capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 221 Can it be called murder if you don’t do some fun?

Chapter 221 Can it be called murder if you don’t do some fun?

"Then what do you think we should do?" Conan said in a somewhat broken voice.

He also saw that the current situation was two against one. Although Dr. Ali did not say it, he did not agree with his proposal in his heart. Therefore, strictly speaking, it was three against one.

He, the self-proclaimed leader of the squad, was at a definite disadvantage.

Face the reality, someone is too lazy to struggle, so just let it be what you say.

No matter what plan is discussed now, he will not refute it, but whether to implement it will depend on the situation at that time.

"You and Haihara take Dr. Agasa's car and continue to track Gin's traces. Be careful to keep a distance. That guy's anti-tracking ability is so powerful that it's scary. If the same car passes in front of him twice, it will be marked. Be sure to careful."

Baichuan naturally gave Conan the task of retrieving the bug. After all, he was still a high school student and had to learn to wipe his own ass.

"I will go to the director's memorial service first. Don't worry, usually this kind of gathering will not be short. It will not officially enter the theme until the evening. Basically, people who need to use this memorial service to socialize will arrive early. The congressman who was targeted is obviously not included in this group."

Knowing that Conan would never give up the opportunity to intervene in the case, Bai Chuan didn't say anything.As long as he could recover the bug from the Gin car quickly, he would have time to come back for the memorial service.

At this time, Conan finally got some energy and turned around to get into Dr. A Li's car.

After confirming that Dr. Agasa's car was heading in the opposite direction to Aipido Town, Shirakawa reached out to stop a taxi and gave the name of the Aipido Hotel.

Knowing in advance that today was Pisco's action day, he was dressed in black when he went out, and now he blended in with the crowd of people in black attending the meeting without looking out of place.

If the organization changes the location of information exchange to a funeral venue or cemetery in the future, will it significantly reduce the probability of being discovered?

Baichuan looked at the crowd of black people like a team building in the winery, and had such an idea in his mind for no reason.

Walking in black on the street is very eye-catching, but isn't this the basic operation at a funeral?

After hypnotizing a random passerby and getting an invitation from him, Bai Chuan signed his name on the guest list and received a blue handkerchief from the lady at the front desk.

This handkerchief is a key prop. Coupled with the presence of Sister Bei at the scene, if you don’t want to be tricked, it’s better not to choose purple.

Entering the venue, he first exchanged a few words with the organizer, the family of director Sake Roll, as a shareholder of Nippon Television, and then Shirakawa went straight to Sister Bei, who had been dressed as Chrissy Wynyard.

"Why are you here?" The two of them first pretended not to know each other and said hello, and then got to the point.

It is taboo to interfere in the tasks of other organization members at will, and Belmode does not think that Bai Chuan has the ability to challenge Gin.

"I've got the exact information, the police will be here shortly."

Conan was not present, so Baichuan naturally had to show his loyalty to the organization and speak sincerely, as if he was really just here to tip off the news.

"Police? The news was leaked?" Belmod's eyes raised slightly, and he immediately connected this incident with the documents stolen during Yuan Jiaming's betrayal.

Most of those files have been discarded due to the caution of rum and gin, but the opportunity to kill Councilor Tonguchi at Director Sakemaki's memorial service was too good to be replicated.

Therefore, at Pisco's insistence, the plan was preserved.

Unexpectedly, something really went wrong now.

"No, those guys couldn't possibly choose to call the police as a solution." Although he was shaken by the sudden news, Belmode quickly found out the unreasonable aspects and raised questions.

A group of killers in the underground world planned to take revenge for a long time by calling the police. If this is revealed, they may no longer want to be in this industry!
"Perhaps Yuan Jiaming hid his secret and synchronized the information with others."

Shirakawa led the target to the Tokiwa Group without leaving any trace, which was the target that Naito Electronics was preparing to swallow in the next stage, but this target was still somewhat difficult to shake.

It would be great if the Tokiwa Group could be brought down by the organization's help.

"We have investigated Yuan Jiaming's interpersonal relationships very clearly, and we have not found any friends who have a good relationship with him, not one." Belmode obviously did not agree with Bai Chuan's words.

