first minister

Chapter 386: After hard work, the tiger enters the cage

At the top of the city of Qingchuan Pass, Ying Rulong frowned as he listened to the sentry cavalry's report.

The general on the side spoke anxiously, "General, we can't hesitate any longer. The Beiliang dog has obviously gone crazy. He won't stop until he gnaws down the wild goose and returns home! We can't sit idly by any longer!"

As soon as this statement came out, someone immediately echoed, "Yes, it has only been a few hours, and the infantry and auxiliary troops at Yanhui Pass are almost exhausted. It is not easy to train a qualified cavalry. They were just beaten by the Beiliang barbarians." The infantry is wasted, what a waste!"

"Yes, when the old army god built Yan Huiguan, it was just to make the two rely on each other. Now that thieves are besieging Yan Huiguan, how can we not save him?"

"General! The last general is willing to lead reinforcements and break the siege of Yan Huiguan!"

Listening to everyone's words, Ying Rulong, who was assigned the important task of guarding Qingchuan Pass by Jiang Yuhu, still frowned, "The enemies of Beiliang are attacking Yanhui Pass. We will send troops to rescue them. What if they attack our empty city?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then someone shook their head, "No, according to the detective report, there are more than 3 Snow Dragon Cavalry, Tiger and Leopard Cavalry also came out in full force, plus [-] infantry, this is already There are nearly [-] troops. Almost all the soldiers and horses under King Zhennan are here, and they can’t spare any more men!”

Ying Rulong pursed his lips and said slowly: "Where is the Falcon Eagle Cavalry?"

"Harrier Eagle."

Everyone looked at each other and said, yes, now that Swift State is rebelling, the Falcon Cavalry does not need so many manpower. They are both under the command of King Zhennan, so it is entirely possible for them to appear on the battlefield.

"No!" But unexpectedly, Ying Rulong, who raised this question, denied his conjecture, "There is no complete trust between the Falcon Cavalry and Dongfang Ping. They must retain enough manpower to prevent Dongfang Ping from going north. More What's more, with the status of the Falcon Eagle Cavalry under the command of the King of Zhennan, they may not be able to achieve this great feat of surprise attack."

Ying Rulong sighed, "You are right, no matter whether the other party has any back-ups or not, we cannot just sit back and watch Yan Huiguan be breached."

He looked at everyone, "What we really need to consider is who to send, how many people to send, and how to save them?"

Everyone nodded. The name of the Wudang Army is Wudang. The most fundamental temperament is not to be afraid of powerful enemies. Therefore, no matter how powerful the enemies surrounding Yanhui Pass are, they will definitely not hold back because of fear.

However, not being afraid of powerful enemies does not mean being reckless.

Since the enemy is strong enough, they must also come up with a comprehensive enough strategy so that they cannot be surrounded by the enemy for reinforcements, thus ruining their already tense troops.

"The general believes that the general's concerns are indeed justified, so at least three thousand defenders must be left in the city to prevent unexpected events. Qingchuan Pass is more dangerous than Yanhui Pass, and three thousand defenders can sustain it for a while no matter what."

"There are nearly 10 people on the opposite side, but the city is surrounded on all sides. Therefore, there are at least one or two weak points with around [-] people. If you want to break through the opponent's array and successfully enter the city, you will need at least [-] or more."

"Five thousand is still a little less. The Snow Dragon Cavalry and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are both elites in Beiliang. I'm afraid 5000 people can't break through the formation. If they are stopped, I'm afraid they will really become a encirclement point to call for reinforcements."

Silently listening to the words of the generals, Ying Rulong silently calculated the current troop strength in his heart.

There are a total of [-] main cavalry. The young master sent [-] in the name of going to Wuwei Prefecture on the western front to support and stabilize the western front.

In fact, five thousand elites among them followed the young master. This matter was top secret and only he and Jin Jiancheng knew about it.

There were [-] soldiers left, and [-] soldiers and horses each retreated to defend the two passes. Jin Jiancheng led the remaining [-] horses to ambush the incoming Beiliang people.

