capitalist in famous detective

Chapter 62 Is this going to be pornographic?

Chapter 62 Is this going to be pornographic?

"Have you decided?"

Shirakawa's decisiveness made Wensaka unable to react for a while, and even began to wonder if there was something wrong with his ears.

Will anyone really do this kind of thing that is destined to invest more than the return?And also like it?
"You also said that the major consortiums hinder each other. Are we a consortium? Will someone check and balance us?" Bai Chuan raised a finger, "In my opinion, this is an excellent opportunity to take down the entire TV station. .

Think about it, the company's equity is scattered, if there is a big consortium that wants to make some moves, will it really be discovered in the first place? "

"What do you mean?" Kento Wensaka had some understanding. "Using myself as a barrier, the major consortiums must first get it done if they want to enter the TV station?"

In the case of scattered equity, all major consortiums need to keep an eye on the movements of other consortiums, and it can be said that they have to tense their nerves all the time.But when more than 50% of the shares are in the hands of one person, the consortium only needs to keep an eye on the guy with the absolute controlling stake.

"It's for us." Bai Chuan responded with a smile.From this point of view, it is not a bad thing for him that the consortium keeps an eye on Nikai TV, but it is a kind of help.

Wen Banjian took another sip of tea, although what Bai Chuan said had some truth, but he didn't fully agree, "Have you ever thought that the current situation of scattered equity is the product of mutual compromise between major consortiums?

Keeping an eye on the movements of other consortiums will waste a certain amount of manpower and material resources, but with the background of the Suzuki consortium and the Ooka consortium, would you care about a little bit of waste?

On the contrary, if the equity is concentrated together, as long as the absolute controlling shareholder can be dealt with, even a consortium that is not as powerful as them may succeed in stealing chickens.This is truly unacceptable for large consortiums. "

"So it's time for you to play, isn't it?"

Bai Chuan also understands this point. Concentration and decentralization of shareholdings each have their own advantages. There is no such thing as a more perfect statement between the two, but the key is to convince the consortium which one is beneficial to them.

"Since you have such determination, I think you can suspend the acquisition plan. No, it should be said that we need to suspend the acquisition plan."

Taketo Fumisaka gave his answer without thinking too long this time.

"What's the reason?" Bai Chuan was at a loss for this arrangement.

Isn't he making such a big circle just to speed up the acquisition of Rimai TV Station?Suspension of acquisitions, what is the point of everything that has been done before?
Wen Ban replaced the cold tea in Bai Chuan's teacup, and then refilled it with new ones, signaling him not to be impatient, "Do you want to get 30%-40% of the equity and fall into an endless cycle of wrangling, or do you want to win more than 50% in one fell swoop?" Shareholding achieved control?"

"Naturally the latter."

"Then listen to me!" Taketo Fumisaka was extremely confident, this is his professional field.

"Acquisition of 10% of the shares to make money peacefully as an ordinary shareholder and acquisition of 30% of the shares to intrude in the name of the largest shareholder are two concepts. The former will only attract vigilance, while the latter is hostility and even joint targeting.

More than 10% of the shares means that we already have the right to participate in the meeting and join the management of the company. At this time, the decision-making power in various affairs of the company is more important than the shares.

In other words, we need to make the station staff and other stakeholders see the benefits of our participation. "

"But in this way, the shares of Rimai TV Station will be more valuable, and the chances of others selling it will be smaller?"

Shirakawa interrupted Wensaka's explanation. He didn't know much about finance, equity and other things, but he just stood on his own standpoint. If he owns the stock of a certain company, the company has developed very well and can bring a lot of money every year. When there are a lot of dividends, it is stupid to sell the stocks in a hurry.

Unless unless the premium for buying stocks is very, very high, far exceeding his psychological expectations.

"You don't have to worry about the acquisition. I will be solely responsible for it. The premium will not exceed 30%. You need to consider three issues."

Kento Wensaka doesn't seem to take the matter of equity acquisition seriously. With his connections and relationships, as long as the first few steps are completed, the final acquisition will be a matter of course.

"First, you need to have your own team in the TV station. Suwa Michihiko is a good choice, but he is obviously not enough alone, and Suwa is also very old, and the program in his hand is not very good.

You need to find a group of people who can at least independently support one or two crews or programs on the TV station. "

It's a coincidence.

Bai Chuan took a sip of the bitter tea, does he have such a team in his hand?Yes, and it is a complete crew with everything from screenwriter to director, from actors to on-set chores—the filming team of the giant monster Gomera!

If the team were to be split up, there would be no major problem in putting on a small variety show while supporting at least one crew.And isn't that a good excuse?
Dabao Film Company intends to stop the production of Gomera. As a 20-year-old fan of Gomera, he, Bai Chuan, pays the bill out of his own pocket to shoot the movie for his feelings.

"It seems that you already have some ideas in your mind."

Looking at Bai Chuan's pensive look, Fumisaka understands this point, which doesn't seem to be a test for the president in front of him.That's right, it's not impossible for some employees of the game production company to serve as TV station staff for a short time, at least in terms of music and special effects, it is more than enough.

"Then second, we need a support point." Wen Banjian pointed upwards with his hand, and the meaning was self-evident.

An official endorsement?This is a bit difficult to handle.In the Conan plot, the introduction of the upper class in Japan is actually mostly limited to the rich and the police system.

Needless to say, the rich, the police system is the father of the police chief of the White Horse Detective, the grandfather of the police department of Hideki Morohoshi (the one controlled by Hiroki Sawada in Baker Street Undead), the grandfather of the Metropolitan Police Department. Criminal Minister Toshiro Odagiri and others.

If you want these people to endorse, even if you don't consider whether the hypnotic ability is effective, just how to meet is a big problem.

"This matter is much more critical than the first matter. At least if we don't find someone who can endorse it, we can't rush to deal with the company's affairs."

Wen Ban has a serious expression, this is something that must be resolved as soon as possible.Political and business collusion is a normal and common phenomenon. If there is no support from the political circles, it is still very difficult to acquire with money alone.

"No problem, give me some time. This matter can be resolved." Starting from the company's contacts will definitely lead to no results, but Bai Chuan can still go to the winery to try his luck.

Backed by the Karasuma Consortium, with tentacles all over Japan, can't you find a senior official who can endorse it?

"This is the best." Wen Saka nodded. If he really couldn't do it, he could only introduce two political leaders who have connections with him to the platform. Can detect the acquisition plan.

"The third and most critical point is to ensure that there is no connection with the consortium. This is very important! If there is even a little sporadic adhesion, the acquisition plan will fail, and we will even directly face multiple siege."

Yes, he almost forgot that Naito Electronics Co., Ltd. is strictly speaking a subsidiary company of the Karasuma Group.According to this statement, isn't the acquisition plan a foregone conclusion?

(End of this chapter)

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