Chapter 321 Plot to capture Tongguan
Xia Qingzhi was considered a reasonable woman in ancient times. Moreover, she now knows the character of Emperor Zhao Yurui. No matter whether she agrees or not, no one can object to what Zhao Yurui wants to do.

Zhao Yurui called her to the box to discuss tax collection with Ge Hong.

The two profitable industries of Goulan and Blockade are Zhao Yurui's first targets for taxation.

Large restaurants, jewelry, silk, sugar, salt, spices, etc. are the second batch of tax targets for Zhao Yurui.

Xia Qingzhi has been working for so many years and has rich experience. Zhao Yurui also has to discuss it with her, because he is here to collect taxes, not to crack down on these industries.

If you want to conquer the enemy harshly, everyone will not do it, and then you will do it secretly in private, which will only cause more trouble for the court.

Xia Qingzhi said that there are too many hooks and stalls in Lin'an.

All cats and dogs can do it, and the requirements for opening a shop are low. I have a small house at home, which can be turned into a stall by closing the door. Remove the table, add a bed, find a little lady, and turn around to turn it into a hook fence.

So when Zhao and Rui first arrived in Lin'an, they heard that there were nearly a thousand Goulan houses in Lin'an City.

Among them, the quality varies, and the scale ranges from large to small. Good business is like Guanwenyuan, which can earn thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan a month. Business is not good, like Zhou Qiong, who almost closed down, but Zhao Yurui later took over the business. Went to her store.

Xia Qingzhi finally said: "Your Majesty will set rules for the following, how much area and how many girls there will be. Those who do not meet the standards will not be able to open their business again."

"Those who are not making money by cutting small costs should create high-quality products and improve quality, so that they can increase prices and make more money, so that they can afford to pay taxes and are willing to pay taxes."

Zhao Yurui nodded and waved his hand to Niu Bao behind him to hand over a piece of paper.

He had written a rough outline a long time ago, and he used it to discuss with Xia Qingzhi today.

Xia Qingzhi's face changed slightly when she saw it. The emperor was really cruel.

Zhao Yurui took Lin'an city's population as a unit. There can only be one goulan restaurant for every 2 people, and only one block stall for every 20 people. Those with less than 20 people or 2 people are all one family.

According to Lin'an's population standards, Lin'an City is currently only allowed to open 55 hook-up shops and six stall stalls.

This has had a great impact on the industry, and more than [-]% of the thousands of Goubai companies have to be closed down.

The traffic jams are similar and a lot of them have to be shut down.

"The imperial court issued a red card and a blocking card."

"Auction in public, the one with the highest price will win."

"Those who get red cards or blocked cards will pay taxes based on the scale every year. After five years of operation, they will be re-opened."

Zhao Yurui said: "In this way, we can first eliminate some small shopkeepers who have no money, and concentrate all the red cards and blocked cards into the hands of the rich big players, so that the scale and quality of their products can be guaranteed——"

Xia Qingzhi looked at the young Zhao Yurui talking eloquently in front of her, not talking about national affairs, but talking about hooks and obstacles, and suddenly she felt a little unreal.

But she quickly came to her senses. To ordinary people and officials, these things may be low-level, or even shameless and immoral things, but for Zhao Yurui, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, this is a national event and a way to support the country. The lifeline of the economy, a major undertaking that provides important tax revenue for the court.

"Outside the capital Lin'an, there are 60 million people in all counties combined."

"Each county has a different population. According to the same standard, those with less than 2 and 20 people will have to open one. Because it is an exclusive operation, it will definitely be popular when the photos are taken."

Counties in the Southern Song Dynasty were divided into several levels. Many lower counties, even middle counties, and upper counties did not have 2 people.

But no matter how many people there are, they must at least open one. Originally, many of these counties had many. If it becomes an exclusive operation in the future, this license can make a lot of money.

