From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 302 Chapter Fantasy world, the void is coming!

Why is Hua Ye here?

Why is Kesha here?

For a moment, two pieces of information echoed back and forth in their minds.

Kesha subconsciously let go of the hand holding the fox-eared girl.

The scum king?

I did feel the aura of this scum king on this street before. Logically speaking, he should have been reincarnated, right?

After all, there are many strong people on this street.

In addition, this guy has offended Su Mo, so essentially there is not much chance of survival.

Are you standing in front of yourself again?

Kesha narrowed her eyes, various thoughts flashing through her mind.

Kesha was naturally unhappy with Hua Ye.

This guy is a pure evil person. He will definitely not be safe wherever he goes, but the threat from this guy is actually not very big.

When there is no advantage, he is just submissive. When he has the advantage, he will do whatever he wants. He doesn’t know how to research new technologies. He likes to have fun and enjoy the benefits.

The angel race ruled by this kind of thinking might have been wiped out by other civilizations long ago if the angels themselves were not genetically superior enough.

This is not alarmist.

The universe a hundred thousand years ago was not like the universe now.

At that time, all civilizations were developing wildly, and even the angel civilization had just begun to develop super soldiers and could barely reach the level of an aerospace-level civilization.

The universe is like a dark forest. Every civilization carefully hides itself and prepares shotguns to see if it can hunt down some new civilizations.

People who are not members of our race must have different minds. No one dares to gamble with their own civilization on the character of the other party. They can only speculate on the other party's character with the greatest malice.

If the opponent comes out first, he will smash his strongest weapon at him immediately.

It would be great to destroy them directly, and it would be great to just go and clean up their legacy.

Different forms of civilization can always collide with some new sparks, and even if only the remains are left, they can promote the development and progress of civilization.

That era was the period of barbaric growth of various civilizations.

Destruction and war always bring about rapid technological development.

At that time, the angelic civilization was still in the Tiangong era.

Relying on the innate conditions of angels, they can barely stand at the top level of civilization in the universe.

Angel civilization has even enslaved many civilizations with good innovation and research and development capabilities. Angel civilization does not develop new technologies, but it can still plunder from these civilizations.

Fortunately, these enslaved civilizations did not develop the kind of technology that could change the pattern of war.

However, in Kesha's view, this form of civilization is just slow suicide.

Over countless years, there will always be some geniuses in some civilizations, and it is only a matter of time before the angels decline.

After the Heavenly Palace Civilization was overthrown, relying on the excellent genes of the angels, the research capabilities of the female angel civilization, and the establishment of the Super Seminary, in just 10,000 to 20,000 years, the Merlot Heavenly Palace became the uncrowned king of the entire universe. The emperor.

Later, he established a righteous order, which gradually brought harmony and stability to the entire universe.

Keisha didn't feel like she had done anything wrong.

Thinking from the current perspective, there are actually quite a few problems with the just order.

Although the entire universe has become peaceful, more civilizations have developed.

It can be said that the universe under Kesha's rule is the most peaceful and comprehensive civilization in the universe.

But 30,000 years have passed, and the righteous order of that time is somewhat inconsistent with the current universe.

Many civilizations have developed to the point of contacting the void. Not only does the order of justice fail to promote the development of the universe, but it seems to restrict the development of all civilizations in the universe.

Keisha wants to retire.

The just order was proposed by ourselves and we cannot overthrow our own just order, otherwise the angelic beliefs of those angelic civilizations who believe in themselves will collapse.

The huge Merlot Heaven may also fall apart in a short period of time.

It can only be said that the order of justice was very reasonable in the previous universe, but it no longer adapts to the times.

If you go offline, and then the angel civilization has new angels to lead the civilization in a new direction, then it will be a new era of angels, and it will also lead the entire universe into a new era.

No, I have retired, how can I still meet Hua Ye?

Hua Ye also stood there.

Mud, I must be hallucinating. Why did I see Kesha?

And why is this guy Kesha hugging her?

Isn't this something that only this king would do?

No, you have to run!

No matter what the situation is now, running away is the most important thing!

