When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 332 There is something strange everywhere

Looking at Shui Ling's face, Yang Tian felt comfortable.

Xu Feifei and Da Fei are indeed twin brothers. When they met for the first time, even Yang Tian felt incredible.

Of course, the most important thing is that although Xu Feifei keeps saying that he is who he is, he doesn't want to use anyone else's identity.

But now it seems that no matter the details of his gestures, the micro-expressions on his face, or even the way he speaks, they are all the same as Da Fei.

This level of resemblance has long gone beyond physical similarity.

Yang Tian even doubted whether their wives would be able to tell who was their husband in the future.

"Look! You don't believe me when I tell you. I never like to lie.

I was just cooperating with Da Fei to act in the scene. Unfortunately, the attitude of Lian Sheng was really regrettable.

But now that they see Da Fei entering the ring with all his beard and tail intact, I don't know if they have any regrets in their hearts.

After all, if Dongguan Zai is withdrawn from the competition early, they can still gain some benefits.

And if Dongguan Zai is beaten up by Da Fei in the ring, they will get nothing. "

Yang Tian was very proud when he said this. After all, he was criticizing Sang and Huai in front of Shui Ling.

As expected, Shui Ling didn't look good, but for a moment she couldn't figure out why Da Fei, who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed, appeared in the ring alive and kicking.

And looking at the state, he is very lively and not average.

She could only reply in a low voice:

“Dongguan Zai is very capable to advance all the way to the top 16.

Da Fei underestimated the enemy so much that he was careful that his car would overturn in the ditch. "

Although Shui Ling didn't understand why Da Fei was still fine, he also knew that with Da Fei's appearance, more than half of his plan had failed.

After all, she didn't think Dongguan Zai would be Da Fei's opponent, otherwise she wouldn't have to go to great lengths to cause a car accident.

The only hope now is that Dongguan Zai can defeat Da Fei in an upset.

Otherwise, as Yang Tian said before, Hongxing will have an absolute advantage in the future with five to three.

It's a pity that Shui Ling's wish is destined not to come true.

From the very beginning of this game, Da Fei showed a fighting ability far beyond his previous level. In just the first round, Dong Guan Zai was suppressed to death, and there were several dangers.

Shui Ling lost his previous calmness and had a gloomy face, as if he was keeping away from strangers.

But Yang Tian turned a blind eye to this. Instead, he suddenly became chatty and kept chatting with Shuiling in great interest.

Only he knows that Da Fei will definitely win today.

Although with Liansheng, the top management headed by Deng Bo had already turned to Dongxing and rejected Yang Tian's request.

However, the one who takes the stage to compete is always Dongguan Zai.

This time Yang Tian didn't show up in person, he just sent out Jimmy Tsai, who had won the victory with the team before, and now had already passed under his command.

After a series of arrangements made by Big D and a good chat with Dongguan Zai, all the problems were solved.

After all, Dongguan Zai's life with He Liansheng was not easy.

In other words, the entire Helian Sheng team has been very difficult from top to bottom.

It turns out there is a big D who sells flour, and his life is quite comfortable.

However, as his flour business was attacked by the police, not only had his goods been confiscated one after another recently, but many of his subordinates were also arrested.

This made his life very tight.

Dongguan Zai is even more pitiful. His boss's main business is smuggling to the north.

But those products that are more profitable have already been made by others, and a complete industry chain has been formed.

Even tough bandits like Ye Guohuan could only come back crying when they came to the north. This shows how difficult it is for newcomers to get a piece of the pie.

So he could only smuggle some chilled chicken, cheap pork knuckles and the like to the north.

The profit can be improved, but firstly, the amount cannot be increased, and secondly, there are so many mouths down there waiting for food. After dividing it up, Dongguan Zai will not have much money.

In addition, Dongguan Zai also looked at a coffin shop, which sounded like he had a lot of business.

But these days, the profitable funeral industry requires a one-stop service from beginning to end.

Dongguan Tsai doesn't know how to do anything, and he doesn't understand Feng Shui, so the business of the coffin shop can be imagined.

He could barely maintain the expenses of the coffin shop by supplying goods to other peers.

So when he saw Jimmy Tsai, who was glamorous and wearing famous brands, he said he wasn't jealous, but maybe Dongguan Tsai didn't believe it himself.

