When Chen Guorong and Chen Jin went against the flow of people and reached the fourth floor, the sound of gunshots like setting off firecrackers had stopped.

But at this time, except for the people inside the bank, everyone outside had already fled.

The two of them could only hide at the handrail of the stairs and quietly look inside the bank.

"It's God who nourishes them!"

Seeing that someone seemed to have been killed in the bank, Tian Yangsheng and others were dragging several bodies together, Chen Jin immediately took out his pistol and wanted to rush forward.

Fortunately, Chen Guorong had quick eyesight and quick hands and dragged him back again.

"What are you doing? What's the difference between going out like this and dying?"

Even though he knew what Chen Guorong said was right, Chen Jin still looked sad and angry, "Just die! I absolutely can't watch them continue to get away with it."

"I deserve to die even more, but rushing out now and dying like this is totally worthless.

If you rush out now, you can catch them?If you died, would they be different or would they continue to get away with it? "

Chen Guorong's eyes also showed the flames of hatred.

He had already noticed that the backpack he was carrying when he returned to Tian Yangyi was almost exactly the same as what he had seen on the surveillance camera being carried by the robbers who robbed the Bank of Asia that night.

But he still held back, knowing that if it was really the same group of people who committed the crime again.

Now, with just the two of him, Chen Jin, and a small pistol, there is no difference between rushing forward and killing someone.

"Then what should we do? Just watch here and do nothing?"

Chen Jin actually knew in his heart that it would be difficult for the two of them to catch the robber now, but when he spoke, he still showed deep reluctance.

"Let's check the situation first! Although the phone here can't be called, I believe that if such a big thing happened, the police should receive the news soon.

Let's keep an eye on them first to see what's going on, so we can stand in front of them later. "

Although he was unwilling to do so, under Chen Guorong's persuasion, Chen Jin still suppressed his temper and squatted behind the stair railing with Chen Guorong, staring at the situation in the bank.

In the bank, Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi dragged all the four bodies of Guan Zu together.

At this time, the masks of Guan Zu and the other four people had been taken off. Except for Guan Zu, whose original appearance could still be seen, the heads of the other three people had been smashed.

The three brothers and sisters Tian Yangsheng also felt uncomfortable. Although the three of them had been active on the battlefield all year round, they had already formed a tacit understanding.

But bullets don't have eyes after all. Although the three of them are alive now, they are all stained to some extent.

Tian Yangsheng was fine, but his face was scratched by a bullet. Although half of his face was covered in blood, it was just a superficial wound.

Tian Yangyi was okay, but he was shot in the forearm of his left hand.However, he was physically strong, so he tore off a piece of cloth from his body and wrapped it up. Although it affected his combat effectiveness, there was no risk to his life.

It's just that Tian Yangen's situation is a bit dangerous. I don't know why, but Huo Po seems to have identified her.

At the last moment, a hail of bullets rained down on her.

Even though she was wearing a bulletproof vest, the continuous impact of bullets still caused her to vomit blood on the spot.

One of the bullets hit her shoulder directly, and the bullet even got stuck in her shoulder blade.

This made half of Tian Yangen's body a little weak, and he basically lost more than half of his combat effectiveness.

Under this situation, Tian Yangyi also asked with some worry:

"Should we continue? Arn's condition is very bad now. Once surrounded by the police, we will be in danger."

When Tian Yangen heard this, he immediately rushed to say:

"I'm fine. We've already reached this point. I'd rather not go into the vault to take a look."

Tian Yangsheng temporarily stopped the bleeding on Tian Yangen's shoulder, looked at her and Tian Yangyi, and then turned to look at the treasury supervisor and duty manager who were caught by them and were lying aside shivering.

Yiyi gritted his teeth and said: "Aen, stay here and shoot immediately if there is any situation. Ayi and I will go in and take a look."

After saying that, he and Tian Yangyi, one person at a time, dragged the two treasury supervisors, and walked into the passage leading to the vault.

Chen Guorong and Chen Jin, who had been staring at the bank, noticed that two of the three robbers had left at once.

The remaining one was not only a woman, she was also injured, and her heart suddenly began to stir again.

"Sir Chen, do you want to give it a try? There are still many hostages in the bank. No matter what the robbers do in the end, they are very dangerous.

I don't think it's as good as us...! "

Chen Guorong naturally saw the situation inside at this time, but his expression was a little tangled.

Maybe he still hasn't completely recovered from his last command failure.

Now that Chen Jin asked him to make a decision, he hesitated for a while.

