In the Southern Song Dynasty, I competed with Mongolia for the world

Chapter 399 The Great Song Dynasty accepted the sea and the river

Chapter 399 The Great Song Dynasty embraced all rivers

The Tubo people always draw one from every three households in war, but some households may not have any adult men to apply for the draft, so other households have to provide more.

As for the Song Army, one in ten households is now drawn, and the probability is far lower than that of the Tubo nobles.

Ah Li remained silent.

His mother was right, the taxes here were lower than those in Luoshe, and the chances of being drawn here were lower than those in Luoshe. The key was the last sentence his mother said, he would not have dignity in Luoshe.


My mother, who had never been illiterate and had to rely on her younger sister to count, could actually say such a thing after following Song Jun for several years.

This must have been taught by Song Jun.

Alili knew that his mother would never care about this, but now the word dignity came out of his mother's mouth.

It sounds harsh, but it seems to make sense.

As his mother spoke, she suddenly lost control of her emotions and then started crying.

While Ali comforted her mother, she said that she was already very powerful in the Song army. When she got to Luocheng and found a noble, she might be appreciated and become a person of status.

Mother is still crying, Ah Li thinks wonderfully, Tubo is hereditary, nobles will always be nobles, slaves will always be slaves, why do you, Ah Li, become a person of status?

Alili also said that a large number of tribesmen have returned, more than 700 people, and everyone is doing this.

The mother cried, yes, more than 700 people have come back, why can you become a person of status?

Ah Li was stunned.

He has only been away from home for a few years, and his mother, who he once thought didn't understand anything, has now become eloquent.

It's a pity that he doesn't understand what brainwashing is.

His mother and sister have been working in the Song Army for the past few years. The Song Army is brainwashing them every day. Every day they talk about the unbearability of the nobles and the preferential treatment of the Song Army. In addition, they can actually get a lot of benefits. Their mother and sister are now completely surrendered to the Song army.

Unable to convince his mother, Ah Li tried to persuade his sister.

But the younger sister also started crying, her eyes full of despair, and she hoped that her brother would think about it again.

Because she thought of a problem. People like her brother who came out of the Song Army were likely to be retaliated by the Song Army, and they would be driven away immediately.

On the contrary, those who do not have Song Jun at home will not be driven away.

The three members of the family were still in pain when suddenly the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance.

The three of them turned around and saw two war horses running towards them crazily.

Only when we arrived did we realize that it was Ali's father and brother who had returned.

The two of them were furious when they saw Ah Lili.

"You're no longer a Song Army? Why, why." His father was so angry that he almost wanted to whip Ah Lili with a riding crop.

Only then did Ali realize that his father and younger brother had just been asked by the Song Army to leave Diezhou City, and there was no need to go to Diezhou City in the future.

Of course, Song Jun paid off their wages and did not default on them.

"Your father and Huma (referring to younger brothers) work for the Song army in Diezhou City every month. They can earn five guan of money a year, and they can also receive one catty of sugar and two catties of salt every month -"

"You and I, Yoma (referring to my sister), help the Song people make leather armor every month. We can earn three guan of money a year, and we can also receive half a catty of sugar and one catty of salt every month -"

Ah Li’s mother pointed at him. The whole family made a lot of money from the Song Army in a year, and they could still receive supplies every year. The life was prosperous, but you suddenly stopped working.

According to Song Jun's urine, it won't be long before they have to move and leave here.

"The Song Dynasty people want me to change my name to a Chinese name." Ah Lili said angrily.

"Then change it." The father was furious: "Changing your name doesn't matter, your sister has also changed it, and I am going to change it too."

Ali looked at his father in stunned silence, and then said: "They don't allow me to bow, they don't respect our wise men."

"Faith is in the heart. Just promise the Song people on the surface." The father said again.

"..." Ah Li said.

Ah Li never thought that her parents would become like this.

Ah Li went home without the joy of reunion.

Instead, the whole family fell into a period of shadow and pain.

The whole family didn't eat together that day. The mother and sister could only cry. The father started drinking and got very drunk. The younger brother ignored Ah Lili at all and kept sitting outside, looking at the direction of Diezhou City in the distance. Obsessed.

Seeing the whole family in this state, Alili had doubts for the first time, was her choice the right one?

Knowers of the grassland, Gong Gyasan, please guide me in the right direction.

Ali returned to the house and wanted to find a Buddha statue to worship, and piously asked the wise man for guidance, but found that there was not even a statue at home.

He went to ask his brother, where are these things at home?

The younger brother looked at him expressionlessly and said calmly: "I burned it for warmth last winter."

