Chapter 422 Types of Holy Medicine (Happy New Year to Everyone!)

Wang Tao suddenly thought of the Shang Qin he had seen in the underground garage before.

"I don't know what role he plays in the Twilight Church..."

Shang Qin gave Wang Tao a pretty good impression, but he was very weak. He only had second-level strength. He was probably a deacon at most...

If there is a chance in the future, Wang Tao plans to visit the underground garage again.

Zhu Fen didn't know if there were any other priests besides himself. There were probably none in the base, but there should be some outside. As for how many bishops there were, she didn't know.

The meaning of the badges on their chests is the same as Wang Tao guessed. The diamond-shaped ones are deacons, the square ones are priests, and the round ones are bishops. Among them, the black badge is for the elementary level, the silver one is for the intermediate level, and the gold one is for the advanced level.

Zhu Fen is now a senior priest. If he goes up one level, he will be a bishop. She is now working hard to become a bishop. Of course, in the current situation, it would be good if she can save her life. She doesn't dare to think about being a bishop anymore.

Wang Tao was very curious about why she, a committee member and one of the 23 highest-ranking people in Changhe Base, became a member of the Twilight Church. It would be reasonable to say that she founded this church, but not only was it not founded by her, she was not even a bishop, and there were people above her...

Faced with this problem, Zhu Fen said that joining the Dusk Church would allow her to live longer, be reborn, become stronger, and even live forever!

This answer left Wang Tao speechless. It was obvious that Zhu Fen had also been brainwashed. The thing that can brainwash her is the so-called holy medicine!

Therefore, they are firm about the effect of this holy medicine.

Wang Tao learned from Zhu Fen and the others that there were two versions of the holy medicine. One is the normal version and the other is the advanced version.

[Poisoning: Common toxins with certain addictive properties, which can cause death if taken for a long time. It can be detoxified if you don’t take it within 12 hours]

This should be the function of the thing added to the advanced version of the holy medicine.

This time is even less, only 12 hours, which means you can quit by just holding it in for half a day. Compared with Qiu Rong's seven days, the time required to quit was reduced by more than ten times.

They, the church leaders, drink the premium version, while the believers drink the ordinary version.

And the reason why she thinks so is not only because she has been brainwashed, but more importantly, the advanced version of the holy medicine she drank is different from the ordinary holy medicine.

Of course, they think this effect is much more powerful than cigarettes, and the physical pleasure is secondary. The main reason is that they think it can make them reborn.

The difference between the premium version and the regular version is that there are a few more things in the premium version. Zhu Fen didn't know what it was specifically. Because she didn't know how to prepare these holy medicines, and she didn't know the raw materials. She had bought them from the bishop outside.

And the bishop said that not being attacked by zombies is only one aspect of the rebirth of the holy medicine, and there are many other benefits...

She saw with her own eyes that the bishop was in a deserted state among the corpses. The zombies don't attack him at all!

In this apocalyptic world, one of the biggest threats to mankind is the endless number of zombies. They don't think humans have a chance of winning, after all, there are too many zombies!

But if zombies no longer attack humans and can coexist peacefully, wouldn't it be equivalent to being reborn?

Wang Tao saw that when Zhu Fen and others came, they were not in a poisonous state. And after they also drank a bowl of holy medicine, they became poisoned. But compared to the poisoned state of others, the poison on them was much lighter.

What surprised Wang Tao was that Zhu Fen didn't know that the holy medicine was poisonous - to be precise, Zhu Fen didn't know that the holy medicine would kill people, she only knew that the holy medicine was addictive. In her eyes, this holy medicine is similar to smoking cigarettes. At most, it is more addictive than cigarettes, but far from reaching the level of drugs.

As for what this so-called rebirth is, Zhu Fen said that the bishop she met has already been reborn - the bishop will not be attacked by zombies!

So they don't think this medicine is poisonous, they think it's similar to cigarettes.

Just like the poison on Zhu Fen, her poisoned state also increases certain desires, which is similar to that on Xia Zhen. But Xia Zhen’s poison requires 30 days of not taking it to detoxify. Zhufen can detoxify as long as it is not taken for 3 days.

