capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 194 The scheming Hattori Heiji

Chapter 194 The scheming Hattori Heiji
"Brother Bai Chuan, are you okay?"

Mao Lilan covered her mouth and retched, holding back the strong discomfort, and asked with some concern.

A corpse falling from the sky is unlucky enough in itself, but what's even more unlucky is that some people are covered in blood and brains.

Bai Chuan pressed his painful eyebrows.What kind of thing is this!

In order to avoid being sniped by the three gods of death, he deliberately chose to stand on the right side of the entire team. As a result, the corpse falling from the sky was impartial and fell just right on the tip of his nose.

Even more confused than Shirakawa is the murderer Sakata Yusuke who actually directed all this.

He had clearly calculated the position and angle at which the body would fall, and even rehearsed it more than once, just to be able to make the body fall onto the police car in front of Kogoro Mori and Master Hattori.

But what he didn't expect was that the corpse would actually choose a satisfactory angle to complete its free fall, and it also came with an indescribable thing.

So what's the point of the falling device that he climbed a dozen floors to make in the dark the night before?
"Um, um, how about I ask Officer Sakata to take you to the hotel first?"

Hattori Heiji's eyes wandered back and forth between Shirakawa and the corpse. For a moment, he didn't know whether to care about his friends or study the case first.

"No, I can be alone." Bai Chuan waved his hand and left seemingly coolly, "I will not participate in the rest of the trip. I will go back and deal with these things on me first."

Woohoo, I can’t eat my sukiyaki pot!

Returning to the place where Hattori had prepared, Shirakawa changed out of his sticky clothes and took a good bath. He also ordered a lunch that wasn't included in the lunch list from the French chef at the hotel and finally felt a little better. .

This trip to Osaka was really unlucky. First he had a low-level meal, and then he almost got a loving hug from a corpse. If there was no food to soothe his soul, he might really not be able to bear it. Something big is about to happen.

But now, the victim in this case is not like the girl who was a Sherlock Holmes fan. She has the ability to beat up the murderer, so it is much more difficult for him to prevent death and harvest energy.

Moreover, this case will also involve the organization's experimental subject, Numabuchi Kiichiro. If you don't grasp the method well, you can easily get into a lot of trouble.

So the best choice is to let Hattori and Conan do their best, and he can just concentrate on preventing Scobin's case later.

Bai Chuan thinks so, but it doesn't mean everyone thinks the same way.

Before he could finish his French meal, Gin called him first.

"I heard you are in Osaka?"

Gin on the other end of the phone had no intention of reminiscing about the past, and got straight to the point, "The organization accidentally ran away an experimental subject when dealing with Shirley some time ago. He is in Osaka, and his name and photo have been sent to the email. Let's handle it smoothly." .”

"I remember that I applied for leave before I left, right?" Bai Chuan's head was full of black lines. He was really afraid of what would happen. It was easy to deal with Numabuchi, but it would be very troublesome when meeting Conan.

Bai Chuan can even guarantee that he will definitely bump into that boy Conan when he goes there, and then passively provide him with organizational intelligence.

"That guy is one of the most dangerous living subjects, and he has long been frightened to death by the scene in the laboratory. He will attack all guys in black clothes indiscriminately, and his mental state is extremely unstable."

Shirakawa is not willing to act, and Gin is not willing to force him. Now Shirakawa is no longer the small role he had at his disposal before, but the leader of the action team who is only half a level below him.

So Gin showed his rare patience.

"Okay, I understand, you are worried that he will unintentionally reveal the organization's information due to his mental state, right? I will handle it,"

Unexpectedly, when Gin also had the patience to explain the reason, Shirakawa was quite shocked by this and didn't resist the task much.

The worst thing he can do is let Aso spend more time and carefully search for the foothold of Numa Yuan, and then rush there as quickly as possible.

Anyway, there are probably not too many combinations of forests, waterfalls, and cabins in Osaka.

First, he made a phone call to Uncle Maori. While reporting that he was safe, he also confirmed that they were following the plot step by step. Before he met the fourth living victim, he immediately found a car rental company and rented a pure white car. , quickly rushed to the place where Sakata Yusuke imprisoned Numabuchi Kiichiro.