Xia Qingzhi thought Zhao Yurui just wanted to collect taxes, but she didn't expect that there was also the idea of ​​taking license plates.

The person with the highest license price will get it, and the number will be greatly reduced. You can imagine that there will be a bloody storm and a river of blood.

"It's true." Zhao Yurui finally told her, "On the day the license plate is taken, you and the Qin family will be my trustees."

"..." Xia Qingzhi glanced at Zhao Yurui in a funny and angry way. This guy was shameless and deceitful before he became the emperor. Now that he is the emperor, he is still a virtuous person.

"When my first block card and red card come out, you and the Qin family have to lift them up hard for me."

"Don't worry, no matter how much you lift, I will return it in the end."

The money of the landlords should be returned in full, and the money of the common people should be divided into [-] and [-] accounts. This is probably what it means.

Zhao Yurui asked Xia Qingzhi to take care of him.

Ge Hong looked confused when he heard this. Is there such an operation?Your Majesty is really - worried about the imperial court.

Two days later, a fight broke out between guests at the Red House and someone was beaten to death. Then a stall was set on fire because the stall was losing money due to customers losing money, and people's houses were also burned down.

Emperor Zhao and Rui Leiting were furious and wanted to rectify the red building and blocking stalls.

Five days later, the Ministry of Commerce and Taxation officially issued a notice, which was posted throughout the capital by Jinyiwei. At the same time, the official document was distributed to all parts of the country and was implemented accordingly.

The imperial court must rectify the inferior red buildings and blocking stalls, scale and standardize operations, and distribute them according to population. After Lin'an, there can only be 55 Goulan and six blocking stalls. The imperial court will issue red cards and blocking stalls to businessmen, officials, and nobles. Even foreign businessmen can auction.

This time even officials and nobles joined in, and the government and the public were in an uproar.

In the Ming Dynasty, the officials could criticize the emperor to death, but this was the Song Dynasty, and everyone was not surprised. Many wealthy officials and nobles felt that this was a huge business opportunity.

The court announcement stated that there used to be thousands of houses in Lin'an, but now they have been reduced to 55. There are requirements for the site and scale. In the future, the minimum land area must be as many acres and the number of girls as there must be, and taxes will be paid according to the scale.

That is to say, in addition to the license fee, there is also an additional tax.

But everyone obviously thinks it's worth it, because the number of stores has been reduced from thousands to 55. Business will definitely be booming in the future, and so will the stalls.

The requirements for blocking stalls are lower than those of Goulan. It is estimated that there used to be thousands of stalls in Lin'an City. No matter whose family formed a stall, it would be regarded as blocking stalls.

But you can’t do this in the future. You can form a bureau in your family. As long as they are all relatives, it will be fine. If someone who is not a relative is included and is reported, the home will have to be searched. In addition, the reporter can get half of the money confiscated on the spot.

When these articles came out, there were both criticisms and praises from the public.

Many people are waiting to report and make a fortune in the future.

Of course, the imperial guards will do two things in the future. One is to ensure the safety of all hook fences and stalls. In the past, if anyone caused trouble, the shopkeepers would find someone to solve it themselves. Now you have taken the imperial license plate and paid heavy taxes. The court came forward.

At the same time, Jin Yiwei also cracked down on those who did these two things in private, because if they did this, someone would definitely do it in private.

But Zhao and Rui still follow the same old routine and encourage reporting.

For example, you can go to the black hook bar to play, and then report it back. After verification, all the assets of the shopkeeper will be checked and you will be given half of the reward.

You can also go to the black stall and then report it back. After verification, all the assets of the shopkeeper will also be searched and you will be given half of the reward.

Once this big reward for reporting comes out, not many people will dare to work in this industry privately.

Fighting this thing is actually very simple. Zhao Yurui can be sure that no one will dare to do it in private in the future.

This trick can be used in all walks of life. As long as the court is willing to give heavy rewards to whistleblowers, nothing is off limits.

