The news that Xue's family was going to move out finally reached the old lady's ears.

Jia's mansion is very face-saving, so it's not a big deal for relatives to stay here when they come.But if you want to leave when it's not right, isn't it saying that your family is rude?
So Mrs. Wang first sent several girls to persuade her in private. Seeing that the concubine was about to let go, but Baochai had made up her mind, and all the sisters returned in vain.

After seeing off the crying Daiyu, Aunt Xue's face darkened, and she couldn't help complaining to her daughter: "We go out at this time, and it will cost a lot of money just to decorate the yard, and your brother will not be able to follow your uncle when he takes office after a few years." , not to mention that you don't have a specific fame, and what will happen in the future is still unknown, let alone you... why are we doing this?"

"Me?" Baochai couldn't help snorting coldly, with old and new grievances entangled in one place, and pointing to Xiangling's room next door with a mournful voice, she asked, "Mom only said that my brother and I have a future together, but she doesn't restrict my brother's affairs. He is so ridiculous, what kind of future is our family heading for?"

Aunt Xue wanted to say, your brother is still young, but thinking that Bao Yatou is the younger sister, she really has no face to say that.Seeing Aunt Xue muttering at the corner of her mouth but not speaking, Baochai became even more angry.

Immediately covered his face and said: "When I came here, I said it well. I want to be elected, but now I have been in Beijing for two or three years, and my majesty has no intention of choosing a servant. Read with me? Mom, look, but there are still others." Are you quite old and don't have a princess princess to accompany you?"

"You said that the Xue family can't be treated, the Wang family can't go back, and my uncle is going out now, and the aunts and sisters-in-law at home are not easy to get along with, so let's not go back. You said that you want to help my brother, so I will ask myself to improve every day, waiting In the future, I will find a helper to take care of the house. If you say Baoyu is good, we will make a golden lock to match the jade..."

Speaking of Baoyu, Baochai asked bluntly: "Mom, do you really look up to Baoyu? How much older do I want to be? My aunt doesn't even look down on Lin girl's background, so how can she look down on me?"

This cry made Aunt Xue flustered first, and she couldn't help muttering: "That girl Lin is alone, how can she compare with you? Your uncle..."

As he said that, he covered his mouth first, stared at Baochai and smiled coquettishly.

Holding the handkerchief and covering his face, he wanted to cry and said, "I'm not doing it for this family? Your useless father left us mother and three and left. What can you tell me to do?"

Baochai ignored the crying, but said coldly: "I calculated with a cold eye that the income from the house is greater than the income, and the money flows out like water. It is even worse than our Wang's family, but the income is mediocre. That's it. There will be a day when gold and silver will come to an end. If my daughter thinks, it’s better to let go of the theory of gold and jade.”

As he spoke, he took off the collar around his neck and put it on the table. The newly fried golden lock was solid and shining in his palm, but he secretly made a decision in his heart.

After leaving Jia's mansion, relying on Xue's family's property in Beijing, he would not be short-changed immediately. Now living in Jia's mansion, isn't it just his own money to eat and use?

He said he got up to leave, but stopped when he reached the door, turned his back and said: "There is a way that everyone has their own destiny, the Xue family still recognizes the grandson of the elder brother, if you don't want to leave, you can live here, daughter Be sure to visit mom often, so as not to make mom lonely."

After all, he didn't listen to his mother's crying, so he opened the curtain and went out of the mansion, obviously to resettle the property.

When the girls gathered at Jiamuyuan to say hello that day, they somehow mentioned this matter.

The old lady looked at Baochai for a long while, then folded her hands on top of Daiyu's, and then held them all together, before she could say: "There is a saying that a family has broken bones and tendons. Moved out... But what's wrong with the house, just tell me, I'll ask your sister-in-law to rectify it."

Baochai's heart turned sharply, knowing that the old lady was very kind to her granddaughter of her in-laws because of her wife's face, so she didn't make trouble. Years later, we will be able to support this family in the future.

When it comes to the future of the children and grandchildren, the old lady is not good at repeatedly persuading her, and instead asks when she will take office.

I heard that after the Dragon Boat Festival after the new year, I said again that your big sister Yuanchun will visit her relatives and return home soon. If you don't stay for a while and leave after the new year, you have the right to do the Jia family some face.

Wang Ziteng is Baochai's uncle, and naturally also Yuanchun's uncle.

Walking in the palace is more about the confidence of the natal family, and the old lady intends to strengthen the relationship with the Wang family. After such a scene, Baochai kept talking about it, thinking that the house has not yet been completed, so she agreed to live in the next year when Xue Pan took office. .

Daiyu was the first to know about this, and she understood Baochai's plan even more, but she was inevitably depressed because her playmate wanted to leave.