"Don't hesitate any more. Think about the way these robbers did things before. Now the lives of these hostages are in danger at any time. We are the police."

Maybe Chen Jin's words really had an effect, or maybe Chen Guorong's heart didn't allow him to back down at this time.

He took another look at the situation inside the bank, gritted his teeth and said, "Although there is only one robber inside now, fighting head-on is still not a wise choice.

Once the robbers shoot, not to mention the safety of us and the hostages, the two robbers inside are also likely to be shocked by the gunfire. "

"What should we do?" Chen Jin also understood that what Chen Guorong said was the truth.

However, although he can be considered brave, after all, he has just joined the police force for two years, and he has no experience at all when facing this kind of situation.

But Chen Guorong slowly regained his composure at this time, his eyes gradually became firmer, he looked at Chen Jin solemnly and said:

“It’s definitely not possible to be tough head-on, we can only choose to be smart.

After a while, I will go out from the front to attract the opponent's attention, and you will attack from the side.

Remember to remove the weapon from the opponent's hand as soon as possible.

As long as there are no guns, it should be fine for two of us against one, and it's still an injured woman.

As long as she is captured, the hostages in the bank can be rescued.

And with weapons, we can also contain the two robbers who entered.

When the police force arrives, they will be unable to fly. "

After Chen Jin heard this, he reviewed it in his mind, nodded heavily and said:
"Okay, let's do it! But we have to change it.

It's up to me to attract the other person's attention. I happen to have something to say to them that will attract her attention even more. "

After saying that, without waiting for Chen Guorong to object, he put his gun into his hand, then stood up from behind the handrail of the stairs and slowly walked towards the bank door.

Chen Guorong had no time to stop him. Seeing that Chen Jin had already started to take action, he could only take on the task of surprise attack.

So he quietly looked around, found an angle that couldn't be seen from inside the bank, climbed over the stairs, climbed directly outside the fence towards the other side of the bank.

At this time, Tian Yangen's injuries were actually much more serious than they seemed.

Although the bleeding on the shoulder where he was shot had stopped, blood was slowly seeping out from under the body armor.

He was hit by a rifle at close range. How could a bulletproof vest be able to stop him?

Although the body armor blocked most of the bullets for her, even if the bullets passed through the body armor, they did not penetrate too deeply into her body.

But unable to withstand the huge and continuous impacts, her internal organs had long been severely impacted.

After Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi left, not only did she bleed from her body, but she also vomited blood in her mouth, and she never recovered.

This also led to the fact that it was not until Chen Jin was about to walk into the bank that she reacted belatedly, suppressed her physical discomfort, and reluctantly raised the gun to point at him. "Stop, others are busy running out and coming to die, but you are the first one, policeman?"

Chen Jin had already reached the door of the bank at this time. He didn't panic when the gun was pointed at him. Instead, he raised his hands calmly.

However, he did not answer Tian Yangen's question. Instead, he directly asked what he had hidden in his heart for a long time.

"When you did this, didn't you think about the consequences? Didn't you think that many innocent people would die under your guns? Can you sleep at night?"

Hearing Chen Jinyi's indignant rhetorical question, Tian Yangen was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"It sounds like you're here for revenge today? But I haven't seen you before? Why, did you have a relative die at our hands?"

Hearing Tian Yangen's provocative words, Chen Jin's anger could be said to have reached its extreme.

Fortunately, he saw out of the corner of his eye that Chen Guorong had quietly approached the bank from the other side.

So he turned his anger into grief and anger, and asked loudly:

"You were responsible for the previous robbery of the escort vehicle, right?"

"Yes, you are right, we did it.

What, you have a friend who works as a escort?It’s no wonder we are the thieves. We are naturally opposed to him. We should have been mentally prepared for him to eat this bowl of rice. "

What Tian Yangen said was quite reasonable, but Chen Jin, who was opposite him, suddenly had tears in his eyes.

"What about the pedestrians on the roadside? What about the customers in the shops on the roadside? Where is my wife? Do they deserve to die?"

When Tian Yangen heard this, he didn't know whether it was because of something he thought of or simply because he felt unwell. His whole body frowned and his body swayed slightly, but he said the most cruel words.

"Then blame them for their bad luck!"

With that said, he was ready to pull the trigger on Chen Jin.

Fortunately, Chen Guorong was already in place at this time. Before Tian Yangen's fingers could exert force, he rushed out and snatched the gun from the opponent's hand.

He grabbed the gun, then rolled forward. After getting up, he was already in a standard shooting posture, with the muzzle pointed at Tian Yangen.

"Police, hands up, you're under arrest."

