When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 328 Brother Chapter 359 Accidents happen one after another

When Yang Tian saw the prince, he was in the police custody room.

At this time, the prince looked a little haggard, and he didn't know whether it was because he had taken medicine before or because he was too depressed.

And when he saw Yang Tian's arrival, he lowered his head directly, and his whole body smelled of shamelessness.

After the police left, Yang Tian sat down opposite the prince and asked helplessly:

"Tell me, what's going on? I don't believe you are a drug addict."

When the prince heard this, he looked embarrassed.

After a while, he sighed deeply and said:

"It's Shui Ling. I was already very careful, but I didn't expect to fall into her trap.

She said that because of the unsatisfactory results in this competition, she wanted to talk to someone. "

"Then you went? Even your little brother couldn't find you."

Facing Yang Tian's questioning, the prince became even more embarrassed.

"The place where she made an appointment didn't look like she was going to ambush me, but even if she really wanted to ambush me, I wouldn't be afraid.

So I didn’t bring anyone with me. "

"It sounds like you are very confident! What happened next? What happened next?"

Having said this, the prince suddenly became frustrated again.

“Later, we were drinking and talking, and before we knew it, we drank too much.

Then we...we...seemed to go to a hotel, and then the alcohol got the best of us and I fell asleep.

When he woke up, he had already been pressed down by the police! "

Yang Tian felt that there should be some details that the prince had overlooked.

But he didn't delve into it. Anyway, as long as he understood that it was all Shui Ling's fault, that was enough.

So he didn't ask any more questions, but said directly and seriously:

"It's fair to say that Shui Ling didn't have murderous intentions. Otherwise, you wouldn't have been simply pressed on the head by the police."

"How could it be? In this situation, if she kills me, then Dongxing will definitely become a public enemy of the entire Hong Kong island. She is not that stupid!"

At this time, the prince seemed to still have illusions about Shui Ling and couldn't help but defend her.

However, Yang Tian looked at him with a half-smile and said jokingly:

"You also said that the current situation is a special one. If the situation was not so special, would you be dead?

Even if she doesn't kill you, she just leaves a little extra flour for you at the scene, which is enough for you to squat in for a long time. "

Hearing Yang Tian's words, the prince wanted to say something, but when the words came to his lips, he finally sighed and asked instead:

"What do the police say now? When can I go out?"

“Your current situation is complicated and you tested positive, so there is no way to bail you out.

However, since the amount of flour found on site is relatively small, there is a high probability that you will not need to go in and squat, but detention will be necessary.

Madhu, Shui Ling's move was really insidious, and it just made it impossible for you to participate in the next game.

For Dongxing's sake, it was really difficult for her to come up with this trick! "

The matter involved the interests of the society, and the prince was a little upset at this time.

"It's all my fault for trusting her too easily!

So how are you going to arrange the next game? "

Without the prince, it can be said that Hongxing's side in the top 16 has lost someone who has been able to advance steadily. This impact is not insignificant.

However, Yang Tian still said seriously: "You don't have to worry about this, no matter what, in the end, we, Hongxing, must have the final say.

On the other hand, if you test positive, is it really okay?

Although I believe you, I think you also know the dangers of this thing.

You must take advantage of this period of detention to adjust yourself, understand? "

The prince also became serious at this time. He drank too much last night, and even he couldn't remember clearly what he had done.

As for flour, he was actually afraid of it.

After being around for so many years, he has seen too many people become less human and ghosts because of this thing.

He didn't want to fall to that point one day and become one of those people.

After saying goodbye to the prince, Yang Tian just came out of the police station. He originally wanted to go back and think about how to deal with the next game.

After all, without a prince, Hongxing is missing a person who is sure to enter the quarterfinals. The focus of the subsequent competitions may have to be adjusted.

Of course, the most important thing is that the schedule of the top 16 matches is based on the results of the top 32 matches.

According to Yang Tian's plan, when the prince was in the top sixteen, his opponent happened to be Han Bin.

But Han Bin overturned, and now the prince is in trouble again, which is equivalent to sending Dongxing Dadong into the quarterfinals.

Between one increase and one decrease, Dongxing has gained one more place in the top eight.

Together with Shui Ling and Shaman, who had no intention of facing each other head-on before, Dongxing can be said to have obtained three tickets to the quarterfinals.

