Chapter 208

"Let's go and have a look." Qian Hongzu saw it for the first time. When he left the city gate just now, the stalls here had not been paved and there was no one there. A entourage and officials arrived at the front.

They stood behind the crowd and watched the commotion inside.

"How do you move it? Do you divide the fields in the past?" Someone was asking.

"If you want to register as an immigrant, you can just arrive on time when you board the boat. When you arrive at the place, the imperial court will provide cattle, farm tools and seeds. Half and half of the land you plant, that is, half belongs to the imperial court and half belongs to you. The first five years Tax exemption, [-]% tax after five years."

"Is there anyone who can read? It's posted here. You can read it yourself."

"Should I share half of the total amount? I'm going to collect five hundred acres?"

"Generate if you have the ability, no matter how much or half of it belongs to you."

"How do you become an official?" Someone asked.

"Take care of the family's population and land, and give priority to choosing officials with many people and fields. They will be assessed once every three years. If they are excellent in the three assessments, they can be promoted to officials in an exceptional way."

"Businessmen move with their families and bring their own cattle and supplies. They can participate in the assessment. Those who pass the examination will directly become officials. The content of the assessment is related to your business, not the four books and five classics."

Suddenly, a businessman took the case and shouted: "I want to bring a hundred cows, hundreds of agricultural tools, and a boat of grain and iron. After I go there, can I be an official directly?"

"A senior official should at least be a county lieutenant in the past."

"Is there still an assessment?"

"The assessment is easy, but it's hard for high officials."

Qian Hongzu and Yang Gongwen looked at each other in dismay. Most of the clothes at the scene were torn and beggars were inside. It was obvious that they were only willing to immigrate if they were not well-behaved, but there were also a few well-dressed businessmen.

What the emperor did was no different from selling an official?
But at this time, officials are very tempting to the people and businessmen, otherwise there would not be so many people willing to buy officials.

But now to go to the big officials, compared with the cost of buying officials, it is much lower.

Sure enough, within a few days, people from the Quanzhou Immigration Office posted an announcement, directly marking the price.

For example, if you bring [-] heads of cattle, [-] catties each of iron and grain, and the whole family immigrates, you can choose one person as the ninth rank.

Bring [-] cattle and sheep, [-] catties of iron and grain, and immigrant family members. You can choose one person from the eighth rank, or two from the ninth rank.

Wow, after the news came out, more businessmen were interested in signing up.

"Ridiculous." Qian Hongzu finally walked into the city with Yang Gongwen angrily.

Both of them were Jinshi. Although the Southern Song Dynasty had the most Jinshi in the history of the dynasty, seeing that other people could become officials with a little bit of cattle, I was really angry.

After entering the city, I found that the streets are everywhere.

Many large restaurants and shops have slogans written by the imperial court on the conspicuous walls facing the street.

There are recruitment slogans and immigration slogans, all of which were created after Quan Yong came.

There were all sorts of slogans on the street, Qian Hongzu felt a little dazed looking at these scenes, and felt like he had gone to the wrong place, this is not Da Song at all.

It has only been more than a year since the new emperor ascended the throne, and the whole of Quanzhou is different.

This is a very terrible thing in his eyes.

The ancient dynasties were limited by underdeveloped communications, and the farther away they were, the weaker their influence was.

Whether it was the Song Dynasty, or the Ming Dynasty later, when officials were transferred to Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian, it was tantamount to being demoted and assigned, and they could not hold their heads up in front of their classmates and teachers.

But Zhao and Rui have only been on the throne for more than a year, and the influence of the court has already reached Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian.

According to Qian Hongzu's knowledge, Quan Yong, the new commander of the capital of Fujian Province, was previously promoted by the imperial city division of the capital.

The Imperial City Division guards the imperial city, and its leader, Quan Yong, is a trusted confidant of the emperor.

Such a heavyweight person came to such a far place in Fujian, which shows that the emperor attached great importance to this place.

Qian Hongzu can imagine that the Guangnan Lianglu (Liangguang) will certainly be the same now, slowly being firmly controlled by the imperial court.

As the envoy of Fujian Province, Qian Hongzu is in charge of many local civil affairs, but he is completely ignorant of the propaganda, and the local capital Si Quanyong is in charge. Qian Hongzu is still very depressed.

The ancients didn't know the power of propaganda tools. After Qian Hongzu saw the changes in the street, he realized that this thing was a bit scary.

But the more terrifying thing is yet to come.

Qian Hongzu and Yang Gongwen didn't walk for a while, there was a crackling sound, and there was a burst of firecrackers from somewhere on the street corner, and there were many people around.

He followed the sound, as if a new store had opened.

"It's really noisy." Qian Hongzu said unhappily.

At this moment, a follower behind him stepped forward and whispered: "It's the opening of Bada Bank. Some time ago, their people were everywhere on the street shouting (propaganda)."

"What are you shouting about?" Yang Gongwen asked strangely.

"Let the common people save money in their banks."

"?" Qian Hongzu stared. If he hadn't been a civil servant, he would have wanted to scold people. My special mother is sick, so she wouldn't keep her money at home. Why should she deposit it in their bank?
"Joke, why do you want to deposit it in his bank?" Yang Gongwen said as expected.

The entourage smiled wryly: "I heard that the interest rate is high. The minimum deposit is 12 guan, and the annual interest is [-] guan. It will double in [-] years."

"Hiss..." Qian Hongzu and Yang Gongwen gasped at the same time.

The first time the two heard about this, it was quite unbelievable.