But the next moment, Hua Ye felt that his movement to run was firmly restricted, and his whole body froze in place.

Damn it, you’re so fucked up?!

Meanwhile, outside on the street.

"Let's go."

Ignoring Mephisto, Hua Ye and Holy Master are not in a good situation right now.

Su Mo didn't care about life and death.

As his strength becomes stronger, although he still wants to work hard to maintain the thinking of a normal person, it is undeniable that he is getting further and further away from a normal person.

It's like whether it's Hua Ye, Mephisto or the Holy Lord.

The three of them are not decent people, but they can make it easier for them to do certain things, so there are some benefits to hanging around them. ,

Of course, Su Mo wouldn't care if they died.

Even now, even if there is a protagonist destined to rise standing in front of him, he will not have any other mood swings.

Demon gods at the dimensional level sometimes sleep for millions of years.

I don’t know how many protagonists and even civilizations were born or even destroyed in such a long time dimension.


This thing exists in every era, and it is not a species worth paying attention to.

When he opened the door, there were not many people inside, which made Su Mo feel a little relieved.

The relationship in the family can become chaotic if it is constantly being sorted out, and it can lead to destruction at every turn.

Handle the relationship at home?

Each of these girls lived longer than the other. Except for Erquette, who was special, each of them had more clever ideas than anyone else.

Never think that your words can deceive everyone.

The other party believes that you are just too lazy to expose you and just gives you a way out.

"Master, you are back~"

Ma Xiaoling shouted sweetly when she saw Su Mo.

Recently, Ma Xiaoling's calls to her master have become smoother and smoother, and her voice is even ups and downs, with a hint of inexplicability.

Su Mo didn't dare to deduce what Zhennizi was going to do.

Anyway, I get a chill every time.

"Sister Arquette and the others went shopping and said they would max out your credit card."

Ma Xiaoling said with bad intentions.

The only thing about my master that is similar to me is that he is probably as poor as me~

No, the master is poorer than me!

"Oh, maxed out?"

There was a touch of disdain on Su Mo's face.

"Master, are you betraying the revolution and becoming a rich man?"

Ma Xiaoling's voice trembled, and her eyes widened.

That's right, with Master's strength, there are many ways to make money.

"Oh, my credit card has no limit, can it be maxed out?"

"No limit?!"

Ma Xiaoling's eyes lit up.

"I have to pay it back."

“No limit?!”


Looking at Ma Xiaoling, whose eyes were almost shining, Su Mo fell silent.

I always feel like I shouldn’t tell Ma Xiaoling about this. Can I just spend as much money as I want without a limit?

Your family dares to use up everything they borrowed from Huabei in a month? !

Walking to the sofa in the corner, Su Mo found a comfortable position.     Let him go!

It’s been a while since I entered the fantasy world.

The fantasy world can give yourself enough time to accumulate, and it can also provide a lot of ideas.

The real world is not simple either.

The real world connects the heavens and can also provide you with ideas.

Combining the two can greatly shorten the speed of your own improvement.


Su Mo thought silently, he would have immediately lost consciousness, but now Su Mo discovered something was different.

The long river of time is rushing, and countless worlds are rising and falling on the long river of time.

Several worlds stand on the long river of time.

The one at the top is his own Shi Jian's life. No matter how time flies, the zombie world is still perfect and exudes brilliance.

A little further down is the world where Emperor Zhou, Emperor Xin, lives. ,

The world floats and sinks, and occasionally a few drops of water splash up and make a sizzling sound from time to time.

Further down is the world of Worshiping the Moon, which is almost close to the water. The light group of the last world sinks to the bottom. It is the strange world of Journey to the West.

At that moment, Su Mo didn't hesitate and his consciousness instantly melted into the life of worshiping the moon.

open one's eyes.

"Do you want to leave Kyushu?"

Tomorrow's figure stood tall, with a smile on his face and his eyes almost narrowed into a crescent shape.

Baiyue chuckled.

"Go to the West and become enlightened!"

The battle broke out almost immediately, and Bai Yue didn't know why Mingyue wanted to attack herself.

Although the Pangu tribe in the future will have karma with him, after reaching a certain level, Su Mo doesn't care about those karma at all. At most, he will kill them when he encounters them in the future.

