Chapter 347 Are you lying to yourself? (Ask for monthly ticket)

Abili stood up in a hurry, gathered his troops and ran over, and the Song army's camp was indeed moving.

He was also very courageous. He led his people forward, and soon he was about a hundred steps away from the Song Army's rear formation, watching the Song Army from a distance.

Song Jun ignored him. After a while, there was a sudden commotion over there, and dozens of herdsmen were dragged out.

The Mongolian army suddenly yelled and cursed.

Sure enough, the Song army began to raise their swords and shake them at the Mongolian army, as if in a demonstration. Then, there was a faint scream in the distance.

The herdsmen were cut down one after another, and all of them were killed in the blink of an eye.

Abili's lips were bitten and he wished he could rush forward and fight Song Jun.

After killing the last group of herdsmen, the Song army, which could not ride more than a thousand horses, began to break camp and head northwest with more than 3000 horses and a large amount of supplies.

Abili kept watching. The front camp of the Song army left first, followed by the middle camp. When they finally left, more than a dozen Song soldiers who had just massacred the herdsmen stayed in the same place, rummaging on the ground, not knowing what they were looking for.

Abili became excited when he saw it.

"There are only a dozen left." The subordinates were even more excited.

"Wait a moment, there's still a large group ahead of us that hasn't gone far," Abili said.

Then the dozen Song troops mounted their horses one after another and chased forward. After a while, there were still five Song troops on the scene. Some Song troops were groping on the ground, as if they were looking for the herdsmen’s belongings. In the distance, Song troops The army was already two to three hundred steps away from the scene.

"You bitch, go up and kill them." Abili couldn't hold back anymore. With an order, he rushed forward with twenty cavalry.

The remaining five Song troops were still looking through the pages, and suddenly they felt the Mongolian troops rushing up. They hurriedly looked for their horses, and some people shouted to the front.

But the large troops in front had already walked two to three hundred steps, and they couldn't hear what they were saying.

Abili's face turned red, and his expression became even more excited.

The Song army on the opposite side did not run away. They did not even mount their horses. They once again formed a circle with more than a dozen horses, obviously waiting for reinforcements.

"Song dog." Abili led his men to approach quickly and surrounded the five Song troops. The Song troops hid behind their horses and did not dare to show their heads.

"Kill, kill them all." Abili raised his head and saw that the Song army's brigade had not noticed it two or three hundred steps away, and he became more courageous. Whoosh, he jumped off his horse first.

Other Mongolian troops also dismounted and rushed towards the Song troops among the horses: "Kill them."

The faces of the Mongolian soldiers were all red and ferocious. In their eyes, these five Song soldiers were like five fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

You are dead, Abili said with a cruel smile.

But right now.

Dozens of herdsmen who had been lying on the ground like dead bodies suddenly stood up one after another.

"????" Abili.
Lin'an is even busier in April, with ships traveling from north to south queuing up to enter Lin'an City every day.

The maritime trade of the Song Dynasty was so developed now. With the strong support of Zhao Yurui, merchant ships from most Asian countries came to the Song Dynasty.

At the end of April, a warship sailed from Shouzhou to Huai'an, and then from Huai'an to Lin'an.

Yu Jie and Liu Zheng came to the capital from the battlefield in the Central Plains to pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor.

That afternoon, Yu Jie and Liu Zheng were invited to the palace for dinner by Zhao Yurui.

Zhao Yurui often hosted banquets in the palace for important civil and military officials who returned from other places. This was rarely done by emperors in previous dynasties.

Those who were promoted to commander among the military attachés would return to Beijing to meet the emperor and have dinner with the emperor at the same time.

The same goes for civil officials who reached prefect or above. Magistrates of many important counties also had the opportunity to enter the palace and have meals with the emperor.

At first many people were not used to it, but later they found that the emperor was very easy-going and could talk to the emperor a lot and even make some requests when meeting the emperor, so everyone liked to eat with the emperor very much.

