capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 100 The Dark Night Baron

Chapter 100 The Dark Night Baron

"Han Xin~Han Xin~~"

Looking at Aquavit who was advancing cautiously, Bai Chuan shook his head helplessly.

The talents cultivated by csis are really not bad. Although this Aqua is not as good as Shuichi Akai, but the overall feeling is not worse than the peak Judy (full moon chapter), and the ability to track and investigate in this hand alone is 99% better than that of the FBI. Member of [-].

But this time he really didn't do any tricks!
In order to prevent Aqua from being targeted by the FBI, Bai Chuan deliberately avoided some of the strongholds mentioned in the materials in the Los Angeles stronghold, and all the preparations for Aqua were asked from the mouths of those stupid agents, not in the A new stronghold recorded on paper.

Most of these bases are temporary bases, and a few fixed bases are also micro-footholds, which can accommodate up to four or five people. As long as you touch them one by one in order, you will be able to reach a private hospital in no time.

Before Bai Chuan went to Hollywood to cover Belmode, he hypnotized a group of doctors and nurses there, and put some documents related to artificial intelligence prepared in advance in the underground warehouse, waiting for "someone" to pick them up use.

But according to the current slow pace of progress, let alone tomorrow, even the day after tomorrow, Acquavit may not be able to successfully find the things he hid.

"Forget it, let him go!" Bai Chuan sighed, "Anyway, the final deadline given is at noon tomorrow, and if there is nothing to gain, then say goodbye to this world!"

According to Rum, they are using Aquavit to investigate the situation of the Canadian intelligence organization. If they don't take this opportunity to show their capabilities to the organization, they will probably be drained of their value and killed in a short time.

Therefore, Bai Chuan also gave this undercover agent a chance to survive.Let Akwavit complete the task alone, and he randomly selected a passerby in gorgeous clothes to temporarily requisition his home and computer.

The organization's arrangements are almost done, and then Huiwu has to express something.

The FBI with Shuichi Akai is equivalent to a local snake with a brain. It is estimated that it has begun to investigate the recent unusual events in Boston. However, the Syndora Group has been calm during this period, and only rumors have flowed out that the production of virtual reality technology has been completed.

Therefore, it is not as easy as imagined to really lock the target.

At this time, someone needs to extend a "good faith" helping hand.

After implanting the Night Baron virus into the computer and allowing it to spread along the network, Bai Chuan crossed his legs and opened the game "Command and Conquer" leisurely.

The powerful contagiousness of the Night Baron combined with Bai Chuan's instructions will allow him to infect every computer he touches indiscriminately.

Before he came, he had already found out that the rich man's villa was not far away from a large FBI stronghold, and a little further away was an office building with a total of 7 companies inside, 6 of which were related to software, and a little further away was Xin The headquarters of the Dora Group.

And there aren't any official office buildings along the way.

Shirakawa's plan is very simple, let the virus spread step by step, defeat the FBI, kill the software company, and then be easily cleaned up by Hiroki Sawada.

By that time, even a fool should be able to see what went wrong, right?
It's just that in order to reduce the threat level of the Night Baron in the eyes of the FBI, Bai Chuan deliberately suppressed the speed of the entire transmission process, and the time required also increased geometrically.

In order to pass the boring time, for the first time, he played the finished game made by himself.

The popularity of the game "Command and Conquer" has completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

Unlike the game "Murder in the Alien Hall", which has been popular for a while and then slowly fades away, the popularity of this game is like a long, long firecracker, which has been crackling since the day it was released. Non-stop, has been ringing until now.

The popularity in the United States has just subsided, and the popularity in Europe has ushered in the second round of popularity with the appearance of the French and German versions. The popularity in Europe has not yet passed, and the humble Spanish version has made the game popular in South America. Through half the sky.

Of course, the most powerful is Japan, er, or the most powerful is Torakura Mapei.

Relying on the backing of Bai Chuan, this guy simply waved his hand and directly added a new country "Japan" in the encounter battle of the special game for Japan. He also designed a soldier named "Samurai" and a soldier named "God". wind plane.