Now, when I heard that Baochai was not leaving for the time being, I was happy for a while, and even my spirit was a little higher, but I still held Baochai's hand in a complaining gesture, "Sister Baochai is gone, let's write poems again I don’t know who is willing to be the referee.”

In the lively scene, there were Baoyu's gags and the laughter of sisters and sisters. Only the old lady sighed softly.

Over there, Jia Zheng got the news, hurried out of Aunt Zhao's room, and ran into Mrs. Wang who came to look for him. The old couple cast contemptuous looks at each other, and then calmly sat down in the study.

Seeing Jia Zheng fasten his belt and sitting upright, Mrs. Wang squinted again. After the squint, Mrs. Wang said: "My aunt came to talk to me a few times. I thought I wanted our family to give it to Xue What kind of ass is the boy wiping, after listening to it a few times, he realizes that he really wants to leave."

Seeing Jia Zheng's frowning, he couldn't help but get angry again, he stopped even reciting Amitabha, and said bluntly: "Your son will be a weak crown in two years, and now other people are already talking about kissing!"

"Okay!" Jia Zheng cut off his drink impatiently, then frowned and looked at Mrs. Wang, "That's so naughty, it's just a matter of studying well, and it depends on Yuan Chun's intentions when talking about marriage."

"Yuanchun, Yuanchun, my son is so busy that he doesn't see each other for several years. Where do you care about this? I think you only know whores and that low-bitch, and you don't care about anything else. Such black-hearted dirty seeds hurt my son. In order to save face, things that are not on the stage do things that are not on the stage all day long, and they don't say anything!"

Thinking of the injury on Baoyu's cheek, Mrs. Wang was very disappointed in Jia Zheng, so she simply sent Yin Chuan to Aunt Zhao, "Go, pass on the useless servant of the family, let's talk about it today. Under the heavens, there are slaves who climbed onto the head of their masters to do their best."

He turned around and raised his finger at Jia Zheng, and said sapo: "Your Rongguo Mansion is so majestic, you look at me like a dead man! It just so happens that my elder brother is going out of Beijing now, and the Wang family has vacated space. Just go back with my aunt!"

Mrs. Wang, who has always been a good person, lost her temper in public now. Although she was locked in the study, the hairs on the servants' hair stood on end, and they collectively silenced.

"What are you thinking about again!" Jia Zheng sensitively reflected his wife's thoughts, his eyes were round like a cow, and he shouted angrily: "My aunt can go as soon as she wants. If you are happy to fall in love with the girl from the aunt's family, I will If you don't stop me, Zuo Baoyu won't become a prince in the future."

"I just urge you to think about it. Your brother said that he was promoted to the nine provinces, but he lost the military power in the capital, and the four surnames in the capital, so he has to be promoted. If you want to get close to the Wang family, go!"

Jia Zheng glanced coldly at the terrified Mrs. Wang, and added: "Your Majesty is already dissatisfied with our family. If we marry again, we don't know what will happen! If something goes wrong in the future, I'm afraid His Majesty is happy to shovel several families back to Jinling."

After all, he picked up the curtain and went out, but he just saw Aunt Zhao coming gracefully. Before Aunt Zhao greeted her, Jia Zheng flicked his sleeves and said angrily, "Come if anyone tells you! Go back! "

Jia Zheng just felt tired. Except for himself, no one in this family thought about these important matters related to the life and death of the family. Could it be that he could only walk forward in such a daze with eyes closed?
Seeing him panting for a moment, he ordered Xing'er to invite several young masters to the new courtyard, he was going to take a school knowledge test today.

Saying that, he turned around and took all the guests into the courtyard to prepare for the quiz, intending to test the children of the family, and it seemed that he had planned to end them for nearly three or two years.

Mrs. Wang sat upright in the main room with her eyes closed in a dizzy state. When she heard the news from Zhou Rui's family that all the scenery in the imperial concubine's courtyard were nominated by Baoyu, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

Take a look, my son is still the most outstanding nephew in Rongguo Mansion, even if the master is biased, he can't cover Baoyu's brilliant talent.

So overjoyed, he ordered the servant girl who served Baoyu to be rewarded generously.

The reward was delivered to Jiang Yunxuan, and everyone was overjoyed.

It's just that the rewards distributed according to the level have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the frequent occurrence of jealousy for a while is extremely annoying.

In the middle of the quarrel, Pearl came from outside, followed by Daiyu, and the two sent Baoyu into Jiangyun Pavilion, one after the other.

