From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 280 Gu 1 borrows the power of the evil god, watch out, I will only demonstrate once!

Chapter 280 Gu Yi borrowed the power of the evil god, and I will only demonstrate it once!
"Are you Sumary?"

Ruoning looked at Su Mary in front of him with a confused face, as if he wanted to make sure whether this guy was the person he knew before.


Sumary pretended to be paralyzed and didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with her current performance.

"Have you ever participated in the battle between the Merlot Heavenly Palace and the Ancient Heavenly Palace, killing tens of thousands of enemy troops?"

Ruoning spoke again.

"Yes, I even got the title of the Ancient God of Slaughter~"

Sumary nodded, her face radiant, as if recalling her all-powerful years.

That was really a scene worth remembering!
"Then why are you asking me to evade pre-nuclear civilizations? Where is your pride in killing ancient gods?"

Ruoning felt like she was going crazy.

Good guy.

good guy! !

It’s not like I’m asking you to challenge the Angel Civilization in a duel. To be fair, if you really want to challenge the Angel Civilization in a duel, Ruoning himself really doesn’t have the guts.

Although he is also a fourth-generation god, Kesha's pressure accumulated over tens of thousands of years is really not something he can shake.

At least before he was promoted to the fifth generation divine body, he didn't dare to go to Kesha at all.

The next moment, Sumary raised her head, her eyes calm and quiet.

The look in Ruoning's eyes gave Ruoning a feeling of panic, but she was instantly overjoyed.

Sure enough, this guy Su Mary is so mean!

Ever since she failed to snatch the man, she knew he was this kind of thing.

You have to curse before you can bring up those feelings again~
"Your angel genes are a little behind, but don't worry, the resources I brought this time are enough to upgrade you to a third-generation super soldier.

It’s enough for a short time! "

Ruoning arranged.

A third-generation super soldier, coupled with Sumari's rich combat capabilities, even some new generation gods may not be his opponent.

In the war between gods, this is equivalent to a big help!

But what Ruoning didn't understand immediately was that Su Mary was not as excited as she had imagined, nor did she even have the slightest emotion.

"Ruoning, what do you think is the most dangerous and terrifying thing you have ever encountered in your life?"

Sumary's voice was very calm, so calm that it made people panic.

Ruoning frowned.

What's so crazy about this?

Hua Ye led all the scum to go crazy before, but now Su Mary is starting to go crazy too?

"The most terrifying things are many."

Ruoning frowned.

For people with such abnormal brains, it is obvious that we should follow their thinking at this time, understand their thinking, and then enlighten them.

If you really try to change their thinking from the beginning, then everyone may break up.

But when it comes to the most terrifying things, Ruoning feels that she has encountered a lot of things in the past few years.

Before the Merlot Heavenly Palace developed, the most terrifying thing for me was to face the Heavenly Palace.

Every time those male angels came, they would capture some of the female angels. After a while, those female angels were tortured half-dead and then casually thrown outside the city.

If you are lucky, you will be saved by a passing female angel, but if you are unlucky, you will become food for the wild beasts passing by.

But at that time, I met Kesha, and because of Kesha's help, I stood up from then on.

It was Kesha who pulled herself out of that endless fear.

Therefore, I have always respected Kesha very much.

This is true whether he later followed Hua Ye or whether he believed in Tzeentch now.

As long as Keisha is here, she will not take action against Mero Heavenly Court unless they take action first.

Later, with the development of Merlot Heaven, there were too few things that could scare me.

The first time I fought against the Triangular Civilization, I was scared and even died in battle.

However, resurrection technology was prevalent in the angelic civilization at that time and was not banned by Queen Kesha, so there was relatively little fear at that time.

Later, the angel civilization felt that life should not be desecrated and banned the application of resurrection technology.

It doesn't matter to me.

I have also been afraid of the ultimate fear, and I was even more frightened when I confronted the Zerg for the first time and was surprised by the opponent's development speed.

Later, there were the four evil gods. They were existences that he could never touch in his life, especially Tzeentch.

Although I admire and believe in Tzeentch, I know that sooner or later the other party will take action against me. Knowledge is poisonous~
Apart from these, I have never been afraid of anything.

