"It's rare that you don't need to go around to help today, so that you children can rest for a day. Don't let go of the work you are doing. Baoyu's godmother will come to visit later."

Baoyu's godmother is Ma Daopo, and there are some fans in the noble families in Beijing, but such a naughty person, even the young master of the Duke's Mansion has to wait for a visit, and even pays homage to his godmother.

Because the old lady gave Ma Daopo a lot of sesame oil money in the past, she would pick time to visit her every year in the first lunar month.Obviously it was a visit, but in fact it was to open an altar for Jia Baoyu to pray for good fortune and longevity.

His Majesty doesn't like talking about ghosts and gods very much after getting old. The censors in the court opened their mouths like knives. Even if they were as rich as the Jia family, they didn't dare to engage in these monsters in a fair way. It saves a lot of money to be a godmother. tongue.

Yunzhu and Xiaohong are currently the youngest maids of Jiang Yunxuan. According to Ma Daopo, the younger the child, the more "narrow ghosts" will be behind him, so the two were driven into the tea room in a legitimate manner, and told not to order Do not go out.

This altar is set up in Jiangyun Pavilion, just sitting in the tea room, the strong smell of burning burnt in the nose is disgusting, and I don't know how Baoyu sat in the main room to "pray for blessings" .

Xiaohong covered her nose and said disgustedly: "It stinks, why don't we go back to the bedroom?"

It was burning sesame oil, of course it stinks, Yunzhu couldn't help but complain.

The barrels of sesame oil were poured into the huge burning basin, and a dozen straws were bundled into a handful to make the wick. The black smoke from the burning hovered over Jiang Yunxuan like a dark cloud, which lasted for a long time.

"Big Sister Keqi wants us to wait here. If we sneak out, what will the masters do if they blame us?" Not to mention Mrs. Wang and the old lady are waiting next door, it is the Ma Daopo who is born with sharp eyes and eyebrows. Not a good face, looks very difficult to mess with.

The two sighed in unison, got up quickly and closed the windows, ignoring the chants and chants outside, and concentrated on making milk tea.

"Look at the sesame oil alone will burn dozens of catties." Xiao Hong muttered, thinking that the sesame oil alone would have burned a maid's monthly money for a year.

"It's more than that, those little things made of paper are all gold paper." Ma Daopo will definitely take away all the ashes of the paper in the name of praying for blessings after the burning, take it back and bring out the gold inside, wouldn't it be another A windfall?
From this point of view, as long as the three aunts and six wives can fool around, it is also a good job with a lot of money.

That is, the status is a little lower.

"What are you thinking again?" Seeing Yunzhu happily looking up with longing, the spoon stirring the milk tea in her hand has already drawn the lines of gold ingots in the pot, she can't help but be vigilant and say: "Master, I hate it very much." Haven't you seen someone in this kind of business specially pick a day when the master is not at home?"

The two Jia Zheng brothers don't know where to go for a New Year's dinner today, no wonder the house is so smoky.

When it comes to curiosity, Xiaohong is not inferior to Qingwen, she has a quick tongue, and immediately asked curiosity: "I see that you are fascinated by making money. You are young, what are you doing with so much money?"

Having said that, who would think too much money?

Yun Zhu pondered for a moment, then raised her feet and said complacently: "The old lady said that when a man starts a family and starts a business, it is better to have more money. Our women are no worse than men, so naturally, more money is better."

The old lady doesn't like to listen to those sour dramas, and she also focuses on being pragmatic when teaching her maids, and she often talks about self-reliance and self-improvement, such as self-reliance and self-improvement. It's not a random arrangement either.

While the two were talking, there was much less movement outside. The two thought that the ceremony was about to end, but they didn't know that their ears were on the wall, and they heard the noise outside.

"My son is a child with no rigidity. He is often called to be suppressed by his second brother Bao. There is nothing to say. Who told us to be concubines? Only this point, but the slaves are not against it. After all, Huaner and Huaner Baoyu is a whole family of brothers, and he can't write two characters of Jia in one stroke. He Baoyu asks for health and we can't ask for it? We want it too!"

It was very lively, Yunzhu pricked up her ears in doubt, just listening to the sound was really confusing, and she couldn't tell who was who.

Xiao Hong frowned and said, "Sounds like Aunt Zhao?"

Yunzhu hurriedly slid down to the ground, if the servant girl next to her was making trouble, it would be nothing, if the half-master was making trouble, the wives and grandmas would come over after a while.

This voice, no wonder it sounded unfamiliar, it turned out to be Aunt Zhao who didn't go to Jiang Yunxuan once a year, and it must be the autumn wind when she comes!
The two looked out through the crack of the door and saw Mrs. Wang and Sister Feng coming in from the outside. They didn't care about the order of the narrow-minded ghost, and immediately went to greet them.

