Reincarnated Bamboo Rat Starts Extreme Survival

Chapter 63 Great Development of Bamboo Sea

Chapter 63 Great Development of Bamboo Sea

Edu's introduction to bards started in a yard less than thirty square meters.

To be honest, the backyard of the bard guild is not as big as the public bathhouse of the warrior guild.

"The introductory guide for novices is divided into three parts, one is the inscription on magic power, the other is the teaching of basic poetry, and the third is the use of simple instruments."

The content taught by the guy at the front desk today is magic inscription. As a senior who has teaching experience, he is more professional than the half-baked bard that Edu met in the camp.

He went from shallow to deep, and took Edu hand in hand to perform magic inscription.

At the same time, he taught many details, and suggested that Edu directly burn the widely circulated "Song of Spring" when engraving the magic words.

"Song of Spring" has a total of more than 260 characters, which is almost the limit that a normal human body can carry.

This song has a peaceful narrative and contains many images that can only be found in spring. It is recognized as a poem that is relatively difficult to record and can obtain a lot of magic power at the same time.

The bard profession, which has been passed down in this world for many years, has perfected the way of inscribing magic power to an astonishing degree.

Almost all bards use this set of magic inscription methods.

With the guidance of the system, the speed of Edu's inscription of magic characters has also reached the level of inscription of a normal character in 13 minutes.

This surprised the front desk guy who directed him, saying that Edu is very talented, and if he works hard, he can burn "Song of Spring" within a month.

Bell scoffed at his estimate, saying that he could fill the progress bar in a week.

The guidance in the afternoon lasted about two hours.After the instruction, the guy at the front desk is ready to get off work.

Although the working hours on the guild notice board are from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm, in fact, the bards on duty here basically don't care about the guild's regulations, and just come for a symbolic visit.

"Go home and practice hard. If there is anything you don't understand, I will ask you tomorrow afternoon. I'm not here in the morning. I have to go to the weaver's guild to deal with my partner."

The guy at the front desk has a very positive attitude towards getting off work. He ran away in an instant after leaving the house. He looked like he was beating a worker. He wished that all the work was done with pay.

It was only when he introduced Edu that he showed enthusiasm.

"It's hard to stretch, there is a reason why the bard guild didn't fall down."

Although Bell knew in his heart that this situation was mostly due to the decline of the bard guild, and there were not a few newcomers here on average every year.

But in terms of facts, from the perspective of a bystander, the bard guild has a poor experience of introducing newcomers.

Leaving aside the quality of teaching, Bell doesn't approve of the bard guild's front desk receptionists who can't allow girls to stay permanently.

"Speaking of which, why are there more people gathered in the square at this time?"

The bard guild got off work at four o'clock in the afternoon, but at this time the professional guild square was still full of people coming and going, and it even became more lively.

Professionals of all kinds crowded the square, discussing frantically around the huge new signboard.

Edu and Bell leaned over to take a look, and found that the new notice was something they were quite familiar with.

'Large-scale changes occurred in the low-level and dangerous bamboo sea, which is suspected to be a precursor to the birth of the ruins. '

'The blood hand mercenary group took over the Bamboo Sea and announced that they would not participate in the development of the Bamboo Sea ruins. '

There are two pieces of information. One is that an adventure group has found traces of the ruins in the Bamboo Sea. A large number of adventure groups are planning to enter the Bamboo Sea and try to excavate the ruins.

The second thing is that after the bloody hand mercenary group swallowed the bamboo sea business of the Changhe adventure group, they surprisingly did not choose to join the troublesome thing of the bamboo sea ruins, and publicly announced that their bloody hand mercenary group welcomes any adventure group to enter bamboo sea.

No matter how the adventurers discussed in the square, Edu and Bell, who saw the news, had strange expressions on their faces.

Edu just instinctively felt that something was wrong.

Of course, many people felt that something was wrong, but they still decided to try their luck in the bamboo sea.

Anyway, it is a low-level dangerous place with a low degree of danger. If there is really no harvest, it will be a big deal to hunt monsters now, and it will not be in vain.

"Woo... If there are relics, it won't be your turn. In the depths of the bamboo sea, there is that outrageously strong adventure group. If there are relics, they will definitely be the first to discover them."

Squinting his eyes, Bell recalled his experience of leaving the bamboo sea, and found that no one had ever mentioned the group of humans he encountered for the first time.

If Edu didn't know, Bell felt that it was justifiable, after all, he was just a little devil.

But no one mentioned that such a strong person entered the bamboo sea, and this matter itself is a bit abnormal.

"I feel that there is a weirdness in this matter, and there are really no traces that we can think of now."

Directing Edu to leave from the place where adventurers gathered, Bell wanted to buy some materials he saw in the market today, and he was ready to start working.

Along the way, Bell saw many adventurers gathered together, some of them were small adventure groups, and some were temporary teams preparing to enter the Bamboo Sea to try their luck.

Anyway, at a glance, those who are ready to leave immediately are small groups, young people who are not strong on average, and have nothing to worry about.

Compared with medium and large adventure groups, their ability to leave immediately is their advantage.

In the history of Cangxing City, there was that kind of lucky person who relied on his decisive action to grab the adventure ahead of the large adventure group, and finally became a powerful party.

Those who set out decisively now basically have this mentality.

The medium and large adventure groups are much more sensible than them. They choose to wait and see first. When these forces set off, it is estimated that it will be several days later.

"Leave them alone, just buy, buy, buy now!"

Going back to the market street, there were a lot fewer people in the afternoon market, but there were still a lot of bulky items.

"This wool, give me ten catties."

"Do a little bit of Warcraft leather, I feel that this is similar to the material of the magic scroll I saw before."

"And this, the wood should be ready!"

"Is that a magic potion? But it looks expensive."


Instructing Edu to sweep the goods in the market, Bell mercilessly spent two gold coins from Edu, which was regarded as a small bloodletting for Edu's wallet.

Edu, a young man, really believed in Bell, and Bell asked him to spend money, and he was unequivocal at all.

He knew that without Bell, he would not have so much money, so when Bell said he wanted to use the money, he would not say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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