"Have you seen the battle between the immortals in the sky and the original humans?"

Ruoning felt that Su Mary in front of her had been knocked out of her mind.

Sumary ignored Ruoning and looked into the void with confused eyes.

Vaguely, it seemed that two groups of men were preparing to fight with cold weapons.

Well, when I first arrived, I still wanted to conquer this planet and become a king for fun.

For higher civilizations, even if they are exiled, higher civilizations themselves have their own pride.


Then Sumary felt like she had seen a fake cold weapon battlefield.

Those primitive people just casually hit a small mountain with a bone stick and disappeared?
The strongest one among them, the original man, was holding a machete, and with a single wave of his hand, a ferocious tiger devoured the immortals.

Those immortals were also extremely terrifying.

Random control was natural, and countless artifacts fell down. The self that had just emerged at that time shrank back.

So terrifying!

The war nearly ten thousand years ago was already comparable to the battlefields of those three-generation divine bodies today. Do you know how much of a psychological shadow it caused on me at that time?
Sumary didn't know what happened next. She only knew that the original leader used a very powerful move.

Flames, hail, flash avalanches, tsunamis, earthquakes, storms and various other disasters swept the world. To be honest, those days were not easy to endure.

Even though he was already a second-generation super soldier, he still encountered danger many times in such disasters.

After an unknown number of years passed, these humans finally developed civilization.

At that time, I thought to myself that my strength is not weak, and I have a different status~
Otherwise, when King Hua Ye comes to take him back in the future, he will see himself in this horrible state.

How embarrassing that is~

Then I met a man named Zhu Yue~
Well, although she is beautiful like a woman.

At that time, the other party wanted to turn me into a Death Apostle, but of course I was unwilling. After all, I was actually quite satisfied with my current race.

He was almost beaten to death by the opponent. It was definitely the most terrifying monster he had ever encountered.

However, he was later chased by a magician led by an old Bidden, and he managed to escape.

Later I learned that Zhu Yue has the will of the moon, which is equivalent to the moon becoming a spirit~
What kind of monster are they?

At least Su Mary felt that she was really numb.

During the previous war between Tiangong and Merlot, countless planets as big as the moon were destroyed.

God, the moon can also turn into human form~
The West is not safe either~
After a few years, I thought about returning to Kyushu. At least the people there didn't attack me directly~
At that time, Kyushu was still in war.

Who knew that I would encounter a huge bull on the road? The bull almost trampled me to death just by passing by.

Then he saw with his own eyes that the bull was drained of blood by a monster with fangs.

Sumary shivered and returned to the West, enjoying the wealth she had accumulated after living for so many years.

dominate?Mud, the angelic civilization has only existed for 10 years. This Goubi planet has been around for millions of years, including prehistoric legends.

It's good to be alive.

Just like a few days ago, when I was eating hot pot and dancing, when the God of Creation Tiamat came out, I thought I was going to be cold, and I had already written my last words.

Who knows what happened to my little angel in Blue Star these years~~
If you want me to kill an angel, Sumari will do it directly without saying anything.

If you let me cause trouble on this planet, why not give yourself a quick blow~
"Actually, the scariest thing I've ever seen is——"

Sumary opened her mouth to finally get to know Ruoning.

Ruoning must at least give up this unrealistic fantasy.

The next moment, Su Mary's pupils tightened as if she had seen some terrifying monster.

"what happened?"

Ruoning asked subconsciously.

"The scariest thing I saw was a bald head."

Sumary lay slumped on the sofa.

In front of him, a bald man wearing a robe suddenly appeared, and Ruoning's pupils shrank.

Subconsciously slashed with a knife.

The speed was so fast that it even exceeded the limit that the super soldier could see.


Like the moon in a flower in a mirror, the weapon made of dark silver floated across the bald mage's body, as if the other party didn't notice it.

"Phantom body?"

Ruoning frowned.

The hapless kid's henchmen from Carl the Grim Reaper?
But is Karl's unlucky kid already rich enough to install phantom bodies for his subordinates at will?
"Okay, don't waste your efforts, this is the supreme mage of the ancient mage Blue Star.

