Chapter 581 Twenty Years Later
However, things have come to this point, and he does not want to retire. This is the only way, with the Prince of Yan stepping in, to allow him to take a further step.

"Good brother, thank you very much this time." Song Tian had to say.

"Hahaha, you and I are brothers, no need to be polite."

This time, the imperial court established provinces in Goryeo and Japan. Both provinces were relatively large in area. Later, it would follow the example of the Song Dynasty and establish prefectures and counties.

Then the people of the two places migrated across each other.

The Koreans moved to Japan, the Japanese moved to Goryeo, and the nobles and royal families of the two places moved to the Far East.

After more than ten or twenty years, the local people learned Chinese characters and spoke Chinese, and gradually became Song people.

This project is huge, and it has to be done step by step. First, we need to eliminate their military power, and then deal with the foreign countries one by one. It is estimated that it will take decades, and it may not be completed.

It depends on whether the local people will rise up in resistance.

In mid-October, Xie Tang, the envoy of the Song Dynasty, delivered a humiliating letter to Hojo Tokirai's desk.

At that time, Hojo Tokirai was almost vomiting blood. He wanted to slam the table and raise his army to fight again.

But thinking that the entire country had almost lost its troops and that the Song army had pushed 20,000 to 30,000 surrendered soldiers into the sea, shocking the entire country, Hojo Tokiyomi knew that no one was willing to go to war with the Song people again.

The Song army started with very good conditions, and its main focus was to disintegrate the foreign states in various places.

The first was that the shogunate surrendered unconditionally and returned power to the country's queen, Housou. All the shogunate's nobles and generals would become monks, and the rest of the feudal lords would remain as they were and stay in their own fiefdoms.

When other foreign countries saw this condition, they were quite happy. After all, they were dealing with the shogunate, which had nothing to do with them, so everyone agreed with it.

This is also an old routine in Japan. The defeated would become monks, which was equivalent to resigning from office, proving that the Song people would not pursue them in the future.

However, the Japanese obviously did not understand Zhao Yurui's routine. Many years later, they would find that historical documents had no practical significance.

This one is relatively good, and Hojo Tokiyori can accept it. He just has to step down, but his life is not in danger.

The second one is too much.

Send the oranges from Ximou Temple to Lin'an City.

Who is Orange?

The former concubine of the Queen, and now the biological mother of the Queen.

Juzi entered the palace at the age of eighteen. Because of her gentle and elegant demeanor, the king showed her special favor.

Juzi is quite pretty and is the most favored concubine in the harem. She is only 26 years old now and is in her prime.

She seemed to love her husband very much. Historically, after Hou Cha'e died, she became a nun.

When Hojo Tokirai saw this, he almost jumped up.

The goose is not dead yet, Zhao Yurui, do you have any shame?

But Hou Cha'e abdicated after only being the king for a few days. He is not the king now. The king is his son Hou Shengcao.

Hojo Tokiyori was not the father of the young lady, nor was he the husband of Orange, so of course he could not make the decision. He suppressed his anger and continued reading.

Japan did not establish a king and became a vassal state of the Song Dynasty, and was downgraded to a duke.

From now on, young people will no longer be called kings, but Dukes of Dongying, and the title will be hereditary and supported by the imperial court of the Song Dynasty.

Hojo Tokiyori was certainly dissatisfied, but this was not something he could decide. He had to get Houshougusa's consent.

He believed that neither Hou Shengcao nor Hou Cha'e would agree with the above two statements.

Although Hou Cha'e is not the king now, he also has the right to make decisions.

Looking back, each line is more shameful than the last.

The foreign territories in Japan are not allowed to have armies and must all be disbanded. The Song court will do business with the foreign countries to increase everyone's income.

Some people will migrate to ease local food pressure.

Hojo Tokirai believed that this was just to reduce their population, not to ease food pressure. After all, food crises rarely occurred in Japan.

Then there is the issue of how much taxes and materials Kyoto has to pay to the Song court every year, and how much gifts the Song court will give in return. In any case, Kyoto will definitely suffer a great loss and have to pay a large amount of money and property, but there is nothing the defeated country can do about it.

All the clauses are unreasonable and humiliating.

Hojo Tokiyori did not sign, silently expressing his protest.

He was also a man of integrity. The next day, someone found him committing suicide by disembowelment in his home.

He would rather die than sign such a surrender.

The shogunate was signed by Hojo Shigetoki, the great-uncle of Hojo Tokiyori, and then went to Kyoto with the Song envoys.

After Xie Tang arrived, he did not go to see the former queen and goose immediately.

Hou Cha'e has now become a monk and is living in the temple.

Under the guidance of the locals, he first paid a visit to Orange.

I don't know what he said to Juzi, but soon, Juzi went to see Houcha'e, persuaded her to sign the surrender, and sent her to Lin'an.

The eunuch was furious and said, "How can I face my ancestors if I send you to Song while I am still alive?"

After saying this, he rushed out of the room to find his sealed sword, and declared that he was willing to mobilize the entire country's troops to fight the Song people again.

