capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 111 Five-Colored Hair

Chapter 111 Colorful Hair
MMORPG is engaged in this time period, and it is still the start of Japan. No matter how you look at it, it is hell difficulty.

But MMO is Baichuan's business map, at least it is a very important part of the game map. "Legend" and "World of Warcraft" should be the company's most important source of cash flow before moba games become popular.

MMO is very popular in Europe, America and Asian countries such as South Korea and China, with the exception of Japan.

In the previous life, except for the hit FF14, it seems that only a few games such as "Dragon Quest" and "Dragon's Creed OL" can make a small profit by enclosing the land and making a small profit, and the rest are basically all online and cool quickly. through.

Even "World of Warcraft", which once made the whole world crazy, didn't seem to make much waves in Japan.

There are many reasons. In the final analysis, MMO games are very social. No matter "Legend" or "WOW", the fun of the game can only be regarded as one aspect, and the more important thing is to find like-minded friends.

Most Japanese players are just the opposite. They regard dealing with interpersonal relationships in the virtual world, especially dealing with strangers, as a very troublesome thing. Even players who like this type of game have more choices and acquaintances. Together.

So the social attribute is purely a side effect for many Japanese players.

At first, Shirakawa also considered whether to compromise a little bit and choose games that were relatively popular in Japan in his previous life to stabilize the market, but after thinking about it, he gave up this idea.

Now and the future, if he had to choose one, he would definitely bet on the future.

And this is not China. With a population of 14 billion, as long as you please domestic players, you can live comfortably, and even become the most profitable game company in the world.

But which one of the famous Japanese game companies has not bitten out its own piece of sky in the international market?

Simply relying on this few people in the country, a small fortune is okay, but a great fortune is purely a dream.

Listening to Bai Chuan's introduction, everyone in the conference room looked at each other in blank dismay. At first they were very excited when they heard about massively multiplayer online games, and they regarded such games as the next trend. .

Voice chat and play games with total strangers?And to be teammates?Sworn?sect?even get married?Listening to this has already dissuaded countless players, okay?
"Bai Chuan, isn't this, isn't it a little out of line with player habits?" In the end, Hu Cang Sanghei, who was still a veteran, tried to dissuade everyone with their pleading eyes.

As for dissuading him, it took him a long time to think about it before he found a reasonable excuse.

"We have to take a long-term view." Bai Chuan pressed down with one hand to stop Hu Cang's next words, and then skillfully painted cakes, "I know what you are worried about. This type of game is not suitable for local players regardless of its style or gameplay. , but are we the only country that plays games in the world?

How many people are there in our country?How many computers are there?What's the point of always earning your own money?We naturally have to find a way to earn money from foreigners! "

There is basically no need to explain too much about how popular MMOs are and how much they can make money. Just look at "Fantasy Westward Journey" and it is still the most popular IP in Zhuchang.

As for why he chose "Legend", firstly, the production of this game is not difficult, and secondly, he also wants to see if there will be someone in this world, and someone will come to him immediately to talk about agency.

He was bullied miserably by the pig factory and goose factory in his last life, and now if he can seize the opportunity, he will naturally bully him back.

"But will it be risky?" The person who spoke this time was the company's new game team leader, a purple-haired man who looked a little foolish, but his professionalism seemed to be no worse than that of Hu Cang and others before him.

"There is no need to worry about funding and risk issues. We only need to be responsible for planning and research and development, and the rest will naturally be resolved by someone."

When it comes to funding, Shirakawa is very proud. He has already planned the development plan of "Legend". Naito Electronics Co., Ltd. does not have to spend much money at all. In the later stage of operation, it also adopts the agency sharing model of the previous Korean company.

In this way, the suspicion of the company's internal employees can be greatly dispelled. Once the game is a big hit, even if he doesn't speak up when preparing to make "Warcraft" and "Final Fantasy 14", the people in the company will Begging him to develop by himself, not to cooperate with anyone.

As he expected, everyone's expression relaxed when they heard that they didn't need to spend any money, but it was obvious that they were not completely relieved.

Concentrate the efforts of the whole company to develop a game that has a high probability of being unpopular. It is not just about money, reputation, employees' time and energy, and even whether the game needs to be maintained in the future are all issues that need to be considered.

"Well, don't rush to make the game. In the past few days, everyone will make a promotional video. At least give it to me before the game conference to see the reactions of the players. I have already sent it to the company's computer for how to make it. gone."

