Chapter 253 Why don’t you listen to advice?
The phone rang, and Yang Tian thought it was Jiali calling. After all, she told him last night that she came to the police station for tea, so it was normal for her to be worried.

Unexpectedly, when he picked up the phone, it was Li Yang on the other end of the phone.

"Did you hear what happened last night?"

Hearing the hint of haggardness in Li Yang's voice, Yang Tian couldn't help but become curious.

"Last night? You mean the bank was robbed?"

I heard Yang Tian mention this.Li Yang suddenly became energetic and heard him ask quickly:
"That's it, that's what happened last night when the bank was robbed."

Hearing what Li Yang said was so exciting.Yang Tian said helplessly: "Can I not know? Not only did I know that the bank was robbed, I also witnessed the entire gun battle at the scene.

do you know?I have just finished taking notes from the police station. "

Having said this, Yang Tian suddenly asked with some confusion: "No, Mr. Li! I remember that it was Bank of Asia that was robbed last night, right? This shouldn't have much to do with you, right?"

Li Yang on the other end of the phone sighed deeply and said helplessly:

"Oh! I don't know what happened today? It's such a bad year!

The reform of Bank of Asia has something to do with me. We, Bank of Italy, have cross-shareholdings with Bank of Asia.

do you know?Originally, the last time the deposit vehicle was hijacked, the stock price had already dropped a lot.

It had only been a few days since the situation had been stabilized, but what happened last night happened again.

As soon as the market opened this morning, the entire banking sector of the stock market collapsed. It really rained all night long when the house was leaking!

These robbers were really bastards. Just to steal a small amount of money, they caused me to lose dozens of times in the stock market. "

Hearing Li Yang's complaint, Yang Tian thought at first that he was making a fuss out of a molehill. After all, in their eyes, being robbed of so little money was really nothing.

But when Li Yang mentioned the stock market, he even cursed at the end.

Yang Tian understood immediately that it was probably the continuous bad news that had shaken the confidence of investors and caused his bank's stock price to drop significantly.

It is very troublesome if the stock price continues to fall, not to mention that the market value of the shares in the hands of Li Yang, the major shareholder, will evaporate.

It means that if he wants to stabilize the stock price in the short term, he will have to invest a huge amount of money.

Although the money invested was eventually bought into stocks, it was not wasted.

But if you want to cash out this money again, it will not take a day or two.

If a large amount of cash is locked up in the stock market, it will also be a very troublesome thing.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian couldn't help but sympathize with Li Yang, the bank boss. After all, the bank had always been a very powerful bank, but it was actually taken care of by two groups of robbers.

"Mr. Li, you don't think I can hold up the stock price for you, do you? Then selling me won't be enough?"

Hearing Yang Tiandu's words, Li Yang also smiled, "No, how could it be! I can handle this."

I called you today just to ask if you are clear about this matter.

Am I being targeted?Why do things always happen to me? "

Hearing Li Yang's suspicious words, Yang Tian wanted to laugh but couldn't laugh directly, so he could only comfort him:
"Mr. Li, I just came out of the police station. From the looks of the police, it seems that the two robberies were not carried out by the same group of people.

So don't take it too seriously, this is probably just a coincidence. "

"Oh... I hope it's a coincidence! By the way, I'm holding a cocktail party tonight, so you can come too! They are all friends from the business world. It will be good for your future development to get to know each other more!"

Hearing that Li Yang suddenly held a cocktail party, Yang Tian thought for a moment and agreed.

He understood the purpose of Li Yang's cocktail party tonight, and it was probably because of the two bank robberies.

If he wanted to make some clarifications at the reception, he would at least put on a posture and let everyone see his style, in order to prove that everything was still within his control.

Of course, in addition to Li Yang's friends from the business community, it is estimated that many people from the political community will also attend a cocktail party of this size.

Showing your attitude can be regarded as an accusation against Hong Kong Island's public security, which is much more effective than complaining.

Just thinking about this, Yang Tian had to sympathize with Li Wenbin.

It is estimated that as soon as Li Yang's cocktail party starts, Li Wenbin's superiors will definitely put pressure on him again.

Just as he was thinking about it, several cars came to a stop next to him.

I saw Han Bin sticking his head out of the car and shouting: "Why are you standing there in a daze and getting in the car!"

