Chapter 143 Opening Sea Trade

Of course, it can also be understood in this way. It is precisely because the merchants of the Song Dynasty went to sea one after another, accumulating experience for future generations. When Zheng He went to sea, he did enough homework on the basis of his predecessors and hired many Arabs. As a guide, you can effectively avoid some dangerous areas. After all, the operation of the country is much more rigorous than that of the businessmen themselves.

According to Feng Deshan, under normal circumstances, if there is no extreme weather, the average daily distance is about [-] miles.

Qingyuan Mansion is about [-] miles from Quanzhou, and [-] miles from Guangzhou.

It takes fifteen days to get to Quanzhou and nearly a month to get to Guangzhou.

At this time, the largest and most popular port in the Southern Song Dynasty was Guangzhou Port, and in the late Southern Song Dynasty, the largest and most popular port was Quanzhou Port.

The reason why Quanzhou Port is not as good as Guangzhou is because the former Quanzhou Shipbuilding Commissioner used low prices to buy foreign goods at a low price during the "Bomai", so that foreign ships did not go to Quanzhou instead of Guangzhou.

Until a few years ago, when Zhendexiu knew Quanzhou, when he promoted the shipping department, he first announced the prices and tax amounts of all commodities, and then strictly prohibited the purchase of foreign goods, and foreign trade quickly resumed.

To what extent it has recovered so far, of course, those present do not know.

But what is certain is that by the late Southern Song Dynasty, Quanzhou Port had surpassed Guangzhou Port and became the largest port in the Southern Song Dynasty, with the most ships and the most prosperous commerce.

Zhao Yurui said, first go to Quanzhou to have a look, if there are few foreign businessmen there and can't afford our products, then go to Guangzhou.

It takes a month to go back and forth, plus purchases on both sides in the middle, and pauses in some places. Zhao Yurui gave them enough time to make a trip every three months, and four trips a year, that is, Chen Donghe Yuan Gao and Yuan Gao take turns twice a year.

The two expressed their opinion that they would listen to King Wei, but they spent half of the year away, so I don't know what they would think.

So Zhao Yurui said: "We run Haimao for sure to make money, but sometimes we may encounter risks when encountering extreme weather."

"This king has only one request for you. It's okay to lose the cargo, and you must come back safely."

There was a look of emotion on the faces of the two of them, and they were a little moved.

Zhao Yurui continued: "Whether you make money or not, you will each share a thousand copper coins for each trip."

"Hiss..." The faces of the two generals were flushed with disbelief.

"Accompanying sailors, every time they run, they range from five to ten. (According to level)"

"Every year at the end of the year, if you earn more, you will get dividends."

Chen Dong and Yuan Gao looked at each other, stood up at the same time, and knelt down again: "But at the king's order."

The two were promoted successively under Zhao Yurui's hands, and their treatment got better and better. Now they have completely surrendered.

Chen Dong used to be the commander of the battalion. After he was sent to increase his rank, his monthly salary was only 20 guan.

Yuan Gao is the deputy commander. After being dispatched to increase his rank, his monthly salary is only 15 guan, and there are some silks and the like.

Since arriving in Dinghai County, Chen Dongxian was promoted to deputy commander, sent to increase his rank, and his monthly salary reached 200 guan, which was directly increased by ten times.

Yuan Gao was the deputy general, and he was sent to increase his rank. His monthly salary reached 50 guan, which was also doubled several times.

In particular, Chen Dong took a huge leap this time. In non-wartime, when he did not make great achievements, the difficulty was also great. Zhao Yurui wrote a special letter to Shi Miyuan for him, and then barely passed.

Chen Dong is really grateful to King Wei, and he is sincerely convinced.

In the future, if you go to Quanzhou twice a year, you will get [-] guan, which is higher than your salary. This kind of good thing, the king of Wei is taking advantage of us, why not do it?It's better than fighting outside.

The two were very happy.

Then Zhao Yurui discussed with the three of them. He mainly wanted to make money, but he also had to guard against pirates in Quanzhou, because there were pirates in the Southern Song Dynasty. At this time, the famous pirates in Quanzhou were Zhao Xique and Wang Ziqing. When Xiu knew Quanzhou, he was raped by Zhen Dexiu once, and the whole army was almost wiped out, but they took advantage of the familiar location and ran away, hiding on a nearby island. Generally, the Southern Song Dynasty would not pursue and fight fiercely. Even if, this creates a hidden danger for the pirates to recover.

Of course, this time the pirates are not as fierce as later generations, and they dare not move the official navy easily.

Just in case, the fleet departing from Quanzhou has a sea falcon warship. This ship usually has 42 sailors, 108 soldiers, and a load of 24 materials ([-] tons).

Zhao and Rui are for the purpose of carrying loads and making money, so the soldiers only bring 40 people, and all of them are selected from the elite, which can also save money.

There is another multi-oared boat with a full crew of more than 200 people, a load of 48 materials (100 tons), and only 40 people, including about [-] sailors. This was invented by Feng Zhan, the navy commander of Xu Pu. The sea can open.

Another small fishing boat was arranged, with a small square bow and a wide tail, which can divert water, and the small head and bottom greatly reduce the resistance, so the speed is the fastest.The boat is 5 feet long (about 15.36 meters), can carry 50 people (they bring 30 people), and can carry 12 materials ([-] tons).

This ship is fast and has a heavy load, so it can be used to explore the way ahead.

Then I brought two flat-bottomed one-thousand-material blessing boats (with a load of 60 tons), each with 100 people.

A total of five ships brought more than 400 people.

The load can be 204 tons, but considering the risk, it is required to load 160% of each ship, about [-] tons.

