Chapter 255 Knowing
In the crowd, Yang Tian saw the young man following a middle-aged woman at a glance.

For no other reason than because, to Yang Tian, ​​that person seemed to be looking at himself in the mirror, with a face exactly like his own.

"Guan Zu!"

Yang Tian's brows jumped. He didn't expect that he had just discussed the identities of the gangsters with Li Xin'er, and now he turned around and met the leader of the gangsters.

According to the memory of his previous life, Azu's identity is not simple. His mother is a Hong Kong real estate tycoon, and his family's real estate company is huge.

My father is the Chief Superintendent of the Police Force, New Territories North District. He is in charge of the entire New Territories North District. He is a real powerhouse and a high-ranking member of the police force.

Of course, Yang Tian knew better that because of his father's improper education and his mother's doting since childhood, Guan Zu developed a character that he hated the police and was lawless.

It's not surprising that he can rob banks and fight with the police.

When Yang Tian saw Guan Zu, he scanned the crowd carefully, and sure enough, in the crowd, the gangsters were all alive, one by one.

At this moment, Li Yang pointed at Yang Tian and introduced him.

"This is a rising star in our Hong Kong business community, Yang Tian.

Don't look at him because he is young, but his business is not small at all. "

After introducing Yang Tian, ​​Li Yang immediately introduced him again.

"This is Chairman Liu of Jinfu Securities. If you enter the financial market on Hong Kong Island in the future, with Chairman Liu's support, you can avoid a lot of detours!"

"Mr. Li, that's enough. Don't we, the securities companies, still have to point to your bank for food? Hahaha!"

Chairman Liu smiled and said politely, turned to look at Yang Tian and asked: "Mr. Yang can win the favor of President Li at such a young age. He is really young and promising!

Why, is Mr. Yang planning to make a difference in the financial market on Hong Kong Island? "

I have to say that some circles are really not accessible to ordinary people.

Just like today, a simple introduction from Li Yang is much better than the average person asking their grandfather to sue their grandma.

However, Yang Tian knew in his heart that Li Yang was just leading him in. Whether he could seize the opportunity or not depended on his own strength.

So when he heard Chairman Liu's question, Yang Tian smiled and said, "Yes, I have been tossing around in the Thai financial market before, and now I have accumulated almost all the experience. After a while, I will definitely come and see the Asian Financial Center." , what kind of style is it?”

If Yang Tian had said this before, Chairman Liu would probably have just said a few polite words. After all, the size of Thailand's financial market is really not worth mentioning.

But things are different now. The international giant has completed its layout and has begun to short the Thai baht in a high-profile manner.

Under this circumstance, Thailand's financial market suddenly became the focus of everyone's attention in the financial world.

Sure enough, Chairman Liu became interested immediately and said with a smile: "I heard that the big crocodile went to Thailand, so you have to be careful."

Hearing this, Yang Tian also laughed, "I'm just giving him a ride, and I entered the venue relatively early. No matter how hard he tries, it won't have much impact on me."

At this time, Chairman Liu also became serious, his expression became slightly serious, and he nodded towards Yang Tian, ​​"Young people are indeed courageous. Let's have a chat when we have time."

After hearing this, Yang Tian understood that he had passed the test with Chairman Liu.Being able to say this proves that he recognizes his ability.

At this time, Chairman Liu seemed to suddenly think of something, and his face returned to a smile. He turned around and pulled over a young man with yellow hair, then looked at Yang Tian and said with a smile:
"This is my son Liu Tian. You young people can interact more with me when you have time."

Yang Tian smiled and shook hands with Liu Tian. Others didn't know, but Yang Tian knew it in his heart.

This Liu Tian was one of the gangsters who robbed the bank, but he didn't expect that this guy would be Chairman Liu's son.

At this time, Liu Tian was smiling, and he could not tell the ferociousness when he and Chen Guorong were soloing.

Seeing that Yang Tian and Chairman Liu had gotten to know each other, Li Yang immediately pulled him to look at another middle-aged man with a big belly.

But this time, Yang Tian recognized the girl next to the middle-aged man at first sight. She was the only woman among the gangsters, Zhou Su.

"This is President Zhou of Asia Shipping, and this is his youngest daughter Zhou Su.

Mr. Zhou is truly the shipping king of Asia.By the way, aren't you looking for transportation?Then you are right to find him! "

As soon as Li Yang finished the introduction, Yang Tian was fine, but Mr. Zhou was slightly stunned.