After getting in the car, Yang Tian discovered that not only Han Bin was here, but the prince was also sitting in the passenger seat.

Seeing Yang Tian get into the car, he asked with some concern:
"How's it going? Are you okay? We all saw your car. It was crashed like that and there were so many bullet holes in it. What happened last night?"

Hearing the prince's question, Yang Tian leaned back on the backrest and said weakly:
"What else could happen? A group of bank robbers had a fight with the police, but I caught up with them."

Having said this, Yang Tian remembered Li Yang's complaint just now and started complaining too.

"You think I should go to the temple to worship? Why do all these things happen to me day after day?

The person who robbed the deposit car last time blew up my store. It was just renovated a few days ago.

This time it's even more exaggerated. You don't know the scene last night. All rifles and sniper rifles were used, except for the machine guns.

If I hadn't been smart enough to get out of the car early and hide in an alley on the side of the road, the light stray bullets would have been enough for me to drink a pot.

Sigh... And my car was robbed not long after I bought it. Now that the police have made it clear that they don't care, I don't know if the insurance will take care of it? "

Listening to Yang Tian's complaint, Han Bin immediately patted his shoulder and comforted him:
"Don't worry about the car. Dinosaur has towed the car away for you and he will take care of it.

He has no other skills, but he is best at repairing cars.

After repair, it is guaranteed to be as good as new.

By the way, where are you going to go next? "

"Where to go? Of course, go home and sleep! I haven't slept a wink since last night."

As soon as Yang Tian finished speaking, he didn't expect that the prince in the passenger seat suddenly turned around and said with a mean smile:

"Sleep! Where can I sleep? It just so happens that my new bathhouse has opened. It is all in accordance with your specifications. Come and check it for me, and see if there is anything that needs improvement?"

After saying that, without waiting for Yang Tian to speak, the prince directly arranged for a driver to drive towards his new store.

I have to say that this new venue in Prince is quite good.

Because it is newly renovated, at least in terms of hardware, it feels very high-end.

After washing up, the three of them lay in a private room, enjoying the massage, and then got down to business.

"Ah Tian, ​​now everyone in those districts has agreed to the transformation. Who should we start with?"

Yang Tian didn't sleep all night, and he just took a hot bath again. Now he is enjoying the massage, which is the most comfortable time to get down to business.

After hearing what the prince said, he replied without raising his head:
"Why do we have to do it one by one? Just let them move together.

At that time, we only need to be responsible for supervision. If the transformation goes smoothly, then it is naturally the best. If everyone does good things in the future, they will naturally take him with them.

If you work hard and don't work hard, then I will give you all the benefits you took from me, including the profits. At this time, Han Bin on the side interjected: "Then what if they join forces and pretend to be together?"We can't really start fighting, right? "

At this time Yang Tian finally raised his head, looked at Han Bin with a smile and said: "No, they can't unite.

Why do you think I ran into a bank robber last night? "

"Why?" The prince was also curious.

"Because I was drinking with my beautiful mother last night and talked about my transformation, so I came home so late.

She will cooperate fully. When the time comes, with her as a role model, it will be difficult for others to stick together.

Even if we want to get together, our pretty mom can tell us every move they make. You say, if this is the case, how can they still fight with us? "

Hearing Yang Tian's words, Han Bin and the prince both understood and looked at Yang Tian with admiration.

"I was talking about the meeting yesterday, how could my pretty mom be so positive? I didn't expect you two to be singing a double act!

I have to say that your face, Guizitian, is really admirable for its lethality against women. "

The prince became unserious as he spoke, which made Yang Tian embarrassed for a while.

I wanted to clarify something, but unexpectedly, news about the robbery last night appeared on the TV, which immediately attracted the attention of the three people.

In the news, the ins and outs of the incident were briefly explained, and even Yang Tian's cars were on camera, and the reporters classified them as innocent citizens.

After telling what happened, it was the police's turn to speak.

However, the person being interviewed this time was not a professional player from the public relations department of the police, which is always open to the public.

Instead, Chen Guorong stood in front of the camera with a determined look on his face.

"In three hours, the police have received reliable intelligence, and we are confident that the case will be solved within the next three hours."

After saying that, he hurriedly left the screen, as if he was really about to take action immediately.

