(Change first, then change) As Yang Tian’s words fell, the entire conference room was silent for a while, and then everyone began to whisper and discuss in low voices.

This was expected by everyone, so everyone already had the answer in their mind.

The discussion now is nothing more than getting others to accept your point of view.

Han Bin also leaned towards Yang Tian slightly and asked in a low voice:

"What do you think? Do you want to fight or just sit on the sidelines?"

Although Han Bin's voice was not loud, it was still heard by the prince next to him.

Perhaps he was afraid that Yang Tian would make some decision against Dongxing and hurt Dao Shuiling.

So without waiting for Yang Tian to speak, he immediately persuaded in a low voice:
"Is Dongxing trying to take action against us now? If we take action without warning, it will be unknown and it will be easy for others to take advantage of us.

So I think we might as well wait and see what happens.

Dongxing is the best place to expand. After all, the vitality was severely damaged before and the foundation was unstable.

If you want to compete with our Hong Xing, you still have little chance. "

Hearing that the prince was so eager to stand up for Dongxing, Yang Tian looked at him with some sympathy in his eyes.

This look made the prince couldn't help but be excited. He lowered his head and looked around himself, and then asked with a puzzled look:

"What's wrong? Why are your eyes so strange?

Still think what I said is wrong? "

Yang Tian nodded and said slowly: "There is no problem, and I personally don't recommend taking action."

Hearing this, Han Bin was also a little curious: "Then we are just going to watch like this? You know Yidongxing's urinary nature. When he gets bigger, he will definitely be unable to resist and attack us.

If we strike first now, while Dongxing has not yet risen, the losses will actually be within an acceptable range.

If we really wait until Dongxing is ready, it will be hard to say whether the war will start by then.

Even if we win by then, the entire club will be hurt. "

Han Bin's statement is basically consistent with Yang Tian's previous thoughts.

Strike first and then nip the threat in the cradle.

Even though Dongxing seems to be making a big fuss now, if Hongxing really makes up his mind to do something about it, even if there is support behind Dongxing, it will be difficult for him to survive for a week.

Recognized as the number one on Hong Kong Island, the name Hong Hing is not just talk.

But because Shui Ling's proposal was in his mind, Yang Tian was not in a hurry to take action against Dongxing now.

Although he knew very well that this was just Shui Ling's delaying strategy.

However, the bait they gave him was so fragrant that even though he knew he was playing with fire, he still couldn't help but want to try it.

After all, if everything goes according to his expectations, not only the entire Hongxing will be under his control.

Even Hongxing's internal conflicts will be effectively resolved.

Once those discordant voices disappear, he is confident that he will lead Hongxing to undergo a complete transformation.

Not to mention becoming bigger and stronger and creating greater glory, at least Hongxing will not become a potential hazard to Hong Kong society.

So seeing the two completely different attitudes of Han Bin and the prince, he did not rush to express his position. Instead, he knocked on the table again, looked at Tan Huanxi with a smile and said:

"How about it, Brother Huanxi! You are our veteran think tank in Hongxing. You can't remain silent about this matter!"

Tan Huanxi showed his signature smile, looked around, and then said:

"Dongxing, this society, has been on the verge of extinction several times in history, but they survived every time.

And once they get through it, they will always have a big explosion. "

Hearing this, Brother Ji asked with a surprised look on his face: "Brother Huanxi, do you mean that this time Dongxing will be as unstoppable as before?"

Tan Huanxi nodded towards Brother Ji and said:
“Although Dongxing has the possibility of making a comeback every time, the specific issues need to be analyzed in detail.

This era is different from the past.

After all, Hongxing has never been as prosperous as it is now on Hong Kong Island!

In the past, Dongxing's ability to make a comeback relied primarily on their own perseverance.

Come on second!In the past, everyone in Hong Kong Island had about the same strength, so even if Dongxing declined, the gap with other societies was not actually very big, so they had this opportunity.

But things are different now. Looking at the entire Hong Kong Island, who else can give Hongxing a try?
It is impossible for other societies, and it is even less possible for Dongxing. "

Listening to Tan Huanxi talking a lot, Yang Tian secretly cursed the old fox in his heart.