In the past few years, Zhao Yurui had already tasted the benefits of allocating land to landlords.

After the heavy reward, the landlord's housekeeper, tenants, and even relatives and friends actively reported it. This is human nature.

Including the private salt industry in the Song Dynasty, it has almost disappeared.

No one dared to smuggle, because the court rewarded whistleblowers and severely punished smuggling of illegal salt.

If someone is caught smuggling salt, their home will be ransacked, their head will be beheaded, and half of their assets will be given to the whistleblower.

After a month of continuous publicity preparations by the Song Dynasty officials, it entered the end of the first year of the eighth year of Baoqing.

The auction officially begins.

The auction location was in the Imperial City, and there was a huge flow of people that day. Many businessmen entered the Imperial City for the first time, which was very novel. There were also businessmen from outside the city, including many wealthy businessmen outside the capital.

For the first red card and blocking card, Xia Qingzhi and the Qin family increased their prices one after another. The five-year fees were 60 guan and 180 million guan respectively.

To be honest, the five-year cost of this red card is a bit high. On average, you have to earn more than 400 yuan a day to break even, and you have to pay a small amount of tax later.

If there is a blockade, there are only six companies in Lin'an, so some of them will definitely make money.

But considering that there will only be a few dozen red brands in Lin'an City in the future, as long as the scale is large enough and the quality is good enough, some people will still be able to accept it.

For example, Zhao Yurui would open a private room for a few meals that day, and then order a few girls to accompany him to dinner.

If you stay and play again, you will have to pay a lot more.

With a little more energy, a celebrity like Sai Shishi can spend thousands of dollars in one night.

As a result, the subsequent auction was also in full swing and exciting.

After all, this was the first time for the merchants of the Song Dynasty to play the auction game.

Zhao Yurui placed several entrustments among them and competed to raise the price.

In the end, more than 50 red cards were auctioned for a total of 400 million yuan, and six blocking cards were auctioned for 86 million yuan.

The imperial court only earned more than 3000 million yuan from Lin'an City overnight, which shocked the civil and military officials of the court.

Later, various roads, prefectures, and counties will conduct auctions one after another. As long as local supervision is effective, there are enough whistleblowers, and the crackdown on private enterprises is effective, the imperial court can collect hundreds of millions from this license nationwide.

At that time, there were more than 800 counties in the Southern Song Dynasty, and each county had one family. If the two licenses were added up to 30 guan in five years, they could be sold for 5000 million guan.

When the emperor revealed this amount, it shocked people's minds. Many ministers discovered that it was so easy to make money?
Of course, counties vary in size, rich and poor. Rich counties can fetch millions of guan, even higher than Lin'an, while poor counties with few people may fetch less than 30 guan.

But these two industries are indispensable in rich and poor counties, and they are both consumerable.

Therefore, Zhao Yurui's statement of [-] yuan is still conservative.

This means that from now on, the Song Dynasty will have at least 6000 million more fixed income every year.

In addition to the fixed license fee, these two businesses also have to pay taxes. Depending on the number of girls and stalls, they pay a small amount of tax. It is estimated that the country can collect tens of millions of dollars a year.

In the eighth year of Baoqing, Zhao Yurui imposed commercial taxes, limited the number of brothels and stalls, and auctioned licenses, which increased the Song Dynasty's revenue by hundreds of millions.
At the end of November of the seventh year of Baoqing, Liu Zheng led an army of [-] people walking on the ancient Xiaohan Road.

After the Battle of Fangcheng Mountain, Liu Zheng and Wang Jian led their troops into Jinjing respectively. Then Liu Zheng led [-] Song troops and Tongguan Commander-in-Chief Na He sold them to live in front. The whole army marched quickly with only war horses and dry food, and passed through Lu. Shi County and Ranxiang County entered the Xiaohan Ancient Road.