At about 03:30 in the afternoon, Yu Jie and Liu Zheng entered the palace at the same time.

After entering the Xuande Hall, Emperor Zhao Yurui was already standing in front of the map of the Song Dynasty to the west.

There are currently two famous maps in Xuande Hall, the world map to the east and the Song Dynasty map to the west.

Usually the world map is covered with cloth, and Zhao Yurui will only let people open it unless it is used.

"Kowtow to Your Majesty." The two kowtowed as they entered.

"Get up, get up, hahaha, come and talk." Zhao Yurui greeted cordially.

The two generals quickly stood up.

The emperor and his ministers stood in front of the map and chatted casually for a few words. Then Yu Jie pointed at the map and began to explain to the emperor.

Since the defeat at Fangcheng Mountain, the Jin Kingdom stationed troops in three places: Wanyan Heda in Zhengzhou, Wuxian in Chenliu, and the capital Nanjing.

According to the strategy of Zhao and Rui, the Song army was not in a hurry to attack these cities, but successively captured other prefectures and counties of the Jin Kingdom. By April, except for these three places, all the rest of the Jin Kingdom had been occupied by the Song army.

The Song army sent letters of surrender to these three places every day. Each time they only sent a few hundred horses to go there, and no large army was used to attack the city.

The Kingdom of Jin was unmoved at first, and Wanyan Shouxu wrote back angrily accusing Zhao Yurui of being dishonest and lacking in martial ethics.

However, the Song Army blocked all connections outside the Jin Kingdom. The Jin Army had no source of food or supplies.

At the end of March, Chen Liuwuxian led 3 troops out of the city in an attempt to plunder. He was surrounded by Song troops on all sides. The Song army immediately gathered [-] troops. Before the two sides fought for a while, Wuxian was defeated and returned. From then on, the Jin army did not dare to come out.

Wanyan Shouxu felt bad at this time and sent an envoy to seek peace. This time the envoy also came with Yu Jie, and it was said that he was a Han official.

After Zhao Yurui heard this, he shook his head and said, "The envoy is missing. Tell the envoy when you go out."

"Ask Wanyan Shouxu to surrender unconditionally. I won't kill Wanyan's family and move the senior officials there. If we don't surrender, it will be hard to say after the city is broken."

Yu Jie and Liu Zheng looked at each other, thinking that Wanyan Shouxu might not believe it anymore.

"I use tricks on the battlefield, but outside the battlefield, my words still count." Zhao Yurui said quickly.

The two generals smiled bitterly.

"Does Jin still have a source of food now?" Zhao Yurui asked at this time.

"According to His Majesty's decree, all the grain fields outside the city were destroyed -" In fact, in autumn and winter, when the Mongolian, Jin and Song Dynasties were fighting nearby, the Jin soldiers did not receive much grain, and many of them were destroyed by the Mongolian army.

After the Song army occupied it, they continued to destroy it first and cut off the Jin army's food and grass first.

Because the Song army did not go to siege the city.

Now Zhao Yurui is like this. Instead of sending troops to besiege the city, they will each occupy their own territory with the Jin Kingdom, and then see who can outsmart the other.

"In May and June, the Jin soldiers may come out to farm." Zhao Yurui said at this time: "You don't have to worry about them while they farm."

Yu Jie and Liu Zheng looked at each other again. They couldn't laugh even if they wanted to. Your Majesty, this is so dark.

"When the rice grows in July or August, if it still doesn't fall, we will send troops to burn it down when their rice grows bigger."

"..." The two of them were quite speechless.

Liu Zheng couldn't hold back: "Your Majesty, why don't you directly mobilize the army to attack these three cities? It shouldn't be difficult. The Jin army has no fighting spirit."

Zhao Yurui explained that attacking a fortified city would result in more casualties. Our army had newly captured a large number of Jincheng and should first consolidate its local rule. At the same time, it would dispatch craftsmen, transport artillery and trebuchets, and prepare for the next war with Mongolia.