If he wasn't a close friend, who would risk being killed to help Yuan Jiaming hide?
"Perhaps it's just because the relationship isn't good enough that you feel at ease when you cheat me?"

Bai Chuan proposed another possibility.

"Perhaps Yuan Jiaming just put those confidential information in a pile of office documents and passed them to his colleagues or superiors. If he was lucky enough to keep them, it would be great. The person who was found dead was also a person he didn't like. No matter what, It won’t be a loss.”

Belmode said no more words to refute.

She only knew a few words from Rum about Yuan Jiaming, but it was not difficult to infer from his words that that guy was a selfish egotist, and he might actually be able to do things that were harmful to others but not to his own benefit.

"I will pass the matter on to Gin." Regardless of whether it was true or not, Gin was the one who finally came forward to investigate, so Belmode naturally took the blame without any pressure.

"Then the mission won't be terminated?" Bai Chuan asked, without much hope in his heart.

"Whether to terminate or not depends on Pisco's judgment. I have no right to interfere." Belmode shrugged, his eyes eager to try.

It seems that I really want to see the scene where someone fails to commit a crime and is eliminated from the organization.

It's really a bit miserable when the members of the organization behave to the extent that even a dog like Pisco is disgusted.

Uh, no, really bad, you have to look at Tequila and Calvados.

One worked conscientiously for the organization all his life, but after his death he could not receive a dime of subsidy. The other had been a licker for most of his life, but when something happened, he was left behind without even looking at it.

In comparison, Pisco is good, at least there is an Irishman to help collect the corpses and take revenge.

"Brother." On the other side, Gin, who was extremely obsessed with Shirley, also successfully found two brown hairs on the car seat. Now, he had found a back alley and was checking whether the car had been tampered with. .

At the street corner ice cream stall less than 356 meters away from the Porsche 500A, Conan Haiyuan and his wife did not dare to breathe.

They thought that their goal was about to be achieved, but they didn't expect that after getting out of the car, Gin and Vodka did not leave as expected, but directly began to inspect.


The two looked at each other, and Ju could read despair in each other's eyes.

Due to time constraints, the place where Conan stuck the chewing gum bug was not secret. It really opened up the search, and it would probably be found out within a few minutes.

By then, their identities will be difficult to hide.

"Let's leave directly!" Conan took a deep breath and made a decision, "Let's go to Director Shimonaki's memorial service first. We must catch the accomplice named Pisco. This is the only chance."

As long as Pisco can be captured and the information extracted from him, even if his identity is exposed, it is not unacceptable.And he heard Gin's conversation just now. [You can use that medicine when necessary. 】

That kind of medicine!Judging from the name, it was definitely the kind of medicine he was given to make people smaller!

If you can get a sample of the drug and have the drug manufacturer around you, will it still be difficult to recover your body?

Because the bug was exposed by the hair he left in the car, Haibara could not say anything to refute this time. Dr. Agasi activated Beetle Huang again and sent the two to the door of the Abeido Hotel.

I don’t know whether it was accidental or inevitable, but Kenzo Masuyama, a big boss in the financial industry and chairman of the automobile company, also chose to get out of the car at this time.

Immediately afterwards, with the impact of a wave of people, Conan and Haiyuan were forced to separate. After Conan finally squeezed into the venue, Haiyuan could not be found anyway.

"Oops!" Conan's heart sank, and an ominous premonition came to his mind.

Huiyuan is not a child who can't tell the difference between situations like the three little ones. When faced with things that threaten her own life, she will never take risks on a whim.

So it's unlikely that she suddenly discovered something and left on her own.

There was a high probability that he was taken away by force.And there is no mistake that that person is probably Pisco!

"I remember Haiyuan once said that Pisco knew her father, so she probably met Haiyuan when she was a child." Conan finally looked a little flustered now.

This was the first time he had encountered this kind of start where he lost a teammate before taking action.

"Never mind!" Conan gritted his teeth and made up his mind not to think about Haiyuan's affairs.