Don't look at what he said is very exciting, and he even learned experience from history.

But there are so many words, but there is not even a single word of practical information.

He talked so much, and the topic went so far, but he never took a positive stance, just like a professional paddler.

The reason why Yang Tian was the first to ask Tan Huanxi was because he wanted to see what the attitudes of these old guys in the club were.

I didn't expect to get such an ambiguous result.

Of course, Yang Tian would not let him get away with it like this. He immediately nodded and said with a look of deep understanding:
"Brother Huanxi is right. Since Dongxing is so resilient, it will rebound with such force.

Just in case, we should strike hard to nip Dongxing's comeback in the cradle.

Brother Huanxi, that’s what you mean, right? "

After saying that, Yang Tianding looked at Tan Huanxi and saw that Tan Huanxi's smile froze directly on his face, and there was still a little panic in his eyes.

Perhaps he never dreamed that Yang Tian, ​​who had always behaved calmly, would actually engage in such rogue tactics with him at a club meeting, and for a moment he didn't know how to explain.

Although Yang Tian was facing Tan Huanxi, his eyes secretly glanced at several old-school talkers.

At this sight, he suddenly became happy.Even a few old-school talkers are actually divided into two factions.

Brother Ji and Pretty Mom obviously didn't want to fight. After hearing Yang Tian's words, they both looked anxious and hesitated to speak.

The two of them seemed to have never been very interested in fighting and killing.

Yang Tian guessed that it was because of Brother Ji's own strength. After all, he only had a tough mouth throughout his body.

If you really take action, your true colors will be revealed!
As for the pretty mother, she seems to be more inclined to make money for retirement in recent years, and she is not a person who relies on fists to get to the top.

Among the old-school talkers, the remaining three small eyes, Dayu and Ma Wangjian looked eager to try.

I don’t blame them for being belligerent. In fact, when Dongxing fell last time, everyone got a lot of good things out of Dongxing’s hands.

After eating the marrow and knowing the taste, I also thought about making another fortune this time.

Anyway, although Dongxing's current momentum is strong after all, it is far worse than when it was most glorious.

And if it was the decision of the entire Hongxing, and all twelve halls took action together, in fact, the losses for everyone would not necessarily be huge.

So when Yang Tian saw the five old-school talkers, they actually divided into two groups.

Although Tan Huanxi's expression didn't change much, his heart was filled with joy.

He was a little scared before. After these old guys fell in love with Tan Huanxi, they might have a great impact on him if they stayed together.

But now that he saw this scene, Yang Tian felt a little more relieved.

After all, Yang Tian is also familiar with these old-school talkers. The last time he tried to get them to cooperate with the transformation, Yang Tian suffered a lot and paid a heavy price.He was still wondering what kind of magic soup Tan Huanxi had given them to get them together so quickly.

Now it seems that Tan Huanxi has not completely knitted these five halls together.

At this time, Tan Huanxi finally came to his senses and burst out laughing.

"A Tian, ​​you are really good at joking, how could I mean this!"

"Oh? Then I don't know what Brother Huanxi means?
After all, you represent Mr. Jiang and our white paper fan in Hongxing.

It's better to explain such a big matter clearly.

Otherwise, the brothers below will misunderstand, and unnecessary troubles will easily arise. "

Hearing Yang Tian's aggressive words, Tan Huanxi understood that if he didn't express his position today, he would not be able to pass this level.

He immediately shook his head and said: "I don't think it is advisable to start a war with Dongxing. At least the time has not come yet."

"That's what I'm saying! Why do you think about killing all day long? It's bigger than killing me!"

When the prince heard what Tan Huanxi said, he immediately smiled and agreed.

Han Bin frowned and asked:
"So Brother Huanxi, when do you think is a good time?"

Han Bin was very smart. He didn't ask why, but directly grasped the key points of Tan Huanxi's words.

At this time, Tan Huanxi seemed to have returned to his usual level, and still said with a smile:

“There is a reason why I say the time has not come yet.

Although Dongxing is making a big splash now, after all, it has done no harm to our Hong Xingqiu.

If we take action, we will not be able to justify it morally.

Don't look at it, it seems that the whole world is watching us now.