Zhao Yurui still focuses on consolidating the rule of Henan and transporting defensive equipment to the states and counties in Henan. Moreover, if the Jin Kingdom is attacked, Mongolia may also move.

Anyway, Jin Guo is already a piece of fish on the chopping board, so he is not in a hurry.

The longer the delay, the greater the possibility of civil strife in Jin, and it will be able to surrender without a fight.

After hearing this, Liu Zheng felt that it made sense. The main reason was that His Majesty the Emperor was not willing to attack the fortified city easily.

After Zhao Yurui ascended the throne, the Song Dynasty had fought many wars with the Jin Kingdom and Mongolia, but Zhao Yurui tried to avoid attacking strong cities to reduce casualties.

Like Nanjing in the Jin Kingdom, the defense was quite strong. In history, if the Emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Wanyan Shouxu, hadn't escaped first, Mongolia still wouldn't have been able to capture it.

Now Zhao Yurui just wants to force the Jin Kingdom to surrender. Except for these three places, the Jin Kingdom is all occupied by the Song Army. The Song Army first strengthens local rule.

"All the officials of the Jin Kingdom in the past - all were replaced. No one was left. Those with a bad official reputation were killed by their whole family. Those with a good official reputation were moved to high officials." Zhao Yurui said in a deep voice: "All the landowners, all Check and distribute the grain fields to the people and our soldiers."

"Gather all the local craftsmen, enlist them as state-owned, set up craftsmen's bureaus in various states, build military equipment, and strengthen city defenses."

Zhao Yurui's attack on the Central Plains and the seizure of all the landowners will allow the Song Dynasty to earn tens of millions of dollars. After conquering Nanjing and other places, they will continue to inspect the landowners of the entire Jin Kingdom, and at least they will be able to get [-] million.

As for the copied grain fields, which amounted to nearly ten million acres, and countless other wealth, it was definitely a huge fortune.

Zhao Yurui is more ruthless than Mongolia.

The Mongols had to rely on local powerful people and landlords to enter Hebei and Shanxi, and they did not dare to raid all wealthy households easily.

Zhao Yurui checked directly, and none of the landlords could escape.

"Who is stationed in Luoyang now?" Zhao Yurui asked at this time.

"Your Majesty, this is Wang Jian." Yu Jie said.

Zhao Yurui's mind immediately flashed Wang Jian's information. This man was Zhao Kui's old subordinate and the former deputy commander of the Qiangyong Army. After Zhao Kui recommended Liu Zheng, he recommended Wang Jian.

Zhao Kui successively recommended Yu Jie, Lu Wende, Liu Zheng and other military generals to Zhao Yurui. These people have great reputations in history, so Zhao Kui has a good vision.

Later, he recommended Wang Jian to Zhao Yurui, and also said that Wang Jian's ability was a little worse than that of Yu Jie and the other three, but he was already considered good among most Song generals.

"Wang Jian is calm and makes no mistakes. He is good at defense but not good at fighting. He is a good defensive general of Zhao Zhashi." Zhao Yurui immediately praised.Yu Jie and Liu Zheng also laughed. This was the exact words recommended by Zhao Kui. Wang Jian was better at defense and did not engage in offensive warfare. When he followed Zhao Kui's father, Zhao Fan, he was stationed in a certain city in Huaidong. With several times the number of troops but unable to move, the defensive battle was done quite well.

Like Zhao Yurui, this man also likes to build a mat tent at the top of the city to protect against arrows. Of course, the arrow-proof sheds in the Song Dynasty are not as effective as Zhao Yurui's. Now Wang Jian is learning to use Zhao Yurui's canopy.

Yu Jie also recognized and hired people to guard the important city of Luoyang with Wang Jian.

Why we say Chongcheng is because after the Song Army captured Luoyang, a large number of Central Plains people moved there. There are now several 10 people in this city. At present, apart from Nanjing, it is the most populous and most productive city in the Central Plains.

