capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 28 The Golden Road

Chapter 28 The Golden Road
It was already the next morning when they successfully arrived at Shiki Island. The tour group of more than 20 company employees was undoubtedly a big order for Shiki Island, where the economic development was almost stagnant and the tourism industry was almost zero. Specification reception.

What's more, Pisco's apparent identity is Kenzo Masuyama, a bigwig in the financial industry. In order to prove to this potential shareholder the tourism potential of Shikishima, the entire island was cleaned spotlessly, and welcome banners and balloons were hung everywhere. .

Those who didn't know about that battle thought they were going to receive a head of state!

At the invitation of the village chief Mikami, Pisco walked towards the interior of the village, and it seemed that he really came to investigate the development potential of the surrounding tourism industry.Bai Chuan fell at the end of the team, slowly swaying towards the Haijun Cave.

Before he heard the sound of gin, Bai Chuan hoped that the task would be completed as soon as possible, wishing he could turn into Superman and pick up those tons of gold and return to Tokyo immediately, and then take off the damn mask on his face.

But the pressure brought by hunger and water shortage is not as good as that cold 'Kurosawa'. Now he only hopes to return to Tokyo as slowly as possible. It would be best if a detective suddenly appeared on Shikishima and had another fight. Homicide, gather some Reaper's energy to exchange him for the ability to protect himself.

It's a pity that Bai Chuan wanted to slow down, but some people refused.

"I saw you."

Curacao's voice came from the earphones, and Bai Chuan looked in the direction of the lighthouse, where there was a bright spot reflecting light, which should be the telescope equipped on the lighthouse.

If nothing else, the guards have now returned to the embrace of the sea, and even the lighthouse itself has been charged with explosives.

At this speed, it only takes 10 minutes from disembarkation to now!As expected of a woman who can get through with Amuro.

"The gold is really here?" Curacao was a little puzzled. This naval cave is not considered hidden. You can see obvious traces of artificial rock sealing, and it is not sealed tightly, leaving a gap for people to enter and exit. Hasn't anyone gone in and taken a look for so many years?

"In recent years, there have been legends about the ghosts of the navy on the island. As a small island that is so remote that almost no one cares about it, the people of Shikishima are superstitious. I once asked Mikami Village Chief to take pictures in the name of the president of the game company. The view of Shikishima, but even under the temptation of money, the village chief refused to go near the Navy Cave. So this is the easiest place to hide treasures."

"Your reasoning seems a bit sloppy." Pisco obviously didn't believe in Bai Chuan's completely speculative reasoning, "I don't have a chance to act here, or wait until night before acting."

"The conclusion is not wrong." Curacao's voice was a little panting, it should be on the way at full speed,

"The lighthouse telescope was aimed at the Naval Cave at the beginning, and the guards seemed to be watching it all the time. And I found a hand-painted blueprint. There is a deeper space inside the Naval Cave, and the Dragon God's body is hidden inside. "


Pisco silently looked at the wine glass that was filled again in his hand. The progress of this task must have been pushed too fast. He just entered the village chief's house here, and he is about to find gold there?If there was a delay, wouldn't the two confidantes of Rum just go back to Tokyo with their things?

"Pisco, investigate the incident where the college students on the island were attacked by the souls of the dead. The person who created the incident of the souls attacking the college students is probably the guard, but I didn't find the armor he used."

Pisco, who was about to get up and join the action, was pressed back with another sentence. He vaguely felt that someone behind Curacao was deliberately preventing himself from deeply participating in this mission.

This displeased someone who claimed to be the patriarch of the organization. 'I am the confidant of that adult, how dare you reject me like this! '

It's a pity that Pisco only dared to think about these words in his heart, saying that he didn't dare to say them.

On the other side of the Haijun Cave, Bai Chuan was holding a small flashlight, and it was a bit difficult to walk step by step.The cave is dark and damp, coupled with the sound of the wind like a woman crying, it really feels like a haunted place.The extraordinary Curacao took a step ahead and had already reached the end of the cave, where there was an obvious man-made passage behind the wall.

The channel is so deep you can't see the bottom even with a flashlight, but you can hear the gentle lapping of the waves by gazing and listening carefully.

Proceeding along the moss-covered steps, the interior space is getting bigger and bigger. A small white cruise ship soon appeared in front of Bai Chuan. The cruise ship just filled the space inside the cave. Under the turbulent waves, the ship hit the top of the cave. Make a 'click' sound, this sound may be the truth of the dead soul.

Curacao, who entered first, jumped off the Dragon God and shook his head at Bai Chuan.

She has checked the entire cabin, not to mention gold, there is no gold dust at all, and other places in the cave do not look like a space where items can be hidden.

Could it be that the gold has been transferred?

"The gold is still here, and in a place so easily overlooked that you want to build steps inside a cave like this."


I don’t know if it’s because he has been in contact with Kudo Shinichi too many times. Bai Chuan felt that he had also acquired the bad habit of only half-talking. When he heard the dissatisfied voice in the earphones, he came to his senses. He quickly squatted down and scraped off the words with his fingers. Moss on the steps.

That's right, these steps are made up of gold bricks one after another.

"The steps that make up this road are all gold?"

Curacao's pupils shrank. She really didn't notice that what she was stepping on was gold worth billions. This is the real road to gold!

"There should be only a part of it. No matter how much gold there is, it is impossible to cover the entire road. The next step is pure strength. Notify the peripheral members to pry away all the gold here, and then wash the ground with explosives and bury everything."

"No, it's not possible." Curacao shook his head. "We can't easily move so much gold, and it's easy to be found when people come in and out frequently. It's best to use a speedboat to transport it directly to the ship."

"Use explosives." The voice of gin sounded in the earphones, giving full play to the character of "in case of indecision, blow up first and talk later", and his proposal seems to have been approved by Curacao.

"The cave is not solid. Let alone whether the use of high explosives will attract the attention of the islanders of Shikishima. Once it collapses, it will be more than ten times more difficult to salvage these gold nuggets from the sea than it is now."

Bai Chuan hurriedly spoke out to stop the danger of gin. You must know that in the animation, Conan just kicked the prisoner with his golden right foot, and the entire cave collapsed in a very disgraceful manner.

If it was loaded with high explosives, it would probably collapse faster, and it would be impossible to run.

"It's better to wait until night to carry it manually. You can use the lifeboat on the ship. Although the transportation volume is not much, the safety is guaranteed." Pisco gave his own suggestion.

"Do you still remember those construction machines on board?" Bai Chuan suddenly mentioned those machines that had never been seen before.

"Do you want to dig out the boulder blocking the entrance of the cave? It's impossible, and those machines can't stand on the water to work."

"No, I'm going to dig out the cliff directly above the cave, and use the falling objects from the cliff to smash the rock at the entrance of the cave."

These words caused the communication channel to fall into silence. It seemed that everyone was shocked by this whimsical plan, and even Curacao, who had always been expressionless, showed obvious consternation.

Do not believe?

Just don't believe me!
Bai Chuan spread his hands helplessly, he didn't believe in such a nonsense way, but the situation in the anime is much more nonsense than this!

(End of this chapter)

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