Chapter 36 Chaos
"There should be monitoring on the third floor." After moving his body a few times, Bai Chuan finally gave up the idea of ​​entering in person.

If the two of them really discover something serious on the third floor, they will basically face the encirclement and suppression of most of the Raven Society. Toru Amuro has extraordinary skills and is a very popular supporting role. The world consciousness will definitely be secretly saved. one hand.

But Bai Chuan was different. He had some dodging skills at most, and he used the Eight Fist in real fights. When he met a group of members of the Jidao organization with weapons, he might really be beaten like a dog.

Between being beaten and exposing part of his ability, he chose to expose his hacking ability. As for whether Toru Amuro will associate it with the organization's newly replaced screening system, it is unknown.

Anyway, he is holding the face of his cousin Gin now, even if it is exposed, it has nothing to do with Narazawa Shirakawa, if his face is broken during a fight, it will be a real disaster.

"Yes, but what are you going to do? The monitoring facilities of the Raven Club are all American products from hardware to programs. It may not be easy to crack, right?"

"American products? That would be easier."

In the era of low computing power of electronic computers, there are basically two ways to hack into surveillance cameras: deciphering the password and finding inherent loopholes in the hardware. If the members of the Raven Club are cautious enough to design the password to be difficult enough, then Bai Chuan will soon be able to do so. There is really no way.

But it would be different if it was replaced by an American product. He could hack the monitor of Syndora's headquarters with his home computer in Japan, let alone a Japanese camera?
Speaking of the difficulty of intrusion, 'Made in the United States' is indeed hell-level in the computer field, but they can't stand the fact that they like to open the back door for themselves!
Hackers once obtained the surveillance video data of 15 cameras owned by a certain network security company in one go.

What caused all this was not any extraordinary technology, but because he logged into the company's 'super administrator' account, and then he had access to all the company's cameras.

So after Bai Chuan knew that the camera was made in the United States, he became more confident in his plan.

"Then go back and find Rudy. He has a network management department under his command." Naturally, Toru Amuro would not refuse such a good job. Not only does he not have to take risks himself, but he can also collect information about the capabilities of an organization member he has never seen before. It's a win-win situation. .

Meeting again with the Interpol disguised as a gang member, Bai Chuan took the room key and at the same time threw a hypnotic shot over him.His hypnosis was not for making troubles, but just hinting that the criminal policeman would find a chance to meet with him alone after finishing the work at hand.

Just because of the way he treated Toru Amuro like a dog, Bai Chuan didn't want to miss such a high-quality younger brother no matter what.

The network management department set up by the Raven Club also uses an old tome computer, and its performance is not too strong, but it is more than enough to monitor a dozen cameras.

About 5 minutes later, black-and-white pictures taken by surveillance cameras appeared on the computer screen.

"Office, Warehouse C, Warehouse B, is there no Warehouse A at the unloading point?" Amuro looked at the screen and counted them one by one, and soon realized that the most critical Warehouse A was missing.

Was it deliberately hidden?
The figure of Warehouse A cannot be seen in the monitoring, but it seems that Warehouse A hides ulterior secrets.

"Forget Warehouse A, let's take a look at this guy." Shirakawa pointed to the figure in a reception room on the third basement floor, as if he had discovered something serious, and Amuro Toru's expression changed immediately.

There are two people sitting in the reception room, one side is an old man with thinning hair about 60 years old, and behind him are two bodyguards who are ready to fight at any time.

On the other side was a burly man in black.

"Tequila!?" Amuro Toru's tone was full of disbelief.

Every official member of the organization has his own little thoughts and private life. Even for an honest person like Vodka, Toru Amuro has seen him secretly buying support items for female idols.

Therefore, it is not an unacceptable setting that Tequila and MP intersect.

What he cares about is another thing.

The conclusion that the winery is a terrorist organization but not involved in the drug business is the conclusion he has obtained through many missions, but now this conclusion seems to be overturned.

"I need to go downstairs." Almost without any hesitation, Toru Amuro got up and walked towards the door. Before leaving, he looked back at Bai Chuan and silently asked for his opinion.

Bai Chuan didn't raise his head, he waved his hands at Toru Amuro who was about to leave, and then returned his gaze to the monitor.

He had seen Tequila with his own eyes, and had been in the same car with him, so he knew a little about this strong man who died in the first episode. Although the man in the surveillance video was equally strong, he was obviously bigger than Tequila is one size smaller.It didn't match his memory.

Although Tequila does not have a twin brother, "Detective Conan" has a brother called "Magic Kaito", and there happens to be a killer who looks exactly like Tequila except for the beard.

Viper Snake!
An important member of the killer organization "Zoo" in Japan whose core pursuit is to find the gem of destiny Pandora, he has repeatedly shot and snatched gems from Kaito Kidd.

It was seeing through Snake's identity that Shirakawa let Amuro Toru leave alone.

Amuro's eagerness to find out Tequila's intentions was not a fraud, but he would not miss this opportunity to get in touch with the Japanese police.

This is what Bai Chuan wants to see. Since the zoo has already been involved, then simply let the Japanese police also join in, and then count the Interpol, the winery, and the local forces of the Raven Club, and it will directly lead to a five-party melee.

And he wouldn't really let Amuro Toru act alone.

Shirakawa tapped twice on the keyboard, and the figure of Toru Amuro making a phone call in a hurry appeared on the screen, and even the originally dark Warehouse A quickly lit up.

With administrator privileges, it is naturally impossible for him to simply control the cameras on the third floor underground, and even the fact that warehouse A's surveillance did not show it was his handwriting, in order to allow Toru Amuro to go to the third floor alone.

Because it's not just Amuro, he also needs a period of time alone.

"President, you are looking for me." The hypnotized Interpol walked into the room with a little confusion, and Bai Chuan performed the second hypnosis seamlessly at the moment when the previous hypnosis command ended.

"Approximately how many people in the Raven Club are you controlling?"

"More than half, but most of them are civilian staff and peripheral security personnel scattered everywhere. The number in the underground area is less than 100." After all, Ann Clarence slowly took over part of the Raven Society after MJ's death. , so the strength is naturally much weaker than the other two, but this is enough.

"Your task is to lead people to protect the above-ground and underground assets after the Raven Society falls into chaos, and at the same time spread the news that MP is colluding with other forces to prepare for a major cleansing, and the chaos is caused by the cleansing."

After explaining the matter, Shirakawa turned his gaze back to Toru Amuro.

At this time, Heipi was standing in a dead corner between the basement floor and the bar, which was a blind spot of the monitoring equipment, so he could only pray that Toru Amuro really contacted the Japanese police. After all, such a big thing happened, There has to be someone who takes the blame.

At the same time, Yuya Kazami, a Japanese public officer outside the bar, hung up Mr. Furutani's phone with a dark face. He looked at several Japanese police officers who were pretending to be ordinary tourists around him. On a handsome young man:

"There is a very important task for you to complete next."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The young man who was called was full of excitement.

But Kazami Yuya's complexion has turned as dark as Amuro's: "Next, we're going to enter the gay bar called Big Bird Zanzhuan for further investigation.

The way to enter is to kiss your lover at the door of the bar for more than 15 seconds, and then you and I will dress up as a couple. "

Young people who have just joined the job: Is it too late for me to resign now?
(End of this chapter)

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