Why did Master Gu Yi come to see me? "

Sumary looked at the bald head and stopped Ruoning who wanted to continue attacking. If he continued to attack, the bald head would be really angry.

He could only collect Ruoning's body.

Ancient one!

After I decided to settle abroad, I met a mysterious person.

Supreme Mage!

He was as strong as a monster, so powerful that he couldn't understand it at all.

At that time, Gu Yi wanted to join the official organization, but he refused.

It is better to enjoy life than to join an official organization and be controlled by others.

The most important thing is that I am really scared!
If you join an official organization, you will collide with those mysterious figures at high and low levels. Who knows how long you can survive in a real fight?
When the Heavenly Palace and Merlot fought, it was not so dangerous!
Gu Yi didn't force himself to do anything. After all, his strength was probably only dispensable in the eyes of these big guys.

Perhaps searching for yourself can only be regarded as a routine matter.

I didn't expect to come again today.

Gu Yi ignored Su Mary, but looked at Ruoning with burning eyes.

"Master Gu Yi, this friend of mine has just come to Blue Star. He should have done nothing wrong, right?"

Sumary said with some lack of confidence.

Ruoning, who knows if she caused any trouble before she came to him?

However, with Ruoning's temperament, she would not attack those ordinary people under normal circumstances.

Of course, if he really causes trouble, he must cut off the relationship as soon as possible.

After all, I, Mary Su, just want to live an ordinary life~
Don’t come to us for adventurous things~
"The power of the evil god."

Gu Yi looked at Ruoning, his voice calm.

The next moment, Ruoning tightly held the weapon in his hand, and the fear in his heart was like a stormy sea.

How can it be?

How could the other party be aware of the power of the Demon God Tzeentch?

Tzeentch's power already belongs to another dimension. Even if that unlucky kid Karl comes to see him, he most likely won't be able to recognize him.

What is the origin of this bald head?
"Unfortunately, the borrowing method is too crude. If I were to use it——"

Gu Yi shook his head, with a look of disgust on his face.

"So what if I let you use it?!"

Ruoning opened her mouth to retort.

This is not considered a rebuttal, or rather an attempt to provoke the other party.

Only those who have really come into contact with that power know how powerful the four evil gods are.

That is enough power to convince anyone.

The bald head in front of him seemed to have the phantom body of Karl, and even looking at Su Mary like this, she might not be able to please him.

But if the other party borrows the power of Demon God Tzeentch, then he will only become his comrade from now on~
Why not do it.

"Forget it, give me their house numbers."

Gu Yi didn't seem to care about Ruoning's attitude but spoke,

"What's the house number?"

Ruoning was puzzled.

I always feel that the bald man in front of me is a bit arrogant.

"Just give me their seal."

Gu Yi said calmly.

Ruoning was stunned, could the evil god's mark still be called a house number?

After thinking for a while, he did not take out the marks of Tzeentch and Slaanesh. The two evil gods were chosen by himself and Hua Ye. If the other party also believed in these two evil gods, then they would be in a competitive relationship with themselves.

I really wasn't sure I could win against this bald man.

Khorne's followers are prone to causing trouble, but Nurgle's are just fine.

The next moment, a mark appeared in Ruoning's hand.

Gu Yi waved his hand, and the mark floated to Gu Yi's forehead like a swallow returning to its nest.


Ruoning clenched his fist. As long as he came into contact with the power of the four evil gods, he would never be able to escape from their control.

Even Lord Nurgle is too anxious. No wonder he still doesn't have many believers in his own universe after living for countless years.

At least you should be more reserved~
At least show your great demeanor!

Following Gu Yi's movements, the mark seemed to turn into a huge door.

Ruoning and Sumary stared at the scene in front of them.

Inside the huge door, there seemed to be a terrifying and boundless god, and all things seemed to come and go in the blink of an eye.

No matter how many times I watch it, I am still shocked and even horrified by the existence of these gods.

"Watch it, I'll only demonstrate once!"

Ancient Yi looked at the two of them and spoke.

The voice is faint, and the movements are indeed extremely skilled.

(End of this chapter)

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