Sister Feng has never seen the word "concubine's room", without it, Jia Lian's life is very restless. Today it is fragrant and tomorrow it is stinky.

Now seeing Aunt Zhao acting as a demon, Wang Xifeng immediately sneered and said: "Just mess around without looking anywhere. In the first lunar month, Auntie should also save her skills, so that she won't get a joke in the future without knowing it."

Aunt Zhao greeted the light without any fear, and said with a smirk, "Second Mistress is right. But how do you know if you don't try? After all, our second room is also two elder brothers. If we all have a good future in the future, the master and wife will have a bright face. Is not it."

When Sister Feng heard this, she couldn't help sneering, she glanced at the end of her eyes as if unintentionally brushing past Mrs. Wang's face, and seeing that Mrs. Wang was calm, she continued, "What about us? Auntie, don't forget your identity. Brother Huan is the master, but what are you!"

Aunt Zhao is a piece of meat with a hob, and she has a son and a daughter on her knees, but she has made a lot of troubles. Immediately, the needlepoint Maiman sarcastically said: "It's true. In my opinion, no matter who it is, it can't surpass Baoyu. go."

After all, he gave Mrs. Wang a meaningful sideways glance, and then flung off the handkerchief and walked away gracefully, leaving only Mrs. Wang with a livid complexion.Jia Baoyu went up to meet him without seeing him, and persuaded him: "Aunt Zhao is becoming more and more unruly!"

Mrs. Wang was feeling ironic, so she heard Jia Baoyu continue in a small mouth: "Speaking of which, Brother Huan is a few years younger than me, and it is reasonable to drive the evil spirits away. It's also just right."

He looks like a big brother.

After finishing speaking, completely disregarding his own mother's expression, he went out the door a few times and said happily to Ma Daopo: "Mother, what do you think?"

The bastard who has money but doesn't make money, Ma Daopo's eyes lit up, but because of Mrs. Wang's complexion, she had no choice but to make a very difficult decision, "In the final analysis, this matter is to use the hands of the elders to benefit the younger generation." , I should have asked the elders first."

Her heart was bleeding.

If Aunt Zhao was hit, Mrs. Wang would wait for Sister Feng to strike, but when she saw Jia Baoyu's bastard, she felt nothing but pain in her internal organs, so she clasped her hands together and recited Amitabha.

Pulling Baoyu again, he blamed and said, "Brother Huan, your father has to worry about it. What's more, he also said that it needs the blessing of his parents to be effective. You, a child, love to take care of things too much." Don't forget to give Ma Daopo a wink to appease.

In the words, she was obviously very dissatisfied with Aunt Zhao, but that bastard ran away after playing, which really made her angry and had nowhere to release.

Seeing that Aunt Zhao couldn't take the order, Ma Daopo could only concentrate on pleasing the benefactor in front of her, and she said a lot of nonsense that a concubine is not as good as a concubine, and it took a while to coax Mrs. Wang into a beautiful Yan Yinyi dispersed.

Sister Feng sat in the main hall by herself, thinking about Aunt Zhao's words.

I saw her caressing her slightly protruding belly intermittently, thinking about what Aunt Zhao said, but the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

No matter who it is, they can't get past Baoyu. It seems to be an unintentional statement, but why not every word?
In the family of Rongguo Mansion, although her father-in-law sits on the title, all the property in the mansion is in the hands of the uncle's family. The main house is well-feng shui, and every inch is actually the second house's site.

Dafang has almost lived in the stable!
Now the house is a second bedroom, so is it possible that the title will also be a second bedroom in the future?Looking up at the hustle and bustle in the hall, at this moment, she felt that her aunt's face was extremely ferocious and terrifying.

Thinking of this, Wang Xifeng couldn't help shouting: "Ping'er!"

"Second Grandma, what's the matter with you?" Yunzhu rushed forward with a few big girls, and together with Ping'er supported the crumbling Sister Feng, asked anxiously.

Seeing that Sister Feng was clutching her stomach, Mrs. Wang hurriedly ordered Jia Baoyu to find the doctor, while she held her niece's hand with concern and asked, "What's wrong? But what's wrong?"

After a while, the person at the center of the incident had turned around in a big circle, and everyone was in a mess, some were handing hot tea, some were handing handkerchiefs, the chaos was like ants on a hot pot.

There was already a doctor in the house who specialized in gynecology, but Baoyu didn't care about his ceremony, so he rushed out of Jiangyun Pavilion, calling Langzhong, doctor's as he ran.

After a while, the doctor was standing in the yard of Jiang Yunxuan profusely carrying the medicine box, panting heavily, and asked repeatedly: "What's the matter, what's the matter with the second grandma? My God, when I woke up in the morning, I was still sick." Good job!"

Yunzhu hurriedly gave way to the doctor, knowing in her heart that this was all a way to shirk responsibility, and it was a scene for outsiders to hear.