Jimmy has been following Yang Tian for the past two years and has been managing his film company for Yang Tian.

In addition to making several blockbuster movies, there are also countless romantic movies secretly, which can be said to be a lot of money.

Yang Tian's philosophy has always been that everyone makes money together, and he has always been generous to his subordinates.

So when he saw that Jimmy Zai, who had joined He Lian Sheng almost at the same time, was already more impressive than the leader of his own club, Dongguan Zai was heartbroken.

Especially when he knew that Yang Tian needed his help, he agreed without saying a word.

If it was before, he might still have some scruples, but it's different now.

He also wants to wear Armani, and he also wants to make a lot of money.

And all of this cannot be achieved with Liansheng.

After all, with the bosses of Lian Sheng, each one counts, there is no poorest, only poorer.

The only one who was better, Big D, was invited to drink coffee by the police all day long. If he was not careful, he would have to settle down in Stanley for the rest of his life.

Of course, the most important thing is that with Jimmy Tsai as a successful role model, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to be reused by Yang Tian because of his current betrayal.

He didn't even listen to Jimmie's conditions and agreed immediately.

Therefore, in this boxing match, it was not so much that Da Fei performed at a super level and completely suppressed Dong Guan Zai.

It would be better to say that the two movie stars on the stage cooperated tacitly and worked hard to perform a seemingly fierce life-and-death battle in the ring.

At least Yang Tian didn't see many flaws. The two of them did a good job in both their movements and expression management.

The unsuspecting audience was immersed in their performance.

The result was as expected, Dongguan Zai lost to Da Fei in the end, and unfortunately lost.

When Dongguan Tsai fell, Yang Tian looked at Shui Ling, who was even more uncomfortable than himself when he fell on the ring, and felt bad in his heart.

Shui Ling seemed unwilling to expose her image of failure too much in front of Yang Tian.

Seeing that the game was officially over, he stood up and walked towards the door of the box.

Seeing this, Yang Tian asked with a smile: "Why, are you leaving now? Why don't you stay a little longer?"

Shui Ling, who had already arrived at the door, turned around and said:

"I will take care of Dadong's affairs, but before that, Dadong becomes the champion of this competition. I don't want this to happen again."

When Yang Tian heard this, he replied meaningfully.

"Yes! There have been too many accidents during this period. I believe that with Dadong's strength, there should be no surprises in winning the championship this time." Finally, Shui Ling took a deep look at Yang Tian, ​​and then took Dadong with him. Left the private room.

At this time, Yang Tian could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

During this period, just a boxing match involved too much of his energy, and he couldn't just let it go.

Now that the top eight have all been produced, the entire Hong Kong arena has been set.

In the future, Hongxing and Dongxing will be the backbone of various associations in Hong Kong Island.

Large-scale conflicts and firefights will no longer exist.

If anyone still thinks about making a fortune like before, that is no longer possible.

After all, those who don't listen to the greeting will be attacked by all other societies according to everyone's agreement before the game.

Besides, there are two organizations ranked first and second in Hong Kong Island watching from above. If Hongxing and Dongxing don't nod, who has the ability to face these two behemoths at the same time.

And whether it is Dongxing or Hongxing.

All because of Dongxing's rapid expansion before, its strength has expanded somewhat in a short period of time.

It does take a certain amount of time to completely digest what you swallowed during this period.

As long as the two major societies, Dongxing and Hongxing, can hold their own and not take the lead in firing, other societies will not be able to cause any big trouble even if they want to cause chaos.

As for the small-scale friction, it seems to be insignificant.

After all, they are all here to hang out, so bumps and bruises are inevitable.

As long as you don't go too far, even the police will turn a blind eye, let alone other associations.

Overall, there are many unexpected things in this ranking battle among giants in the arena.

However, the final result was still acceptable in Yang Tian's opinion.

After all, it is unrealistic for the Hongxing family to hold eight seats alone.

Now it is jointly managed with Dongxing and Hongxing, and Yang Tian is very satisfied with the result.

In the following days, there were no more surprises in the top eight battles, the semi-finals, and the finals.

Of course, this is only for the top executives of the two major societies, so there is no surprise.