"..." Ah Li said.

Ah Li tossed and turned hard that night, but early the next morning, shortly after dawn, more than a dozen members of the Cavalry tribe came to his home.

Geerqin also came, and there were others close to his home, all of whom were members of his clan who had returned from the Song Army.

As soon as Geerqin arrived, he yelled: "Dawa betrayed us for the first time."

"?" Ah Lili.

Geerqin said that he wanted to go to Dawaci's house before dark yesterday to discuss the matter with him. When he went there, he discovered that Dawaci had returned to Diezhou City. He seemed to be rejoining the Song Army and changing his surname to Han Dynasty, because Dawaci's parents supported him in doing this.

After Ge Qin finished speaking, there were scoldings all around, and then the dozen tribesmen who came with him all said that many people were betraying them and wanted to rejoin the Song army.

Ah Li listened without saying a word, feeling all kinds of things in his heart.

At this time, Geerqin asked: "When will we set off? Will we move to Luozhe?"

Ah Lili said, my parents don’t seem to be willing.

Geerqin said, let's go on our own. Anyway, I will definitely not change my surname to Han.

Geerqin must pursue the wisdom of Gyaltsen and maintain the traditions of the Tibetan people, even if he falls out with his parents.

He also felt that his parents had changed over the past few years and had become very strange.

Zhao Yurui's propaganda and brainwashing work is so good that these uneducated middle-aged Tubo men and women cannot resist it, and they can see the benefits.

No one is willing to suddenly give up everything they have got.

These dozen or so people were still discussing where to move and how to move, when a group of fine knights approached slowly not far away.

"Damn you." There were curses all around. Those Song Jun soldiers who looked aloof and held their heads high were their former tribesmen.

Ah Lili has a brother who is right across the street, and he is his brother.

The two brothers took completely different paths.

"Look at your Ajia." Geerqin gritted his teeth: "It seems that he is afraid that others will not know that he is a Song army. He does not fight and wears Zha armor. Who is he trying to scare?"

Mutik became angry and rode up to meet him: "Ajia, Ajia——" A Song Army commander opposite looked at him calmly, and then said: "Mutik, please call me brother, don't call me Ajia, let's do it now Follow the Song Dynasty and get used to using Chinese."

"..." Mutik said angrily: "Aren't you from Tibet?"

"I am from Song Dynasty now, and my name is Liu Ying."

"tui" Mutik spat hard.

There were all Tubo people on the opposite side, but they all looked at him coldly.

"Liu Ying, don't worry about them, just let these people go back and continue to be the dogs of those nobles." Another Tibetan man next to him sneered.

"Who are you calling a dog?" Mutik was furious.

"If you leave the Song Army, you will be worse than dogs when you go back." The other person immediately said: "Let's see who will treat you as human beings."

"You are the lackeys of the Song Army." Mutik was furious.

"The Song army at least provides food, shelter, clothing and wages. Do you get wages for helping the nobles fight?"

"..." Mutik.

"Dada died fighting for the Song Army, and his family received a pension and a lot of supplies. What will happen if you die fighting for the nobles? Well, the nobles will give you a mat to wrap your bodies."

"Perhaps the nobles will marry his sister or mother-in-law and take care of him." Someone on the side laughed.

"Hahaha" everyone roared with laughter.

Mutik's mouth was open, he wanted to curse but didn't know what to say.

These Song soldiers ignored him and moved forward slowly, quickly arriving at Ah Lili's side.

Everyone is an acquaintance, and both parties look at each other.

Liu Ying first looked at A Lili's home not far away, and then pointed to Song Jun beside him: "You can ask your parents and younger siblings to move here. The more than 100 acres of land here will all belong to your family from now on."

"Thank you, Captain, thank you very much, Captain." Song Jun was overjoyed.

Song Jun's home was originally at the foot of the mountain more than ten miles south of Diezhou City. Because he came late, the good places were taken by others. Now he can finally get a piece of land that is closer to Diezhou City and is very good. field.

"This belongs to my family." Ah Li's face turned red.

"Ah Qili, this is the territory of the Song Army." Liu Ying said lightly: "You are no longer the Song Army, this land was assigned to Chen Han."

The Tibetan man named Chen Han puffed up his chest to show that he had a Han name.

"These houses were built by our family hand by hand." Ahali said angrily.

"All the tools were provided by Song Jun." Liu Ying continued: "Ask your parents, when building the house, Song Jun sent craftsmen to help, and also invited the neighbors to come together. It was a joint effort. Built.”

"Of course, we will pay a fee. I, Da Song, will not take any advantage of you."

