When his subordinates gave Li Wenbin the information about the dead robbers, Li Wenbin knew that this time the matter was serious.

It has become so big that even the leader of O Ji cannot make a decision.

In other words, it is difficult for even the top brass of the police department to specify the identities of these people.

After all, one of the four people who died had a terrifying family background.

One person alone is already troublesome, and now four of them die at once. If not handled well, the entire Hong Kong Island will be seriously affected.

So this is no longer a simple bank robbery. How to deal with it is no longer something that one department of the police department can decide.

"Akai, have you shown this information to anyone else?"

Li Wenbin looked at the information and asked in a low voice.

Zhuo Kai, who had sent the information, also frowned and replied in a low voice:

"Sir Li, don't worry, as soon as I got the information, I issued a gag order."

Hearing this, Li Wenbin nodded, but his face did not look relaxed at all.

"You did a good job in this matter. In addition, you kept an eye on it for me and told the people under your command to block all news. Remember! It's all news.

Especially those hostages in the bank, in the name of recording confessions, they were temporarily controlled.

They must not be allowed to come into contact with anyone else, anyone.

In addition, contact the Public Relations Department and ask them to temporarily stabilize those media no matter how they edit it.

I think you should understand the current situation, and you must not let anything slip at this time. "

When Li Wenbin gave the order, his face looked extremely ugly.

After all, this kind of blockade is abnormal in itself. God knows how the media will report it, and the pressure on him can also be imagined.

And Zhuo Kai didn't look relaxed either. After complying with Li Wenbin's order, he showed a hesitant expression.

Seeing this, Li Wenbin frowned even deeper and asked impatiently:
"Is there anything else unclear?"

Zhuo Kai smiled bitterly and said: "Sir Li, the people below are okay, but how to deal with Sir Chen? He is still suspended. I'm afraid...!"

Li Wenbin sighed after hearing this.He understood what Zhuo Kai meant. Chen Guorong acted without authorization, although he was successful in preventing a bank robbery.

If this were normal, it would be a great achievement. Not to mention getting promoted, at least he could make up for it.

But this time the situation is special, and it is not necessarily a good thing to be so involved.

Not only did so many people with special identities die, but the key point was that one of the murderers escaped.

If the boss becomes evil-minded, he might even be arranged to take the blame, which would be a real disaster for Chen Guorong.

"You don't have to worry about this. He is my subordinate, so I will be responsible for it.

At the very least, I won't let him become a victim. "

After saying that, Li Wenbin may have felt that his tone was too harsh, so he reached out and patted Zhuo Kai on the shoulder, comforting:

"You're very good. You've been with me for so long and you've made some progress.

I'll leave the scene to you. I need to report to the director.

Mark my words, no one can reveal anything about this case without my order. "

"Yes Sir!"

Zhuo Kai also understood that the situation was critical and immediately saluted Li Wenbin as a guarantee to Li Wenbin.

Due to the unusual behavior of the police, the media did not obtain any details about the Hong Kong-owned bank robbery.

This also led to various speculations starting to appear on Hong Kong Island in just two days.

Some people say that this time the police lost troops again, so they did not announce it to the public.

Some people also say that the control was implemented in order to control the impact because the robbers went on a killing spree and bloodbathed the entire convention and exhibition center.

The most outrageous thing is that because too many people died, the convention and exhibition center was too resentful and was haunted by evil spirits, so the blockade was implemented.

Of course, Yang Tian, ​​who knew the truth of the matter, saw something different.

Under his deliberate attention, Hong Kong Island was actually very lively these days.

First of all, the chief superintendent of the North District, Superintendent Guan, Guan Zu's father, took the initiative to retire early due to illness and was already on vacation at home the next day.

And there is a high probability that he will never return to the police force.

Secondly, on the afternoon of the incident, the Hong Kong Governor visited the Security Bureau and held a very high-level closed-door meeting.

Attending the meeting were not only the Secretary of the Security Bureau, the Commissioner of the Police, but also several wealthy businessmen from Hong Kong Island.

This has led the outside world to believe that Hong Kong Island will make some big economic moves in the future.