Song generals Liu Quan, Wang Min, Li Boyuan and the former commander-in-chief of the Zhongxiao Army, Jia Gu Aida, followed in December with [-] Song troops from Xiangyang and [-] Jin surrender troops.

Wang Min and Li Boyuan were the guard generals of Xiangyang. Historically, Zhao Fan's inability to control Xiangyang led to internal strife in Xiangyang. The two men burned and robbed Xiangyang and surrendered to Mongolia, making the Southern Song Dynasty lose the important town of Xiangyang for the first time.

Later, with the cooperation of Liu Quan and other generals, Meng Gong regained Xiangyang.

Now Wang Min and Li Boyuan will certainly not do this again. Several generals, under the leadership of Liu Quan, organized their troops in Yuzhou and gathered [-] Jin troops to surrender.

Zhao and Rui Gan were also very experienced in this. When they came up, they first asked whether they would surrender and whether they were willing to work with the Song Dynasty. Those who were unwilling would be cut off directly, and the remaining ones would be given money first and then their fields.

Where did this field come from?The landowners of various counties in the Jin Kingdom were directly confiscated.

Every time the Song army conquered a state or county, they first raided the landowners. The Song army took the money and grain, and distributed the fields to the Jin soldiers.

Don't use this trick too easily.First of all, it directly attacked the landlords and solved the land annexation. Secondly, it stabilized the hearts of the troops to surrender, and the Song army received a large amount of money and food.

Because Liu Quan wanted to reorganize his army, he set out a few days later than Liu Zheng's troops.

Liu Su led the entire army and marched quickly to ensure that the news of the battle at Fangcheng Mountain had not reached Tongguan.

Among them, there are 5000 people in the front camp, all of whom are dressed in Jinbing uniforms.

They did not attack the counties along the way, but went straight ahead, leaving Liu Quan, Wang Min, and Li Boyuan behind to attack.

In early December, they entered the Xiaohan Ancient Road, which is the only important road connecting Hangu Pass and Tongguan, and is also the key link between Guanzhong and the Central Plains.

In the past, successive dynasties mainly guarded Hangu Pass, but later it was changed to Tongguan.

At this time, Liu Zhengzheng and his generals Zhang Jun, He Shun, Cao Wenyong and Nahe were walking on the ancient Xiaohan Road.

Liu Zheng's horse speed was relatively slow, and he looked at the surrounding terrain while walking.

To the north of the ancient Xiaohan Road was the Yellow River, and their entire army was walking along the Yellow River. To the south were the Qinling Mountains and Mount Wei.

The Song army had just passed through Mount Wei and entered between the Qinling Mountains and the Yellow River.

The widest part of this road is only a dozen steps, and the narrowest part can only allow two horses to walk side by side.

If an enemy army sets an ambush on the Qinling Mountains, it will be easily blocked.

Fortunately, Liu Zheng knew that the news should not reach Tongtou so quickly. Even if it reached Tongguan, Li Ping in Tongguan would not send troops to intercept it, let alone the Song army would come.

There were originally 10,000+ soldiers and horses in Tongguan, most of which were sold by Nahe and taken to Dutuo Lei. Now all the Song troops have surrendered. There are still [-] troops in the pass, and the guard is Han Li Ping.

In history, when Li Ping heard about the defeat in the Three Peaks Battle, he immediately surrendered to the Mongolian army.

Now that there are no Mongolian troops outside Tongguan City, Liu Zheng went over as soon as possible to catch him by surprise.

Of course Liu Zheng didn't know that Li Ping surrendered the Mongolian army in history, but he made preparations to storm Tongguan anyway.

Realizing that Liu Zheng kept watching, the Jin general who surrendered to the Song Dynasty stepped forward and whispered: "Our army came quickly. Li Ping may not know about the defeat of Meng Jin in Fangcheng Mountain. Besides, this person is as timid as Rat, even if you knew our army was coming, you wouldn’t dare send troops to stop it.”