Liu Ying said, no longer paying attention to him, and led her men directly into the yard and found Ah Lili's parents.

When Alili's parents heard that the house would be vacated and handed over to others, they burst into tears.

The younger sister looked at her brother even more despairingly, with tears streaming down her face.

"I'll give you three days to clear it all."

“Don’t damage the construction of the house or we won’t be polite.”

"The imperial court will give you part of the fee, which is regarded as the labor fee for building your house. You can choose cattle, sheep or other materials, or you can choose copper coins. Copper coins are ten strings."

Liu Ying finished speaking coldly, turned around and left with the others.

"No." Ah Li's mother went up and grabbed Liu Ying's rope, and then looked at her son with tears in her eyes: "Ah Li, Ah Li, no, no, no, this is our home -"

Ah Li's heart was as sharp as a knife, but he didn't say a word.

At this moment, just when Liu Ying was getting a little impatient, someone suddenly said loudly: "Our whole family has changed our surnames to Chinese names. Ah-li is Ah-li, and we are we?"

Wow, everyone at the scene turned around, but it was Ah Li’s father who was speaking out.

Liu Ying unexpectedly turned around and looked at him, and after a moment: "You mean, you are willing to break away from the father-son relationship with Ah Li, and become your own family, and have nothing to do with Ah Li anymore?"

Ah Li's face was full of disbelief, even more unimaginable.

"Yes." Ah Lili's father gave his eldest son a stern look, and then looked at Ah Lili's younger brother. He must have a son: "My younger son and I have been helping Song Jun. We I hope to become a Song Dynasty person, like you, Liu Ying, and become a true Song Dynasty person."

Liu Ying immediately said formally: "The Great Song Dynasty is open to all kinds of people, regardless of religion or distinction. As long as you sincerely join us in the Song Dynasty, we will welcome you regardless of your ethnic group."

"I am willing to join the Song Dynasty." Ah Li's younger brother immediately stood up.

Then Ah Lili’s mother and younger sister expressed their opinions one after another. They didn’t want to leave here, they didn’t want to go back, they wanted to join the Song Dynasty.

Ah Lili's expression was distorted, and he looked at his family members in disbelief.

He came back because of his family, but he didn't expect that all of his family would betray him and even give up on him.

"Abba, Amma, how could you do this?" Ah Li held her head in great pain.

But his parents want nothing to do with him now.

They live a good life here with no worries about clothes, and don't want to go back to living like slaves without dignity.

Normal people know how to choose after experiencing the past days and the present days.

So under the witness of Liu Ying, Ah Li completely broke with her parents.

Together with Geerqin and other people who insisted on their beliefs, he would leave Huiluozu and join the various nobles in Tubo.

Some people’s families will also leave, but many more people’s families choose to stay.

Starting from March, Song troops came out from Diezhou City every day to spread propaganda in the surrounding areas.

The Song Army began to recruit Song people in an all-round way. Anyone who is willing to join the Song Dynasty, become a Song person, and change his surname to Han can continue to stay. Those who are unwilling will not be able to station herders near Diezhou City in the future. The boundary between the Song Army and Tubo is in the west. The road is drawn to Ruogai Grassland, and to the north is -——.

The Song army drew a boundary, basically no Tubo people were allowed within 500 miles of Diezhou.

The trading place between the Song Dynasty and the various ethnic groups of Tubo was located on the Ruogai Grassland.

There is no trading anywhere else except this place.

At the same time, the prices of materials traded between the Song Dynasty and Tubo began to rise. Sugar, green tea, cloth and silk and other materials became increasingly scarce and expensive.

In the past, the Song people needed Tibetan war horses, but now that the Song people have obtained the Xixia horse breeding land, they are no longer short of horses, and their material exchange requirements for Tubo have also been greatly reduced.

The Tubo nobles and Tubo people, after experiencing the luxurious life in the past few years, suddenly found that the supplies they needed were greatly reduced, and the feeling was different.

In the third year of Yuanzhen, seven or eight years after conquering Tubo, the Song army suddenly began to target Tubo and violently expelled the Tubo people near Diezhou City. Many Tubo people who were unwilling to join the Song people and had their own beliefs began to leave helplessly. But there are also Tubo people who will come after hearing the news.

The Song Army has done a good job in propaganda work in recent years, and no one in Tubo knows that they can live with more dignity on the side of the Song Army.

The only thing that gave them pause now was their faith in the Wise Men.

If the Song Army had no requirements for faith, it is estimated that more of them would defect to the Song Army.

(End of this chapter)

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