From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 148 Why don’t we all hang on the little yellow car?

Chapter 148 How about putting us all on the little yellow car~
In Jiajia Building, Su Mo sat on the sofa, and Ma Xiaoling stood beside Su Mo tremblingly.

He raised his head and glanced at Su Mo quietly, then quickly lowered his head again.

Ma Xiaoling has always felt that her master is actually very easy to get along with.

Although it has great power, it never acts recklessly.

Even if I accidentally offended the other party with my tone of voice on weekdays, the other party didn't care at all.

Both sides are like friends.

This also doubled Ma Xiaoling's affection for her master. Although she is an elder, she will not put on airs of an elder.

But today, Ma Xiaoling finally saw the majesty of her master.

Uncle Qiu and Uncle Ying's faces, which were almost swollen into pig's heads, were enough proof for themselves.

The master is really ruthless, and the beating is really fierce!
"Is this what you know?"

Su Mo pinched his chin and looked at the two of them.

"Uncle, we really dare not lie to you. We only know the things we know from the mouth of the master, and we really don't know more~"

Ma Jiuying had a mournful face.

This is really a master uncle!

That kind of domineering feeling that holding a thunderbolt in his hand seems to be able to crush everything, even if he said that he became a fairy, I would believe it!

It's just, shouldn't the uncle know more about this matter than we know?
I don't understand!

Su Mo pinched his chin and began to organize. The two of them didn't know much information, and maybe Lin Jiu didn't want to talk so much about the past at that time.

Because of a certain existence, Mao Shan had to move to Hong Kong Island, and even Lin Jiu had been depressed for several years, as for his own whereabouts.

Lin Jiu didn't say anything, but heard that Lin Jiu said to go to Shi Jian when he left.

Haven't been back since.

Perhaps, in that world, I really met a great enemy!
Su Mo waved his hand, and the two who got the message immediately left the room as if fleeing.

It was so frightening, even if they faced the master uncle, the two of them felt that it might not be too ugly to lose if they fought.

Then the two of them all used it to invite the gods, and invite the ancestors to the upper body!

First of all, the magic technique is indeed the most powerful among the Maoshan Kung Fu. The group who used this move has the blessing of the ancestors, and ordinary evil spirits may not dare to approach.

Secondly, this is the patriarch!

With the Grand Master around, even if he is not the opponent of the Grand Master, at least the Grand Master will restrain himself a bit, and in the end the Grand Master will be able to smooth things over.


Seeing the patriarch approaching, the uncle became even more ruthless~
The two patriarchs possessed by the body, in the perception of the two of them, the patriarch was trembling with fright, and even the two of them begged the patriarch to speak, but the patriarch dared not make a sound.

Who is this to reason with?

No wonder the master always said that the master uncle was rebellious.
The bad news is that the uncle is back!

The good news is that the master uncle didn't directly kill his senior brother with two bolts of lightning, which is a bit different from what the master taught him.

Ignoring the two of them, Su Mo was deep in thought.

The powerful enemy in the period of the Republic of China, perhaps the big eyeball that observed the world, should be resolved after so long.

Countless runes appeared all over his body in an instant, and these runes could protect his body from harm.

Even if you encounter something you can't resist, you can wake yourself up immediately.

Su Mo has already decided that no matter what happened during the Republic of China, he will have to face it.

In fact, I could only enter the fantasy world in my own restaurant, but with the changes in the world of the Republic of China, I can feel the fantasy tree at any time no matter where I am.

Putting most of the 'seeds' accumulated in his body these days into it, Su Mo's consciousness rotated in the next moment.

Just when Su Mo entered the fantasy world, the entire Hong Kong Island was in turmoil.

Downstairs of Jiajia Building.

"Xiao Ling has suffered for you!"

Ma Jiuying covered her face and looked at Ma Xiaoling with a distressed expression.

I and my senior brother were just beaten up by the uncle, but Xiaoling wanted to follow the uncle at all times, God knows if the uncle would vent his anger on Xiaoling when he was in a bad mood~

He Yingqiu just sighed.

In fact, He Yingqiu felt it when he was chatting with the uncle before.

It seems that the uncle has not fully awakened his memory, some things have not been fully remembered, so he has hidden some words and did not say them directly.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so kind to people like himself.

"Xiaoling, don't worry, first stabilize the uncle for a few days, we will go to Zhong Fabai right away, and we will find a way to save you from the sea of ​​suffering!"

He Yingqiu gritted his teeth and said.

Originally, I didn't want to go to that person.

After all, that person's identity is a zombie!
Good and evil fight against each other for life. This is the ancestral motto left by the ancestors. Not only do I have intersections with zombies, but I also need to contact the zombies to save people with me. If the ancestors know about this kind of thing, they have to climb out of the coffin to help themselves. Two big pockets.

But now it seems that he doesn't care so much to save Xiaoling.