Due to the good balance, the Japanese special version was exported to the United States in reverse, and it was called "Command and Conquer 1.5"

After abusing two cruel computer games to pass the time, Bai Chuan lost interest in games.Firstly, he is not a very hardcore Red Alert player, and secondly, he was attracted by those games in his previous life. In the eyes of others, Red Alert is a cross-generational work that created RTS gameplay, but in his eyes, it is just ordinary. Yes, nothing special.

How about giving the game the entire DLC?

This is not Bai Chuan's whim, there is a very strange place in the United States, the price of a game cannot exceed 59.99 US dollars, but the price of the DLC sold separately for the game is not more than 99.99 US dollars.

In other words, as long as the DLC is done well, it will be easy to sell more than the main body.

At this time, he thought of a petition he had seen before, which seemed to be a request from South American players to have one or two usable countries in their own continent.

There are also similar voices in Europe and Asia.In particular, Daehan Mingguo jumped up and down, as if they could enter the game when they were young, and they could also enter the game.

As for a certain 5000-year-old country, the dual-network system is still implemented at this time, and more than [-]% of the people have no way to speak out even if they want the game official to join China.

"Then add a few new countries, well, Yuri must be one, and then Vietnam, with a Soviet shell, and a soldier who can be disguised as a tree;

To be honest, there is nothing to join in South America. If Chile enters, the United States may not agree, and if Argentina enters, the United Kingdom may not like it. After much deliberation, the only option is to add Brazil, but what about the arms?Soccer star or samba dancer? . "

With the intention of making a DLC, Bai Chuan immediately took action. Anyway, it will take some time for the virus to invade, so he simply recorded the newly generated ideas in his mind.

After some screening, the newly added countries were the Asian countries China, Vietnam and India, the South American country Brazil, the European country Spain, and Scotland, which Bai Chuan deliberately picked.

As for South Korea, this country actually existed in the original game, but Bai Chuan decided to delete it, and even returned the unique plane to his American father.So DLC will not be considered at all.

On the contrary, in the plot, you can consider showing your face and being bombarded by future weapons.

Because he is not going to make "Red Alert 3", he plans to move all the good things in the 3rd generation to the DLC. He even thought about the plot outline, so he wrote that Yuri successfully ruled the world and blocked the return to the past time and space. Therefore, the two camps rarely choose to join forces to seek help in the future.

Next, you just need to find a shooter with qualified writing and good ideas. Anyway, he gives money readily, doesn't care about the author's name, and is not afraid of being killed for such a thing as a ghostwriter, and he is not a ghostwriter in the strict sense.

After roughly calculating the time, Bai Chuan put on his hat, and Shi Shiran walked out of the villa.

The spread mode of the Night Baron virus is in the shape of a fan in his settings. It only takes a little time to find the source, so this place can't stay for too long, and counting the time, the virus should have arrived at the gate of the FBI .

"No, our computer suddenly lost control!"

Following the orders of her ex-boyfriend, Judy, who was carefully investigating the recent activities of every rich man in Boston, suddenly received a report from her subordinates. She frowned and looked at the professional who was typing on the keyboard quickly, remembering what Shuichi Akai had said to herself before, and immediately Picked up the phone and made a call.

"Xiuyi, our network has been invaded, and the intruder is most likely you."

Before Judy finished speaking, the technician wearing thick glasses yelled out in horror: "Night Baron! It's the Night Baron virus!"

He didn't know how to operate it. Anyway, the computer that was originally inoperable suddenly appeared with a strange white smiley mask. This thing was exactly the same as the one that appeared in the FBI headquarters before!
The words were interrupted, but Judy was not dissatisfied, her face was full of dignity, "The gray fog you guessed before really appeared."

"I have already mobilized technical personnel to go there. Don't act rashly. Pay attention to whether the intrusion is a single one or a large number of selections. I remember that not far from you is a building where many technology companies are concentrated. Go there and ask."

"Okay." Akai Shuichi's indifferent words gave Judy great courage. She first ordered all the detectives present to be on alert, not to touch the computer or go out for the time being, and then led the only technician towards the opposite building go.

"How about it?"

Akai Hideichi, who was driving the car, turned his head and asked the young man on the co-pilot, his tone was not hopeful. In a sense, this guy was a student taught by the blond young man in the headquarters.

The blond young man has nothing to do with the virus because of the favorable location of the headquarters, so he knows very well that the young man in front of him is very limited in what he can do, but as long as he can determine the approximate spread of the virus, it is enough.