"Sir Chen is quite powerful. He got the news so quickly. It seems that the robbers this time are not so professional! I really don't know why he acted like that last night?

By the way, were those gangsters last night really as brutal as you said? "

After Han Bin finished reading Chen Guorong's speech, he turned to ask Yang Tian.

At this time, Yang Tian's face was extremely ugly.

He had obviously said so much, and the meaning behind his words was telling them that this time the gangster was unusual, so why didn't he listen to the advice?

They were even told how to solve the case and asked them to consult a psychologist.

As long as the abnormality of this group of gangsters is told to a psychological expert, it is easy to determine the mental state of the gangsters to commit this crime.

At the same time, it will also allow the police to better judge whether their so-called exact information is reliable or not.

But who would have thought that after wasting so much time, Chen Guorong was still preparing to plunge into the trap set by the gangsters as he had done in his previous life.

Seeing Yang Tian's expression was abnormal, the prince asked strangely:

"What's wrong? Aren't you familiar with Sir Chen? I remember that he protected you, Ma Zi. Why do you look like this?"

"Sigh... It's just because I'm familiar with him that I feel sad for him when I see him say these words.

Judging from how handsome he looks now, it is estimated that he will be in a state of embarrassment in the future. The police are still too confident. "

After hearing this, both the prince and Han Bin became serious.

"Atian, you mean that the gangsters this time are very powerful? Didn't Sir Chen say that it takes three hours to solve the case?"

Yang Tian sighed deeply, lay back on the massage table again, and said without bothering to raise his head:
"As far as I saw last night, the gang had already succeeded in robbing the bank.

They just stood there, waiting for the police to arrive, and after a wave of beatings, they retreated calmly.

Do you think this kind of person would be easily caught by the police?
I've told them this before, but I didn't expect them to be so confident.

Forget it, it’s hard to persuade a dying ghost, just let him be! "

After saying that, Yang Tian asked the massage girl to increase the intensity for him, while he slowly fell asleep while enjoying it.

When he woke up again, he was woken up by Han Bin.

"Something happened. As expected, you were right. Chen Sir was ambushed by gangsters, and many people died."

Yang Tian just woke up from his sleep and was a little confused for a while. It took him a while to realize what Han Bin was talking about, but he asked curiously:
"how do you know?"

But this time, it was Han Bin who was depressed.

"The location where the gangsters ambush is in a warehouse on my property.

Mu De, the key to that warehouse is mine.

It has been rented out, and I don’t know how it fell into the hands of those gangsters.

My little brother called me just now. My entire warehouse was blown up. Damn it! "

With that said, Han Bin stopped accompanying Yang Tian and the prince, stood up and prepared to go out.

"I'm leaving first. The manager in charge of the warehouse has been arrested by the police. I'm going to find out the specific situation."

Seeing Han Bin leaving in a hurry, Yang Tian was stunned.

When he said before that he wanted to go to the temple to pay homage and get some luck, Han Bin still laughed at him.

Now looking at his back as he left, Yang Tian really wanted to ask him what was going on in his mind at this time.

At the very least, if your store is bombed, you can continue to operate it if you renovate it. If your car breaks down, you can repair it and you can make do with it.

I just don’t know if Han Bin’s warehouse can continue to be used after it was blown up.

"We're hungry, let's go and find something to eat."

When the prince saw Han Bin leaving, he rubbed his stomach and asked.

Yang Tian looked at the time, smiled and refused: "It's almost time. I have to go to a cocktail party tonight. You can go and have dinner by yourself! You can lend me a car to use first."

"Reception? What reception?" The prince was a little stunned by Yang Tian's words.

After all, for the young and Dangerous, a banquet in the form of a cocktail party seemed too far away from them, which made the prince unable to react for a while.

When Yang Tian saw the prince's appearance, he deliberately joked:

"It's a cocktail party! It's just like what you see on TV, with a group of people in suits and ties wandering around with a glass of wine in their hands."

As he said that, he deliberately smiled and said: "Brother, I can be considered to have entered the upper class now, but don't worry, I will go to explore the water first, and when I can stand firm, I will take you with me next time."

The prince also reacted at this time, smiled and cooperated: "Then I will wait for you to support me, Brother Tian! Hahaha! Get out of here! I will have the car waiting for you at the door."

(End of this chapter)

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