Who knew that Chen Guorong had just finished speaking, and before he could make any other moves, Tian Yangen fell to the ground on his own.

This turn of events confused Chen Jin and Chen Guorong, who didn't understand what new tactics this was.

Fortunately, Tian Yangen didn't have a gun in his hand at this time, so the two of them weren't too worried, and instead slowly got closer.

After some investigation, Chen Jin frowned and said, "She really fainted. She was seriously injured."

But at this time, Chen Guorong was frowning and staring at the corpses beside Tian Yangen.

Although he didn't recognize the body, the broken masks were all too familiar to him.

After seeing the mask, and then looking at the body, the familiar feeling suddenly spread to the body as well.

Especially the guy with yellow hair, both in body shape and clothing, he was almost the same as the robber he singled out on the day he was ambushed.

He was a little confused. It was clear that the robbers were Tian Yangsheng and his group. This was already considered a real deal.

But why did the few dead people on the ground look more like the robbers he had come into contact with before?

"Sir Chen...Sir Chen!"

Seeing that Chen Guorong was still in a daze, Chen Jin quickly called him several times.

After seeing the other party come to his senses, he asked: "What should we do now?"

Chen Guorong turned around and looked. Except for the four corpses on the ground, all the other bank employees and customers were gathered in a corner of the hall. They were all lying on the ground, looking at him expectantly.

He immediately said: "Two people come here to help, carry this woman, everyone get out of here first."

After saying that, he turned to Chen Jin and said, "You take them away first, and I'll stay behind to hold back the robbers inside."

Although his idea was good, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a gunshot.

Perhaps it was because of their current position, squatting on the ground surrounding Tian Yangen.

Therefore, the shot just now did not hit them as the other side was in a defensive position.

On the contrary, it was the fastest-moving hostage. As soon as he stood up, a hole was opened in his thigh.

Now all the hostages were lying down again. Except for the injured one who was screaming heartbreakingly, no one else dared to move.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi slowly came out of the passage of the vault.

At this moment, the whole scene came to a standstill.

Tian Yangen was on Chen Guorong's side, while the treasury supervisor and duty manager acted as human shields in front of Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi. For a while, everyone just pointed guns at each other, and no one dared to move rashly.

"Put down your weapons or I'm going to start killing hostages."

After all, Tian Yangsheng and his gang were gangsters and had relatively large room for maneuver, so they simply started threatening them.

However, Chen Guorong was also experienced and did not follow Tian Yangsheng's rhythm. Instead, he pointed to Tian Yangen on the ground with a concerned look and said:
"You should surrender! She is too seriously injured. If she is not treated quickly, she will die."

Chen Jin also helped at this time: "I really don't know if you are in the same group. She was hit continuously by rifles at close range. We could see it so clearly outside, but you two left her outside alone.

It seems that gangsters are indeed inhumane. "

Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi were not shaken by Chen Jin's words. They just stared at the ground and Tian Yangen shouted.

Maybe their voices were loud enough, or maybe calling names was really helpful, but Tian Yangen, who had fainted on the ground, really woke up slowly at this time.

After looking around in confusion for a while, she realized that she was under control. She did not panic, but said with a wry smile:

"Ah Sheng, Ah Yi, I might not be able to survive.

You don't have to worry about me, just continue to implement our plan, and remember to take good care of Azhi! "

As he spoke, the blood in his mouth seemed to be free of charge, and a big bowl of blood would flow out of his mouth just by saying a word.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng was about to say something, but unexpectedly there were chaotic footsteps outside.

Soon, a large group of police officers appeared in sight.

"You can't escape, so surrender! Send her to the hospital now, maybe she can be saved!"

Regarding Chen Guorong's words, Tian Yangsheng was dismissive and sneered: "If they want to catch us, it's just them? Can they catch me?"

At this time, Chen Jin also said, "I believe it is possible, because I believe there is justice in this world."

The purpose of him and Chen Guorong now is very simple, which is to delay as much time as possible so that the police outside can calmly set up the encirclement.

But Tian Yangsheng then sneered and said: "I have so many hostages, you can't just catch them."

As he spoke, he and Tian Yangyi were seen slowly moving towards the corner where the hostages were concentrated.

"And does the justice you talk about really exist? Where is the justice when we have no food to eat?"

As Tian Yangsheng and Chen Jin were having a heated conversation, no one noticed that Tian Yangen's hand slowly took out a grenade from Guan Zu's body next to him, and decisively opened the safety cover, and then the whole The man rushed towards Chen Guorong and Chen Jin.

"Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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