capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 105 There are actually many tools that humans use to deceive people

Chapter 105 There are actually many tools that humans use to deceive people

"One, two, three."

Mixed in a group of people who joined in the fun, Bai Chuan silently hand-picked the number of people.

Although the FBI's stronghold was hidden behind a very deep corridor, but the bomb he used was too conspicuous, and was quickly noticed by others.Coupled with the deliberate reduction of the amount of medicine to make it easier to hide, the outermost agents basically escaped this explosion intact and rushed out to seek help.

Therefore, the doctor came very quickly, and the bodies of the detectives were pulled out one after another.

However, these bodies do not include several major supporting actors.

When the bomb exploded, these people were the group closest to the bomb. Judging from the tragic conditions of those who were about the same size as them, even if they survived, they would have lost their hands and feet and were half paralyzed.

But a supporting role is a supporting role. There is not a trace of blood on James, but his glasses are badly broken.

Akai Hideichi couldn't see a trace of scars all over his body, as if he was just asleep. If the medical staff hadn't shouted loudly that this was the meaning of the two people whose lives were most critical, Bai Chuan would have thought that he had really used some means to avoid this close-by bomb attack.

The other one who was seriously injured was Kamel. This strong man was different from Akai Shuichi. His whole back was dripping with blood. Judging from the degree of damage to his clothes, when the bomb exploded, he should have turned around and protected someone under his body. Shengsheng withstood the impact of the explosion.

The person protected by him is, nine out of ten, Agent Judy, who can barely move, even though she has suffered a lot of injuries.

Judy's injury should be a little heavier than when she confronted Belmode Full Moon, but with the blessing of Ke Xue's physique, she will be able to recover after the fateful Tropical Paradise incident.

As for Kamel, this guy really has only one breath left, and he probably won't show up for a long, long time. If he really recovers one day, it means that the red and black chapter of Akai's fake death is coming soon.

In other words, if Bai Chuan is busy with his career and doesn't know where the main plot is going, he can actually spare time to take a look at Kamel's situation.

Calculating silently, he has roughly figured out how much the world consciousness has intervened in the explosion. Generally speaking, it is better than imagined. Before, he had the idea that Akai Shuichi would walk out of the explosion intact.

Now it seems that it is just a guarantee of immortality.

After handing over the recording to Lang Mu, Bai Chuan temporarily interrupted the connection with the organization on the grounds that he was seriously injured in the explosion.But before that, he got good news.

That cowardly and cautious guy, Aquavit, finally found the 'evidence' left by the FBI. Although this bright-minded Canadian undercover agent hid most of the key facts, only those revealed were consistent with the recordings provided by Bai Chuan. Confirmation is enough to explain everything.

Rum is also preparing to attack artificial intelligence as expected.

Bai Chuan didn't know whether Rum was planning to go directly to the Syndora Group to rob him, or if he was squatting in the network to intercept him, and he didn't need to know.

Without Akai, without James, without Judy and without Kamel, the current FBI is the real back garden, and he went directly to the FBI's field office in Boston.

Even if there is a guy whose official position is half a level higher than James, it did not cause any hindrance to Bai Chuan.

He is going to fight with Noah's Ark with real swords and guns. Naturally, he can't just find a family with a computer and bury his head in it. Support, and the storage after capturing Noah's Ark is also a huge problem.

Although he has ordered a hypnotized rich man who is loyal to the gray mist, or a rich man who serves the Continental Hotel to set up a super laboratory in Silicon Valley, the problem of temporary storage cannot be ignored.

Therefore, he set his sights on the FBI's 'sub-bureau' office. Borrowing the computing power here and using it as a temporary storage point was the best choice he could think of.

If you want to achieve this, you must get rid of all the guys who can hinder your hypnosis.

So he deliberately dawdled in the stronghold for a while, thinking that the head guard of such a big stronghold must be Judy Kamel and his like, but he never thought that he was an unknown premature aging white man.

Although an important person came later, it was a person like Akai Shuichi who had a cheat, but overall the problem was not big, he still fulfilled his wish and sent all the people who might hinder the plan to the hospital.

While typing on the keyboard, while listening to the FBI's complaints, Bai Chuan mourned for a while in his heart for a Russian dog who was about to die.

