Chapter 263: Here Comes the Blame

"That police officer, what's his name, Lin Sen? Have you taken care of it over there?"

Yang Tian can finally return to his office to work.

However, Zhou Su seemed to have completely fallen, and was much more diligent than before.

The next day after Yang Tian and Lin Sen finished chatting, she eagerly chased after them.

At this time, he didn't care about the clothes on the sofa, and he wasn't afraid of catching cold. He just got into Yang Tian's arms naked and asked curiously.

At this time, Yang Tian was enjoying the post-event cigarette, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch up when he heard this.

"Are you afraid now? It's not that simple to deal with this matter.

I just asked him to take some money first and become a small shareholder in my new nightclub.

This also makes it easy to control his movements in real time. "

"Shareholders?" Zhou Su's focus was obviously not on dealing with Lin Sen himself. Instead, he was a little curious about Yang Tian's operations. Hearing this, he said a little strangely:

"The package of money he took was at least 4000 to [-] million yuan. With so much money, he can become a small shareholder in your company?"

Yang Tian laughed when he heard this: "He is quite clever and knows that he cannot take out too much money at once.

This time he invested 500 million, and I gave him half of the shares.In addition, he does not participate in operations, but usually receives a salary as a security manager. "

"Can you tie him up by doing this?" Zhou Su blinked, becoming more and more curious about Yang Tian's operation.

But Yang Tian was a little hard to explain at this time, after all, he had other thoughts.

Keeping Lin Sen is also convenient for dealing with Guan Zu and the others in the future.

So he simply changed the topic and asked: "I asked you to get the gun you used before, have you done it?"

The weapons Guan Zu and the others used before actually had a big flaw.

Those American weapons were so rare in Hong Kong Island that they spent a lot of money to buy them.

The black marketeer who did their business retired directly after completing this order, which is why the police did not find the source of the weapons for so long.

Even Yang Tian spent a lot of effort to find the whereabouts of that guy.

When I found the person, he had already bought a house in Thailand and was enjoying a life in the sun, beach and bikini.

But this arms dealer is much easier to deal with.

Since he hadn't come into the police's sight yet, with just one phone call, Thailand's Ah Gou threw the guy into the sea and fed him to the fish.

However, once the source has been dealt with, the weapons used by Zhou Su and the others must also be properly disposed of. Otherwise, once exposed, through ballistic analysis, it will be easy to determine that they are the weapons used by the robbers who robbed the bank.

When Zhou Su heard Yang Tian's words, he nodded heavily, "I made excuses to take out those guns."

"Did you take it all out?"

Yang Tian was slightly startled, but Zhou Su had a scheming smile on his face, "Don't worry, I followed your instructions and took out the ones we used. They bought a lot at once last time, all of them." If so, I can't get it. These guns are in my car now.

I am so obedient, of course I will do whatever you ask me to do? "

Seeing Zhou Su's fawning look, Yang Tian suddenly remembered something and asked quickly:
"By the way, Guan Zu and the others didn't suspect anything after that day in A-Ma, right?"

When Yang Tian mentioned this, Zhou Su couldn't help but straighten up and gave him a hard look.

"You have the nerve to tell me, when did you get blood on my skirt?"

As he spoke, Zhou Su's whole face turned red as if he thought of something again, and he hid his head in Yang Tian's arms again before continuing.

"They didn't notice it at first, but when they saw it later, they thought I was on my period, so everyone came back in a hurry."

Yang Tian smiled coquettishly when he heard this. He noticed the blood stains on Zhou Su's skirt at first.

Later, he forgot about it because it was too exciting. It wasn't until Zhou Su got dressed and walked out that he saw them meeting in the hall, and then he recalled it.

This made him a little nervous at the time. After all, they were a group of lawless second-generation people, and he was really afraid of causing something difficult to end.

Now after hearing Zhou Su's words, Yang Tian realized that Guan Zu and the others really didn't understand anything.

But thinking about the scene that day, Yang Tian was a little ready to make a move, and asked tentatively:
"Do you want to call him again now?"

As he spoke, his hands began to be dishonest again and he kept exploring.

Although Zhou Su blushed, he also made a joke and asked knowingly: "Who to call? My dad? Or my brother?"

Just as he was talking, Yang Tian picked him up, turned around and placed him directly on the sofa.