Nahe Maizhu knew Liu Zheng's thoughts. Liu Zheng led his army on his first expedition and was afraid of being ambushed.

When Liu Zheng heard this, he glanced at him, thought for a while, and waved his hand: "The whole army should speed up and let's go."

His army only had [-] cavalry, and the remaining [-] were infantry with horses. Each man in the army had one horse, and he brought an extra [-] horses as spare, and each man only brought five days of dry food.

He didn't dare to be lazy. He felt that what he said was reasonable and he immediately accelerated.

Early the next morning, the Song army entered Huangxiang Ban.

This road has been walked by Jia Si Dao before. It is more than a dozen steps at its widest point, but most of it is soft mud. It can only be walked five or six steps wide. It is quite dangerous to the north of the Yellow River and the south of the Qinling Mountains.

After noon that day, the Song army arrived at Jindou Pass.

Dagula, the guard general of Jindou Pass, was a Jurchen, and he used to be the general who lived together.

It's already December and it's still relatively cold here.

Dagu La was also shocked when he heard that a large group of golden soldiers were coming.

He hurriedly came to the head of Guancheng and saw the Hemaizhu at a glance. He was surrounded by Liu Zheng and other generals. Not far away, there was a dark mass of soldiers and horses, all wearing gold armor.

"Commander? Are you back?" Dagu La was surprised and happy.

Nahe Maizhu's expression changed. This guy actually wanted to pretend to surrender, but he felt that the power of the Jin Dynasty was gone. The 10,000+ elite troops at the foot of Fangcheng Mountain were wiped out. The Song Army also recruited tens of thousands of people to surrender. One went down and the other went up. The Kingdom of Jin is definitely doomed.

Liu Zheng was standing beside him at this time and whispered: "Think carefully before you decide whether it is necessary to harm yourself and your whole family for the sake of the Jin Kingdom, which is about to collapse."

Liu Zheng was warning him, don't act recklessly, otherwise your whole family will not be safe when we invade Nanjing.

Nahemaizhu turned around and looked at the Song army. This Song army did not bring artillery and trebuchets. It would definitely not work to attack Jindou Pass, but what was the use of holding on here?

In the future, the Song Army can cut off the connection between Tongguan and the Central Plains. Tongguan has no food, and Jindou Pass has no food, so they cannot hold it for long.

Therefore, Li Ping had no choice but to surrender to Mongolia. The Jin soldiers were defeated in Sanfeng Mountain, and all surrounding counties were destroyed. After Tongguan, there would be no source of food, so it would be impossible not to surrender.

"Open the door quickly, our army defeated the Mongolian army at Fangcheng Mountain and returned with a great victory -" Nahe had no choice but to finally decide to do it.

Dagula saw that there were all golden soldiers and armors in front of him, and that Hetai lived there. He didn't doubt that he was there, so he immediately ordered them to be let go.

The Song army successfully occupied Jindou Pass and then headed straight for Tongguan.

At this time, Tongguan can be said to be an isolated city. The Mongolian army in the Guanzhong area has retreated and is to be given to the Song army, and the Song army comes in from the Central Plains.

At this time, changes were also taking place in Tongguan.

"What the hell." Jia Sidao was lying on the ground, cursing and asking Zhao Yurui in his heart.

It was dark, not even a candle, for he was hiding under the tunnel.

The Song army suddenly lent a road to the Mongolian army. When the news reached Tongguan, Li Ping immediately wanted to trouble the Song people's shops here.

Fortunately, someone had informed them early, and Jia Sidao hid in an underground passage under the leadership of Song Ren Xizuo.

There are seven or eight people like him hiding in the tunnel now. It is said that more than a dozen people were arrested by Jin soldiers outside, but there are still a large number of people like him hiding in various tunnels.

My brother-in-law is cheating on me right now. Will I die in Tongguan?
Why lend a good way to the Mongolian army?
Jia Sidao and the others stayed down there like mice for many days, feeling uncomfortable.

