(Change first and then change) "Why aren't these guns new?"

A few days later, Tian Yangsheng and his group finally received the weapons sent by Mitsui.

There is a large box of weapons, both long and short, all American-style equipment. Compared with the weapons they have used before, they are mainly expensive.

However, after some inspection, it was discovered that all the weapons had traces of previous use.

When hearing Tian Yangsheng's question, Mitsui just smiled: "Is there any problem with this?"

Tian Yangen just happened to dismantle a pistol into parts and assemble them quickly.

Hearing Mitsui's words, he frowned and said, "The guns are old. If someone did something with these guns before, wouldn't it all be blamed on us?"

At this time, Mitsui laughed directly: "Please, who are you? Are you still afraid of this?
Don’t forget, you already have a history of robbing a deposit car on the street.

This time I went to the bank vault to pick up something. Do you really care about this?
Don’t you Chinese have a saying, don’t bite them if there are too many lice!
Besides, as long as everything goes well, you don't care whether it's old or new, as long as it works well, what impact will it have on you? "

Tian Yangen was scolded by Mitsui. He was a little unconvinced at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he endured it.

Tian Yangsheng asked directly: "When will we take action? Can we tell you the specific plan now?"

When Mitsui saw that Tian Yangsheng and others had almost checked their weapons, he also put away his smile, took out a blueprint from his body, and laid it flat on the box.

Then he started to explain: "Have you ever been to the International Convention and Exhibition Center?

Of course, this is not only a convention and exhibition center, but also a very large commercial complex.

Our goal this time is here! "

Following Mitsui's finger, Tian Yangsheng and the others saw a place marked by a red circle on the map.

"Hong Kong-funded bank?" The three Tian Yangsheng brothers couldn't help but read out their names.

"Yes, it's a Hong Kong-funded bank. To be precise, it's a Hong Kong-funded bank's safe."

After saying that, Mitsui took out another map, covered it on top of the previous map, and introduced:

“The vault of a Hong Kong-funded bank is currently one of the highest-standard and most secure vaults on Hong Kong Island.

The wealthy people on Hong Kong Island like to store some valuable things here.

Of course, it is also possible that there are some things that have more commemorative meaning than actual value.

And your task is to enter the vault and take out the contents from cabinet No. 33.

Of course, I won't let you run away in vain. In order to emphasize the safety of the vault, this bank has set up the vault directly inside the vault.

In the deepest part of the vault, where the bank stores cash, there is just an extra iron door. How much cash you can take depends on your ability. I only want the contents of cabinet No. 33. "

After listening to Mitsui's words, the three brothers and sisters Tian Yangsheng frowned. After all, going deep into the depths of a bank vault was completely different from robbing a deposit car on the street.

However, it is difficult to return. They are doing life-threatening work, and they will not give up just because of difficulties.

Tingtian Yangsheng frowned and asked:

"How do you open the door? Whether it's a safe cabinet or a vault door, it shouldn't be a simple thing to open, right?"

"The cabinet door of the vault uses a combination lock."

With that said, Mitsui took out another piece of paper and handed it to Tian Yangsheng. He saw that it was densely written with numbers.

"The password is ten digits. These are the possibilities of all the passwords we can find. I guess the correct password should be one of them.

If it goes well, then everyone will be happy. You can come out after taking the things. The money promised to you before will not be missing at all. It can be said that the ghost is unaware of it.

However, the safe will be locked due to incorrect password, and you only have three chances.

Once the password is wrong three times, the safe will be completely locked and the alarm will be triggered. "

With that said, Mitsui took out another small box and handed it to Tian Yangsheng and said: "At that time, I can only use the simplest method to unlock the lock. Do you know how to use this thing?"

"Plastic bomb? Aren't you afraid that the contents in the safe will also be blown up?"

Mitsui waved his hand after hearing this: "You guys underestimate the quality of that safe too.

And I believe in your skills. After all, the last time I robbed a deposit car, your application and understanding of bombs were very professional! "

Hearing this, the three brothers and sisters Tian Yangsheng were a little proud.

Mitsui continued: "In order to make it easier for you to enter the safe, here is the account number and entry password of another safe.