After all, several top wealthy businessmen participating in the meeting cover various fields such as finance, real estate, retail and even people's livelihood.

Only Yang Tian knew that this meeting was probably to discuss how to characterize the victims of the Hong Kong bank robbery.

Mainly, Guan Zu and the others are too arrogant. As long as you look deeper, you can find out their previous black materials.

They are habitual criminals. In the last Asian bank robbery, many police officers even died and countless others were injured.

Their crimes can be said to have extremely bad consequences.

But because of this, the Hong Kong Island government now has to cover them with a fig leaf.

After all, the consequences of the death of a few wealthy businessmen's children are completely different from those of several wealthy businessmen's children being ruthless robbers.

When a child dies, at most, there will be some fluctuations in the stock prices of various companies in a short period of time.

These are still within controllable range.

But if it were revealed that they had robbed a bank or even shot at a police officer, no one could imagine the consequences.

But one thing is good this time. At least the people who killed them were another group of robbers, instead of being shot by the police.

This also reduced the pressure on the police by more than half.

At least the anger of those rich people will not be spread on the police department.

Not only should we not spread anger, but we should even thank the police in return.

You must know that if the things their children have done before are exposed, the consequences will be unbearable for them. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a disaster.

After all, your child has broken the law, and it is very serious, and the impact is extremely bad.

Now I will put a fig leaf over your family against your will, so that your family will not lose its reputation and become a street rat.

How much kindness is this?You can't express it?

So Yang Tian saw that after that meeting, several major companies quietly jointly invested and established a fund that day.

The "Police Officers Disability Assistance Fund" is dedicated to helping police officers and their families who have died in the line of duty, or been injured or disabled in the line of duty.

It can be regarded as atonement for their children.

Of course, all of this can only be seen by those who are interested. The latest police report still only says that the case is complicated and is under intense investigation.

However, there was no report from the police, but there was still one matter waiting to be resolved on Yang Tian's side.

Within two days, Lin Sen, who received the notice, took the dozens of dancers he carefully selected from Neon and embarked on a flight back to Hong Kong Island.

According to the agreement, Tian Yangsheng must also find a way to deal with Lin Sen as soon as possible and completely solve the last hidden danger for Zhou Su.The development of things was very different from what was expected. Lin Sen and his people came to the company smoothly.

The only thing that surprised Yang Tian was the people brought by Lin Sen. Their standards were surprisingly high.

After all, in Neon, the entire Kabukicho is his territory, and he has seen a lot of the ladies who work there.

But the batch Lin Sen brought back, at least in terms of appearance, surpassed the one in Kabukicho.

This made Yang Tian almost soften his heart. After all, he had never discovered that Lin Sen had such ability before.

According to the news from Datianer, many people were actually reluctant to come over at first, or had no intention of doing this business at all.

It was only after Lin Sen arrived that he persuaded them one by one.

You must know that Lin Sen does not know neon language. This ability to persuade others to change their minds through translation is indeed an eye-opener for Yang Tian.

However, the matter had been decided. After Yang Tian took over these neon ladies, he still followed the plan and let Lin Sen rest for two days.

At this time, Lin Sen was completely unaware that the danger was approaching him step by step.

After leaving Yang Tian's office, he first had a sumptuous dinner in the restaurant, and even happily opened a bottle of red wine for himself.

After all, this trip to Neon allowed him to truly see Yang Tian's strength.

I feel that even if I don’t use the dirty money, I will be able to live a comfortable life in the future.

The key is that Neon has allowed him to see a life that he couldn't even imagine when he was a policeman.

Now he is full of expectations for his future life.

But this good mood did not last long.

When he got home, he noticed something strange while standing at the door.

Maybe it’s the professional habits of being a police officer, or the experience accumulated from being debt collectors before.

Every time he leaves home, he will quietly make a few special marks on the door.

In the keyhole, he would stuff a piece of hair, just as long as the keyhole.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find this hair. If someone touches the keyhole, the hair will appear abnormal.

And on the side of the door, he would also habitually clip a piece of hair when closing the door.Once the door is opened, the hair will fall out.