Every day someone would send some food down. Jia Sidao knew that it was a common people's yard, and Jin Bing had not received it yet.

But he thought that if he didn't go out, he might go crazy here.

However, he still admired Song Jun for being able to dig tunnels into people's homes and hide several people.

But it would be better to dig a bigger tunnel, because the large and small tunnels are too close together and need to be dealt with.

They dug soil to cover it every time after pulling. It was a little better, but the pit was getting bigger and higher, and if it stayed there longer, there would probably be no room to dig.

"When can we go out?" Jia Sidao couldn't bear it any longer and asked a man from Song Dynasty.

He quite admired these Song people. None of the people who came in with him complained, and they seldom spoke these days.

"Don't worry, Shopkeeper Jia. If our army wins, they will be able to leave soon." A Song man whispered.

"Can you bear it?" Jia Sidao frowned and said, "If I continue like this, I will go crazy."

Several people from the Song Dynasty laughed, and finally someone said: "Before we came to Tongguan, we trained intensively for a year and a half."

"..." Jia Sidao said.

"We once lived in a tunnel smaller than this for two months."

"..." Jia Sidao said.

He looked around depressedly, but couldn't see clearly. He thought to himself that his brother-in-law was really capable of doing things, how could he come up with it?

"Our army is coming to attack Tongguan?" Jia Sidao asked.

"I will definitely come and fight."

"Not allowed to pass through Wuguan first?" Jia Sidao said: "I didn't fall out before, so I could take advantage of the food delivery to make a sneak attack. Now I don't have the chance."

Jia Sidao still remembered the route he took when delivering food.

"Now you don't have to go through Wuguan, you can go from Henan."

Jia Sidao didn't understand either, but it sounded reasonable.

I thought, if I don’t have to go through Wuguan, I have to go through Huangxiangban, then go through Jindou Pass, and then Tongguan, which is not easy to fight.

He asked the Song man how to fight, but of course the Song man didn't know.

The two looked at each other.

At this moment, squeak, light suddenly fell from above, and everyone quickly looked up.

"Come out, you can come out." The person above shouted.

Everyone was ecstatic and hurried out.

"The Song army has entered the city?" Jia Sidao asked happily after coming out.

"No." The person outside said: "I heard that Song troops were outside the city. When they called the city gate, Li Ping found out that they were fake."

"..." Everyone.

Li Ping looked more closely than Dagu La, and when he saw that Hemaizhu didn't recognize any of the generals around him at the top of the city, he began to suspect that Hemaizhu had surrendered the Mongolian army, and the Jin Kingdom was defeated by the Mongolian army.

But this guy didn't surrender to the Mongolian army like in history, but ordered an attack on the spot.

The Song troops immediately retreated.

Liu Zheng failed to deceive him, so he could only let Nahe sell the letter to persuade him to surrender.

Only then did Li Ping realize that it was the Song army that came, not the Mongolian army.

Li Ping was undecided at this moment, but he quickly ordered the release of the Song clerk whom he had arrested earlier.

They called out Jia Sidao and others.

Hearing this, Jia Sidao became bolder: "Do we have any powerful weapons?"

"There is gunpowder to blow up the city gate." A Song Dynasty man said: "But now there are all Jin troops below the city gate."

"You have to find a carriage, light it and push it over."

But Jin soldiers can shoot arrows, so whether they can charge forward is a question.

Several people were still discussing how to blow up the city gate.

Suddenly someone ran into the yard outside and exclaimed: "The golden soldiers are here."

"I'll go." Jia Sidao and others instantly exploded at the scene.

"Boom" Before they could run back into the tunnel, the courtyard door had been knocked open, and a large group of golden soldiers rushed in.

After it was over, Jia Sidao suddenly came to his senses. Li Ping didn't catch the shopkeeper, deliberately let him go, and then chased him here?
(End of this chapter)

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