Three of the eight places have already been occupied by Dongxing. If Hongxing continues to dominate Dongxing in terms of power in the entire Hong Kong arena, then there must be no mistakes in any other competition.

We must ensure that Hongxing takes the remaining five spots.

Fortunately, Dongxing only has two people left in the top 16 at this time.

One of them was Wu Kui who was seriously injured by Ekin, which can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

"This guy Greyhound is really lucky!"

Yang Tian thought that Greyhound's next opponent would be Wukui, and his originally gloomy mood because of the prince's accident became much better.

In the next games, the most critical ones are only two.

Among them, Mediterranean plays against Hengmei, which is related to whether Dongxing can occupy the fourth seat in the next quarterfinals.

But thinking about it, with the strength of the Mediterranean, it shouldn't be a big problem to win Hengmei.

The last key match was between Dafei and Dongguan Zai, who won the tie.

This is related to whether Hongxing can obtain more than half of the seats in the quarterfinals.

After all, if Dongguan Zai enters the quarterfinals, there will be three people from Dongxing, four people from Hongxing, and one person from Liansheng.

In this situation, although Hongxing still occupies the majority of seats, this advantage is very weak.

If Liansheng and Lian Sheng fall to Dongxing, it will be extremely troublesome to deal with the matter.

But thinking about Da Fei, Yang Tian was still very relieved about him.

Although Dongguan Zai is strong, Da Fei is not a vegetarian.

Although Da Fei does not have any advanced or fancy skills, the experience he has accumulated in actual street combat since childhood is not comparable to that of a newcomer like Dong Guan Zai.

Although he looks a little out of tune at ordinary times, he is still very reliable at critical moments.

Moreover, Da Fei is a type similar to Tian Shuo, with rough skin, thick flesh, and amazing toughness.

Although Dongguan Zai is brave, he reached the top 16 as a dark horse.

But no matter from which aspect, he is one level lower than Da Fei.

Therefore, it is not a problem for Dafei to win Dongguan Tsai in this game.

By then, four people from Hongxing will have entered the quarterfinals.   Coupled with the fact that his next opponent is A Wu, this is a complete fake punch.

So in the end, there were five people from Hongxing and three from Dongxing. This should be the number of people who finally entered the quarterfinals.

By then, the impact caused by the prince's temporary withdrawal should be minimized.

Unfortunately, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a phone call immediately made his heart skip a beat.

The call was from Da Fei's good brother Gu Gu Zai, and he only said one sentence.

"Da Fei had an accident and is now being treated in the hospital."

As a last resort, Yang Tiancai just came out of the police station and rushed to the hospital without stopping.

When he arrived at the hospital, Da Fei was pushed out of the operating room.

Although the person was lying on the bed, one leg was wrapped tightly, and it was obvious that it was seriously injured.

However, due to the anesthesia, Da Fei could not wake up for a while.

Yang Tian could only look at Gu Guzi and asked:

"What happened? He's so good, why did he end up in the hospital? And to be treated like this, what kind of experience does Da Fei have?"

Something happened to Da Fei, which forced Yang Tian to think of what happened to the prince, and he frowned and asked, "Did someone ambush you? Was it someone from Dongxing who did it?"

Faced with the questioning of Yang Tian, ​​the leader, Gu Guzai quickly denied:

"What happened to Da Fei was not that he was ambushed, but that he was in a car accident, which is why he is in this miserable state now."

"A car accident? What car accident?"

"Just before, we finished dinner and were going to the boxing gym to practice in the afternoon, but who knew that as soon as we came out of the hotel, we met a drunk man who drove over and stepped on the accelerator instead of the brake.

Because the car came from behind, Brother Da Fei couldn't dodge for a while and was hit in the leg. "

Hearing this, Yang Tian sneered: "You can get out of the way when a car comes from behind, but Da Fei can't get out of the way?

What about the driver? Where are you now? "

"Ah? Brother Tian, ​​what you mean is that this is not an accident? The other party came here for Brother Da Fei?"

Gu Guzai realized it later and began to recall the situation at the time of the accident.

"Thinking about it this way, it seems that the driver really gave some direction in the end.

Damn it, I will chop him to death when he comes out! "

But Yang Tian calmed down at this time.