Now Jin Jiancheng has retreated into Yanhui Pass according to the plan, which means that there are a full [-] cavalry in Yanhui Pass, so they have no shortage of cavalry.

In view of the current personnel situation at Yanhui Pass, their main goal in rescuing Yanhui Pass is actually to preserve the cavalry force as much as possible.

Although saying this is a bit unfair and even cruel to these infantrymen, on the battlefield, especially on the battlefield with Beiliang, this account has to be settled like this.

If Beiliang is allowed to rely on infantry to slowly wear out the Wudang Army, even if it defends these two gates, Daxia may not be able to compete with the main force of Beiliang for a long time to come.

Under this policy, if they wanted to help Yan Huiguan, they would either use cavalry to attack and disperse or even destroy the troops besieging the city, or divert the troops besieging the city and allow the infantry to rush into the city and help defend the city.

The other party may think of their reinforcements, not maybe, but definitely will be on guard.

But they also have the advantage of being extremely familiar with the surrounding terrain and weather.

He said slowly: "I have an idea."
The fierce battle at Yanhui Pass was still going on. With King Zhennan personally promising an astonishing reward for breaking the city and a generous pension for those killed in battle, the Beiliang sergeants rushed towards the city as if they were desperate for their lives.

In the military tent at the rear, King Zhennan, who had led his troops to patrol around Yanhui Pass, sat beside the case, spread out a detailed map of the area around Yinmayuan, looked at it intently for a while, and then called Xue Jinqiang over. , "Go and call Murong Bao who is attacking Yanhui Guannan Gate. You can take charge of the offensive for him for a while."

Xue Jinqiang didn't say much and took the order and left. Soon Murong Bao, covered in dust, walked into the military tent and said respectfully, "Your Majesty!"

King Zhennan looked up at the man in front of him, "How about the offensive in the south?"

Murong Bao immediately said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the general's warriors have already killed and wounded many people from the Southern Dynasties, and they will definitely board the city and enter the pass as soon as possible!"

The King of Zhennan was noncommittal, "The east and west sides of Yanhui Pass are advantageous. The open space is narrow and it is difficult to set up a formation. Only the north and south are open. I have high hopes for you."

After hearing this, Murong Bao immediately knelt down on one knee, stroked his chest and paused, "The last general will definitely live up to the prince's love. If the barrier is not broken tomorrow, the last general will raise his head."

"There's no need for that."

A voice sounded above his head, and then a pair of strong arms lifted him up.

Murong Bao looked at King Zhennan flattered, and King Zhennan softened his tone and said, "I remember you have been in the army for eight years, right? Your Murong family consists of one dragon, one tiger, and one leopard. Now it seems that you are the one." Although the leopard walks slower, it walks the most steadily, and may also go the furthest in the future."

King Zhennan already knew about Murong Hu's death, but had not made it public. Therefore, when Murong Bao heard this, he was immediately moved.

"His Majesty personally planned this battle. He is here to take charge of the battle, and all the troops under his command are out. Do you think it will only take a little wild goose to return to the pass?"

After hearing what King Zhennan said, Murong Bao immediately raised his head with shock on his face.

"Tonight, someone will definitely come to Qingchuan Pass to rescue us, either by hijacking the camp or rushing into battle."

"The final general must take strict precautions and discipline them until they come back."

"It's true that there is no return, but it doesn't mean what you think."

King Zhennan shook his head and whispered: "You can prepare yourself however you want, but there is one thing. I want you to put all the reinforcements into Yanhui Pass and not let anyone escape back to Qingchuan Pass. Of course, if you have the ability to wipe them all out, it’s not impossible.”

When Murong Bao heard this incredible order, he turned around in his mind many times before he understood the true intention of King Zhennan. He tried and said: "The prince's intention is to allow these people to successfully enter Yanhui Pass, but not to let them discover it." Did we let them in on purpose?”