They can only bring 160 tons of goods, so they have to bring the most profitable goods, because Zhao and Rui have to pay a lot of money for a trip.

The main general has one thousand guan, and more than 400 officers and soldiers add up to about 1 guan, which means that at least [-] guan of copper coins will be paid for labor for a trip to sea, which is equivalent to more than [-] guan.

It is only April now, and Zhao Yurui said that they will set off in May and prepare the goods for a month. At the same time, the navy has to learn relevant knowledge. After all, they have never traveled so far. They still need to find guides, determine the route, and increase publicity among the navy. , to publicize the benefits of going to sea to them.

When the imperial court rebuilt the Dinghai Navy in Qingyuan Mansion, it gave them a total of seven ships, and now two are left in Dinghai for anti-smuggling training.

Zhao Yurui's documents to the imperial court to apply for warships have been sent to Lin'an. It is still unknown whether they can be approved and how much they can be approved.

But based on Zhao Yurui's understanding of Shi Miyuan, knowing that Zhao Yurui went to Quanzhou to do business, Shi Miyuan would probably agree, after all, in the eyes of them, the navy will never affect major events.

The Dinghai Division originally had more than 300 people and seven boats. So far, more than 400 people on two boats have returned to Li Pingshan for anti-smuggling, and more than 400 people on five boats have gone to Quanzhou.

The next day when Chen Dong returned to the camp, he said he was going far away to Quanzhou. Every time he went, it would cost him five guan to ten guan, and it was worth copper coins.

Chen Dong selected the elite from among them, practiced and studied day and night, and the shipyard repaired all of their ships, prepared supplies and weapons, and prepared to go to sea.
On the seventh day of April, Yan Kang, the cadre of the Shipbuilding Department, came to the Manufacturing Department.

Yan Kang was originally from Wuxian County, Pingjiang Prefecture (Suzhou Wuxian County). Later, because of doing maritime trade, his family moved to Dinghai County.

He mainly runs the line of Korea, Japan and Song Dynasty, and has a good relationship with the Qin family.

After Zhao Yurui arrived in Dinghai, the Yan family originally occupied more than 300 rooms in the navy. Under Qin Zhuo's persuasion, he immediately returned them to the Department of Production and Management, which was quite interesting.

Through Qin Zhuo's recommendation and understanding, Zhao Yurui brought Yan Kang into the shares when they established the Four Seas Trading Store, accounting for [-]%.

Later, he sold the official to Yan Kang, and since then, the Yan family has also been tied to Zhao Yurui's chariot.

Yan Kang is a big businessman, but not a native of Dinghai, this is one of the reasons why Zhao Yurui took a fancy to him.

Of course, if Zhao Yurui can't lead them to continue to make money, they may have to separate themselves in the future.

"My next official, Yan Kang, pay homage to the king."

"This is the dog Yan Ying."

"Yan Ying pays homage to the king."

Zhao Yurui sat at the head, looked at their father and son with a smile on their face, saw the two saluting, and immediately waved: "We are all from our own family, you are welcome, sit down quickly, Xiaotao, serve tea."

Yan Ying is in her early twenties, with dark skin and a very heroic spirit. It is said that she has been traveling with her father all year round at the age of 13.

This time Zhao Yurui sold the official, and Yan Ying also wanted to buy one, but Zhao Yurui asked Yan Kang to buy it first, and it was inconvenient for the father and son to be together, and assured him that there would be a chance in the future.

So the father and son followed Zhao Yurui with determination.

"Yan Ying has been in Korea all year round, doing business, and knows a lot about Korea. Yan Ying, please tell the king."

Yan Ying immediately stood up again. He looked at Zhao Yurui. Zhao Yurui was very young, only 16 years old. In the past year, because of exercising every day and good nutrition, he was quite tall and strong. She looked kind and friendly, but Yan Ying didn't dare to neglect, her expression was very respectful.

He didn't know what King Wei wanted to know, so he could only wait.

"Tell me about the domestic situation in Goryeo. How is the king? Are there any officials in power?"

Yan Kang was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at his son, this is a national affair of Korea, does his son understand it?
Unexpectedly, Yan Ying was very clear.

"Back to the king."

"The country of Korea is now the king, and the country of Korea is very chaotic—"

According to Yan Ying, in Korea, from Mingzong to Shenzong, Xizong, Kangzong, and Gaozong, the kings of all dynasties were all puppets, and in Korea, military officials were all in power.

The original history was two years later, that is, after Cui Yu (that is, Cui Yi, son of Cui Zhongxian) privately established a "government house" in Yiyou Year (1225), the royal power was weakened more than previous generations, and Gaozong became a complete puppet.Gaozong was in power for a long time, so he lived in the shadow of the Cui regime all his life, and experienced four generations of powerful ministers Cui Zhongxian, Cui Yu, Cui Hang, and Cui Yu.

If this was in the Central Plains regime, the Cui family would have been abolished long ago, and he would be the king himself.

According to Yan Ying, the current powerful ministers in Goryeo are the envoys of the Privy Council, ministers of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and general Cui Yu.

"Are you familiar with Gaoli Cui Yu?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Cao Min has never met General Cui, but Cao Min and his son-in-law, Deputy Privy Envoy Jin Ruo, have done business first."

Yan Ying said again: "There are many Song people living in Koryo. If Your Majesty needs it, the grass people can find some Song merchants to make friends with General Cui."

Yan Ying thought for a while, and then said: "Jin Ruoxian is Cui Yu's designated successor, and everyone in Korea knows this."

Zhao Yurui asked strangely, "Cui Yu doesn't have a son?"

(End of this chapter)

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