But everyone knows in their hearts that they just want us and Dongxing to suffer losses.

Even if we take action, they may not remember our kindness.

If something happens and they come back to bite us, I won't be surprised at all. "

Hearing this, the Daewoo trio, who had looked eager to try before, suddenly gave up.

Tan Huanxi continued: "And even if we take action, judging from the current situation, killing Dongxing will not do us any good.

After all, Dongxing still followed the old path and obtained the territory. The most important thing was to collect protection fees.

You must know that the reason why our Hongxing can stay far behind other associations is because our transformation has basically been completed.

Without so many black industries, we can now be said to be firmly on the Diaoyutai.

No matter how Hong Kong Island changes in the future, as good law-abiding citizens, we do not need to worry about survival.

Everyone here doesn’t want to go back to the old business of showing off to others and collecting protection fees, right?
Therefore, the benefits we get from attacking Dongxing are far less than we imagined. "

Having said this, Tan Huanxi simply picked up the tea cup and took a sip to moisten his throat.

Although Han Bin also felt that Tan Huanxi's words had some truth, he still asked unwillingly:

“Are we really doing nothing and just watching Dongxing grow bigger?

You must know that there has been a lot of grievances and resentments between our two families.

We don't care about him. I'm afraid that once Dongxing becomes big, he will eventually attack us.

When the time comes for Hongxing, we will have no way out. "

Hearing Han Bin's words, everyone in the conference room slowly became serious.

Even the prince had to admit that the situation Han Bin mentioned was possible in the future, and the possibility was not low.

However, Tan Huanxi still maintained his signature smile and said sincerely:

“This is the timing issue I just mentioned.

Regarding Dongxing, we cannot suppress it blindly and thanklessly.

However, we cannot allow Dongxing to expand wantonly and brutally and watch it become our opponent.

We must grasp the degree here. "

Yang Tian did not expect that Tan Huanxi was indeed a person Jiang Tianyang valued, and he did have two skills.

This argument is reasonable and well-founded. It not only considers the problem from the perspective of the society, but also takes into account the concerns and feelings of the people below.

The prince became a little nervous when he heard this. After all, he didn't want his beloved woman Shui Ling to get hurt at all.

"So, how to control this speed? When should we intervene?"

Tan Huanxi may not have thought about this question well, and he doesn't know how to answer it.

Looking at everyone in the conference room who were frowning and thinking, Yang Tian knew it was time for him to appear.

So he knocked on the table again, drawing attention to himself.

Then he said slowly: "Brother Huanxi is right, and he agrees with me.

This matter is not about one person, but about the interests of the entire society, so we should be cautious.

After listening to what Brother Huanxi just said, I deeply agree.

The problem now is, in the final analysis, just a problem.

That is, Dongxing is about to rise, and how should we, Hongxing, deal with it.

Regarding this, I have a few different opinions. You might as well listen and give me some opinions.

I think that since Dongxing can rise rapidly, why do we, Hongxing, have to stay still?
While Dongxing is expanding, Hongxing's strength can also be improved.

As long as the absolute suppression of Dongxing is maintained, I think it is unlikely that Dongxing will point the finger at us! "

Upon hearing Yang Tian's words, everyone's eyes lit up at first, but then dimmed again.

Brother Ji even bluntly said: "A Tian, ​​your idea is good, but what should you do?

If you want to quickly improve your strength, it's easier said than done!

We can't do what Dongxing did and go around provoking wars, right? "

And Yang Tian did smile mysteriously: "Who said that the only way to improve your strength is to actively annex others?
It's also possible that someone else took the initiative to come and seek refuge with us!

After all, compared to Dongxing's brutal expansion, our Hongxing is well-known throughout the world of Hong Kong Island. "

What Yang Tian said sounded nice, but this time even Han Bin didn't quite agree with his idea.

"A Tian, ​​is this too taken for granted?"

But Yang Tian still had a smile on his face: "Hasn't Hong Yi declared all-out war on Dongxing now?

Since no one has any good ideas, we might as well wait and see what the outcome will be when Hongyi and Dongxing go to war this time, and it's not too late to make a decision. "

(End of this chapter)

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