"You are a smart man." King Zhennan said calmly: "If you handle this well, there is no need to worry about casualties. Your Majesty and I will have their own opinions on any issues."

Looking at the cold face of King Zhennan, Murong Bao suddenly felt excited and confident of victory.

"Yes! The last will obey!"
Night fell quietly, and the battle around the city came to an end for the time being.

It's not that the people of Beiliang didn't have the determination to fight at night. It was because they had just activated the siege technology tree, and neither the siege technology nor the use of equipment could support the losses of night battles.

Coupled with the one-day rush attack, there were also areas that needed to be rectified and adjusted. Therefore, after this brutal offensive and defensive battle lasted for a whole day, one round ended and the next round of accumulation began.

Suddenly quietened down from the noisy and bloody fighting, the sergeants south of Yanhui Pass still felt a little uncomfortable.

But when the excitement and enthusiasm had completely cooled down, after learning that many familiar people were dead or injured, and hearing bursts of wailing coming from the wounded barracks, they felt scared and tired again.

Huddled in the tent, leaning against each other, when it gets cold outside and the body warms up, the eyelids gradually become heavy.

In the midst of the exhaustion of being about to sleep, the cry of killing suddenly rang out.

"Enemy attack!"

The sentry rider who fled back in panic only had time to roar so loudly before he was hit in the back by an arrow from behind and fell to the ground.

The galloping horses drowned his body, and like a huge javelin thrown by a giant, it slammed into the Beiliang people's camp.

The military sentry, who was just on guard against the soldiers in the city breaking out, had no idea that the enemy troops were rushing behind them. The originally peaceful camp suddenly became like a herd of frightened horses, scrambling to escape.

Trampling, shouting, and death happened in a chaotic manner in this newly settled camp.

But just like the previous ambush in the empty camp, the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were defeated but not defeated. The Snow Dragon Cavalry, whose combat power was not inferior to that of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry or even better, quickly organized a resistance.

Murong Bao pretended to get up in a hurry and walked out of the camp. When he saw the south side where he had deliberately not sent out sentries, he was indeed caught by the Wudang Army, and he felt happy.

Then he saw that even though he was "holding back" his subordinates, the Snow Dragon Riders, they only panicked for a moment and quickly organized resistance. I didn't know whether I was happy or anxious for a moment.

The leader of this unmanned cavalry unit may have noticed something was wrong with the situation, and he made a very quick decision. He immediately gave up the idea of ​​breaking through the formation, drew a big curve, and planned to retreat with his troops.

Murong Bao became anxious all of a sudden. Aren't you a fucking Wudangjun? Why are you so cowardly?

If you poke it twice more, it might break!
Since the King of Zhennan has an order that no one is allowed to escape, how could I let you run away!

He immediately looked at the guards beside him, "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Let people chase you quickly! Don't let any of them escape!"

The ordering soldier thought this was the general's rage after seeing his comrades killed and wounded, and quickly conveyed the order in a harsher tone than his Murong Bao.

So, soon, nearly [-] cavalrymen immediately pursued them.

But just as this large group of cavalry chased away, the ground was trembling slightly in the darkness again, and another group of cavalry rushed over from another direction!
Murong Bao was shocked, that was just a feint attack!
Damn it, you are indeed an unworthy army!There are so many tricks!
He immediately said in a deep voice: "Piercing armor, I will personally kill this group of daring thieves!"

With Murong Bao personally joining the battle, the Snow Dragon Riders, who were caught off guard, quickly organized an orderly resistance again.

Murong Bao used the light of the fire to calmly look at the situation on the field. He was about to find an opportunity to make a stupid move and put the people in. However, he didn't expect that the leader of the army was so sharp. He retreated once again and stepped aside. He stabbed and killed.

"You motherfucker!"

Murong Bao was so angry that he cursed, "Chase me!"

After speaking, he personally led the team and chased after them.

The originally crowded camp suddenly became empty.

The remaining infantrymen and wounded soldiers looked at each other in the camp, not knowing whether to sleep now or what.

