capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 208 Another tropical paradise

Chapter 208 Another tropical paradise
"Left-handed? By the way, Tomo Inari is left-handed."

Officer Shiratori said belatedly, "And we have found out that whether it was the day of Officer Narazawa's accident or the night of Officer Shiba's death, someone saw him near the crime scene."

"Okay! Launch an investigation into Tomo Chengzhen immediately!"

Like the murderer, he was left-handed and had been at the scene of the crime. The combination of these two points, Tomo's suspicion of committing the crime increased exponentially, and Officer Megure immediately issued the order.

If they hadn't used the method of conducting searches to avoid torture and extorting confessions, they would probably have come to arrest people right now.

"Wait a minute, Minister Odagiri seems to be left-handed too, right?"

Mouri Kogoro hesitated for a while, but finally expressed his true thoughts.

Although it is very possible that the friend will become true, we can't let other suspects go because of this, right?After all, this is a major matter related to his daughter's wealth and life!
"Not only that, in fact, Odagiri Satoshi also seems to be left-handed." Shiratori thought hard for a while and said uncertainly, "I have seen one of his underground concerts. When signing autographs, Odagiri Satoshi also used his left hand. There is no problem." wrong."

"In other words, except for Ms. Nino Tamaki, all the remaining suspects are left-handed?" Officer Megure muttered helplessly, "Are there so many left-handers in the world?"

Hmm. It seems to be a lot.

Gin counts as one, Akai Shuichi counts as one, and Haneda Hideyoshi seems to be the same, plus Futo Kyousuke and various left-handed murderers of ghosts and snakes.

Although you can't be left-handed and half are right-handed, it is absolutely certain that at least one of the five people is left-handed.

In the evening, Xiaolan stayed in the hospital for observation, Fei Yingli accompanied her, Conan shamelessly stayed, and the lonely Maori dragged Shirakawa to an izakaya he often went to for a drink.

Although Maoli didn't say anything, he felt a lot of self-blame in his heart.

Something happened to his daughter right under his nose, but as a father, he was powerless and couldn't even make any decent reasoning. You can imagine the frustration in his heart.

The drunken Maoli took off all disguises, and his words were a bit crying.

Bai Chuan listened to his cries quietly and had some vague thoughts in his mind.

The case will eventually be solved anyway, so why not let Kogoro be an omnipotent superman for once?

In this way, a certain confused detective can boast of one more feat.

"Uncle, have you asked the police officer about the details of Dr. Nino's death a year ago?" Shirakawa thought for a while, but chose to approach it from Ninoho's perspective.

"Of course." Mouri Kogoro replied with a big tongue, "I didn't miss any detail."

"You should have a rough idea of ​​Dr. Nino's reputation."

"Of course we know that a guy with no medical ethics not only killed many patients because of his poor technical skills, but also liked to be jealous of talented people and suppress younger generations. It is said that he used disgraceful methods to remove several doctors from Dongdu Medical University. Being fired from a hospital affiliated hospital is simply a discredit to the entire Japanese medical community."

Uncle Maori's answer made Bai Chuan very satisfied. It seemed that this usually somewhat confused detective had worked really hard for his daughter.

That being the case, it's easy to handle.

"I think we can start with Ninoho's previous doctor-patient and colleague relationships, and maybe we can gain something unexpected."

Shirakawa's suggestion made Mouri Kogoro's eyes light up.

yes!Cases of doctors killing patients, patients' families killing doctors, and company employees killing each other are so common!Is it possible that they are really a group of police officers who are overcomplicating things?
Although it was just an immature idea, it was undoubtedly a life-saving straw for the drunken Maori.

"I'm going to investigate now."

With that said, Kogoro stood up and swayed towards the detective office.

Bai Chuan quickly pushed him back to his seat.

In his current state, let alone investigation, it would be nice to be able to take a straight path.

"Why are you stopping me?" Mouri Kogoro's face turned red and his tone was a bit harsh.

Bai Chuan picked up the wine glass and filled the glass in front of him.

I really don’t know why some people become so drunk after drinking less than two ounces of this kind of wine, which is only 12 degrees.

"How long will you be able to investigate alone? Is it possible that Xiaolan will remain frustrated and wait for the investigation results?"

"What kind of person?" Mao Li pointed at Bai Chuan, "Don't you count?"