This time is suddenly reduced by 10 times!

Another example is Zhu Fen's third-level bodyguard. The poison he was poisoned was fatal, but the time to get rid of it was also shortened a lot.

And they don’t drink it often. The bishop said that the advanced version of the holy medicine should be drunk once every three to five days, and the ordinary version should be drunk once a day or two. They have always followed this instruction.

Even for someone like Zhu Fen, who needed three days to detoxify, she just had to endure it a little and it would be over.

[Poisoning: Common toxins with certain addictive properties. Long-term use can lead to an increase in certain desires. If not taken within 3 days, the poison can be detoxified]

Judging from Xia Zhen and Qiu Rong, the onset of "holy medicine addiction" occurs about two to three days after taking it. Therefore, for something like this that can detoxify within 12 hours, you can detoxify yourself before the onset of symptoms.

You can see the enthusiasm in Zhu Fen's eyes. She really thinks this holy medicine is very powerful.

Wang Tao's face looked a little strange.

Will not be attacked by zombies?

Jiang Shixue will not be attacked by zombies!

She has a special physique. She was almost like a zombie before. The zombies would not attack her at all and would treat her as the same kind. Now Jiang Shixue's physique has returned, but the zombie aura may still remain. Anyway, as long as she doesn't get too close to the zombies and doesn't attack them intentionally, the zombies won't attack her.

In addition to Jiang Shixue, Wang Tao also has a concealment potion in his hand, which will not be attacked by zombies.

So, this is considered "rebirth"?

Wang Tao was speechless, but he had no intention of explaining to Zhu Fen.

He thought about it carefully and felt that the damage caused to the body by poisoning the holy medicine should be permanent, even if it was detoxified.

Wang Tao saw those who were poisoned by pesticides before the end of the world. Even if they finally saved their lives, they might still suffer from illnesses. Not to mention the damage caused by drugs to the body, which is even more terrifying and basically irreversible.

If these poisons are really permanent, then this advanced version of the holy medicine is not necessarily better than the ordinary version...

After all, the ordinary version of the holy medicine is more difficult to quit, but the poisoning is more obvious and can be prevented in advance.

For example, Qiu Rong and others, after meeting Wang Tao, Wang Tao will definitely help them detoxify. Even if it was not Wang Tao but someone else who saw it, anyone with a normal mind would be able to tell that there was something wrong with her body. But for people like Zhu Fen, because the time required to quit is relatively short, and they drink once every three to five days, they are usually like normal people and are not in a state of intoxication. Most people cannot tell that they are poisoned.

And they are very enthusiastic about this holy medicine. Even if they are physically quitting it, they still want to drink it, and they have become mentally dependent on it.

Then a situation may arise - they may look normal, but suddenly die suddenly one day! There are no signs at all, and there is no way to prevent it.

So Wang Tao feels that the ordinary version of the holy medicine may be better, at least he can see it and prevent it...

Of course, from the perspective of quitting, the advanced version is definitely better. If you insist on it for three days at most, you can quit. But those who drink high-end drugs are the backbone of the Twilight Church, and they don’t think there is anything wrong with this drug. Some people who drink ordinary drugs may not be completely brainwashed. They want to quit, but it takes too long and they can’t quit at all. Lose……

Wang Tao felt that this should be the purpose of the bishop - the poisoning of the backbone should not be too obvious, otherwise it would be easy to be discovered. So they take the premium version. It doesn't matter to ordinary believers. They don't know the identities of the key members anyway, so it doesn't matter even if they are exposed.

Although Zhu Fen didn't know that this medicine could kill people, she also knew that it was addictive and might have some side effects. If this addictive thing was discovered, everyone would definitely shout and beat her up, so she didn't dare to make it public. She planned to develop slowly, striving to bring the holy medicine from behind the scenes to the stage, but unfortunately she was discovered by Wang Tao...

Wang Tao continued to interrogate Zhu Fen and asked her what the side effects were after taking this holy medicine. That is, which aspect of desire she has enhanced.

But Zhu Fen couldn't answer, because the enhancement of desire was subtle. Zhu Fen didn't feel that her desire was enhanced at all. She felt that she was normal.