For ordinary viewers, Dadong was able to break through the encirclement and reach the finals, and defeated Datian Er in the finals to win the championship. This result really surprised them.

But then, Dongxing made a high-profile announcement that after discussions throughout the society, Dadong was finally elected to become the new generation leader of Dongxing Society.

Now, everyone who was still lamenting that Dadong was lucky enough to win a championship for nothing suddenly understood.

Of course, there may still be some people who have some disputes about Dadong's victory, but all this has become irrelevant with Dadong's rise.

The first thing Dadong did when he took office was to start purging Dongxing internally.

Yang Tian was originally not very interested in this kind of thing.

After all, Dongxing's rise this time is too fast.

The continuous annexation of various small gangs in the past has also led to the current internal membership of Dongxing being mixed, with all kinds of evil spirits and ghosts gathering together.

If we don't clean up the situation and let them continue to lurk inside Dongxing, there may be no problem now, but there will definitely be big trouble in the future.

If they are allowed to use Dongxing's name to stir up trouble, the good situation that Shuiling has been fortunate enough to manage now may have to go back to the past.

And since Shui Ling came with a mission to rebuild Dongxing, some people would have to be dealt with sooner or later.

Now that these things have been done with the help of Dadong's superior power, it is also a good thing for Dongxing.

So in recent times, many people in Dongxing have really retired, and of course more of them have disappeared inexplicably.

However, there was one person among them who caught Yang Tian's attention.

This man's name is Ou Jingtang, one of the former Dongxing gold medal red sticks.

This person can be considered a member of Boss B's generation, and he also belongs to a boss-level figure.

But later, for some unknown reason, I chose to leave Hong Kong Island. In recent years, I have made a name for myself in Southeast Asia.

This time Shui Ling wanted to revive Xin Dongxing, and he was the first to respond and returned to Hong Kong Island with his manpower.

When Dongxing annexed those small societies before, although he did not personally lead the team to the front line, he provided both money and people. It can be said that he devoted his whole life.

But even such a veteran of Dongxing appeared on the list of people being cleaned up this time.

Of course, a veteran like Ou Jingtang would definitely not let him disappear suddenly.

However, it is unknown exactly what Shui Ling did to him.

But what happened next was widely known in the world.

That is, Ou Jingtang led his people and directly withdrew from Dongxing, announcing to the outside world that he would set up his own business.

Then he led his people to settle in the Kwun Tong area, planning to use this area as a base to establish his own gang.

For members of a society to set up their own business, there are generally two situations.

The first is when a certain member of the society is too strong, to the point where it is much stronger than other members of the society.

At this time, if the leader of the restaurant is sensible, he will open the incense hall and let that hall go out independently.

Of course, this kind of independence is more like the ancient princes, who have their own autonomy, but in name, everyone is still a family.

Just like Hong Xing, Hong Yi, and Hong Tai, everyone has always admitted that they are members of the Hongmen, and there will be no huge conflicts between them.

In another situation, there are problems within the society, resulting in division.

In this case, the two sides of the split can be said to be born with irreconcilable conflicts. The other side must be completely eliminated and unification completed before the matter is over.

Even this kind of contradiction will be written in the gang rules and passed down from generation to generation.

It is obvious that Ou Jingtang belongs to the second type, and he and Dongxing have officially broken up.

When the two sides meet later, it will definitely be a fight to the death, but here lies the problem.

Because of Dongxing's reaction, Yang Tian didn't look like he was dealing with a gang separatist.

Ou Jingtang has led people to take root in Kwun Tong for several days, while Dongxing has not made many substantive actions except for issuing symbolic statements to the outside world.

It was as if he had acquiesced in Ou Jingtang's departure.

This forced Yang Tian to pay attention.

Although he had an agreement with Shui Ling, in order for Da Tian Er to take over, Dong Xing really didn't need to hook up with an important person like Ou Jingtang.

But if it weren't for this, Ou Jingtang would be living in Kwun Tong now, and Dongxing would turn a blind eye, and his actions would be weird.

Of course, the most important point is that based on Yang Tian's understanding of Shui Ling, this woman's things are often not as simple as everyone sees on the surface.

He was also afraid that if Shui Ling did the fake thing and took over Kwun Tong, what would he do?

If Hong Xing loses a Tangkou in his hands, then Yang Tian's face will really be thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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