Not far away from them, a team of nearly 3000 people dressed in black, at some point, had slowly reached the Beiliang army's camp along the foot of the mountain where no one was paying attention.

After the main cavalry force in the south was lured away by two incompetent troops, the leader lit a message firework in his hand.

Immediately, the geese returned to Guanzhong, and a firework also screamed into the sky.

Then, the south gate of Yanhui Pass suddenly opened. Jin Jiancheng personally led [-] cavalry and horse-riding companies, creating a complete panic in the southern camp. With swords, guns and arrows in his hands, this unrest was The dark night adds countless killings.

The three thousand reinforcements took the opportunity to rush through the camp and disappeared into the gate of Yanhui Pass.

The cavalry charging in the city also drew a circle with a huge arc amidst Jin Jiancheng's whistle, and rushed back without slowing down.A perfect delivery of reinforcements seemed to be about to be completed.

If there is no Murong Bao.

Hearing the movement behind him, Murong Bao, who was chasing Wudangjun, knew that he had fallen into a trap.

These two cavalrymen turned out to be bait, in order to mobilize the main force of their cavalry, and then allow this infantry who did not know when to lurk to enter the city with the support of the Yanhui Pass defenders.

But unlike his subordinates who were instantly panicked and worried, he was not worried about the result at all after receiving the order from King Zhennan in advance.

As long as he keeps these two useless troops, he will have completed the tasks assigned by the prince and made a great contribution!
Thinking of this, he immediately exerted almost all of his abilities and worked hard to mobilize his subordinates with whistles, vowing to keep all these useless troops behind.

In the center surrounded by nearly [-] snow dragon cavalry, the two useless armies joined forces and tried several times to escape, but they could not hold back. The other general did not rush forward greedily, but relied on the number of people and the control of their marching route. I knew clearly that on the way back to Qingchuan Pass, layers of defenses were laid.

"There are only two ways now! Either break out of the encirclement to the south and then go back in a big circle, or try to rush through directly!"

In the high-speed team, the two leading cavalry generals were discussing loudly together.

"No, you can't just rush over! Look!"

The man turned his head and saw a long fire dragon rushing towards this side. It was probably the main force from the north who heard the news and came over.

"Then the only way is to break out to the south!"

Although many brothers would be chased and injured, and although that would cause more trouble, it was still better than being surrounded and suppressed.

While the two were talking, the geese not far behind them came over Guancheng, and suddenly there were several dense fireworks rising into the sky, followed by a whistle.

The two of them immediately looked at each other, and their eyes lit up.

yes!There is another way!

That is to kill the geese and return to the pass.

This is so close yet unexpected, no matter how many chasing troops come from Beiliang, they will not be afraid.

Without further ado, in the darkness, the two of them looked at each other in the dim light of the fire, first pretending to go east, then drawing a circle to the south, constantly maneuvering the direction of their pursuers, and then looking at the right moment, they fiercely headed in the direction of Yan Huiguan. Rush over.

The pursuers were caught off guard. No one expected that they would dare to come this way. They rushed past them and rushed straight towards Yanhuiguan.

The only infantrymen in front of Yanhui Gate were brutally ravaged again, and they could only watch helplessly as another large army rushed into the city.

Naturally, the pursuers behind him were not willing to give in, and pursued him one after another. However, a rain of arrows fell timely and accurately on the top of the city, covering the enemy and sinking into the thick city gate.

When the city gate was finally closed under the cover of dense arrow rain, both Jin Jiancheng on the city wall and the other two leading generals who rushed into the city couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

The two leading generals climbed onto the city wall, hugged Jin Jiancheng excitedly, beat their chests several times, and looked happy to have survived the disaster.

"General Jin, how are the infantry?"

"Don't worry, we will enter the city without any injuries! I knew you would definitely come, and I have been prepared for it a long time ago!" Jin Jiancheng laughed, "With their help, we can survive a little longer."