"I want to transfer a hundred artillery craftsmen from Lianghuai and Huaihe Rivers. We will set up a firearms bureau in Luoyang and recruit [-] local craftsmen to join us. We will implement full military management and strictly control entry and exit-" This set of standards is very good in Jiankang. Well, Jiankang Prefecture also has a firearms bureau, which builds artillery for the Huaihe River. Zhao and Rui have been on the throne for several years, but they have not leaked secrets.

The most difficult part of making artillery is the application and pouring of the lost wax method and the clay casting method. Zhao and Rui uniformly use the lost wax method, and only a few important craftsmen need to know how to operate the lost wax method.

These craftsmen are now official officials of the imperial court and enjoy high official salaries. First of all, it is basically impossible to be bribed. Secondly, the whole family is followed by royal guards when they go in and out, and they have no chance to get close to outsiders.

They make molds in the factory and then pour them in another factory area. The workers in this factory area are only responsible for smelting. Every time the molten iron is finished and comes out of the furnace, they will be called away to work in another iron furnace.

When the finished product was transferred to another place to be polished and processed by other craftsmen, the other craftsmen had no idea how the cannon was made, and because Zhao Yurui guided the cannon by adding several layers of iron hoops around the mold, And divided into three or four sections, so both other craftsmen of the Firearms Bureau of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Mongols thought that the artillery of the Song Army was shot in several sections and then connected.

What's even more cruel is that in each of Zhao Yurui's firearms bureaus, there are craftsmen who specialize in building another type of artillery.

These craftsmen beat wrought iron into iron sheets, then rolled them up to form a cannon, and then spliced ​​them into three pieces.

It is completely built using a casting method similar to the Hongwu cannon. Each cannon is extremely time-consuming. Twenty cannons can be made using the lost-wax method. Even one of these cannons cannot be built. There are more than a dozen craftsmen working on this cannon in one factory, and it takes a month. Only one door was built.

The cannons produced are basically not used. For example, every three months in the Lianghuai area, several cannons are transported to Lin'an to be melted down and rebuilt.

What is made in Lin'an is transported to Lianghuai and then melted.

This makes most craftsmen think that the cannons made by the Song Army were made in this way, and some scrap cannons are brought back every few months.

Zhao Yurui not only deceived the Mongolian army, but also deceived his own craftsmen.

"The Central Plains needs a firearms bureau, otherwise it will be very troublesome to transport artillery from the south of the Yangtze River." Of course Yu Jie was very supportive.

The location of Luoyang is quite good. The artillery built can be used to support Tongguan and Shaanxi to the west, and to Kaifeng and other places in the Central Plains to the east.

After Zhao Yurui set up a gun factory in Luoyang, as long as the materials were supplied, the Central Plains region would be self-sufficient in less than a year.

"How are the soldiers and horses of the two Jurchen and Khitan battalions in Yuzhou doing?" Zhao Yurui asked again.

After winning great victories in the Central Plains and Fangcheng Mountain, the Song army surrendered [-] Jurchens and [-] Khitans, and set up Jurchen camps and Khitan camps. They then gathered alone in Yuzhou for training, and paid them on time every month. The effect was Of course not bad.

At that time, the power of the Jin Kingdom was getting weaker and weaker, and military pay could not be issued in many places. The Jurchen soldiers and Khitan soldiers were basically Jin soldiers. Those who refused to surrender were killed. Those who were willing to surrender wanted to live, and of course they were happy to have money to pay.

"They are quite obedient. According to His Majesty's instructions, in the early stage, one out of [-] soldiers will be drawn every month, and those who are not well trained will be killed. After a few months, the camps will be more obedient and less lax than before."

The combat effectiveness of these reduced troops is acceptable, but the training discipline is too poor. Originally, the Jin Kingdom did not train very much. Now the Song Army trains according to the Song Army's method, and they are not very accustomed to it at first.