Shirakawa? ? ?

Are you so sure he will help?
"In addition, there are only two of us! Detective Mori, it's time for you to make use of your connections." Shirakawa continued, "I know that you have a lot of connections in the detective circle in Mikka Town and even in Tokyo.

You see, your investigation efficiency alone is 1, and with me, the efficiency becomes 2 times. If you find three more detectives, wouldn't the efficiency be 5 times faster than before? "

Maori, who was dazed and unclear, was easily persuaded by Baichuan. He took out his mobile phone and started to make a call.
"Hey, is it a dragon? Do you remember the old place where we drank? I'm here now and need your help."

"Hey, are you Shangya-senpai? I'm Mori."

"Yamato, come out and meet, I'm here."

For the first time, Mouri Kogoro showed his strong network of connections.

In just half an hour, the number of detectives in the izakaya, both familiar and unknown, has exceeded double digits, and it is still increasing.

With this attitude, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to simply change the name to 'Tokyo Detective Meeting'.

During the waiting period, Maori had sobered up a lot. Now he got a piece of red silk from somewhere and tied it on his head. He just had to write the word "win" on it.

When they learned that Xiaolan was in trouble, the mahjong friends, polo friends, horse racing friends, and drinking friends who came to the meeting were filled with indignation and said that they would definitely contribute their own strength.

These people are not ranked high in the entire detective world, but they all have their own social circles and networks. They also have their own careers before becoming professional detectives.

Soon, more than a dozen people decided on their respective divisions of labor.

Those who were related to the hospital began to investigate Dr. Nino's colleagues, those who were familiar with the school began to investigate those junior students who had been bullied, and those who happened to know the family members of the patients who were treated by Nino also followed this direction. Dig deep.

At this point, all the idle detectives in Tokyo have been mobilized to work towards the same goal.

'Come on, uncle. '

Bai Chuan silently stepped aside. He originally planned to mix in with these detectives and completely expose Futo Kyosuke's suspicion, but two of the people who came happened to be students who graduated from Toto Medical College. It was just because the forensic profession was hard and unprofitable. , so he changed his profession and became a detective.

The suspicion raised by these two people about Futo Kyousuke was obviously much more real than the one raised by Shirakawa himself.If there is no result by tomorrow noon, it will not be too late for him to take action.

That night, more than a dozen detectives didn't sleep much. They worked hard for several hours with full fighting spirit. It wasn't until the sun rose that they finally took a breath.

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t check, there are quite a lot of people who have enemies with Dr. Nino, and there are a total of 35 suspects listed!

Shirakawa has also seen the list: Appendicitis was misdiagnosed as gastroenteritis, leading to perforation of the appendix, and major mistakes were made during the operation, leading to the death of the patient; and post-operative inspections were not done carefully, leaving medical supplies in the patient's body, leading to infection, and eventually becoming Vegetative state
In short, after looking at the list, Shirakawa felt inexplicably that Kyosuke Futo's incident of deliberately cutting the tendon of his hand, which made it impossible to continue the operation, did not seem to be an unacceptable case.

Mouri Kogoro took a bunch of his contacts and went to investigate with interest.

Baichuan received a mission to visit Xiaolan with the young detective team and Haiyuan.

Well, we might as well follow along and investigate!

Anyway, as soon as Shirakawa's car arrived at the door of Dr. Agasa's house, he saw three little ones in middle school poses, "From today on, the Junior Detective Team will be renamed Miss Xiaolan's escort team!"

"Yes, we are here to protect Miss Xiao Lan."

Looking at the energetic three people, Bai Chuan didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only smile awkwardly.

For some reason, this smile seemed to be interpreted as distrust.

Gentai raised his water gun angrily and said in a show off manner: "Look, I have chili pepper water in this."

Not to be outdone, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi took out their boomerangs and handcuffs, and took the initiative to show them, "I have toy handcuffs here, and here is a weighted version of the boomerang specially made by the doctor!"

"You'd better show it to Sister Xiaolan in person later." Haiyuan yawned and spoke in a very shameless manner.

She didn't follow him just to see the girl. Haiyuan had only one goal from beginning to end, and that was Conan.

She didn't want more people to know about her shrinkage, but according to her observations during this period, the signs of a certain detective with a conspicuous bag confessing were getting bigger and bigger.