"That's good. We successfully sent reinforcements tonight. There wasn't much damage. I'm glad."

Jin Jiancheng hummed and said with a smile: "This must be Lao Ying's idea, he has a lot of clever ideas."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other two people changed instantly.

Jin Jiancheng looked at them, "What?"

"Qingqingchuan Pass."

Jin Jiancheng's mind flashed with the strength of the two levels, and his expression suddenly changed.

There are only [-] cavalry in Qingchuan Pass, and only [-] infantrymen guarding the city, plus some civilian auxiliary troops. Now, [-] infantry and [-] cavalry are imprisoned in Yanhui Pass. How many people are left in Qingchuan Pass?
He turned around and saw that the Snow Dragon Riders below the city had regrouped. The airtight military formation made his breathing start to become stagnant.
The sky was dimly lit, and Ying Rulong stood at the top of the city, still not seeing his returning comrades.

The night wind chilled the earth and rocks at the top of the city, and his whole body was like a sculpture in the night wind, motionless.

"General, they won't?"

"They should have entered Yanhui Pass." Ying Rulong said calmly, "If there was an accident, no one would have escaped."

"That's great!" The subordinate on the side laughed, "It's a good thing!"

"Is it a good thing?"

Ying Rulong frowned.

The subordinate was puzzled, and just as he was about to speak, a defender from the west rushed over in shock, "General, the enemy is coming!"

Ying Rulong quickly rushed to the west city wall, and saw a large number of cavalry on the grassland in front of him like a tidal wave, rising quickly and filling his field of vision.

Wearing white cloaks, they roared and rushed towards Guancheng with the ambition of conquest.

Overwhelming, overwhelming.

Behind them were infantrymen like ants all over the mountains and plains, pushing siege equipment and moving forward slowly, like guillotines hanging above everyone's heads, slowly falling down bit by bit.

On the top of the city, the subordinate swallowed his saliva, "General, what is this?"

Ying Rulong glanced at the flag of the cavalry and said solemnly, "The crane-controlling army of the Eighth Department of Yelu. It seems that the Emperor of Beiliang is really ruthless this time."

"Then what do we do?"

Ying Rulong closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, his expression suddenly perked up.

"Regulate the army! It's time to die loyally to our country and our family!"
At the same time that [-] crane-controlling troops surrounded Qingchuan Pass, which had only [-] defenders, in the large tent under Yanhui Pass, the generals of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry and the Snow Dragon Cavalry were all sitting together, waiting. Coach Zhennan Wang’s words.

Before King Zhennan came, all the spearheads were pointed at Murong Bao.

Faced with overwhelming accusations, Murong Bao just sat calmly, without arguing or refuting, with a rather resigned attitude.

When King Zhennan walked out of the back tent, an impatient man immediately said: "Your Majesty, I will request that Murong Bao be severely punished! Yesterday, the soldiers fought bloody battles for a whole day and paid a huge price to defeat Yanhui Pass until it was on the verge of collapse. But Because of Murong Bao's incompetence, nearly [-] reinforcements entered Yanhui Pass, which not only destroyed all our efforts yesterday, but also allowed Yanhui Pass to increase its defensive strength. Without killing them, it is not enough to quell the public's anger! "

King Zhennan looked at Murong Bao, "Murong Bao, do you know your guilt?"

Murong Bao walked out silently, took off his helmet, and knelt down on one knee, "I will finally admit my guilt. I will not be able to manage the army well. Please punish me!"

The King of Zhennan said in a deep voice: "Murong Bao was guarding the south camp, and his defense was weak, so he did not allow reinforcements to enter the pass. He was guilty of dereliction of duty! Take away all his posts, and hand him over to your majesty after the commander returns to the court! Before that, As a guilty person, I serve under my king’s command!”

"I don't accept it!" Just when Murong Bao was about to calmly accept this secret exchange, the previous general shouted again: "Your Majesty, the military law is as good as the mountains. He made such a big mistake and he was dismissed from his position?"