But Song Jun was not polite. He only practiced for half a month and beheaded 52 poorly trained slickers in public.

Starting from the second month, one will be drawn from every hundred people, and the person with the worst training in each hundred-man team will be beheaded directly.

It has only been two months, but the soldiers are all honest and obedient in training.

Of course, the Song Army had both punishments and rewards. Every month, those with better training were selected and rewarded with money, salt and candies.

If you don’t like any of these, it’s okay, just appreciate women.

In addition to the battle at Fangcheng Mountain, the Song Army also captured various cities. Many of the surrendered soldiers had family members in the city. The Song Army deliberately selected those who had trained well with family members, and then asked them to meet their families, and said that they would reward their families with grain fields. .

Some of their family members were from Nanjing, but it was okay. The Song army rewarded them with the single Jurchen women they had plundered and captured.

Over the past few months, the morale of the surrendered soldiers has gradually stabilized. Yu Jie cannot say now that they will not rebel in the future, but if they continue to practice like this, they will definitely be able to follow the Song people in the same way as they followed the Mongols.

"How many of them have family members? How many of them have children?" Zhao Yurui asked again.

"Among the 5000 people, 640 have family members and 860 have children."

Yu Jie also came prepared. It was estimated that the emperor would ask these things: "The family members of a small number of soldiers are in Nanjing."

Most of these surrendered troops came from the vicinity of Tongguan and various cities. Tongguan and various cities have now been captured by the Song army, so there are more of them with family members. A small number of them came from Nanjing, and their family members are still in Nanjing.

"We killed a lot of golden soldiers before, right?" Zhao Yurui asked again.

Yu Jie said: "Many people were unwilling to surrender, so they were all killed."

At this time, many Jurchens still looked down on the Song people from the bottom of their hearts, because they had the shame of Jingkang ahead of them.

Therefore, many Jurchens are willing to surrender to the Mongols, but they are really unwilling to surrender to the Song people.

"Find out their family members, marry them to the sergeants of the two battalions who have no family members, and match them with family members."

"It's Your Majesty." Of course Yu Jie agreed.

There are [-] Jurchen Khitans in these two battalions, and Zhao and Rui have to match them with their families.

"Can we be matched before August?"


"In September, the entire army is ordered to go to Fengyang. I will mobilize the ships to send them out to sea and take the coastal road to Dajuan."

Zhao Yurui transported all the [-] Jurchen soldiers and Khitan soldiers to Daguan.

Yu Jie was stunned for a moment and asked cautiously: "Is the senior officer going to start a war?"

He knew that it was an island. The emperor had been immigrating to Dayuan in the past few years. It was said that hundreds of thousands of people had moved there.

He didn't know why the emperor cared so much about this island?
Zhao Yurui did not respond to him. This was Zhao Yurui's other strategy. Even Yu Jie of this era could not understand it.

"After these two battalions leave, you from Henan will begin to move people to the states of Shaanxi to farm and grow grain."

In order to strengthen the walls and clear the country, the Jin Kingdom moved all the people to the east of Tongguan, which made the Central Plains now overcrowded.

In the history of Nanjing, 250 million people even poured into the city, and millions of people died.

So Zhao Yurui is now starting to move the people back to various parts of Shaanxi.

Starting next year, Zhao Yurui will focus on running Shaanxi, and Liu Zheng will become the commander of the newly established Shaanxi Dusi, responsible for the resettlement of the people in Shaanxi, the preparation of the Dusi, and the defense of Shaanxi.

Of course Zhao Yurui will also support him. The imperial court wants to set up forty troops in Shaanxi with 24 troops. It can be said that it is the largest military division in the country.

Liu Zheng's eyes gleamed when he heard this.

In the Song Dynasty, there were no more than [-] armies in any region. This shows how much the emperor attached great importance to Shaanxi.

Of course, there will be three sources of these troops and horses. Most of them will be mobilized from the west of Beijing, Jinghu, Guangnan and other roads, because these places are no longer the front line. After the Song Army captured Henan, the defense line again Move forward.