Why Yingqiu gritted his teeth!
The person I want to ask for help is called Kuang Tianyou, and he is a policeman now!
60 years ago, he was bitten by a general and became the second-generation zombie of the general corpse clan. When it comes to the general corpse clan, we have to talk about the zombie king!
The general is the king of zombies, but he doesn't seem to have his own consciousness, which is no different from normal zombies.

But the zombies who were bitten by him have the thinking of normal people. Apart from having to suck blood, they are not afraid of anything normal zombies are afraid of, such as sunlight or black dog blood!
However, this kind of zombie, the more righteous the more righteous, the more evil the evil!
Each one is as powerful as a fairy god, even if Ma Xiaoling can control the dragon god, she may not be able to deal with a second-generation zombie.

This is terrifying!

However, with the help of Tianyou, even if the uncle really wants to make a fuss at that time, at least he will have the means to check and balance.

One more person gives more strength~
"No, in fact, master, others listen carefully~"

Ma Xiaoling didn't know why He Yingqiu and Ma Jiuying had such a big opinion on the master, but she thought that the master was obviously not bad.

Just about to continue to explain.

"Hey, Miss Ma, we meet again haha~"

The familiar voice made Ma Xiaoling look at the person coming, and Ma Xiaoling turned her gaze to the side.

Zhang Chulan!
I keep in mind the teachings my master gave me, Zhang Chulan has a lot of thieves.

You can make friends, but definitely not the kind that takes your heart out.

If you really want to dig out your heart and soul, it is better to go directly to the Myanmar park~
It's a devil's lair there!
There are often some powerful demon cultivators entrenched there, even if the powerful aliens pass by, they have to leave something behind before they can leave.

Speaking of which, Ma Xiaoling also saw a piece of news recently that a certain province signed a tourism agreement with Myanmar.

Just hang the whole province on the little yellow car and let the other party come over to buy the goods~
"Anyway, Xiao Ling, just remember our explanation!"

He Yingqiu emphasized again.

No one can figure out the character of the uncle, but it is always right to be careful.

"What are you doing here?"

He Yingqiu and Ma Jiuying, who Ma Xiaoling didn't stop to leave, time will prove that their feelings are right, they turned to look at Zhang Chulan and asked with a frown.

"Hey, isn't this a little trouble, where is my elder brother?"

Zhang Chulan rubbed her hands a little embarrassed.

"What about Zhenguo Shiling?"

Ma Xiaoling frowned.

At that time, there were many masters on the plane, and it was just a stone escort, what else could happen?
"No, it's Miao Shan. Master Miao Shan asked my eldest brother to come by name, otherwise the three questions will be cancelled~"

Zhang Chulan was crying.

I thought it was just a simple matter, but who the hell knew that old nun Miaoshan would send out such a message!

He also said that as long as you bring Su Mo there, you can give away a question for free.

Now all forces are looking for big brother, just because of the problem of Master Miao Shan.

One of the reasons for coming here by myself is to complete the problems explained above, and the other is to let my elder brother pay attention to it recently.

After all, although the eldest brother is very strong, it is easy to hide the open gun and difficult to defend against the hidden arrow. Who knows whether the various forces, even the evil heretics, will use dirty tricks against his elder brother because of this matter.

Ma Xiaoling frowned.

Hong Kong Island has lived on its own for more than 20 years, and life used to be peaceful and quiet.

Why did the ghosts and ghosts come out when the master came here~
Even Master Miao Shan now takes the initiative to find Master?

Master Miao Shan knew it himself.

Legend has it that Guru Miaoshan is the tear of mercy left by Guanyin when he was grateful for the sufferings of the world.

And each person can ask three questions. Master Miaoshan only points out the maze and answers questions for those who are predestined. Destiny is determined by God. Everything is running according to specific laws, but no one can see it. That's all.

Although Ma Xiaoling always felt that the rumors were false, after all, it was Master Guanyin!

If her incarnation appeared in the world, I'm afraid the whole world would have exploded long ago.

But I believe in Master Miaoshan's ability.

Otherwise, every time Guru Miaoshan was born, it wouldn't make many people in the alien world go crazy.

"Trouble, master won't force your physique by accident~"

Ma Xiaoling couldn't help complaining, but also thanks to her master's strength.

If the strength is weak or weak, they will die without knowing how they will die if they are caught in this wave.

When Ma Xiaoling had a headache, Su Mo also had a headache.

"Yue Qiluo, you bastard!"

Looking at Yue Qiluo who was turned into a paper man and fled after being hit by his lightning and thunder fist, Su Mo felt a pain in his head.

In his memory, Shi Jian found something and punched Yue Qiluo without hesitation.

As for that—

With a dark face, Su Mo looked at a young man in his twenties who wore clothes somewhat similar to his own.

There was a burst of familiar aura on the young man's body, it belonged to him and his master's aura!
She stole her master's ashes and used evil methods to bring the old man back to life? !
Is this something that humans can do? !
"You are you?"

The young man looked at Su Mo with confusion in his eyes like blank paper.

"Old man Shi Jian, you will be my apprentice from now on. I think you are born rebellious but want to live strong. You can call me Shi Shaojian~"

Su Mo sighed and said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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