"The situation is not optimistic." The young man put down his mobile phone with a solemn expression. "The source of the virus should be in the rich area, but the computers there are probably all controlled by people. Even if we go in, we have no usable tools."

"Then ask if there are any computers around that you can use." Akai Shuichi frowned. From the very beginning, he had a vague premonition that this attack was not aimed at the FBI. On the contrary, he wanted to send some kind of information to them. .

In this situation, if you don't even know what the other party wants to convey, you will definitely be extremely passive in the follow-up.

The young man seemed to say a few more words quickly while grabbing the phone, and then pointed to the left, "The virus spreads in a fan shape. We can go to the block on the left side of the rich area. There is a police station there, and we can temporarily requisition the computers there."

Akai Hideichi turned the steering wheel without saying a word to speed up the car.

"Looking at the laptop that Saiba Group promoted some time ago, it might be really useful." Watching the scenery outside the window slide by quickly, the young man firmly grasped the handle, his tone trembling.

"What did you say?" Akai slowed down the speed of the car a little.

"Some time ago, Seba, the sixth largest computer company in the United States, launched an ultra-thin notebook at the press conference. It is said that the total weight does not exceed 2.5 kilograms, the thickness does not exceed 3 centimeters, and it can be stored by batteries. The specs were off a bit, but if that computer was real, we wouldn't have to run it like this now."

"That will have to wait until he really comes out."

Listening to the young man's words, Akai Hideichi did not continue this topic. What the young man said may have some effect in the future, but it is obviously a bunch of nonsense now.

"Xiuichi, it's me, Judy." After Cyclonus drove for a certain distance, Akai slowed down and answered the phone, "Your guess is correct, this building not far from us has also been invaded by the virus.

And because it happened to be working hours, several companies all suffered a major blow. "

"Is the virus still spreading?"

"Yes, I asked two other agents to investigate. It seems that all the computers where the virus passed were infected, just like a really powerful infectious virus."

Parking the car casually on the side of the road, Akai Hideichi signaled the young man to find a working computer first, and then said to the mobile phone, "Judy, let's see if there are any big companies or rich people related to the Internet over there."

"Big enterprise?" Judy looked around for a while, and quickly answered: "Sindora Group, the closest to me should be Sindora Group, they seem to be a very powerful Internet company, the chairman Thomas Syndora also has the title of 'Emperor of IT'."

"Closely monitor the Syndora Group, and immediately investigate any other companies related to the Internet."

Judy, who has cooperated many times, instantly understood Bai Chuan's meaning, "Let's investigate right away. Do you think this virus is likely to be a blanket search for something?"

"Eighty percent."

Followed by the young man and walked quickly into the police station, Akai Hideichi said in a low voice: "The things that the gray mist guys are looking for must have a deep relationship with the Internet, but it is very likely that they are not sure about the exact location, so they use virus coverage Search in the same way, if there is something that can resist the virus, then it is likely to be what they are looking for."

"According to what you said, is it possible that the gray fog is the black organization that is looking for it?" Judy didn't know much about the mysterious killer website 'Grey Fog', but she knew very well that the black organization was searching for powerful it all over the world. Technical talent, so immediately associated with the past.

"It's possible." Akai Hideichi replied ambiguously.In fact, he also thought about the possibility proposed by Judy, but it was quickly rejected.

Compared with this kind of speculation, he actually believed that the gray fog did this because the winery was one step ahead. They wanted to use the power of the FBI to bring the two sides back to the same starting line, and even regain the upper hand.

"Mr. Akai, this is the data on the spread of the virus." The young man who requisitioned the computer quickly used a simple scatter plot to present the spread of the virus on the computer.

It is obviously unrealistic for young people to confront the virus head-on, but it is not difficult if it is only surveillance.

But within a few seconds, he became a little confused. The virus that had been fanning forward suddenly froze in place, and then completely stopped moving.

"Is it broken?"

The young man tapped the computer in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe the result.

Could it be that he can't even monitor the direction of the virus?

"It has nothing to do with you." Akai Shuichi hung up the phone, "The virus was stopped."

He was silent for a while, and then added, "Or, it was defeated!"

(End of this chapter)

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