Chapter 216 Spiders
On the second night, after thinking about it all day, Conan finally had some clues and was confidently waiting for the appearance of Kaito Kidd.

He has figured out that the so-called walking in the air is actually relying on a helicopter to move forward, and those realistic-sounding footsteps are most likely the sounds played by the loudspeaker.

Not only that, Kidd should have an assistant, who somehow replaced the original helicopter pilot, and cooperated with Kidd to complete such a scene.

"Okay! This time I must expose your cover-up on the spot!"

Conan confidently followed Xiaolan Yuanzi to the VIP viewing platform, but the next second, the confident expression on his face was completely chapped, "How is that possible?"

This time, Kaitou Kidd is still walking in the air, but there is no helicopter in the vertical direction above his head!
No on top of head
Not on the left or right
Didn’t see it below either
Could it be that that guy is really moving in mid-air?Is this something humans can accomplish?

Conan only felt that the materialistic worldview he had insisted on for so many years had cracks at this moment, but he couldn't blame him, after all, the girl who appeared in place of Kaitou Kidd this time was the witch girl!
She herself is not very materialistic.

Anko Koizumi, disguised as Kaitou Kidd, completed her mission brilliantly, but at the last moment, Jirokichi Suzuki still used the same method as before to instantly take the gem back to the museum.

But after two full air walks, the enthusiasm of the onlookers has reached an unprecedented height.

Around the museum, there were more than ten thousand passers-by who came after hearing the news, not to mention various media, reporters and television staff.

Officer Nakamori, who had been teased twice in a row, became ruthless. Regardless of Jiroji's objections, he directly mobilized a dozen police helicopters. As soon as Kaitou Kidd appeared, he would go directly to the wire mesh to arrest the person.

Walking in the air?Let me see what you can do with this dragnet.

But this time, Kidd didn't do that flashy trick anymore. He placed a dummy in the air, and his body directly changed into Jirokichi's appearance, and he took away the gems in a swaggering manner.

By the time Conan reacted, Kidd had long disappeared.

Logically speaking, after getting the gem, the next thing to do is to leave the scene as quickly as possible.

But hiding in the crowd will not catch the backbone of the zoo.

Kidd, disguised as an ordinary passerby, went to the rooftop of a nearby building, unfolded his hang glider, and revealed his white clothes.

He believed that it wouldn't take long for someone to come to his door.

However, the guy who came to him was a bit unexpected.

It was obviously a building made of reinforced concrete one second, but it turned into a green grassland the next second. If Kidd hadn't been influenced by Koizumi Hongzi, he might have thought that he had hit a ghost.

In the middle of the grassland, a man with blond hair and a dress stood quietly. He wore a unique mask with three circles that glowed red.

At first glance, it looks a bit like an electric shaver.

Kuroba Kaito descended slowly in a white dress. When he touched the ground, he looked directly at him: "I know you, you are the world-famous illusionist Gunnar von Goldberg II, right?"

"Haha, it's an honor to be recognized by you."

The Illusionist Spider got straight to the point: "Hand over the Pandora Stone and I will spare your life."

Kuroba Kaito took out the red gem and waved it in front of the opponent. Then he snapped his fingers and used magic to make the Pandora gem disappear:

"What if I don't pay?"

"Heh." Spider grinned contemptuously: "Then don't blame me for being rude."

As soon as he finished speaking, he disappeared out of thin air, as if he was invisible.

Is this an illusion? Tsk, it’s really troublesome!
Kidd glanced around, trying to find some flaws in this illusory grassland, but obviously, he couldn't find anything.

"Pretend, come out."

Unable to figure out the opponent's position, he could only play a few playing cards out of thin air, and naturally ended up playing them all empty.Da da da--

Spiders are not just being beaten without fighting back. The pistol equipped with a silencer fired several bullets one after another, but Kidd nimbly dodged them at the critical moment.

"It's interesting." Spider let the mask on his face glow with red light, fired several shots in a row, then hid again, and so on.

This razor helmet has a hypnotic effect, and when paired with bullets to attract attention, Kidd's movements soon became sluggish, and he even became a little unable to resist.

This can't be done!

Kuroba Kaito narrowed his eyes slightly and decisively threw two smoke bombs to disrupt his vision, at least to get rid of that troublesome hypnotic ability first.

"It's been eight years, and you really haven't made any progress at all." In the smoke, the three flashing red dots were completely unaffected, and even said with a bit of teasing.

When Kidd heard this, he suddenly became angry. This guy was indeed related to his father's death!

Being provoked by the spider, he no longer cared about hiding, raised his hand and shot two cards into nothing in mid-air.

Two playing cards flew out, instantly cutting the imperceptible wire.


Without the wire rope, the spider fell from a high altitude and landed hard on the rooftop.

I don't know if I'm stupid or not playing with a tightrope in front of a magician!

Spider cursed angrily and lifted up his cloak, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared again.

But this time, the picture of the grassland has become a little blurry, and the outline of the rooftop can be vaguely seen.


After a few rounds of playing cards were played, most of the steel wire ropes used by Spider to connect the surrounding buildings were broken. He himself could no longer maintain his superior posture and hid behind the pillars with care.

"What a surprise."

The spider's voice came from behind the pillar, seemingly not caring about the current disadvantage at all.

On the contrary, Kidd, who destroyed the wire rope in advance, deprived him of a hidden countermeasure, and now he had to tighten his nerves at all times.

"By the way, I'll accept Pandora."

Spider's rambling words made Kidd lose consciousness for a moment.

It was after this brief absence that a figure suddenly appeared from behind and snatched away the Pandora gem.

It turned out that it was the dummy equipped with a microphone that attracted attention before!
Kidd turned around and shot a few playing cards, but failed to keep the opponent.

The spider wrapped its body in a cloak and disappeared into thin air again.

After confirming that the other party had really left, the solemn look on Kidd's face instantly disappeared and returned to his cynical look.

"The bait has been taken."

He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to an anonymous account.

(End of this chapter)

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