Some of the capital's troops and horses in these places can be transferred to Shaanxi, and even some can be transferred to Sichuan.

The other part is the newly recruited soldiers. Zhao Yurui has been recruiting and training new soldiers in the coastal areas of Fujian, Zhejiang, and Guangdong in the past few years. They will be sent to the front line one after another. Only after being trained in blood and fire can they become elites in all battles.

Then the third part is to recruit new soldiers from the people of Shaanxi and Henan and garrison them on the spot. This part of the army is mainly used to defend the city.

"I will select 15 veterans from all over the country and 24 new soldiers on the coastal roads. You will recruit [-] from the local people and [-] troops. You must defend Shaanxi and not be captured by the Mongolian army again."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, if I am here, Shaanxi will be here, and I and Shaanxi will live and die together." Liu Zheng knelt down and kowtowed heavily.

On the same day, Yu Jie and Liu Zheng went to Beijing and discussed the war in Henan and Shaanxi with Zhao and Rui. They decided on the strategy of suspending the elimination of gold and focusing on the Central Plains and Shaanxi. They tried their best to push the front line forward and block the Mongolian army in Shaanxi and Shaanxi. North of the Yellow River.

Zhao Yurui now just wants to run the country well. He only needs to move the front line forward so that the war will not spread to Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Jiangnan, Fujian, Guangdong and other places behind. With the Song Empire's population of nearly 8000 million, strong trade and Productivity, the national power of the Song Dynasty will only become stronger and stronger.

And Mongolia is prone to civil strife. In history, there was no civil strife because no one fanned the flames. Now if Zhao Yurui does something, Mongolia will inevitably have civil strife.

At that time, the Song army will become stronger and stronger as it fights, and it will be able to destroy Mongolia in one fell swoop.

Yu Jie and Liu Zheng had dinner with the emperor in the palace. When they left the palace, they received a large reward and a Korean beauty each. They left Lin'an satisfied.

Early the next morning, Zhao Yurui got up and touched subconsciously, but he didn't find the beauty.

It turned out that the person who came to bed last night was a Goryeo beauty, and the powerful Goryeo minister Cui Yu paid tribute.

The beauty was young and beautiful. After Zhao Yurui got up, he thought she was by his side. When he came back to his senses, he remembered that he had driven her away after going to bed last night.

There was no way, even if he didn't want to, the chamberlain Hu Song also asked for the beauty to be driven away. This was a foreign beauty, and the chamberlains were worried.

"Hu Song." Zhao Yurui shouted loudly, and then people came in one after another from outside.

Everyone in the palace knew that Hu Song was the top chamberlain, and Zhao and Rui asked him not to wait outside every morning. However, Hu Song still waited outside in person every day. He always got up half an hour before Zhao Yurui. He was quite loyal. For this reason, Zhao Yurui slept in every six days when he was not in court, also to give Hu Song more rest.

Today was a day without going to court, so Zhao Yurui didn't get up until nine o'clock.

After washing up and having something to eat, it was almost ten o'clock. If this had happened at any other time, I would have been scolded as a coward.

According to the rules before the Song Dynasty, when the emperor was not in court, senior officials, such as the prime minister, political advisors, privy envoys, deputy privy envoys, and censor Zhongcheng, etc. would go to the emperor to kowtow to greet him, and then go home. This is called "daily living" '.

Of course Zhao Yurui also changed. When he is not in court, the courtiers will not come to greet him. Of course, if you have something to report, you can come, but if it is not a military or national event, you can't disturb me from sleeping in.

It was not easy for me to sleep in in my previous life, but as an emperor in this life I am not allowed to sleep in.

Around 10:30, Niu Bao came to Zhao Yurui with someone from outside. Zhao Yurui laughed and stepped forward to hug him hard.

The visitor was his cousin Quan Yong whom he had not seen for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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