Tung Hing's failure in Tsuen Wan did not stop their expansion.

Perhaps it was because Dafeng and his three brothers all died in Tsuen Wan, so the people and territory the three of them brought to Dongxing were digested faster and more thoroughly by Dongxing.

What followed was Dongxing's more radical expansion.

Although they lost the battle with Yang Tian, ​​other small clubs did not have Yang Tian's ability.

Faced with Dongxing's heavy troops pressing in, the choices available were actually very limited.

But even if the choices are limited, Hong Yi has already set an example for everyone.

For those small societies, at least there is a last resort, which is to join Hongxing.

This also caused Dongxing to change its strategy. While pursuing and fighting fiercely, it also began to adopt a soft policy.

Hit a stick and give a candied date.

You are going to be annexed in the end anyway. Instead of taking advantage of Hongxing in vain, why not come to Dongxing and beat others together!

It cannot be said that Dongxing's strategy is very clever, but in the face of interests, it is still somewhat effective.

Of course, many people who come out to hang out are the kind of people who are single-minded and face is more important than anything else.

In their eyes, you Dongxing are going to destroy me, and I will bite you even if I die.

So the real result is that while Dongxing is expanding rapidly, many small gangs and small societies that are unwilling to surrender to them have joined Hongxing's camp.

Of course, Yang Tian looked down upon those small workshops-like societies.

Not only Yang Tian, ​​but also Han Bin and the others would not attach too much importance to them.

After all, swallowing up those small gangs will not bring much benefit, but the troubles will be endless.

Therefore, for those who are interested in joining Hongxing, their interest is not very great.

But they were not interested, which made Brother Ji and the other old-school talkers extremely happy.

Their thinking is relatively old-fashioned, and they are quite enthusiastic about this kind of thing. It can be said that they will not reject anyone who comes.

No matter how much benefit these people can bring them, in short, this kind of thing itself has made them feel that Beier has face and has hurt their performance points.

Therefore, regardless of whether Hongxing takes the initiative to expand externally, the actual result is that while Dongxing expands, Hongxing's size is also passively increasing.

In this process, the friction between Hongxing and Dongxing inevitably reoccurred.

However, compared with the last conflict in Tsuen Wan, these frictions are much lower in scale and intensity.

In addition, within Hongxing, as Yang Tian guessed, everyone could not reach an agreement on the election of the leading seat.

The first is Han Bin. He did not come out to choose, which also saved Yang Tian a lot of trouble.

Secondly, Tan Huanxi did not run for the election, which was somewhat beyond Yang Tian's expectation.

Then there was the prince, who really stood up this time and wanted to compete with Yang Tian for the leading position in Hongxing.

This was within Yang Tian's expectation. How could Shui Ling give up such a good opportunity.

Unfortunately, the results of the first vote were somewhat unsatisfactory.

Although Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur chose to support Yang Tian because of the prince's recent performance.

But Tan Huanxi, the old fox, took Brother Ji and four other old-school talkers to the side of the prince.

So much so that the first vote resulted in a tie, which immediately plunged Hongxing's sitting election into a strange balance.

The day Hongxing didn't choose a speaker, the day it would be impossible to fully integrate them.

In this way, it will be even more impossible to curb Dongxing's expansion.

Therefore, it is becoming more and more difficult to completely win the leading position in the competition with the prince.

If you stand from Shui Ling's point of view, you will either completely push the prince to the top.

In this way, with her methods, the entire Hongxing might be under her control.

However, doing so is not without risks. After all, it means everything is based on the prince's infatuation with her.

In Yang Tian's view, it was impossible for Shuiling to be so cautious as to be so desperate.

Therefore, the best choice is to let Hongxing's election continue endlessly.

At least until Dongxing can compete with Hongxing, Hongxing will always be in a state without a leader to coordinate everything.

In this case, in the end, no matter Yang Tian or the prince, no matter who is chosen to sit in the palace, it will be difficult for Dongxing to pose a threat.

And once Dongxing rises, Hongxing will not have the final result by then.

Then the situation will be completely reversed, and by then Hongxing's various factions, including Yang Tian, ​​will not be Dongxing's opponents.

Yang Tian, ​​who understood all this, suddenly felt an unprecedented pain in his head.

In the first place, this kind of problem caused by raising tigers should not happen to him.