A big reason why this place was selected as a prison point is that it is remote enough that almost no one would come here when they are bored, so Bai Chuan's actions can be said to be very rough.

After using the plants to confirm that there was indeed a skinny man handcuffed in the small dilapidated wooden house, he directly used the tree world to descend, using the huge body of the plants to completely destroy the already shaky house, and at the same time made up for it. Send numbing powder.

Unable to call for help, Numabuchi Kiichiro was buried under a pile of building materials for several hours, and his chances of survival were slim.

And no matter who comes, they can only conclude that the house is old and in disrepair and collapsed naturally, and will not think of the human crime at all.

After completing the task easily, Shirakawa called Gin back.

"It's done. If nothing else happens, Ma Yuan has gone to see the God of Death now."

"Very good." Bai Chuan was a little surprised that Gin didn't dwell on the words 'no surprises', but the surprise soon turned into anger.
"The next mission is to deal with Councilman Goji Sotaro."

"Don't push yourself too far!" Now Bai Chuan was unwilling to agree no matter what.

Just kidding!If this continues, I'm afraid all the tasks piled up in Osaka will fall on him. Wouldn't he become a free wage earner for Gin?
"This task is Rum's request." Gin didn't care about Bai Chuan's objection. He even listened carefully, with a hint of schadenfreude in his tone.
"Also, your vacation is cancelled, which is what Rum means."

The person who issued the task was from Rum, so he couldn't refuse it at will.

In terms of tasks, Rum has absolute control. Unless the organization personnel receive orders directly from the boss, Rum has the final say.

Even if Gin had an opinion, he could only keep it in his heart, let alone Shirakawa.

The township councilman who was to be dealt with this time was a very unlucky person. He blocked the way of a councilman that Rum was watching in the next election, so he was directly put on the task list.

Looking at the name, Shirakawa had a vague impression. He thought about it carefully, and before Gin hung up the phone, he hurriedly asked, "Where is that congressman now?"

"Ha~" Gin on the other end of the phone chuckled, "This is also the most troublesome part of the case. The congressman has been secretly protected by the police. It is said that it was the order issued by Hattori Heizo of Osaka Prefecture."


Shirakawa was convinced, and he said that the name sounded a little bit familiar. The man named Goji was indeed the mastermind behind Officer Sakata's ultimate revenge.As expected, a group of managers headed by Hattori Heiji's father had already guessed the inside story of some cases. Officer Otaki and others were just bait used to confuse Sakata.

"This matter is not easy to handle. The best solution is to rely on official help. I have a plan here that can ensure that the congressman goes to hell, but I need a little support from you."

Regarding Shirakawa's speech, Gin was noncommittal, "We'll talk about it then."

Gin did not agree, and Baichuan was not annoyed. He believed that someone would definitely agree with his plan after seeing it.

After hanging up Gin's phone, Shirakawa dialed Hattori's number again without taking a moment's rest.

"Hattori, how is the situation over there?"

"Ah, it's Brother Baichuan, are you okay? We are still confirming what the three deceased people have in common, but before, we met a woman whose expression changed drastically when she saw the third deceased. It was a little bit... Harvest. Do you want to come over?"

"Me?" Bai Chuan raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure it won't be overloaded? The driver won't say anything. Uncle Maori is sitting in the passenger seat. You, Ye, and Xiaolan are sitting in the back seat. That little pervert Conan must be sitting in the passenger seat. On Xiaolan's lap, you want to add me now? Are you sure there is still room?
oh! ! !Could it be that you want me to sit next to you so that He Ye can sit on your lap?As expected of a high school detective from Osaka, his brain works really fast! "

Sit. Sit on your body! ?

Hattori's face turned red instantly, even his dark skin couldn't hide it.

Conan's mouth twitched. Fortunately, Xiao Lan and He Ye had no interest in the case and ran out to go shopping. Otherwise, the impact of this conversation would have been ten times greater.

Moreover, how could he call him a pervert?It is obviously a good young man who shows his spirit of self-sacrifice and others in order not to take up precious seats!As for sitting on the thighs and so on, how can a primary school student know this?