After all, when Yang Tian and Chairman Liu were chatting just now, he stood aside, thinking that Yang Tian was also from the financial circle.

But now listening to Li Yang, it is clear that Yang Tian still has a real enterprise.

Being able to create so many industries at such a young age, people present felt more and more that Yang Tian's identity was not simple.

After Yang Tian greeted him, Mr. Zhou immediately asked curiously: "I wonder what Mr. Yang is planning to transport? I know a lot about shipping."

Yang Tian was not polite at this time. Anyway, if the negotiation was settled, it would not mean that there would be no shipping fee.

He immediately said with a smile: "I opened a VCD production factory with my friends in the north, and now I want to sell the goods to Neon Korea and Southeast Asia.

However, my friend and I were at a loss as to how to get there.I didn't expect to meet Mr. Zhou today, and I just wanted to ask Mr. Zhou, the shipping king, for advice. "

After hearing Yang Tian's words, most of the big guys present became serious.

After all, once things involve the north, in this special period, they must be dealt with carefully.

"I wonder which factory your VCD comes from?"

Mr. Zhou asked again, wanting to know more about Yang Tian's strength.

After all, he is different from others at the scene. As a shipping king, it can be said that the focus of his business is entirely in the north, so he can be said to know the north better than others.

"East! East! This is my VCD brand in the north."

At this time, Mr. Zhou was a little uneasy.

Precisely because he knows the most about the North, he understands what the brand East means in the North.

Speaking of this VCD, it can be said that it has just started to become popular, and the market in the north has just been opened.

But this opening is amazing, compared to traditional video recorders and the like.

It can be said that VCD only took a short period of time from its emergence to popularity, and the market has exceeded the accumulation of video recorders in many years before.

Facing this huge and scary market, some other VCD brands are obviously not well prepared.

In the first wave of fighting, everyone was so indistinguishable that it was difficult to tell who was better than who.

But as time went by, things took an unexpected turn.

No one expected that the VCD market could be digested so quickly.

Soon the production capacity of other factories could not keep up with the market demand.Distributors come to your door with money, but they can't get the goods.

There is only one factory that, although it also limits the quantity of goods that distributors can take, it can really produce a huge number of machines at this most critical time.

Now, before the second round of competition between several factories begins, the outcome is already decided.

In that era when channels were king, distributors all went to Yang Tian to get their goods. Gradually, the channels of other factories were crowded out by Yang Tian's East.There was even a short period of time when 80.00% of the stores on the market only sold Yang Tian’s East.

It was during this period that East's position as the industry leader was directly established.

Even though other manufacturers later struggled to catch up, East still dominated more than half of the entire market.

Now that I heard that East actually belonged to Yang Tian, ​​Mr. Zhou inevitably felt a little impressed by Yang Tian.

After all, industry is different from finance. In finance, you can leverage, leverage, and leverage, and you can use very little money to leverage a large amount of funds.

As for starting an industry, you have to do it step by step.

Especially in this era, when information is not enough, word of mouth is more useful than any advertisement.

East's market has been formed, and its position will be difficult to shake by its peers for many years to come.

And Yang Tian, ​​who seems to be only in his twenties, can actually become an industry leader, which in itself represents his excellence.

Somehow, Mr. Zhou looked at Yang Tian and asked unconsciously.

"I wonder if Mr. Yang is married?"

Yang Tian didn't expect that President Zhou would ask this question out of nowhere.

He didn't care, but from the corner of his eye, he saw that Zhou Su, who had been by Mr. Zhou's side, turned red immediately, and was so embarrassed that he wanted to punch a hole in the tiles on the floor.

So he smiled and said, "I'm not married yet, but I'm engaged to my fiancée."

Unexpectedly, after hearing Yang Tian's words, Mr. Zhou looked regretful, and then when he saw Li Xin'er on the other side of Li Yang, he looked suddenly enlightened.

How could Li Xin'er, a psychologist, not see such an obvious misunderstanding, but she couldn't directly say, "I am not Yang Tian's fiancée."

He could only follow Zhou Su's example, pinch his father's arm hard, and start to press his feet on the floor with a blushing face.

After all, Yang Tian was brought by Li Yang and introduced by Li Yang. It was Li Yang, the father, who should explain it.

But Li Yang didn't know for what purpose. He clearly understood that Mr. Zhou had misunderstood, but he just pretended that nothing happened and continued to introduce the next person to Yang Tian.