But there is no cause and effect between the past time and space and the other party.

Tomorrow's attacks are swift and fierce, and his body is even more immortal. The Pangu clan's combat body has almost evolved to the extreme.

Worshiping the moon is not bad either.

The qualifications for worshiping the moon in this world are very poor, and it is extremely difficult to copy Shi Jian's practice route.

Therefore, almost all the abilities of a body are in the ‘heart’.

When the mind moves, the world changes.

All kinds of alien means and power come at a twist of the finger.

In just a moment, Tomorrow was trapped in a completely transparent cover, and Baiyue put Tomorrow into his sleeve.

From tomorrow's body, I noticed the fluctuations in time and space.

In this life, my own power is not as good as in reality. I can still use the power of the Wanye Corpse Immortal, but the cause and effect itself is too great and can easily cause changes in time and space.

The only power left is the 'heart'.

Now that I go to the West, I can plan more.

Take a step ~


The entire Kyushu shook continuously, and the Golden Avenue instantly crossed the sea. ,

Countless people from various schools of thought all looked in the direction of Su Mo.

"The saint is traveling westward!"

There are hundreds of schools of thought who are horrified.

"This is about transcendence!"

Although the chance of transcendence is low, we have indeed reached that step.

When Lao Tzu left Hangu Pass in the west, the Purple Qi came 30,000 miles east, but the momentum was not as great as it is now.

"Moon worship!"

Some people murmured to themselves that perhaps only worshiping the moon can reach this point now.

It's shocking and enviable.

Meanwhile, in the real world.

Chiwu star system.

Carl opened his eyes.

"It's time!"

Karl spoke, with an unprecedented fanaticism on his face.

It's time to start a new era.

"My God, I just went to explore the situation of this planet. Do I have to wait any longer?"

Snow was a little confused.

This planet is not simple. Main gods of Kesha's level have failed here. At least in Snow's opinion, he should be more cautious at this time.

"Now is the best time. When the void comes, we can all embrace the void!"

Carl fanaticism.

Only by embracing the void can we usher in eternity.

Kesha took the initiative to go offline just to bring the universe into a new era. Karl knew this.

After all, Kesha represents the shackles of the old era in a sense.

Now that the shackles have been released, the future era depends on ourselves and our descendants.

Karl believes that the next era should be the era of void, and only by collectively ascending to an illusionary body can there be eternity.

Of course, if someone can destroy his plan, then Karl will be very happy, proving that his era of void is nothing more than that. Since they can defeat themselves, their ideas may be more adaptable to the new era.

However, it is not a simple matter to open the passage to the void.

I once traveled all over the universe but could not find the right place.


found it!

Around Blue Star, Karl could feel the existence of many spaces, and these spaces were filled with phantom bodies similar to his own.

If it can be opened, the entire Blue Star can be turned into void in a short time.


Snow was still a little worried.

The void is not something every civilization is willing to accept and embrace!

"Place the void particles I prepared in advance at key nodes."

Karl ordered, Snow nodded respectfully.

Void particles are the key to opening the void. Originally, according to Karl's plan, some super soldiers equipped with void engines should first be allowed in the universe to let other people in the universe know the greatness of the void.

At that time, the acceptance of the void will be higher.

Good and evil have long been meaningless in Karl's view, if void is taken as the direction of future civilization development.

The super soldiers who prevent the coming of the void now are heroes in their eyes, but after the coming of the void, these super soldiers will be just remnants of the old era.

Just like the witches who were burned to death in ancient times on Blue Star.

It’s the same principle, it doesn’t matter what is good or evil!

Meanwhile, the underworld.

"Pluto is in trouble, someone outside seems to want to open the passage to the underworld!"


Pluto, who was having a headache as Su Mobu came to the underworld, glared.

Good guy, is there someone else who wants to attack the underworld?

These strangers are really crazy in order to live forever!


The space above the entire underworld began to distort, and the stars of the universe were faintly visible.

"Void~Come down!"

Chacha heard the somewhat fanatical tone of the little brat. (End of chapter)

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