King Zhennan was not angry and said slowly: "Ordinarily, one should be beheaded as a warning to others, but he unexpectedly accomplished something that he had always wanted to do but failed to do. Therefore, the merits and demerits are equal to each other." , let’s take the position first and keep it.”

"The general is confused, please let me know for sure!"

Not only that man, but the other generals also looked at King Zhennan curiously.

The King of Zhennan swept his eyes across the crowd, "I have hundreds of thousands of people in control of Daliang. The soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. The Southern Dynasty is weak but prosperous. They should be used by our Daliang. But the Wudang army lies across the most convenient and smooth road to the south. Two passes and one camp are impregnable. If we don't pull out this nail, we will not be able to open the way to the south, and the gold, silver, grain, beauties and picturesque mountains and rivers all over the Southern Dynasties will be lost to us. Therefore, in this battle, His Majesty personally The purpose of the plan is to take advantage of the chaos in the Southern Dynasties and win the battle!"

"The two passes of Qingchuan and Yanhui are at the horns of each other. Moreover, the city of Qingchuan Pass is higher than that of Yanhui Pass. If we don't have an army to defend it, we may not be able to defeat the enemy. In the long run, when the Southern Dynasty reacts, the situation will be different. Therefore, the king came out in full force this time and only focused on Yanhui Pass. He was planning to encircle the Yanhui Pass for reinforcements. While attacking Yanhui Pass with all his strength, he also wanted to see if he could mobilize the defenders of Qingchuan Pass. , I didn’t expect that Murong Bao’s negligence last night accidentally contributed to this incident.”

"Although they have not been completely wiped out, by trapping them in Yanhui Pass, these unworthy main force will be like tigers in a cage with no room for them to flutter. We can slowly grind them to death."

"As for Qingchuan Pass."

King Zhennan smiled and said, "Yelushi has arrived with [-] crane-controlling troops. Now they have surrounded Qingchuan Pass and are attacking the city with all their strength."

There was a burst of uncontrollable exclamations in the tent. I don't know if they were shocked by the imperial court's generosity or by the secret of the crane-controlling army's trip.

The King of Zhennan was very satisfied with this reaction, "According to previous intelligence reports, due to the existence of military personnel, there are not many permanent defenders in the two passes. This time we have nearly ten thousand people trapped in Yanhui Pass. How many are left in Qingchuan Pass?"

"Once the Qingchuan Pass is broken, I can take advantage of it and head south."

"As for these wild geese returning to the pass, we will grind them to death bit by bit, and let these useless soldiers be trapped in this isolated city and die in frustration."

"As for Jiang Yuhu, I have sent three thousand tigers and leopards to ambush him on his way back from Yuyan Prefecture."

He looked excited and excited.

"After this battle, the Wudang Army will be completely crippled by us!"

"After this battle, the road south should be open!"

"After this battle, the offensive and defensive momentum between the north and the south will be completely reversed!"

"After this battle, you all will make great achievements, have wives and children, and your names will go down in history!"

King Zhennan suddenly pulled out the sword from his waist, "Everyone, the overall situation has been decided! I am willing to work hard with this king to achieve a great cause together!"

All the generals in the tent knelt down and said excitedly: "I am willing to die for the prince!"
The roar in the Zhennan King's army tent could not reach the mountains far away.

A figure slowly emerged from the snow and wind in the mountains.

After carefully examining the deserted surroundings, he turned around and waved.

Then one, two, ten people walked out of the mountain.
A total of three thousand men and horses covered in wind and snow, under the leadership of the guide, arrived at an abandoned camp that had been found in advance and leeward.

"Change into Beiliang military uniform, eat, rest, and operate at night!"

After sending out sentries to warn, Jiang Yuhu made simple arrangements as always, leaning directly on the spear, undressed and closing his eyes, as if nothing was bothering him.

The wind and snow are howling outside, and the military god is sleeping peacefully in the camp.

When he opens his eyes, the situation of the battle is reversed and the world is turned upside down! (End of chapter)

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