But I couldn't stand that this tiger had a back-up, and if I wanted to move it, I couldn't do it openly.

We must stand on the absolutely moral side just like we did in Tsuen Wan before.

But with Shuiling's IQ, after suffering a loss once, it would be so easy to fall into the pit dug by Yang Tian again.

In short, no matter which angle you look at now, Yang Tian is full of passivity and constraints.

Hongxing obviously has absolute strength, but its hands and feet are tied by various factors, and it can only watch Dongxing grow bigger.

Therefore, in order to break this situation as soon as possible, Yang Tian wanted to break the situation as soon as possible. The only way was to win the Hongxing leading seat as soon as possible.

And if you want to win this position, it now seems that the old guy Tan Huanxi is crucial.

Of course it would be best if you could pull him into your own camp. Even if it didn't work, you could stay neutral. You must not let him continue to fall to the prince's side.

As long as the prince lacks the support of old guys like Tan Huanxi and others, the prince will be unable to survive alone, and the result of the election will naturally be clear.

But this is not easy. Not to mention that Tan Huanxi is an old fox himself. Although Jiang Tianyang is not behind him to support him, Yang Tian cannot guess what he is thinking.

Secondly, his current attitude towards the prince is very elusive in itself.

If it's just his own idea and he wants to improve his worth, that's fine. At worst, it can give him some benefits.

If Shui Ling's handiwork is mixed in, then this will be a bit difficult to handle.

Yang Tian believed that if this was Shui Ling's work, it would be many times more difficult to get Tan Huanxi to change his attitude.

So as a last resort, Yang Tian had to conduct a test first and approached Tan Huanxi alone.

I have to say that Tan Huanxi's Japanese food shop is still doing very well.

When Yang Tian arrived, he even cooked himself to make the most authentic turtle sashimi for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian wanted to tell him that he was actually not used to that stuff.

The improved Chinese sashimi was okay, but the more authentic it was, especially this unique thing, he really couldn't accept it.

So when Tan Huanxi came over with two shocking-looking sashimi, Yang Tian didn't give him a chance to say "Try it quickly", but took the lead and said:

"Brother Huanxi, you are an old man.

I came to see you today. I just want to ask you for help with a few things. I hope you can be so generous in giving me your advice! "

Seeing that Yang Tian was speaking so seriously, Tan Huanxi simply sat down opposite him after putting down the sashimi, and said with a smile:

"You said that as long as I can help, I will never refuse." As he said that, he also pushed Yang Tian's share in front of him.

Looking at the turtle, Yang Tian swallowed hard, fearing that Tan Huanxi would let him eat it, so he quickly proposed a grand proposition.

"Brother Huanxi, what do you think of the current situation in Hong Kong Island?

What do you think the future of our Hongxing will be like as a new era is approaching?

We are in the midst of this era, what should we do? "

Tan Huanxi might have expected that Yang Tian would come to see him, but he probably didn't expect that Yang Tian would ask him such questions as soon as he came up.

I was a little confused for a while, and after a while, that signature smile returned to my face.

"Hahahaha, I have to say, you can't stop asking me these questions.

It’s not just me, probably [-]% of us who come out to hang out have never thought about these issues at all.

Maybe as the times change, everyone will feel confused.

But you should be the first to summarize these confusions into problems. "

After saying this, Tan Huanxi picked up a piece of turtle meat from the plate in front of him, dipped it in some soy sauce and put it in his mouth.

Then he chewed it happily, and even showed an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Seeing this scene, Yang Tian's heart was pounding. He glanced at the plate in front of him, quickly picked up the wine bottle, filled it for both of them, then picked up the wine glass and refused to put it down, and slowly began to taste it.

Tan Huanxi, who had eaten a piece of meat, also picked up his wine glass and toasted Yang Tian. After drinking it in one gulp, he continued:

"Didn't you already give answers to these questions?

Since you became the speaker, haven't you been promoting the transformation of the society?

One thing to say, I didn’t quite understand your concept of transformation at first.

It wasn't until Mr. Jiang and I chatted that I realized that your eyes could actually see so far away.

So for these questions, you don’t need to ask me, just do it yourself.

