is called beating a worker?
Fortunately, Chinese New Year is approaching, so... there should be more rewards, right?

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