It has to be hammered hard.

Mao Lilan on the hospital bed lost her former luster, but her eyes were still gentle.

Hearing the three unknown children saying that they wanted to protect themselves, she bent down, touched Ayumi's head unnaturally and said: "With your protection, I feel much more at ease. Why don't I buy you some cold drinks to thank you?" .”

"There's a drink, okay, okay!"

Although I can't remember anything, my method of dealing with children has not weakened at all!
Xiaolan quickly became involved with the Young Detective Team, and Haibara Ai also found an opportunity to have a private conversation with Conan: "Has she still not remembered anything?"

Conan scratched his head, looking very helpless, "Yes."

At this time, he regretted not taking more psychology courses in Hawaii.

"Isn't it more convenient for you that she can't remember the past? This way, you don't have to worry about your identity being exposed." Haiyuan's tone was cold.

Conan glared and expressed strong condemnation: "Hey, do you still have humanity!"

Haiyuan Ai shook his head and laughed at himself:
"If it were me, I'd rather lose my memory and simply forget everything about making poisons after becoming a member of the organization. If I can forget it, I don't know how good it is to be a simple elementary school student like now."

He vaguely understood something, but seemed to understand nothing.

"I just"

He wanted to argue more, but Haiyuan didn't give her a chance at all, "Do whatever you want, but one thing is, you must never reveal my identity to her."

"I know." Conan was a little depressed.

"It's impossible for your little trick to succeed." Bai Chuan also intervened at the right time.

"I guess you want to reveal your true identity to Xiaolan, and then use it to awaken her memory. Stop dreaming, it's impossible to have any effect."

"Why?" Conan didn't understand.

"You don't think that Kudo Shinichi's position in Xiaolan's heart is extremely important, even more than the love for his parents, right?"

Conan said nothing, but the expression on his face clearly said 'Isn't it? '

Shirakawa really couldn't figure out how someone could have such a big face, so he directly started the fantasy crushing mode, "Let's talk about yesterday. Did Xiaolan have any impression of Kudo Shinichi? No.

If you look at today, she has accepted her parents, and even accepted the fact that the three little ones were friends with her in the past, but she has been silent about what Yuanzi said about her childhood sweetheart boyfriend. Isn't this obvious enough? ?
If you still don't believe it, just go ahead and tell it. The final result must be that Xiaolan will regard this as a joke to tease her. "

Conan's small body collapsed visibly. He thought that as long as he revealed his true identity, Xiaolan's memory would be awakened.

Now it seems that this idea is too arrogant.

"What? You, a great detective, can't just think about asking key clues from witnesses who have lost their memory, right? Didn't the doctor say yesterday that this kind of amnesia can be cured very quickly as long as the murderer is caught.

In that case, why are you still sitting here?Uncle Maori knows how to go out and look for clues, so what are you doing? "

"I" Conan opened his mouth.

Indeed, since Officer Megure investigated Tomo Chengzhen last night, his whole heart has been devoted to Xiaolan, and he has never thought about the case again.

"If you really feel uneasy, I actually found another way to quickly restore memory last night."

Shirakawa, who was planning to teach Conan a few words, caught a glimpse of Futo Kyousuke cautiously approaching to eavesdrop on their conversation, and immediately changed the subject.

"I read on the Internet that the director of a mental hospital said that a good way to help a patient with reverse amnesia recover quickly is to take her to a place she has been before she lost her memory. It is best to have a place with special meaning."

This suggestion made Conan's eyes sparkle again.

A place that Xiaolan remembers deeply.
The warehouse of Didan Primary School?They had played peek-a-boo there.

The karate classroom at Didan High School?Xiaolan has sweated there countless times.

No, these places are a bit too ordinary and not special enough.

Is that the cinema on the top floor of Miwa City Hall?They defused bombs through a gate buried in rubble.Uh, no, part of the Miwa City Hall was blown up, and it has been renovated to look completely different now.

Or Dragon Palace Sea Restaurant?There, Xiaolan understood why her uncle shot at Aunt Fei Yingli. This should be considered a profound memory!Uh, wait, it seems like this place has been destroyed too!
Conan scratched his hair irritably. Isn't there a place that he remembered well and was still intact?

Conan's glasses suddenly reflected, and he thought of a wonderful place - a tropical paradise!
(End of this chapter)

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