Knowing that the probability of the game's success is not high, Bai Chuan also took a rare step back. After all, MMOs in the previous life were not popular in Japan. Who knows what will happen in this world?It may not be impossible to be completely uninterested.

He's not Naoki Yoshida, even if he makes a "FF14" like a cat and a tiger, no one may buy it.

But after all, it is the world's first massively multiplayer online game. No matter how you say it, you should be able to trick a batch of leeks into it, right?

With Bai Chuan's backing down, everyone naturally couldn't say anything more, and they all left the conference room to get into work.

The previous successes have made Bai Chuan the top of the cloud by a group of old employees of the company. If it weren't for the obvious omissions in the game this time, they would not have had so many opinions.

But on the other hand, as long as "Legend" succeeds again, Bai Chuan will become a real god in the company.

"Mr. Mogi listened very seriously in today's meeting!" The last one walked out of the meeting room, Bai Chuan held back the new bodyguard and energy acquisition tool man with a confused face, not knowing why he listened to such a lot of 'nonsense'.

"Yeah, I'm actually quite interested in the inside story of the game industry, but your company doesn't seem to have mentioned a game like "Murder in the Alien House" today. So I didn't understand anything~" Motegi Haruhisa thought I peeked at the company's secrets, and hurriedly explained with a smile.

"No, no, you misunderstood, I just want to ask if you are tired."

Mogi Haruki's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he quickly replied, "I'm not sleepy at all!" Judging by this posture, it seems that he wants to pull himself to start a business trip!Is his long-awaited business war finally about to start?
Sophisticated eavesdropping equipment, a powerful hacker team, and a negotiating team that can bring the dead back to life, come on, let me see what the most high-end business war looks like!

"In that case, do you have a gun? Do you have a gun certificate?"

"Ah?" Motegi Haruki scratched his head in embarrassment listening to this question, "Of course I have a gun, but what do we need a gun for?"

Didn't we agree on a business war?Why did he suddenly become a robber?Is it possible to break into the company and kidnap the president to force him to reveal the password of the safe?
Seemingly seeing Mogi's doubts, Bai Chuan hurriedly explained, "Don't think too much, we just took the gun to threaten a little gangster."

Motegi Haruki:
Compared with kidnapping, isn't this lower?threaten?Or a punk?How could he, a great detective, have fallen into such a state?
Bai Chuan smiled, without explaining.

High-end business wars often appear in the simplest form.

Bai Chuan didn't know the exact name of the gangster he was looking for this time, but he still had some impression of the person who hired the gangster. His name was Zhang Tianzhengji. When he was a child, Bai Chuan thought he was a Chinese, so he naturally remembered this kind of character who vilified the image of Chinese people. new.

I may not be able to recall the name, but when it comes to watching a movie where a dead body suddenly appears and is hung up, I believe many people are still very impressed.

Zhang Tianzhengji was the deceased, a real estate developer, or a little Karami who used all kinds of despicable means to seize land. After forcibly taking the land of the movie theater, he was killed by the owner of the movie theater on the last day before closing.

The whole case was relatively rough, and it happened to hit Conan and the Boy Detective Team, so it was quickly solved. The owner of the movie theater confessed to the crime, and the movie theater has lost news since then.

If Bai Chuan's memory is not wrong, this guy named Masaji Zhangtian owns more than one store in the block, so he can be called Zhangtian Banjie no matter what.

But after his death, it is not known whose hands these properties went to.

In this case, Bai Chuan simply came in advance to make a fool of himself, and directly kicked out this guy named Zhang Tianzhengji, and bought the shops on this street by himself.

The 2 million US dollars he has on hand is not going to be invested in the company, and the acquisition of Nichimai TV Station will also need to be postponed for a period of time, so it is naturally the safest to replace it with real estate.

In this way, the residue of incomplete evolution is solved, and a large amount of land is purchased, and by the way, we can test whether Detective Motegi has the power of death, three wins!
The gangster Zhang Tianzheng hired was not difficult to find. When this guy was looking for someone, he didn't make any cover-ups at all. Detective Motegi just moved his fingers a little and got the information he wanted.

When he came to the abandoned factory building, Bai Chuan's expression changed slightly when he saw the menacing gangsters in front of him.

Having been bullied by the FBI more than once, he naturally couldn't be frightened by the pretentious expressions of the little trash in front of him. What really surprised him was the hair of these people.

The one in the head was a red-haired guard, and beside him stood two guards, one tall and one fatter, dyed yellow and purple respectively, and behind them were blue, pink and white guards who kept waving steel rods.

