From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 309: Invincible Yin Soldier, Carl is confused

Chapter 309: Invincible Yin Soldier, Carl is confused

"See Kesha, only the void is where all living beings belong!"

Without rushing to embrace the void, Karl turned to look at Holy Kesha.

In a sense, opening the void can be regarded as a ideological duel between the two. Kesha advocates fighting against the void. It is best not to contact the void before you have enough strength to fight against the void, and you cannot contact the void.

Karl advocates embracing the void and joining if you can't defeat it.

As a scholar, even if he becomes a fantasy body, Karl has his own pride. At least Karl does not think that he is weaker than Kesha when it comes to exploring the way out of civilization.

But for tens of thousands of years, he had been suppressed by Kesha. Now that he finally had the chance, he naturally wanted to let out a sigh of relief.

"How about we come to a conclusion later?"

Kesha said helplessly as she looked at the passage to the underworld.

The passage between the underworld and the universe has been completely opened. Sometimes the more you don't want to do certain things, the more it hits your head.

It’s hard to say what the universe will be like in the future.

Carl paused.

"Dong Dong Dong~"


The footsteps accompanied by the sound of chains interrupted Karl's contemplation. The next moment Karl frowned and looked towards the passage.

Dozens of ‘phantom bodies’ slowly walked out.

It’s just that Karl frowned a little.

Several of the phantom bodies have the image of a bull's head and a horse's face. Another one looks a bit ugly, and a group of people dressed as soldiers behind him look like serious gods.

Karl was relieved immediately, and this could indeed explain his guess.

In the long river of time, civilization cannot compete with the insignificant on this long time scale.

In this era, the Kamigawa body was the mainstream, and a few eras further back, the animal body might be the mainstream.

Under infinite time scales, infinite civilizations have been born, and most of them were destroyed by void civilization. Whether they were completely destroyed or embraced the void, the existence of some beasts became normal.

However, this also proves the correctness of his idea from the side. Only by turning into a life form like the void can he avoid the fate of being destroyed by the void.

However, these void bodies seemed a bit strange to Karl.

In Karl's imagination, the void should be pure, and the phantom body should be without any pollution.

But the void body in front of him has more or less traces of the material world, and even his own void engine cannot analyze it.

This made Karl very curious. Does the void body have its own special system?

This may be a future research direction.



The next moment, countless chains flew out, and Karl looked stunned but did not avoid it.

After upgrading to the phantom body, all attacks in the material world cannot cause any harm to him.

Not to mention the chains, not even Holy Kesha could harm herself.

The only thing Holy Kesha can do is probably use her powerful computing power to affect the material world and cause violent energy fluctuations, thereby suppressing herself.

But in Karl's view, this kind of suppression also has limits.

The original purpose of the technology side is to use the same computing power to control more energy. Whoever's algorithm is more advanced and can control more computing power will be inherently stronger.

The same is true even when analyzing the void.

After the Space Principal left, he stole the Big Clock. It was with the help of the Big Clock, the most cutting-edge computer in the universe, that his research on the void made leapfrog progress.

Just a chain~


"How is that possible?!" The next moment, Karl found that he could feel the cold texture.

How can this be? !

I'm already a phantom, why can you still attack me?

"Where did this little devil come from, disturbing the underworld!"

The endless chains shrank and wrapped Karl into a rice dumpling in an instant. The chains seemed to carry a special power.

The big clock ticked wildly, but it couldn't be parsed.

Karl was calm with a sense of relief and a touch of despair.

I guessed wrong, and my original plan naturally went awry.

In Karl's original plan, since Void couldn't resist, then he would transform into Void and become one of his own, so he couldn't continue to attack him.

"You are?"

Then in Karl's sight, the leader of this group of void creatures looked at Kesha and frowned.

Do they know each other??

How could they possibly know each other!

Karl was startled by his own idea. Has Kesha already colluded with void creatures?

"So it's you. Do you know him?"

Zhong Kui frowned.

I know Kesha Zhongkui. Not long ago, there was a commotion in Daxia, and there were aliens coming from outside the Blue Star.

For the underworld, the vast universe is also very curious, but the underworld does not interfere too much with these alien creatures.

The underworld cannot disturb the order of the underworld.

This is the law of heaven and earth, not to mention that even if there is a huge cosmic world outside the Blue Star, it does not mean much to people like me.

The underworld is endless. So far, the underworld gods headed by Pluto have only explored part of it. If they want to fully explore it, they don’t even know it will take until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

How can I have the time to explore the universe?

This was Zhong Kui's first time in the universe, and Zhong Kui was a little surprised.

How should I put it? The power that had been suppressed in his body seemed to be completely released at this moment. Zhong Kui had a feeling that he could completely swallow the energy emitted by some stars in one bite.

This is absolutely impossible to do in Blue Star.

Although he is responsible for the combat power of the underworld, he is still at the god level.

Blue Star's full-strength attack will only hit the mountaintops. If it is a small country, it is not impossible to achieve the level of destroying the country in one blow. If it is a larger country, it may take more time.

But in the universe and stars.

Zhong Kui felt that with his full strength, he could even destroy some planets easily.

Glancing at Lan Xing, Zhong Kui shuddered subconsciously.

Logically speaking, he should be able to easily destroy Blue Star, but seeing this planet always gives him a creepy feeling.

"do not know."


Hua Ye and Kesha shook their heads together. This was the first time they had seen the Yin soldiers in the underworld.

To be honest, if we look at the strength of the phantom body alone, Karl might be stronger.

But the feeling the other party gave me was extremely dangerous, and it was obvious that he was only at the main god level. ,

What a hell.

"If it doesn't matter, you'd better leave here as soon as possible. The rest of this place will not be peaceful."

Zhong Kui said pointedly.

Hua Ye and Kesha looked at Karl's men subconsciously.

Snow and many fleets belonging to Styx seemed to have just come to their senses at this moment.

The invincible Carl, the god of death, was captured?

(End of this chapter)

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