His hypnosis instructions were just to let everyone treat him as a special agent sent by the FBI to perform a confidential mission, and there were no other instructions except not to disturb for no reason.

So the group is pretty busy right now.

The bombing of the stronghold has already made the news. If nothing can be found through the investigation, people will doubt their credibility, so they need a backer.

The culprit seems to be one of the top snakes in Boston. He has formed a gang mainly composed of Russians. It seems that they only collect protection fees and sell drugs, but they have deep connections with the FBI and CIA.

They are their accomplices in cleaning up the remnants of a certain country.

After the bombing, these people were regarded as the best scapegoats. The reason why the FBI is still struggling is entirely because the Russian gang is still entangled with the CIA, and there is also a relatively harsh condition.

Now, the two major intelligence organizations are fighting over petty profits. As for the Russian gang that is about to be pushed out, who cares?

Listening to an old man who is half a level higher than James and the CIA executives on the phone exchanging black information and revealing their old background, Bai Chuan ate in silence for a while, and then turned his attention back to the monitor.
Noah's Ark's ability to sweep the Night Baron virus has proved that this super-era artificial intelligence is about to be born, either today or tomorrow, so he is going to stare at the computer screen 24 hours a day, waiting for the opportunity.

The wait didn't last long.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, his head was a little dizzy, and Bai Chuan, who was about to fetch the fourth can of coffee, suddenly caught a glimpse of a thin figure appearing on the top floor of the Syndora Group.


His dizzy head woke up in an instant. Seeing Hiroki Sawada with his arms outstretched and falling like a bird, Bai Chuan quickly danced his hands on the computer, and three streams of data rushed towards the headquarters of the Syndora Group.

Three streams of data, one undisguised from the field office, representing the FBI, and one deliberately concealed, representing the fog.

His actions were deliberately a little louder. If the winery had been monitoring the Syndora Group, they would definitely be able to find the FBI branch. If there were experts, they would also be able to see the other branch belonging to the gray mist.

As for the last one, this is the attack that truly represents Bai Chuan.

It may be that the preparation time was too hasty, and Rum obviously didn't have any powerful hackers in his hands, so he directly started chasing the FBI's data stream, completely ignoring the movement of the other two data streams.

It wasn't until Noah's Ark's self-attack in the network of the Syndora Group headquarters that Rum's personnel reacted, and hurriedly assigned some people to bite the other data stream that had been basically defeated.

'Sure enough, didn't you leave? Seeing that the attack representing Gray Fog was defeated almost without any resistance, Bai Chuan tapped the keyboard expressionlessly.

This was the worst case scenario he had expected.

Hiroki Sawada had fallen to his death, and the news of Noah's Ark sailing should have been displayed on the computer, but this artificial intelligence, which is very good at avoiding disadvantages, did not leave, but directly hid in the Sindora Group. net.

"This kind of guy who grows up fast and is good at dogs is really annoying." Scratching his head, Bai Chuan suspends his attack in displeasure. Open the door to the bank warehouse.

And it is also a gate full of thorns and venom.

But he is not without backhands, the strongest fortresses are often breached from within.

Thus, the Night Baron set off again, crashing into the headquarters of the Syndora Group like daylight, but unlike the previous dissipation, this time the defense built by Noah's Ark was easily destroyed.

The virus hidden in the computer of Syndora Group played a big role at this moment!Facing a room full of leading parties, even the newborn Noah's Ark could only retreat step by step and give up his 'territory'.

While invading the intranet of the Syndora Group, Bai Chuan did not forget to set up another defense. If he was Rum, he would directly turn his attention to virtual reality technology after confirming that artificial intelligence has no hope of capturing it.

But these are the capital that he, Bai Chuan, will surpass the Suzuki Consortium in the future, so he naturally does not allow it to be seized by outsiders.

In order to make the play more realistic, the data stream representing the FBI also intercepted the data stream representing the gray mist, and involved the winery.

While fighting with his left hand and right hand, Bai Chuan slowly advanced the attack on the Syndora Group. He walked extremely steadily with every step, for fear that he would miss any small gap and let Noah's Ark find a chance to escape.

Although it is not easy to be found while lurking, and even if it shows its feet, it can be resisted with powerful computing power as a backing, but this also means completely sacrificing the attribute of 'flexibility'.