The owner of Yongcheng Jewelry Store, and of course his son is also one of the gangsters.

Liang Yongkang, the actual controller of Yongyu International, and his gangster son Liang Maisi.

Finally, it was Yang Tian's turn to see the middle-aged woman for the first time, the president of the Guan Group and the mother of the bandit leader Guan Zu.

When he heard about the Guan Group, Yang Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Guan Zu's mother also had the surname Guan.

This forced him to make associations. After all, anyone with a discerning eye could see who was the head of Guan Zu's family.

To put it bluntly, his father, Chief Superintendent Guan, was able to become the superintendent because of his family background.

I just didn't expect that Guan Zu's mother would actually marry someone with the same surname Guan, so that she wouldn't have to worry about whose surname Guan Zu should follow.

It can be regarded as maintaining the self-esteem of Chief Superintendent Guan to the greatest extent.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian suddenly understood why Guan Zu's father didn't seem to treat him very much since he was a child, beating and scolding him at every turn.

After all, he wouldn't dare to face Guan Zu's mother!I just didn't expect that he would vent his long-term depression on his son.

This also directly caused Guan Zu to hate the police deep in his heart and did the unbelievable thing last night.

I chatted with the people introduced by Li Yang for a long time, but after all, Yang Tian was too different in age from them.

Let’s not talk about the generation gap. Just this kind of half-talking and half-hiding communication method made Yang Tian feel very tired and tired.

Fortunately, there were more than just Liu at the reception. After chatting for a while, everyone slowly dispersed and went to talk to other people.

Yang Tian could also take this opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief and turned around to find a place to smoke a cigarette.

It's just that the place hasn't been found yet, and he didn't expect to be captured by Li Xin'er again.

Sure enough, as a top rich second generation, Li Xin'er really knew each other and the gangsters, and they seemed very familiar with them.

Li Xin'er dragged Yang Tian directly to their circle of young second-generation people, and said to him eagerly:
"Hurry up and tell them who your fiancée is. You have nothing to do with me!"

Yang Tian really didn't expect that he would be dragged in front of this group of people by Li Xin'er.

Looking at the five gangsters in front of him, Yang Tian couldn't help but feel sad for Li Yang and his daughter.

If Li Yang knew that the culprit that caused his bank's stock price to drop sharply again was his guest tonight, I don't know how he would feel.

Li Xin'er went even further. He had almost made it clear to her just now, but looking at her current appearance, she was clearly standing in front of the gangster, but she didn't even think about it.

Yang Tian was angry, and now seeing Li Xin'er's anxious look, he simply pretended to be surprised and said:

"Xin'er, what are you talking about? You forgot that when I was in Neon, in order to protect you, I once faced the biggest gangster in Neon alone!
How could you say such a thing?What do you mean you have nothing to do with me? "

Following Yang Tian's words, the entire scene fell silent instantly.

Li Xin'er looked at Yang Tian dumbfounded, not knowing what to say for a moment.

The other five people, with faces burning with gossip, were eagerly waiting to eat.

Zhou Su should have the best relationship with Li Xin'er. At this time, he hugged Li Xin'er's arm and said to Yang Tian with excitement:

"Tell me what's going on? Could it be like what's shown in the movie, where the daughter of a rich family is chased by gangsters, and then you stand up and save her as a hero?

Then our hearts pledged ourselves to each other..."

Before Zhou Su finished speaking, Li Xin'er Liu felt like she was going completely crazy and immediately reached out to cover her mouth.

When Yang Tian saw Li Xin'er deflated, he suddenly felt comfortable.

So he smiled at Zhou Su and said, "That's probably what you said. A hero saves a beauty, but the rest..."

"Yang Tian, ​​I will fight with you!"

Really unable to listen anymore, Li Xin'er wanted to pounce on Yang Tian, ​​as if she was ready to die with him.

Fortunately, the group of them were in a small corner of the banquet hall, and there was live music at the banquet, so they didn't attract too many people's attention.

Even if someone saw it, they would just think it was a few young people who were too out of touch and it was no big deal.

At this time, Liang Meisi on the side said, "Did you really get into trouble with the neon underworld? How did you escape in the end?"

He is of mixed race, and his mother is from Neon, so he knows more about the situation in Neon than others.

Yang Tian smiled, pointed at Li Xin'er and said: "Strictly speaking, she was targeted by the Yamada group.

I just threw the people who were chasing him into the sea to feed the fish. "

(End of this chapter)

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