Yunzhu was sandwiched among a group of maidservants, and she stepped forward to welcome him in like stars holding the moon. When the two looked at each other from a distance across the crowd, Baoyu saw Daiyu standing pretty in the courtyard, and the stars looked at her. I, with a smile on my face, was like the flowing wind returning to the snow, the indescribable fullness and satisfaction in my heart, I just wished that time would stay in this moment.

"I said that I must reward people when I go out. Look, all the dozen or so purses and sachets have been rewarded?" Musk Moon stepped forward and changed a coat for him. Seeing that his waist was empty, he couldn't help giggling. Dao, glanced at Daiyu, and praised himself for being considerate in his heart.

Baoyu thought that just now when he was in the yard, the servants who were serving saw him shine, and they all clamored for a lottery reward, half booed and half forced to play and searched his whole body, seeing the empty waist, there seemed to be something in his heart There was a "boom" of some kind of bubble, and when she looked up, Daiyu's face turned pale.

"Did you give them the purse I made?" Sure enough, Baoyu was sweating profusely after hearing what Daiyu said, but he still couldn't remember where the purse was now.

She had no choice but to look at Qishang and Sheyue as if asking for help, but Daiyu saw that Baoyu didn't talk to her, tears filled her eyes at that moment, and said softly, "Did you really give it to them?"

Seeing that the situation is not good, Yunzhu hurriedly pulled Xueyan, stepped forward to support the crumbling Daiyu, and coaxed: "Miss Lin, don't be angry, how can you survive if you are angry?"

Unexpectedly, the grass-like beauty in the past has the strength to shake off the cloud beads.

I also blamed myself for being young, so I didn't use all my strength to catch Daiyu. Yunzhu sat on the ground, ignoring the pain, and hurriedly got up and ran into the house to pick up the changed clothes.

Seeing Baoyu's younger sister and younger sister step forward at once, everyone saw Daiyu's back in a hurry, sobbing and crying as she walked, "Huh! If you want my things tomorrow, you can't do it!"

When Daiyu said this, Yunzhu also came over with her clothes on her hind feet, and hurriedly took out the purse from the sleeve of the changed clothes, hung it on her hand and coaxed: "Second Master Bao has always treated everyone carefully, how could he treat everyone like you?" Give away things at will? They must be kept in good health every day!"

The last time the two had a conflict and cut the sachet bag to put the air in, I can still vividly remember it, but now it’s happening again, Yunzhu can only sigh, this really echoes the sentence, put tofu in brine, and one thing will reduce one thing ah.

Who knew that there are so many kinds of heresy treasures in the daily life, that such a weak lady can eat to death.

Seeing Daiyu's bean-sized teardrops slipping down her face in grievance and embarrassment, Baoyu took the sachet in his heart, took Daiyu's hand again, and said solemnly: "I always think about it, sister Lin You must understand me, if you make my sister annoy me because of this, wouldn’t it be a great sin? If my sister ignores me because of this in the future, I... I can only go home and become a monk!"

"Who wants you to be a monk?" The two quarreled for a while, and Daiyu felt ashamed, so she simply made a face at Jia Baoyu and went back to her room.

One walked, the other chased, and after a while, only Yunzhu and the others were left blowing the cold wind in the yard.

"What are you still holding, send it back." Xiaohong patted Yunzhu's shoulder, the clothes that were taken out of the purse looked crumpled, and there was some messy fragrance, and I don't know how many people she had been with. up.

Carrying the clothes into the room, she saw Qi Xun standing in front of the window with her body curled up. Yun Zhu asked Ann, and then asked her if there was something she didn't do well?
Unexpectedly, when Qilu turned around, Yunzhu was startled by two pairs of red eyes.

"What's the matter?!" Ignoring the clothes in his hand, he flicked the clothes casually and pulled the gun, and asked carefully: "Is it uncomfortable? I'll bring you a cup of hot tea and call the doctor don't want?"

After asking several times, Qilu finally agreed to respond, and she said in a soft voice: "It's all my fault, Baoyu is the most nervous Miss Lin, I've seen that sachet before, it's like something precious, and she won't even change it. It is hung on the waist every day, and privately asked Qingwen to see if it can be hung on his jade, if it is really rewarded, Baoyu's heart will be broken!"

Without thinking, Yunzhu also understood that Xindao was a gift from a sweetheart to Baoyu, but to Qilu, it was just an ordinary sachet. Although the stitching pattern is good, it is just a sachet It's just a bag.

"It doesn't matter, Baoyu is the master, even if he rewards it, and asks for it back, who dares to say anything more?" These words were very domineering, seeing that Jia Baoyu already had some of Jia Baoyu's usual prestige. , so funny that Qi Xun let out a snort, but a snot bubbled out of her nose.

"Oh!" Yunzhu threw a handkerchief into Qixie's hand, thinking, the snot bubble is not a good thing for a maid who is decent.

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