“So, the driver is now under police control?

It makes sense to think about it, since he was drunk and driving, and now he hit someone, this guy is probably going to go to court.

You don't need to worry about this. I will arrange for staff to greet him well. But what's Da Fei's situation now? "

Seeing Yang Tian mention Da Fei's situation, Gu Guzai sighed.

"Brother Da Fei suffered a fracture in his left leg and two cracked ribs. It was probably caused by the last fall on the ground.

The doctor said that he would have to stay in bed for at least two months before trying to get off the ground.

And eighteen months later, I have to come to the hospital again for surgery to take out the steel plate inside! "

As he said this, Gu Guzi looked remorseful. If Yang Tian hadn't been there in the ward, he would have almost shed tears.

Fortunately, Da Fei on the bed seemed to have passed the anesthesia and woke up slowly.

Seeing Yang Tian standing at the head of the bed, he smiled sheepishly.

"Brother Tian, ​​will it be very troublesome if something happens to me this time?"

Yang Tian understood what he meant. Although he knew that telling the truth might make Da Fei feel a little uncomfortable, but if he didn't tell it, it might be even more uncomfortable according to Da Fei's temperament.

Moreover, the result of the game cannot be concealed at all. Even if it is not revealed now, Da Fei will know it sooner or later when the game is over.

So he nodded: "There is indeed some trouble.

That woman Shui Ling is really hard to guard against.

Before you entered the hospital, something happened to the prince.

I was just thinking about telling the rest of you to be careful lately, but I didn't expect you to end up in the hospital right after.

Fortunately, everyone else is fine, and things haven't reached the worst point yet. The worst is that we will lose one person to the quarterfinals.

At that time, we will be four to three, and we will still have one more position than Dongxing. "

Da Fei's current situation is that he can't even stand up, and he is destined to be unable to participate in the next competition.

This made Yang Tian a little frustrated. He had tried his best to calculate from the beginning. Unexpectedly, in the end, Shui Ling, a woman, was able to reverse the situation in a few seconds.

At this time, Gu Guzai on the side had an idea and suggested: "Brother Tian, ​​Brother Da Fei's opponent this time is Dongguan Zai from He Lian Sheng. Do you think... is it possible for us to persuade him to retreat?

I believe that if there is a wink with Liansheng, they will agree.

By then both he and Da Fei will retire, and the impact will probably not be that big! "

Hearing Guguzai's suggestion, Yang Tian's eyes lit up at first, but then he shook his head helplessly and said:

"If you can think of this method, I think that woman Shui Ling must have already had a way to deal with it.

If Hongxing can win over Heliansheng, Dongxing can naturally do the same.

Moreover, the position of the top eight is related to the right to speak in the future of Hong Kong Island. It is not possible for He Liansheng to give up this golden opportunity. "

Looking at Yang Tian and Gugu Zai who were a little frustrated, Da Fei said with a strange expression:

“Actually, it’s not completely impossible.

I really can't play in the game now, but we can find someone to take my place on stage. "

Yang Tian was stunned and laughed angrily at Da Fei's words.

“Da Fei, this game does not replace this statement.

If that were the case, wouldn't everything be in chaos? "

Da Fei said extremely seriously at this time:

"Brother Tian, ​​what I mean is to find someone to dress up like me and be my substitute.

In this way, no one else knows that he is a substitute except ourselves. "

"Brother Da Fei, do you think others are blind?"

At this time, even Gugu Zai couldn't help it anymore, and continued with an embarrassed look on his face:

"It's just that your appearance and temperament are so unrestrained that ordinary people can't control them at all. How can I pretend to be you and be your substitute?

For a while, where are we going to find someone who looks similar to you?

Even if he found it, what could he do? Should he be allowed to go to the ring and be beaten up by Dongguan Zai? "

At this time, Yang Tian also sighed, "Yes! Even if the substitute really goes to the ring and is beaten badly, he is your person, or even Hongxing's person."

"No, Brother Tian, ​​please listen to me first. There is really such a person who can take my place in the ring."

Seeing that Da Fei's face was serious and not joking at all, Yang Tian also became curious.

But Da Fei smiled awkwardly at this time, and then continued:

"Actually... I actually have a brother!

We are twins and look almost identical. "

(End of this chapter)

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