You can pretend to use this cabinet and then open No. 33.

As for the door of the treasury!I personally don’t recommend that you make extravagant arrangements. After all, I have promised to pay you.

But if you insist on having your own way, that's fine, but first you have to make sure what I want. "

As he said that, Mitsui took out two more photos. "The door of the vault cannot be bombed. It requires the manager and the vault supervisor to take action. Two keys can be used at the same time to open it, and the keys are in their hands." body.

This is their photo. If you want to open the vault then, remember to bring them with you. "

After hearing this, Tian Yangsheng took the two photos and looked at them, then nodded, and then asked: "When will we do it?"

"Tomorrow morning! Move on time at ten o'clock.

Remember, there are only 10 minutes between the time the alarm goes off and the police arrive.

Of course, there will also be several traffic accidents on the main roads leading to the convention and exhibition center at that time.

But this won't last long, so when the alarm sounds, you only have 15 minutes at most. "

After saying that, Mitsui pointed to the earliest map and said:
“Come out within 15 minutes, and you can follow this route to reach the coastline behind the Convention and Exhibition Center.

There, a speedboat will pick you up and leave.

However, the speedboat will not wait until the time comes, so don’t say I didn’t realize it to remind you. "

"Why choose daytime? There are many people during the day, and it takes a lot of effort just to get in."

After Mitsui heard this, he shrugged helplessly: "I didn't expect you are still afraid of this? But there is nothing you can do about it.

This bank vault is only open to the public every morning.

After the time has passed, the outermost door will automatically lock.

When the time comes, you won’t be able to open just this door in 15 minutes.

And tomorrow morning, both the treasury supervisor and the manager will go to work. "

After saying that, Mitsui scanned the faces of the three brothers and sisters again, and then asked:
"What other problems are there? Say it now, once and for all. It's of great importance. Don't let me lose the chain when the time comes.

You should know that if something happens, I will not come to save you. "

Tian Yangsheng smiled, looked up at Mitsui, and said pointedly: "You trust us so much? Aren't you afraid that we will turn around and sell you out?"

Hearing this, Mitsui also laughed: "How could it be possible! Selling me out will do you no good. I think you won't do such a thing that harms others and is not beneficial to yourself, right?

Besides, with your background, are you going to report me to the police?Then the police must care more about you.

And don’t we get along quite harmoniously now?

In order for you to complete the mission with peace of mind, and for your brother to recover as soon as possible, I specially found a good place for him to recuperate! "

Mitsui's words immediately changed the color of the three brothers and sisters. Tian Yangen couldn't hold it anymore and directly pointed the gun in his hand at Mitsui's head and said sternly:
"What did you do to Azhi?"

Regarding the fact that the gun was pointed at his head, Mitsui did not show much panic. Instead, he calmly raised his hand and pushed Tian Yangen's pistol away, and said with a smile on his face:

"Calm down, calm down! I'm doing this all for your own good.

Although Lao Wu's place is secretive, it is a clinic after all.

There were so many people going to him for medical treatment and treatment. The comings and goings meant that there were many people with mixed eyes. In addition, the people who came to see Lao Wu were mostly shady people, a mixed bag of dragons and snakes.

As for you, you are the headline figures in the newspaper. Lao Wu will not say much, but if you are discovered by someone who is interested, you may have some evil thoughts.

So just now, I specially asked someone to pick your brothers out.

But don’t worry, he’s very safe now. He has a private doctor around him who provides 24-hour care. The conditions are much better than those at Lao Wu’s place.

When you complete your mission, you will naturally be able to see him. "

Tian Yangsheng was not in a hurry to say anything. Instead, he stared at Mitsui, as if he wanted to see something on his face.

It's a pity that Mitsui has long been trained to have a dead face because he has been with Kazuo Kusagari all year round.

As long as he doesn't take the initiative to make an expression, it will be a proper island country's stern face, and nothing can be seen at all.

As a last resort, Tian Yangsheng had no choice but to say harsh words: "Take good care of my brother, I will definitely get you what you want."

After saying that, he ignored Mitsui and took Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangen to study the map together.

Early the next morning, as soon as the Hong Kong bank in the Convention and Exhibition Center opened its doors, it welcomed its first wave of customers, and it was a big customer.