Juzi cried and hugged his legs: "There are no elite soldiers left in the whole country."

"The foreign countries will not help us either."

"My king, please surrender for the sake of the people of the world."

"What did the envoys from Zhao and Rui say to you?" Hou Cha'e asked angrily.

Orange just cried and didn't answer.

In November of the eighteenth year of Yuanzhen, Hou Shengcao signed a letter of surrender on behalf of the King of Japan and sent his mother Juzi to Lin'an as a hostage.

The day after Juzi left, Houcha'e committed suicide in the temple.

In the 19th year of Yuanzhen, the Song army conquered Japan.

In the 21st year of Yuanzhen, the Song army conquered Abbas and other countries.

In the 22nd year of Yuanzhen, the Song army conquered the Delhi Sultanate.

The Song army launched war on three fronts, starting with the Delhi Sultanate, but it took six or seven years to completely conquer it.

In the 26th year of Yuanzhen, the first steamboat of the Song army came out, but it was very small at the time and could only transport a small amount of goods in the inner lake. Because of its extremely high speed, it was used as a communication ship.

In the 27th year of Yuanzhen, the Radio Bureau of the Song Dynasty was established and radio was officially used.

In the same year, the Song army gathered 200,000 civilians to dig the Suez Canal, which became another achievement of the later tyrant Zhao Yurui.

According to the original history, it was started by the French in the 19th century. It took 11 years and 120,000 civilians died.

The Song army is now starting to work on this huge project, and the person in charge of this huge project is none other than the most benevolent eldest son of the Song Dynasty, Zhao Qi.

In the 28th year of Yuanzhen, the Song army established the first Tai O city in Australia in later generations.

In the 29th year of Yuanzhen, Mengge was afraid of the Song army's attack, so he moved the capital to Buda, the capital of Xiongyali, and established the country of Meng, called the Great Meng.

In the 30th year of Yuanzhen, the Song Dynasty moved its capital to Yanjing, and the former capital Lin'an became the secondary capital.

In the 35th year of Yuanzhen, the first railway from Lin'an to Jiankang in the Song Dynasty was completed.

In the 40th year of Yuanzhen, the first steam warship of the Song Dynasty was launched, and the speed of the ship was greatly improved. At this time, the territory of the Song Dynasty included the entire Asia, the entire Far East, part of Africa (Egypt), Australia, New Zealand and other Oceania regions in the future, forming the largest dynasty in history, and controlling Malacca, the Bering Strait, the former Persian Gulf (Song Dynasty Bay), and the Suez Canal under construction.

This year, Zhao Yurui was 65 years old. The population of the Song Dynasty exceeded 600 million, accounting for more than 85% of the world's GDP.

December of the 1272th year of Yuanzhen ().

The secondary capital Lin'an City, the imperial city.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhao Yurui, who had just woken up, wanted to jump out of bed.

Suddenly I found myself moving much slower.

He sat blankly on the edge of the bed for a while, his eyes a little dazed.

"Your Majesty." Hu Song, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who had a head full of white hair, was startled when he saw Zhao Yurui in a daze, and called out in a low voice.

"Ah." Zhao Yurui suddenly realized. He glanced at Hu Song, the young eunuch who was only fourteen or fifteen years old when he followed him, now has a head full of white hair.

"Hu Song, bring me the mirror." Zhao Yurui said with a smile, then stood up and stretched out his hands.

Hu Song quickly turned around and took a mirror. Several palace maids around came forward to help Zhao Yurui put on their clothes.

Hu Song put the mirror in front of Zhao Yurui's face. Zhao Yurui asked the maid to help him put on his clothes while looking in the mirror: "My white hair doesn't seem to be as much as yours. Hu Song, your hair has turned white so fast in recent years?"

Hu Song smiled and said, "Your Majesty is the true dragon emperor, and you are eternally young. How can I compare with Your Majesty——"

"I'm old and my movements are slow, but I can't refuse to accept my age." Zhao Yurui sighed.

Hu Song quickly said a few more nice words, but he also knew Zhao Yurui's character. Zhao Yurui would not buy it, so naturally he did not dare to say more.

At this moment, Zhao Yurui felt someone touching her unconsciously.

He looked down and saw a young palace maid, about sixteen or seventeen years old, touching Zhao Yurui with her hands while helping him put on his robe.

Probably because she noticed Zhao Yurui was looking at her, the little palace maid's face suddenly turned red.

Surrounded by four palace maids, he could faintly smell their body fragrance. That youthful scent suddenly made Zhao Yurui a little dazed.

"Youth is great." Zhao Yurui sighed secretly.

He looked down at the little palace maid again. She was nervously helping him put on his clothes. Perhaps because the emperor was looking at her, her hands were shaking slightly.

This little palace maid is quite courageous? Zhao Yurui certainly knew what she was thinking.

This little palace maid is called Ding Lan. She entered the palace at the age of thirteen and is now seventeen years old.

Women of this age were considered old in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the last ten years that Emperor Zhao Yurui was emperor, he advocated late marriage and late childbearing and enrolled a large number of female students in schools, but the people were not so easily accepting.