There was no other way, Wang Tao could only ask from other angles, and Zhu Fen cooperated. Although she couldn't answer what her desire was that had been enhanced, she told him all she knew when Wang Tao asked.

Then Wang Tao discovered that her desire was the same as Xia Zhen's, and she also had the same desire.

But she is much better than Xia Zhen. Xia Zhen is treated as a personal property and cannot resist...

But Zhu Fen is different. She has a large number of holy medicines in her hands, and they are not restricted by others. She said that she kept more than ten able-bodied male slaves in her own home...

She even had unclear relationships with some male subordinates...

Wang Tao can only say that he knows how to play.

In addition to Zhu Fen's poisoning state that increases desire, the other third-level official's poisoning state also increases desire.

However, after Wang Tao asked Jiang Shixue to inquire, he found that what increased in him was not the desire for male and female affairs, but the desire for power.

No wonder he deliberately trained Xia Zhen but didn't do anything to Xia Zhen. It turned out to be another desire.

This made Wang Tao frown.

If it were all about the desire for things between men and women, it would actually be okay, but this desire for power is very troublesome...

For example, these two deputy mayors, one of them has an increased desire for "eating", and the other has an increased desire for "power"!

They wanted to kill Yao Guodong, and it was the deputy mayor who had an increased desire for power. This kind of person was a time bomb for the base.

Fortunately, Zhu Fen has been caught now, and other church members can be arrested through Zhu Fen. As a priest, Zhu Fen knew the identities of everyone under her, and she had a list in her hand.

Then Wang Tao asked about Xia Zhen again. Since the deacon had no thoughts about Xia Zhen, why did he treat her like that?

Zhu Fen answered Wang Tao's doubts - this was her instruction.

Not only Xia Zhen, but also some other women, especially the female family members of some officials, were secretly seduced by them to drink the holy medicine, so they all obeyed Zhu Fen's orders!

For example, the reason why Qiu Rong and Li Xin were able to drink the holy medicine was because Zhu Fen was behind the scenes.

Zhu Fen only likes strong men. Naturally, she has no interest in these women. They are just her tools.

At certain critical moments, these women will be of great use, such as the assassination of Yao Guodong.

And that's not all. She specially trained these women, preferably to turn them into fun-loving sluts, and then use these women to bribe those committee members!

Changhe Base is controlled by 23 committee members, of which only 3 are women and the rest are men. If she could capture those men, wouldn't it be equivalent to capturing the entire Changhe Base?

So she specially prepared these women, hoping to make a difference at the critical moment. Maybe some people would lift up their pants and deny them recognition, but she was not afraid. Not only did she use women to seduce them, she would also find ways to get these women to give them the holy medicine!

If all these committee members drank the holy medicine, they would all be controlled by her! She can control the entire base!

Her idea is very bold, but with the existence of the holy medicine, it is also very feasible.

It's a pity that she met Wang Tao - no, even without Wang Tao, she might still have some troubles. It was still because of the assassination of Yao Guodong that the committee members of the Legion felt that strength was the foundation, and some even wanted to abdicate.

If it was a third-level committee member, she could still control it with the holy medicine, but if a fourth-level awakened person came to the position, she knew that she would definitely not be able to control it - someone could kill her with one slap, so how could she coerce and induce him?

So Zhu Fen came here in person this time, actually thinking about developing more believers and seeing if he could promote a few more believers to work for him. However, he met Wang Tao and was taken over by Wang Tao...


Wang Tao compared what he got from Zhu Fen with others. They definitely didn't know as much as Zhu Fen, but what they said was similar to what Zhu Fen said. It showed that they were not lying, which satisfied Wang Tao and saved him from wasting his breath.

"Look, I've satisfied your curiosity, can you let me go?"

Zhu Fen immediately said cautiously.

Her mask has not been taken off, and she has not revealed her identity, so she feels that if she can leave, not only can she survive, but she can also continue to be a committee member.

As a result, the cracked mask on her face suddenly shattered, revealing her true face.


"It seems that you are out of luck."

(End of this chapter)

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