The stance was well posed, but Bai Chuan's shoulders couldn't help shivering when he saw the colorful hair.

He was quite polite, Motegi Haruhime laughed out loud directly, pointing at the leader's hair while laughing, "Why are you called the Iron Pipe Gang? Isn't the Rainbow Gang better?"

"Rainbow Gang! That's a good name!" Xiao Fenmao didn't hear the sarcasm in Motegi's words at all, and whispered to his boss Hongmao with a flash of eyes, "Boss, let's change our name, and we don't have to talk to each other if we change our name." Those guys on the next street are fighting for the gang name!"

Looking at Xiao Fenmao's posture, it is obvious that he has been bullied by the "Iron Pipe Gang" in the next block.

"MD, you can't even hear such an obvious ridicule?" Hong Mao turned around angrily and slapped Pink Mao hard on the head, then picked up the steel pipe on the ground and shouted, "Follow me!"

Accompanied by his roar, Zhen·Colorful rushed towards Bai Chuan, but in the next second, the "click" sound made several people in the charge stop abruptly, and none of the heavy purple hair stopped. He immediately brought several people over to the ground, and just rolled to Bai Chuan's feet following the inertia.

"Boss, we were all joking just now." Looking at the gleaming guns, Hong Mao, the boss, was also the fastest to kneel. He had no intention of getting up from the ground at all, and threw the steel pipe in his hand, directly choosing to surrender.

"Get up." Bai Chuan said lazily, he knew that at this moment, if two dog legs could show up and lift him up a leather sofa, and another dog leg would pour red wine, then this pussy would be perfect.

Too bad these are just fantasies.

"Boss, if you have any orders, just say, as long as we can use a few of our brothers, we will definitely go through fire and water!"

The red hair staggered to his feet, his calves were still trembling a little. They were just a few street thugs who wandered the streets every day after dropping out of school. They couldn't even join a formal gang. Tokyo is also one of the least experienced gangsters.

Therefore, he was directly intimidated by a small pistol, without even considering whether the gun was a real thing or not.

"I heard that you guys are doing things for Masaji Haruta."

Under Shirakawa's signal, Mogi Haruhito retracted his gun and stood quietly behind him, like a real bodyguard.

"Zhang Tianzhengji?" Hong Mao was a little puzzled at first, but then he finally came to his senses and asked a little uncertainly, "You should be talking about President Zhang Tian?"

"President?" Bai Chuan sneered, but didn't say much.

"Brother, let me just say that old guy Zhang Tian is not a good guy! Every time he asks us to finish a play, he throws a few tickets. How can he play like a flower?"

The broken-mouthed little fanmao immediately interrupted after hearing the words, "You don't know, the last time that guy used up Xiao Huang's hands, he threw such a thick stack of notes. We squatted on the ground for a long time to pick them up, and in the end it was only [-]. It's really maddening." gone."

It was obvious that he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Tianzheng, who was stingy and demanding.

Not only the little pink hair, but the purple hair and blue hair also seemed to have been made things difficult, and there was a look of resentment on their faces.

Since it's a money dispute, it's easy to handle. Bai Chuan was thinking about how to drive a wedge between Zhang Tian and these gangsters, but now it's all right, this step can be omitted directly.

He took out a few bills from his wallet and put them in front of the red-haired leader. He smiled and said, "Since that guy has treated you badly, do you want to come and do something for me?"

"This...boss, our brothers have always been loyal and agreed in advance." Hongmao bit the bullet and wanted to refute, but his eyes were quickly attracted by the tickets in front of him.

The picture on the note was not Fukuzawa Yukichi, but a foreigner who was completely unfamiliar with it, but seeing the bright 100 and a large piece of English on it, he immediately realized that this is a dollar bill, and this is a knife!
The bill in mid-air drew a graceful arc as the holder swayed up and down, and Hongmao felt his heart swaying up and down along with the bill.

Beautiful, really beautiful.

"We brothers have always been loyal, and we shouldn't go back on what we promised in advance, but that guy Zhang Tian has no dating spirit at all. Since he is unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

Boss, if you have anything to do, just ask! "

Looking at the red-haired man with an extraordinarily serious expression, Bai Chuan's hand holding the money paused for a moment, 'dating spirit'?The guy has a bit of culture, but not much.

"My task is very simple. The next time Zhang Tianzheng asks you to act in a play, you don't need to act, just beat him up so that he can remember it long."

 Today, it's raining, pattering non-stop
(End of this chapter)

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