The reason why it is said to be a big customer is because as soon as this customer comes, he will handle the safe business.

While waiting for the manager to check the information, Huo Bao asked Guan Zu in a low voice:
"Azu, do you think someone will really come to get the money? We can't just wait in the safe forever, right?"

Guan Zu smiled confidently, "Don't worry, Mai Si has already done something about the bag containing the money.

A locator has been installed inside the bag, and the safe is fully metal-sealed. There is no signal at all when the bag is put in.

But as long as the safe door is opened, we can receive the signal.

When the time comes, let him catch a turtle in an urn, and also rob the Hong Kong-funded bank.

When the time comes, are you still afraid that he will run away?After all, for such a large sum of money, even if Lin Sen didn't come to get it himself, he would definitely ask his most trusted person to come over.

When the time comes, with the hostages in hand, are you still afraid that he will play another trick? "

After saying that, he immediately became excited when he saw Huobao, "That's it, Azu, don't worry! We've prepared the guys and put them in the cafe opposite."

All the guns we used before were taken away by Asu, but she had something to do at home today and couldn't leave. The remaining guns are not as powerful as last time! "

Guan Zu's face looked a little cold at this time, "She couldn't come at the right time. It was because of her that almost caused trouble last time.

This time it was just the four of us, so we worked together more harmoniously. "

Speaking of this, Guan Zu couldn't help but get excited: "Speaking of firepower, there must be no problem.

How could the police's few broken pistols turn the world upside down? "

Hearing this, Huo Pang licked his lips excitedly, turned his head and glanced at the bank to inquire, and said to himself:
"When the time comes, I will hit the shuttle in the very center here, and these people will definitely fall to the ground immediately.

By the way, Azu, when it comes to asking someone to call the police this time, can you let me tell you that you looked so handsome when I saw you last time, and I want to feel good about it too! "

Guan Zu seemed to be infected by the excitement, and his whole body started to tremble slightly when he thought of the scene that followed.

But at this time, the manager came over and said to the two of them with a smile on his face: "I have kept you waiting for a long time. The account and entry password for cabinet No. 33 are correct. Do you need me to accompany you in?"

"No need!" After Guan Zu said, he picked up a huge travel bag and walked with Huo Bang in the direction pointed by the manager.

On the way, looking at the steel-plated walkway of the vault, he asked hotly and quietly:

"Azu, by the way, have you checked this safe? Was it opened by Lin Sen?"

"I couldn't check it. I secretly used my dad's account to enter the police system. Unfortunately, even he didn't have permission to check it."

After saying that, the two of them arrived at the door of cabinet No. 33. After entering the password, they stuffed their backpacks directly inside.

Everything went smoothly until the two came out of the vault.

But when I was leaving the bank, I happened to encounter two men and a woman entering.

Seeing that the woman looked beautiful, Hot couldn't help but whistle at her.

This immediately caused the girl to frown, as if she wanted to come up and teach Huo Bang a lesson.

Fortunately, the two men next to him grabbed her, ignored the fiery two, and went straight into the bank.

When Huo Po saw the person leaving, not only did he not restrain himself at all, but instead whispered to Guan Zu:

"That girl just now is pretty good. If they are still there when Lin Sen comes to get the money later, I might have to rob her.

Fortunately, Asu is not here today, otherwise I would be too embarrassed to do anything. "

With that said, the two of them walked around the convention and exhibition center and came to the cafe opposite the bank.

At this time, Maisi and Liu Tian were already sitting in the cafe, except for a signal receiver similar to a laptop placed on the table in front of Maisi.

Under the table behind the two of them, there were two large travel bags.

At this time, Tian Yangen had just been dragged into the bank by his two brothers.

She was still a little aggrieved by what she had just experienced at the door, and was cursing in a low voice.

Tian Yangsheng greeted the manager with a smile, "Excuse me, we need to use safe No. 24!"

At this time, in a building not far outside the convention and exhibition center, in a room facing the convention and exhibition center.

Zhou Su looked at Yang Tian next to him with excitement and asked, "Dear, do you think we can really solve all the problems at once this time?"

(End of this chapter)

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