After glancing at Hattori, who was still down and probably wouldn't be able to recover for a while, Conan climbed onto the table neatly and picked up the cell phone placed aside.

"Brother Baichuan, I'm Conan, how are you doing there?"

"It's Conan. I'm fine now. Haven't you guys finished processing it yet? It's been a few hours." Bai Chuan asked very naturally.

Conan and Hattori, the two great detectives, had joined forces to solve the general case long ago. There was no reason for it to be delayed for such a long time. It was right for him to have such questions.

"It's hard to tell about the case right now." Speaking of the case, Conan was a little discouraged. "Including the man who fell just now, there were three victims in total, but there seemed to be no common characteristics among the three. .

The first victim was the supermarket owner, the second was the izakaya proprietress, and the third was the taxi driver. If all three of them had not been stabbed to death by daggers in their chests and wallets, they would not have been connected as one case at all. . "

"Can't find any clues? They must have something with them. Could it be that they were all stripped naked?" Bai Chuan asked in return.

In fact, the clues to this case are not difficult to find, but neither Conan nor Hattori has a driver's license, Uncle Mori is a fool, and Sakata, the only reasonably reliable policeman, is the real murderer.

That's why Conan and the others have been troubled for so long.

"It's not like he was stripped naked, but there was really nothing except his wallet, and there was nothing in the wallet except cash, bank cards and driver's license."

As the first target of the search, the wallets of the three people were searched inside and out by the detectives. Not only did the contents of the wallets have nothing to do with them, but even the wallets themselves were produced by different manufacturers in different years. Can't get in touch.

"Then have you ever directly checked the bank or driver's license?" Baichuan continued to ask, "For example, have three people deposited money in the same bank, or have their driver's licenses been detained by the traffic police at the same time?"

This sentence made Conan seem to understand something, and he suddenly fell into a state of thinking.

"Then the scope is a bit big!" When he heard the word driver's license, Sakata Yusuke's heart sank. He couldn't pick up or play the videotape in his hand that was used to divert the police's attention.

"Actually, the main thing is to check the driver's license." Hattori didn't know when he had recovered and officially joined the discussion, "I think Brother Shirakawa's guess is reasonable. There may be some ulterior secret hidden in the driver's license.

The murderer deliberately pierced the wallet, probably to let us discover the identity of the deceased immediately, and also to announce to the next target "I'm coming!" ]"

"Yes, I think so too." Conan nodded in agreement, "Besides, I happen to know that there is a place where people of different ages, different identities, and even people who have no intersection in work and life can get to know each other. , that’s the training camp before taking the driver’s license test!”

Sakata Yusuke:? ? ? ?

He had never felt like he was naked in front of two other men at that moment.

I thought they were just detective boys playing house, but I didn’t expect these two guys to be really capable!

Sakata took out the video tape he had prepared in advance and wanted to make a final resistance, even if it couldn't divert the attention of the detectives to the disgusting mastermind of Goji!

"By the way, if this serial murder case is really revenge."

Conan and Hattori looked at each other, and then glanced in the direction of Officer Sakata.

Being able to quickly locate the identities and home addresses of several deceased persons who have no intersection with each other faster than the police, it is probably impossible for the police system to be without ghosts.

Now it depends on who can't help but come up with the next 'evidence'.

Even if that guy is not the murderer, he must be an accomplice!

"Hattori, I may not be able to continue to help you find clues." Officer Otaki, who had been working hard, answered a call, then his expression immediately changed and he was about to leave.

"What's wrong? Uncle Otaki?"

"A small wooden house inside the Yumian Forest collapsed, and there was a deceased person inside. After preliminary identification, it should be the fugitive murderer, Numabuchi Kiichiro!"

"What!" x3
Sakata Yusuke's hands trembled slightly, and the last escape route he left for himself was cut off.

Next, as long as Hattori Heiji can find the photos taken during the training camp together and see someone who looks exactly like him, everything will be revealed!
Jingle Bell----

At this moment, Sakata Yusuke's cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw an extra text message on the phone.

[Mr. Policeman, who has no way out, would you consider cooperating with us? ——GIN】

(End of this chapter)

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