Chapter 185 911? !
"Why is this kid here?" Seeing Kaito looking at them for a while, and then looking at the first-class cabin for a while, Belmore leaned back on his seat and glanced suspiciously at Ishino Asked, "Did you let him come with you?"

"You think too much, why should I ask him to follow?" Ishino pointed to the partition of the first-class cabin in front and said, "You can see that although the seat he chose is not very forward, he can see the first-class cabin at a glance. The situation, this kid obviously came to be the flower protector on his own initiative."

After listening to Ishino's explanation, Belmore took a sneak look at Kaito who was diagonally behind him and smiled knowingly: "Our little junior is very concerned about his little girlfriend, and there is a high probability that even his cousin is just incidentally protecting her." object."

"Almost, since he wants to come, let him go." Ishino responded casually and picked up the menu again to study, thinking that with Xia Mei's current force value, unless he encounters a gunman or a bomber, Otherwise, who is in danger is still uncertain, and there is no need for Kaito to protect him.

Belmord nodded when he heard the words, and no longer cared about Kaito, but took advantage of the rare leisure time during the flight to lie down on the seat and close his eyes to rest.

Because it takes 13 hours to fly from Tokyo to New York, and the time difference between Tokyo and New York is exactly 13 hours, so the flight departing at 9:9 am in Tokyo will arrive at [-]:[-] am New York time the next morning. When you get off the plane, you won't have time to rest.

At this moment, the girls and children in the first-class cabin did not sleep much last night because of jet lag. After boarding the plane, even everyone except Xia Mei was flying first-class on an international flight for the first time. Feeling fresh, I really couldn't bear the drowsiness that swept over me, so I fell asleep in the comfortable first-class seat.

But for Ishino, even three days without sleep will not affect his mobility in the slightest. There is no need for jet lag or anything, so he just relies on watching movies while ordering a dish from time to time for evaluation The method killed nearly ten hours.

Glancing at Belmode who was still sound asleep next to him and Kaito who was waking up, Ishino reckoned that he would land in more than two hours, so he took out his phone which was set to flight mode and planned to take it Time zone changed to New York time.

It's just that when he turned on the time and date interface of the phone and began to operate, he couldn't help being stunned when he saw the number in front of him, and the finger he was about to press stopped in mid-air.

Since the time in the science world is like Schrödinger's cat, if you don't observe it, you won't know which day of the year it will be tomorrow, so Ishino has basically never cared about the calendar since he lived with Natsumi , Everything should be arranged by his wife and daughters.

Seeing the string of text "New York time, September 2001, 9 at 11:6 AM" displayed on his mobile phone at this moment, he, who is well versed in the laws of science, suddenly felt a malice from the will of the world. It was such a coincidence, and at the same time, I began to think about how could it be this point in time?
Recalling what happened before, Ishino really felt that this time point is traceable. After all, he had just experienced the time point of "the end of the century", that is to say, the last year of the twentieth century in 2000. The world has become the past, and it makes sense that 2001, the first year of the new century, is now.

As for the date, the summer vacation of the Didan Department is usually in late September, so it is logical that the time for this trip abroad before the school starts is in mid-September.

Thinking of this, Ishino is too lazy to complain about the time concept of the aborigines in the Ke Xue world. After all, for them, as long as Conan, the son of the world, has not completely changed back to Kudo Shinichi, then no matter how the calendar is turned, how many years have passed? , or how many summer vacations you have experienced, it is still the first year of Conan.

Although the timing and destination were too coincidental, and the three heavyweights, Demon of Light, Kaito Kidd, and Witch with Thousand Faces, all gathered on this flight, in Ishino's impression that "911" The people hijacked in the incident should all be domestic flights in the United States. I was on an international flight from Japan, so it wouldn't be...

Before Ishino could finish his self-comfort, a figure appeared from the partition between the business class and the economy class at the rear, and then quietly approached the first class cabin in front with silent steps, and such a move instantly aroused his vigilance.

When the other party passed by him, Ishino not only saw the other party's face clearly with Middle Eastern features, but also sensed a dangerous aura from that man, a feeling of being enveloped by the halo of death immediately filled the surrounding air Among them, it made him feel very uncomfortable.

Before finding out the identity and purpose of the other party, Shi Ye did not plan to act rashly, but kept a close eye on the man's every move, and at the same time, he paid attention to whether there were other dangerous people around him, in order to prevent sudden changes.

Two minutes later, taking advantage of the silence in the first-class cabin, the man quietly walked through the corridor in the middle and approached the iron door of the driver's cab. After that, he turned back quietly, passed by Ishino again, and returned to the rear. economy class.

After waiting another 5 minutes and confirming that the man had no plans to return here for the time being, Ishino got up quietly. Before confirming whether there were other accomplices in the business class, with the help of the relatively dim light in the cabin at the moment, no one was there. I entered the first class cabin without realizing it.

Glancing at the people who were still asleep, Ishino did not make a sound, but went straight to the cockpit door and quickly observed the surrounding situation, and soon found the driver stuck in a corner that blocked his view. Remote bombs on the cabin wall.

At this stage of the development of the matter, Ishino's only trace of luck has long since disappeared. He only feels that the will of the world has made a big joke on him, but he is the one who is forced to participate in the challenge of not laughing.

Although Conan and Kaito, two people with the aura of protagonists, are here, there is a high probability that the plane I am on should be able to turn danger into good fortune, but it is hard to say whether people other than the two of them will be in danger , so it must not be taken lightly.

What's more, if the incident experienced this time is indeed the "911" incident, then the person who will be hijacked will definitely not only be the plane he is on, but at least three other planes will be hijacked. If this series of incidents cannot be prevented, eventually Thousands of innocent people will be killed in this terrorist attack.

 Thanks to book friend Xuanxuan for the 100-point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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