Many daughters of wealthy people and officials may have received more new education and may not be in a hurry to get married, but ordinary people will still get married as soon as possible.

According to the regulations of the Imperial Palace of the Great Song Dynasty, which were later set by Zhao Yurui, palace maids could leave the palace at the age of 20, which was obviously too old.

Of course, Ding Lan hopes that she can stay in the palace forever. For someone like her, it is easy to get married after leaving the palace at the age of 20. With a palace background, everyone wants to sleep with the women in the imperial city, but it is not easy to marry into a good family.

"Where is Ding Lan's hometown?" Zhao Yurui asked at this time.

Upon hearing this, Ding Lan immediately stood up and whispered, "Your Majesty, my hometown is Dinghai."

"Oh, that's the place I was outsourced to before, so I'm half a fellow villager."

Ding Lan's face immediately lit up with joy.

Zhao Yurui spoke to her in a gentle voice, and after a while, she finally put on her clothes.

It was the beginning of winter and the weather was quite cold. Zhao Yurui was afraid of catching a cold in recent years, so he dressed relatively warmly.

A moment later, Zhao Yurui, along with Hu Song, the two young eunuchs, swaggered towards the Chuigong Hall.

Hu Song followed half a step behind and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, would you like to sleep with me at noon?" Hu Song had of course seen the interaction between Zhao Yurui and Ding Lan just now. He admired Ding Lan's courage. In addition, Zhao Yurui took the initiative to talk to Ding Lan, so he thought that Zhao Yurui wanted to have a concubine.

“No need.” Zhao Yurui shook her head: “They are still young, don’t hurt them. I am in this state - ah” If I were twenty years younger, I would have to sleep for a while.

Hu Song was speechless and stepped back. He carefully followed behind Zhao Yurui, thinking that the emperor had said several times today that he was old. It seemed that the emperor had some plans.
When Zhao Yurui arrived at the Chuigong Hall, several officials were already waiting for him.

Zhao Yurui's Song Dynasty followed the Ming Dynasty, setting up a secondary capital in Lin'an and having eight divisions.

Because the Song Dynasty now has more than six departments, many have been added one after another, and there are more than a dozen in the capital.

Eight were placed in Lin'an, each with a Shangshu and two Zhushi, a total of three officials, which added up to only about twenty officials.

Of course, these people had nothing to do. Their main responsibility was to help the emperor handle affairs and accompany the emperor.

Present today are Lin'an Minister of Revenue Jiang Hao, Minister of Transport Chen Jizhou and others. Four of the eight ministers are present.

During the emperor's stay in Lin'an, the eight ministers came in shifts every two days, with four people coming a day.

When Zhao Yurui came in, they saw a lot of documents on the table. The four ministers were reviewing the documents. They marked the reviewed documents and put them on the other side.

Seeing the emperor come in, the four of them quickly stood up and bowed to him.

"No need to be polite, just go about your business."

After Zhao Yurui sat down, he picked up a few memorials and asked as he read them, "Is there anything important happening these days?"

"The Prime Minister Zhen Zhidao resigns. The cabinet seeks instructions from Your Majesty." A young man in his thirties said.

Zhao Yurui turned around and saw that it was the Minister of Personnel Wen Yunsun.

Wen Yunsun is the Wen Tianxiang of later generations.

Wen Yunsun originally changed his name after he passed the imperial examination, but under the reform of Zhao Yurui in the Song Dynasty, Wen Yunsun never passed the examination.

Later, Zhao Yurui thought of Wen Tianxiang. After making some inquiries, he found Wen Yunsun and gave him an exceptional title.

Eight years ago, Wen Yunsun went to a county in Lin'an and first worked as a clerk. Then he was transferred to be a county magistrate. After a few years, Zhao Yurui found that he still had some ability, so he was transferred to the eight departments of Lin'an, first as a director and then as a minister, to hone his skills.

The Shangshu here certainly cannot be compared with the one in Yanjing.

Prime Minister Shinjido is the son of Shin Deokhide. He is too old this year, so he resigned and retired.

"How old is Zhen Zhidao?" Zhao Yurui asked.

"Sixty-five," someone responded.

"Does the cabinet have any plans to nominate a candidate for prime minister?"

"I pushed four."

"Four?" Haha, Zhao Yurui laughed.

In recent years, he has been delegating power, mainly letting the cabinet handle national affairs. He spends more than half of every year in Lin'an, sometimes goes out for a stroll, and even secretly goes to places such as Dayuan and Goryeo.

I didn’t expect that after more than ten years, the cabinet would be divided into four factions?

Of course, they have the power to recommend, but the final decision still depends on Zhao Yurui.

Zhao Yurui took the list of four people and looked at them one by one.

Yu Rusun, Lu Shikui, Zhao Xi, Shi Jieqing.

Yu Rusun is the son of Yu Jie, who died of illness two years ago.

Lu Shikui is the son of Lu Wende. Lu Wende is not dead yet, but he has retired and is in poor health. He lives in Lin'an for a long time and has not gone to Yanjing.

(End of this chapter)

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