The top priority is to find Pisco first. Once he is found, it only takes a matter of minutes to find out the whereabouts of Haiyuan.

He has already made a plan. Brother Shirakawa must have called Officer Megure. Councilor Tunkou is now surrounded by plainclothes police, and it is unlikely that Pisco will attack him at close range.

Councilor Tunkou, who knew in advance that he would be assassinated, was also afraid of death. It is said that he did not eat anything, not even drink water, from the moment he entered the memorial hall.

In this case, if you want to poison with that kind of drug, the only way left is to do it forcefully.

But the police are not vegetarians, and there is also his helper hiding in the dark.As long as Pisco dares to make a move, he will directly knock him down with a needle!
Conan's plan was perfect.

But he obviously forgot one thing - in Ke Xue's world, if you don't do some fun, can you call it murder?

Just as Conan was staring intently at Councilor Tunkou in the center of the venue, the lights suddenly went out, and the emcee appeared on the stage under the spotlight and began to introduce the life of Director Sake Roll.

In the darkness, Conan suddenly discovered that Councilor Tunkou, who was under heavy protection, seemed to have disappeared from his sight. He quickly turned around to look for him, but heard a click in his ear.

It seems like someone is taking a photo.

Before he could figure out the source of the sound, there was another clang of a metal object falling, and then a boom!A loud noise.

"what sound?"

"what's going on?"

"Turn on the lights! Turn on the lights!"

As the lights came on, screams filled the eardrums.

In the center of the venue, Councilor Tunkou, who was supposed to be under heavy protection, had become a corpse under the chandelier.

how come.
Seeing the body of Councilor Tunkou, Conan felt like he was struck by lightning.

He had obviously been out of sight for less than half a minute, so how could he act so quickly?

He looked past the police to the dark crowd, carefully examining everyone's expressions.

The person who killed Representative Tonkou must be among these people!

The target was still killed under heavy protection, so Officer Memu was naturally not in a good mood, but no matter how unhappy he was at this time, he had to be patient and ask the people standing around Councilor Tunkou at the time.

"I didn't see anyone suspicious, so don't ask! I almost got hit too!"

"How did I know? I have been standing here just fine, but that congressman suddenly intervened in a hurry for some reason."

"The chain of the chandelier must have aged and fallen off, accidentally killing Councilor Tunkou. By the way, why do you think it was murder?"

Several people standing around Tunkou said they saw nothing, and even began to doubt the reason why the police investigated in this way.

You're all an idiot for shouting. The congressman died under heavy protection. Maybe the police just want to find someone to take the blame!
"On this point, the police naturally have their own judgment." Officer Megure responded forcefully to a certain musician's question. "We received the police call in advance and confirmed that someone was going to attack Senator Tunkou today."

There are all high-profile big shots present, but the more occasions like this, the more he has to act like a policeman. Once he is caught, subsequent investigation of the case will definitely be difficult.

"In that case, why didn't the police check the person who called the police first?"

Kenzo Masuyama had a decent smile on his face and a gentle tone of voice, just like a kind-hearted old man.

"That's the police informant." Officer Megure took a deep look at the chairman of the automobile company and revealed a little bit about the identity of the caller.

After getting the answer he wanted, Masuyama Kenzo took two steps back with satisfaction, but he was already thinking about how to find out the identity of the informant and give him a big gift.

"I see, this is the retribution for that guy Tunkou who has done too many bad things." The baseball team owner who had a quarrel with Councilor Tunkou said, with obvious schadenfreude in his tone.

"I also think it was an accident. After all, no traces of tampering were detected on the chandelier or ceiling. You can let us leave now. I still have very important cooperation to discuss."

Another female writer also spoke up to put pressure on me.

Officer Memu didn't expect that his tough style had no effect at all, but he also knew that it would not be easy to find the person to the police station now that he had let him go.

Therefore, his eyes began to wander around the venue, trying to catch a passing Kamen Rider, no, a detective.

Seeing Officer Megure's sudden movement of raising his head, Bai Chuan had a vague premonition in his heart, but when he wanted to get into the crowd, it was still too late.

"Brother Baichuan, brother Baichuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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