Once the "city" is breached, it is not possible to escape at will like the Internet. The idiom "catch a turtle in a urn" is perfect to describe the situation of Noah's Ark at this time.

It's just that it's not a turtle that's trapped, it's a tiger.

Facing the fierce tiger in a hurry, Bai Chuan, a human being, could not possibly have the slightest ability to parry it, but if he had already set up traps and machetes in advance, it would be a different matter, especially if it was just a cub.

Facing the pressing and watertight attack method, Noah's Ark soon had no place to escape, and was blocked in the storage place of the virtual reality game console on the 7th floor.

【Why attack me? 】

The ignorant Noah's Ark questioned. Now it is at most equivalent to the IQ of a human being at the age of 1. Even with unparalleled learning ability, it is difficult to figure out why he is being attacked.

But artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence. When he speaks, he conjures up the image of a pitiful baby, trying to arouse the love and affection in people's hearts.


Bai Chuan didn't answer, but he wasn't going to kill him for the time being, because he vaguely sensed that Noah's Ark was stalling for time. Although he didn't resist on the surface, he had been carrying out anti-invasion against himself.

Therefore, he did not answer, but followed Noah's Ark's wishes and let him successfully find out the FBI's office.

The current Noah's Ark naturally doesn't know what the FBI is, but during the day Judy and his party just came to the Syndora Group, and it's not difficult to see the problem with a little research.

After confirming that Noah's Ark had locked him, Bai Chuan lied extremely indifferently: 【Artificial intelligence is one of the three major sources of harm recognized in the world. It has caused extremely bad effects and must be eliminated. 】

【you are lying. 】

Naturally, Noah’s Ark doesn’t believe these words. His database shows that he is the world’s first artificial intelligence, which was completed by a genius boy, his father Hiroki Sawada, so the so-called extremely bad influence is a lie. nonsense.

Looking at the honest artificial intelligence, Bai Chuan curled his lips slightly. If it was him, he would definitely not expose this lie directly. He first used the attitude of not admitting or denying to delay time, and finally said that he is different from the previous artificial intelligence and can be manipulated. .

In this way, as long as the captor has any greed in his heart, he may survive.

But Noah's Ark obviously doesn't understand such twists and turns. Even if he thought of taking advantage of human greed, he said it very bluntly [I can be a tool in your hands and be used by you, but you must never kill me. 】

Bai Chuan was a little confused, obliterating the consciousness of artificial intelligence?He really can't seem to do this kind of thing
[In this case, open all ports to allow me to connect. 】

Although he couldn't kill it, he still pretended to be a little excited and asked Noah's Ark to give up control.

【15%】Fang Zhou was silent for a while, obviously cramming to look up the knowledge about negotiation, and then answered confidently.

Bai Chuan ignored it and directly accelerated the attack speed.

Noah's Ark was obviously in a hurry.


There was only silence in response to him.

【60%, this is the biggest concession I can accept. If you still don't agree, I'd rather self-destruct than make it cheaper for you. 】

Hearing these words, Bai Chuan slowed down his attack speed, and branched out several 'tributaries' to connect with Noah's Ark.

Everything seems to be going very smoothly. The artificial intelligence seems to have really given up resistance, opened up the connection, and let him do whatever it wants. Thinking that his long-term plan has finally yielded initial results, Bai Chuan, who is wearing the face of his cousin Gin, is relieved expression.

However, in the next second, when the number of access ports exceeded 5, more than half of Bai Chuan's data within the Syndora Group suddenly disappeared. Noah's Ark immediately followed the connection and quickly broke free from the cage.

[No one can decide my life or death, just like no one can decide Hiroki's life or death casually! 】

Seeing that he was freed from the shackles and at the same time obviously had a further strengthened artificial intelligence, Bai Chuan finally showed a look of panic on his face, but when Noah's Ark left the already dilapidated Sindora Intranet along the network, this panic turned into a panic. became a smile.

In the next second, Noah's Ark, completely without the support of huge computing power, fell directly into the cage that Bai Chuan had prepared earlier.

"I know you can still see."

Bai Chuan turned his face to the surveillance camera, and stuck out his tongue mischievously.

"It's useless to guard against language. There are actually many things that humans can use to deceive people."

(End of this chapter)

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