After all, Mr. Jiang’s initial inspiration for promoting the reform of the entire society came from you. Do you understand what I said? "

To be honest, if he had heard Tan Huanxi's words before, Yang Tian would definitely have felt a little carried away.

But now I don’t feel much, but I continue to say meaningfully:

"So, Brother Huanxi, do you also think that the series of transformations I made before were all right?"

Tan Huanxi was a little confused about Yang Tian's tactics for a while, so he had to continue eating a piece of meat tactically, and then nodded.

"It is indeed correct. Although I have never seen it with my own eyes, I heard Mr. Jiang talk about it.

In the north, young and Dangerous boys are not allowed to exist.

Although our place has not changed in 50 years, who can say clearly about this kind of thing!
If you plan ahead, even if it's a bit radical, I think there's nothing wrong with it. "

Hearing Tan Huanxi's words, Yang Tian deliberately pretended to be distressed and asked:

"Since Brother Huanxi knows that I do all this for the club and for everyone's sake, then why don't you choose me to be your host?"

After hearing this, Tan Huanxi raised his head and glanced at Yang Tian, ​​as if he didn't want to take a stand on this issue.

But now that Yang Tian has used words to make a fight, he is also afraid that if he doesn't say that he is ugly, Yang Tian will use the topic as an excuse.

After all, Yang Tian is the strongest in Hong Xing now, whether openly or secretly.

Once he was caught and had a head-on conflict, Tan Huanxi knew very well that he could not be Yang Tian's opponent.

So he pondered for a while, and he almost finished all the turtles on the plate, and then he sighed and said:
"I know you did all this for the club, and we all see it."

Yang Tian was a little surprised when he heard this, "Then you don't choose me? It's not that the prince is not good, and compared to the prince, I seem to be more suitable for the seat in the restaurant."

At this time, Tan Huanxi seemed to have straightened out his thoughts. He picked up the wine glass and took a sip before saying:

“Since the opening of Hong Kong Island, there have been many associations.

Many societies were once prosperous, but in the end they became the dust of history. Although there were factors from the external environment.

But more importantly, they have internal problems.

If a society wants to develop for a long time, it must be balanced. One person cannot be dominant within the society.

Otherwise, once the leader loses anyone who can restrain him, it will be a very dangerous thing for a society.

If this is the case, then choosing a restaurant becomes a gamble.

If the bet is won, everyone will naturally be happy, and the entire club will grow and develop.

But if the bet fails, the entire club may be dragged into the abyss.

This situation has occurred countless times in history.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, the best way is not to gamble and win by not gambling.

Even if the newly selected person is not the most suitable candidate, at least the entire society will not be buried with him.

So this time, even though I knew that you were more suitable to be a seater than the prince, I still chose the prince.

Do you get me! "

After hearing this, Yang Tian didn't argue any more.

After all, Tan Huanxi's words sounded nice, but in fact they were just telling lies with his eyes open.

I have completely abandoned the facts and just talked about philosophy.

So even if Yang Tian moved out, two generations of the Jiang family had a total of three sittings. It is estimated that Tan Huanxi would have already thought of a sophistry excuse.

Moreover, when Yang Tian came to see Tan Huanxi today, he didn't really expect to persuade him to turn around and support him.

I just came here to test Tan Huanxi's true intentions.

So far, the results have been pretty good.

At least Tan Huanxi was right when he said that choosing a restaurant requires balance.

It's just that this balance has nothing to do with the development of the club. It's just that he, Tan Huanxi, needs balance in the club.

Because only in this way will he become important. From an old man with a shallow foundation, he will become a target that two groups of people in the society are competing to win over, and become very important.

Realizing this, Yang Tian didn't worry too much about anything. At least Tan Huanxi didn't choose the prince because of Shuiling.

After clarifying this point, the purpose of today's visit has basically been achieved.

So he smiled and nodded to Tan Huanxi, stood up and said goodbye:

"I understand. If you're disturbing me today, I'll leave first!"

Tan Huanxi also seemed to know that it was difficult to deceive Yang Tian with his own rhetoric.

But he doesn't care about this. After all, everyone is thinking about themselves, and their respective positions are different. If you want to be a seat, everything still depends on your own methods.

So when he saw Yang Tian getting up, he just showed his signature smile and pretended to be sorry.

"This sashimi is very good, you really don't want to eat some?"

(End of this chapter)

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