But now when he walked to the door, he found that the hair in the keyhole was still there, almost the same as when he left.

But the hair caught on the door simply disappeared.

This made him suddenly become more cautious.

If he were just an ordinary little thief, he wouldn't be so nervous.

After all, no matter what, he was once a fierce general in the police force. To deal with a few thieves, it would be better to capture him with ease.

But this situation forced him to be careful.

You must know that if there is no hair on the door, it means that someone has opened his door.

But the hair in the keyhole was still there, which meant that the person who opened the door discovered his mark.

After opening the door, in order not to arouse his suspicion, she even thoughtfully tucked her hair back.

This shows that the person who opened the door is not an ordinary person.

At least as a normal person, who would notice a hair stuck in the keyhole?If you don't have good eyesight, you may not be able to spot it even if you get close.

However, although Lin Sen discovered something unusual, he did not choose to call the police.

Instead, he quietly found a steel pipe not far from the next door that had been hidden there for a long time.

Then he hid the steel pipe behind his back, took out the key, and opened the door pretending to be natural.

After walking into the door, he did not choose to turn on the light immediately, but rushed in suddenly.

When he thought about it, if someone was ambushing him, they would most likely be hiding behind the door.

Don't be too familiar with his own home. Even with the light from the window, he can calmly deal with intruders.

What surprised him was that when he rushed into the room and even did a tactical forward roll on the ground, nothing unusual happened after he got up.

The door behind the door was also empty, and there were no gangsters hiding there at all.

"Did I drink too much? Or has that person left?"

Using the light outside the window, Lin Sen glanced around and confirmed that there was no one else in the room except himself, which made him quietly sigh in relief.

So I simply stepped forward and closed the door, then turned on the light in the room, wanting to take a closer look to see if there was anything missing in the room.

But just as the front door was closed, there was another knock on the back door.

This made him feel relieved again.

When he was just holding the steel pipe and preparing to step forward to check, he didn't expect a familiar voice to come from outside the door.

"Ah Sen! It's me, Chen Guorong. I know you're back. Open the door! I have something I want to talk to you about."

To be honest, Lin Sen was a little surprised by Chen Guorong's sudden arrival.

You must know that there were many reasons why he quit his job as a police officer, because he didn't want to see each other again.

After all, Chen Guorong led the team, and the subsequent sacrifices of the entire team had a great relationship with the information he provided to Guan Zu and the others.

But now that Chen Guorong has come to the door, it would be inappropriate not to open the door. He can only put the steel pipe on the table casually and open the door.

"So late? What do you want from me?"

Looking at Chen Guorong outside the door and a guy with a chef's face, Lin Sen stood directly at the door and asked, as if he had no intention of letting Chen Guorong enter the house.

And now, although Chen Guorong is not as haggard as before, the sadness between his brows is a bit thicker than before.

As for Lin Sen's attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away, Chen Guorong didn't seem to care too much. Instead, he stared at Lin Sen with a serious face and asked slowly:

"I just want to ask you, do you have any clues about the last Asian bank robber?"

"Everything I know has been reported. If you want to know anything, just check the files. There is no need to come to me!

I just came back from a business trip and I’m very tired!I won’t greet you anymore. "

After saying that, Lin Sen wanted to close the door, but Chen Jin, who was beside Chen Guorong, stopped him with his hand and said with a mocking look:

"We were all considered colleagues once, so you don't have to be so anxious to drive us away, right? Or is it that you actually have something in your mind?"

Lin Sen was a little uneasy now, and immediately pretended to be angry and asked:

"Although I am no longer a police officer, I was once a police officer.

So officer, put it away!If you slander others out of thin air, I can file a complaint against you.

You want to talk to me, okay!Do you want me to go to the police station with you and talk for 48 hours? "

Facing Lin Sen's anger, Chen Jin looked sarcastic. He was about to speak, but was overtaken by Chen Guorong.

"Asen, we went to the police academy together. You are no longer a police officer, but I still regard you as my friend. That's why I came to see you today. Do you think I can't even be a friend now?"

(End of this chapter)

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