At this time, another entourage behind Yang Gongwen stepped forward: "Saving money depends on relationships, and not everyone can save it. A relative of the villain went to inquire and wanted to save five hundred guan, but the other party said no. Common people, have no right to look down on people."

"..." Qian Hongzu and the two were even more speechless.

After a while, Qian Hongzu asked with a serious face: "What is the other party's background, why does he give such a high interest?"

"It is said that he is a big overseas businessman who specializes in sugar and silk business. He takes my Da Song's white sugar and sells it overseas, and the profit is ten times higher."

"But the capital is not enough, so this method is used to collect capital."

"He ordered [-] large ships at Quanzhou Dongwan Shipyard at one time, and it will take three years to build them."

Yang Gongwen sneered: "Speculators, take other people's money to help themselves make money."

"There is no way, he can get large quantities of Liangzhe white sugar, and other merchants cannot get large quantities."

Qian Hongzu had vaguely heard that the emperor also had shares in the white sugar of the Four Seas Store in Qingyuan Mansion. Thinking about it this way, this bank should be more reliable.

Five hundred guan and [-] guan a year, the interest rate is really high.

He was silent, his eyes were already rolling around, and he probably felt a little excited.

The next day, Qian Hongzu and Yang Gongwen boarded the boat and prepared to return to Fuzhou.

He met Quan Yong again at the pier, and Quan Yong recommended a person to him, saying that he followed Qian Hongzu to Fuzhou to form a new department according to His Majesty's secret decree, and took out the emperor's imperial decree with him.

After Qian Hongzu received the imperial decree and verified the authenticity, he couldn't help being moved again.

The person recommended by Quan Yong was named Feng Tong, he was the commander of the Infantry Division, the eldest son of Feng Deshan, commander of the Dinghai Navy, and Quan Yong married Feng Deshan's daughter, so he was his brother-in-law.

Feng Tong was ordered by the emperor to build a branch of the Imperial City Division in Fujian.

The emperor reorganized the imperial city division into two divisions and one guard.

The first is the Imperial City Division, which is composed of 5000 people drawn from the 3000 former Imperial City Division to guard the Imperial City.

The second is the intelligence department, which is composed of 200 people drawn from the original imperial city department, plus some people drawn from the garrisons in various places, and a group is recruited from the people, mainly to establish an intelligence network. (In China, Zhao Yurui and the Qin family’s card room are basically used as strongholds, and Jin Guo and Xixia Mongolia, including Dali, are all developing)
The third is Jinyiwei, which is composed of another 2000 people from the former Imperial City Division. It is mainly responsible for collecting intelligence and deeds of civilians and local officials and generals.

The intelligence department is in charge of others, and Feng Tong is responsible for establishing Jinyiwei in Fujian.

Feng Tong finally said: "Jinyiwei is responsible for monitoring the performance of local civil and military officials, including the strength of the execution of official documents of the court, the ability to govern the local area, and the promotion decisions of officials in the future. All kinds of prices, the voice of the common people will be transmitted to the capital in time."

Swipe, Qian Hongzu's face is flushed, this is like a Shangfang sword hanging over the heads of their local officials.

"Then, what is Yushitai?" Qian Hongzu said in a deep voice.

The supervisory officials of the Song Dynasty included the Observation Envoy and Yushitai.

But after Zhao Yurui came to power, they laid off the observation envoys, transshipment envoys, and other messes.

For example, the observation makes the position high and powerful, and it is good for the officials themselves to be upright. If they are not upright, it is a disadvantage anyway.

"Let's put it this way, official corruption and embezzlement are not our business." Feng Tao said, "We only care about three things."

"First, how do you implement the official documents issued by the imperial court?"

"Second, the year-end assessment, whether the annual taxation, taxes, food, etc. are up to the standard, whether it has increased or decreased."

"Third, whether the local price has changed much, what is lacking in the local market, what is popular, and whether the price has affected the common people and the operation of the government office."

For example, the imperial court asked you to recruit [-] recruits, have you recruited them?

For example, last year was a grain tax of 11 shi, and this year it was [-], or [-]?Is it more or less.

For another example, last year the price of rice in Fuzhou was always high for one stone. Has the price increased this year?
Apart from these three aspects, other matters, regardless of Jinyi Weiwei, are the affairs of Yushitai and other departments.

Feng Tongdao, even if you, Qian Hongzu, murder and set fire on the street, you will not be under the supervision of Jinyiwei.

We, Jinyiwei, take care of these three aspects, execute official documents of the imperial court, manage problems, and report changes in local prices.

When Feng Tong said this, he said loudly: "From now on, every year in summer and autumn, we will assess the grain, the municipal shipping department, the tea and salt merchant tax, and the local output of copper, iron, ships, etc., and we will all check on site."

"For example, to see new grains entering the warehouse, spot checks are made from time to time every year, in case someone fills their own pockets and sells grains—"

When Zhao Yurui judged Hai, when the former magistrate left, the data on the account handed to Zhao Yurui was pretty good, how much food was in stock, how much money, the actual count was not enough.

Not to mention the end of the major dynasties in history, such things will happen in the heyday.

Otherwise, how could such a sudden fire in the granary happen?
Now he set up the Jinyiwei, not to tyranny like the Ming Dynasty, but to supervise the local area.

In ancient times, communication was not easy, and how to implement central\central documents was a big deal.

Why do you say that the imperial power does not go to the countryside, it is too far away, and others will not hang you.

Now Jinyiwei is set up in various places to supervise the local officials and how well they execute the imperial court documents.

At the same time, it is used to check various local data and problems.

(End of this chapter)

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