But when he saw Wang Xifeng's complexion was ruddy, and his pulse was full of qi and blood, Lang thought about it, and looked at Jia Baoyu suspiciously, thinking that he was playing tricks on me?
Seeing this, Ma Daopo waved the mahogany sword in her hand with her sloppy body, and took out some rice noodles, paper, horses and the like from her bosom, and sprinkled them around Sister Feng's words from a distance.

While spraying, she was distracted to pay attention to Lang Zhong's face. When she saw that Lang Zhong's face was a little pale, she sprinkled lightly;

Anyway, it was a busy day, when the doctor got up, Ma Daopo took a quick step, put away the wooden sword and hurriedly said: "Oh, I saw a shadow behind grandma from a distance, so it can be regarded as driving away, is grandma alright?"

Wang Xifeng shook her head lazily, her throat was tightened by the smoke and smoke around her, she was only frightened by her own thoughts, that's why she reacted so strongly.No matter whether those guesses are true or not, we will leave them to be examined carefully in the future. How can we offend my aunt now?

Ping'er took the nectar water from Yunzhu's hand, brought it to Wang Xifeng's lips and fed it to her.

Seeing the faces surrounding her, Sister Feng frowned and smiled softly: "Why are you so coquettish? Please worry my aunt, now I am..."

Seeing that she was fine, Jia Baoyu snatched the confession with a smile, "Second sister-in-law eats alone and works hard for two!"

The old Langzhong finally found his own voice, squeezed in and said with a smile: "Grandma will not have an empty stomach next time. Fortunately, she is in the mansion. If she is outside, wouldn't it be a bit uncomfortable?"

As he said that, he looked at the honey water in the cup again, and began to flatter Ping'er: "Miss Ping'er is really the number one confidant in front of Second Mistress, this honey water is suitable for everything, and then It doesn't get any sweeter."

Seeing Sister Feng looking at her, Ping'er raised her hand to touch her hair, and said with a smile, "Grandma, I didn't make this honey water, but Yunzhu handed it over." Yaoyao pointed at Yunzhu who was in a daze outside the crowd.

Seeing everyone's eyes drifting over, Yunzhu looked down at the pattern of boughs on the sleeves, pretended to be panicked, smiled, and said with a low eyebrow: "Grandma uses it well, it's a blessing for a servant girl."

Wang Xifeng was usually strict, and Yunzhu didn't want to invite her to see her privately, so she hid from a distance and only did some miscellaneous chores.

While talking, the crimson curtain moved, and a girl in a silver-red pleated skirt who was about the same age as Ping'er stepped forward. It was a mandarin duck.

Yuanyang paid a visit to the crowd, walked up to Sister Feng and said, "Grandma, ma'am, the old lady heard that the second grandma was shocked. How do you feel now? If you want to eat, just send someone to call the kitchen." You don’t have to worry about the affairs of the house, there are people to take care of it.”

When Sister Feng heard this, she flicked her skirt subconsciously, and wanted to get up to pull the mandarin ducks, but her body softened, and she sat back in the armchair again.She had no choice but to say respectfully: "My good sister, you should go back to your ancestors quickly, and just say that I am only weak for a while, so I don't get in the way. But the ancestors of labor miss me as a junior, it really hurts me."

As she said that, she still wanted to struggle, so she asked Mrs. Wang to hold her body. Ping'er was quick to serve the hem of Sister Feng's skirt, and then Yuanyang smiled and put her hand into Wang Xifeng's hand, saying: "Second Grandma, You are a man with a body now, slow down, slow down, and watch your belly carefully."

The whole room was bustling with excitement, as if they had forgotten why they came here, if it wasn't for Ma Daopo jumping up again.

Yunzhu watched coldly, the old woman was not satisfied with taking the doctor's credit, but she was pretending to talk about Wang Xifeng's stomach.

That's fine, but she was still talking about the old-fashioned narrow-mindedness. I saw her complacently saying "godson" to the left, and "healthy and healthy" to the right, trying to seduce her, thinking that Wang Xifeng would pay her another sum of money for sesame oil. .

How did she know that what she was facing was the person in charge who didn't believe in ghosts and gods the most in the family.

When Ma Daopo suddenly saw Wang Xifeng's half-smile expression, she was taken aback for a moment, then smiled again, and called softly, "Grandma?"

Wang Xifeng said with a smile: "You are joking, just wait for the melon in my stomach to fall, and you will need your sesame oil money." As he spoke, he said goodbye to Mrs. Wang and turned around. When rubbing shoulders with Ma Daopo, she just He continued in a low voice: "Since you have supernatural powers, please pray for my son's success, otherwise, be careful with your skin!"

Ma Daopo's face twitched, and she repeatedly said that she should, she should, but her lowered eyes were shining with resentment.

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