Then Yang Tian slapped her thick part hard, and there was a loud "pop" sound, "Didn't you say you were the most obedient? Why are you so naughty now?"

However, Zhou Su's call failed to go out in the end.

It's not that she really doesn't want to satisfy Yang Tian's bad taste, but just when the two of them were having fun with each other, the landline on Yang Tian's desk rang.

Normally no one would call this phone number. As soon as it rang, it meant something really happened.

So Yang Tian didn't dare to be careless, so he got up from the sofa, came to the desk and answered the phone.

Zhou Su, on the other hand, was like a koala, holding his neck and hanging on him, and followed him.

"Brother Tian, ​​I received the news that Tian Yangsheng and the others have found a ship. It is estimated that they will return to Hong Kong Island in the next few days."

"Where did they hide?" Yang Tian was a little curious. Previously, Tian Yangsheng's group was in the Daquan Gang's clothes and ran away. He thought they would go to Thailand.

But I asked Agou to check there carefully, but he couldn't even find their shadow.

Moreover, it is obvious to all how chaotic the Daquan Gang is.

Yang Tian also wanted to wait for the people who set sail to come back and ask questions.

Unexpectedly, before the boat came back, their group was dispersed by the police, many people were arrested, and the rest were absorbed by other forces within the Daquan Gang.

Now, Yang Tian couldn't find a place to ask whether the ship had returned or when it would return.

Ye Guohuan on the other end of the phone laughed and said: "No one expected that these guys would actually go to the Philippines.

After all, the boats of the Daquan Gang usually don't go in that direction.I heard that this time, I took a boat back from the Philippines. It happened that the Philippines had been looking for me and wanted our machines, so I found out the news. "

The call was from Ye Guohuan. Yang Tian had been asking him to stare at the sea. Now that he heard the news, he calculated the time and it was almost time for Tian Yangsheng and the others to come back.

Think about it, Tian Yangsheng's group is also a group of big grievances, and they are not very bright-minded.

To rob a bank deposit car, it's not good to do it by yourself, but you have to cooperate with others.

Although if I were to go it alone, without a little news about Sir Zhang, I might not be able to grab the deposit car with so much money.

But although the money is a little less, the after-sales service is not that bad.

Now Tian Yangsheng and his group can be said to have not received a dime, and they have also contributed to the lives of several brothers.

If the guy who used the robbery also paid for it at his own expense, then he would really be a great injustice to someone who paid both money and life.

The key point is that if they come back now, they won't be able to get the money they robbed.After all, the money has been surnamed Yang for a long time. It has been circulated in Ma Ge for countless times and will soon be turned into several newly opened nightclubs in North Point.

If they come back now, unless they go back to their old business and try their best again, even if they are allowed to get Sir Zhang out of prison, Sir Zhang will not be able to pay them back.

"Very good, continue to keep an eye on them and contact me as soon as you have any news."

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Yang Tian's face became even brighter, which made Zhou Su beside him a little curious.

"Who is Yang Sheng today? Why are you so happy when you heard that he is coming back to Hong Kong Island?"

Yang Tian, ​​on the other hand, held Zhou Su's face and said seriously:
"You should be happy too, Tian Yangsheng and his gang are professional bank robbers.

Now that they are coming back, why don't they just take over the Bank of Asia case?

They probably don't care anyway, they have one or two more cases.

And they don’t get paid for their work. Do you think you should be happy that such a high-minded and upright person is coming back? "

Zhou Su stared at Yang Tian with wide eyes. It wasn't until Yang Tian finished speaking that he seemed to have melted, and his whole body collapsed on him.

"My dear, you are so handsome. I like how you look now. You can control everything in your own hands."

After saying that, the two fell into a fierce battle again.

On a remote dock in the Philippines, the four brothers and sisters Tian Yangsheng were sitting in a small dilapidated house eating hot pot.

The injuries on the four of them were somewhat healed, but looking at their expressions, it seemed that they were not having a satisfactory life.

"Why hasn't the boat arrived yet? It's not like those monkeys are letting us off the hook!"

Tian Yangen, the only female among the four, seemed to be very anxious. After eating a few chopsticks, she couldn't help but ask.

On the other side, Tian Yangyi looked at the other side of the table with a smile and said: "Don't worry, Azhi is looking for the boat this time. You can see from his appearance that he has the air of being stupid and rich.

Those monkeys probably already think of us as big fat sheep, so how could they not come? "

As he spoke, Tian Wangyi also put a chopstick of vegetables into Tian Yang En's bowl.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng, who had been eating silently, also said, "Everyone, eat more. There won't be such delicious meals on the ship."

After hearing Tian Yangsheng's words, the others immediately started eating, but Tian Yangyi asked worriedly.

"Ah Sheng, do you think we can really get the money back when we go back this time?"

After hearing this, Tian Yangsheng stopped eating.

He slowly swallowed the last meal in his mouth, not even missing a grain of rice stuck to the corner of his mouth, and then said with a fierce look:

"You all read the newspaper! I didn't expect that the boss behind hiring us would actually be a policeman.

I felt strange that day at the pier. We had clearly confirmed very carefully that there was no tail behind us, but we were still ambushed by the police.

Unexpectedly, those policemen actually played the trick of taking advantage of others. "

Listening to Tian Yangsheng talking about this, the others couldn't eat anymore. Tian Yangzhi looked like he wanted to go back and work hard right now, and said:
"When we go back this time, we not only have to get back the money that belongs to us, but we also have to kill all these guys. Otherwise, the four and three of them will die in vain."

"Azhi is right. Are you taking advantage of others? They picked the wrong person. What they owe us must be paid back to us a hundred times a thousand times."

Compared to the two people who were filled with indignation, Tian Yangen seemed much calmer.

She frowned and looked at Tian Yangsheng, and said with some worry: "The newspaper only said that the group of policemen were arrested on suspicion of planning to rob a bank deposit vehicle.

Do you think they would have handed over the money after they were caught?

After all, if the money is handed over, their penalty can be greatly reduced. "

"will not!"

Tian Wangsheng said this simply and neatly, and when he saw the other three people looking at him, he started to explain.

“I specifically asked someone who is familiar with Hong Kong Island’s laws.

If they had handed over the money, they would have been sentenced by now.

The person told me that the policemen were still in custody and had not actually been tried in court.

Since the court has not been held for such a long time, the most likely possibility is that the police have not found the money yet.

At least they didn't hand over the bulk of the money.

The police also wanted to find ways to find the money on them, so they kept delaying the trial.

This is why I want to go back immediately. If it's too late, I'm afraid they won't be able to handle it and hand over the money. Then we will really get nothing. "

Hearing this, the eyes of the other three brothers and sisters lit up.

After running away and coming to the Philippines, life for the four of them was actually not easy.

They themselves didn't have much money, and the only savings they had were used to buy weapons for committing crimes on Hong Kong Island.

When they were running away, the money they robbed was intercepted again, so when they came to the Philippines, they didn't have much money at all.

After arriving in the Philippines, because they had just committed a crime, they did not dare to do anything too outrageous.

After all, once his identity is exposed, although this is not Hong Kong Island, he may still face the pursuit of Interpol.

Of course, what's more important is that they did such a big case on Hong Kong Island.

Once their identity is exposed, the underworld in the Philippines is not a vegetarian.

And others don't know that they robbed the deposit car, but they didn't get any money.

Money attracts people's hearts, but once their identity is exposed, there will only be more people who want to take advantage of others than before.

In addition, when we first arrived in the Philippines, everyone was still more or less injured, and it was really not suitable to continue fighting at a high intensity.

So these days, they are doing odd jobs to barely make ends meet.

However, odd jobs are not easy to find. There is a large amount of cheap labor in the local area, which means they often find nothing to do.

Fortunately, they still had the broken boat that sent them away. After dismantling it piece by piece and selling it, this is what allowed them to survive until now.

If they hadn't boarded the ship to Ghost Harbor Island today, they wouldn't have dared to eat such a luxurious thing as hot pot.

Seeing that everyone had almost eaten, Tian Yangsheng's expression gradually became fierce.

"Everyone checks on the guys. When we get to the boat, if they don't take action first, we won't take action either."

"Understood, but what if they have other ideas? This time they just want the boat and not the people?"

Tian Yangyi asked as he took out two pistols and inspected them.

Tian Yangsheng sneered: "They don't have any crooked ideas. Once they get to Hong Kong Island and get the money, they will naturally benefit from it.

But if he is unkind in the first place, then of course you can’t blame me and us for being unjust! "

(End of this chapter)

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