From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 322 Su Mo enters the underworld and Zhong Kui surrenders!

"I am as strong as a stone!"

The four words are not redundant, but they give people a strong sense of confidence.

Zheng Zibu, who was about to pull his master away, hesitated.

A strange look appeared on his face.

Master wants to show off?

If you jump out at this time, I am afraid that you will be beaten severely by your master next. The key is——

The anxious expressions of everyone in the Xiongbing Company returned to normal again.

I just met this big shot in the underworld for the first time, and it's impossible to say I'm not panicking.

After all, Zhong Kui!

Even as modern people, everyone in the Xiongbing Company knew something about this big man.


Zhong Kui was a native of Zhongnan, Shaanxi Province. He was very talented when he was young.

During the Wude period of the Tang Dynasty, he went to the capital to take the exam, but failed because of his ugly appearance. He was so angry that he ran into the palace and died.

After the emperor heard about this, he was buried in a red official robe.

During the Tianbao period, it is said that Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, occasionally suffered from spleen disease in Lishan, Lintong, and could not recover for a long time. One night, he dreamed of a strange-looking man who caught a little ghost, gouged out his eyes, and ate him.

The big man claimed that he was "Zhong Kui, who failed to pass the imperial examination." The emperor woke up from his dream and recovered immediately. Therefore, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered Wu Daozi to make a painting of Zhong Kui's ghost-catching scene in his dream and hang it in the palace to ward off evil spirits and suppress demons.

Since then, this great god has been worshiped.

This is the first time I have seen a legendary figure. If I say I am not afraid, it is definitely a lie.

After all, there are actually some discrepancies in the rumored stories.

According to my understanding of official history, it is rumored that Zhong Kui himself is an innate strange person with the ability to eat ghosts.

However, a human body is still a human body after all. The more times the ghost is used, its appearance will also be affected.

Later, Zhong Kui ate up all the ghosts around him, and Zhong Kui went to take part in the imperial examination.

No matter how strong your ability is, you must at least have an iron rice bowl to prevent yourself from starving to death.

What happened after that was not much different from historical records. It was not that Zhong Kui at that time did not want to use force to fight against injustice for himself.

It’s mainly difficult for Zhong Kui~

Which dynasty and generation did not have many strangers?

But the strongest in every dynasty is still in the imperial palace, and the dynasty's heritage is really beyond the reach of a stranger with some talent.

These legendary characters add a bit of mythology.

But when they thought of the old man's apprentice, everyone stopped talking.

To put it bluntly, as long as Su Mo's name is announced, there is really nothing that can't be suppressed in Blue Star.

Karl, who was tightly tied up, also looked stunned.

Karl actually didn't feel much about his current situation.

Having become a phantom body, one has already looked down upon life and death.

If the God of Death is afraid of death, it only means that this so-called God of Death is unqualified.

Study death, understand death, and transcend death!

This is what Death needs to do.

Coming to the underworld gave Karl, the god of death, a feeling so close to the essence of death for the first time.

This feeling of being close to the core essence of the truth he pursued throughout his life fascinated Karl.

No matter what he had to face next, Karl felt that he could talk to the other person calmly.

I just didn't expect that I would encounter a 'phantom body' blocking the way.

This 'phantom body', or in the words of the Blue Star people, should be called a soul body ghost or something like that.

Karl knew how strong Zhong Kui was, especially against these souls, as if he was born with restraint.

Therefore, even though Carl's perception was that Zhong Kui was only around the peak of god-level strength, he could still catch him easily.

"Shi Jian?" Then Karl frowned.

Since knowing that Blue Star is an extremely special planet in the universe, Karl has been paying attention to Blue Star almost all the time during that time.

However, Blue Star seems to have been shrouded in some kind of fog. Even if it uses the latest monitoring equipment, the information it receives is only part of it.

Shi Jian seems to be Su Mo, that human being who is as strong as a monster.

Karl admitted that Shi Jian was very strong, and even the fourth-generation divine body might not be Shi Jian's opponent.

But before I dared to come to Blue Star, it was a kind of confidence in myself.

The phantom body + void engine gives Karl the courage to face all enemies, even the void——

Karl glanced at the Yin soldiers around him.

Well, at least before being caught by these underworld soldiers, Karl felt that he was not afraid of the so-called void.

Shi Jian's name may not be useful here.

"Shi Jian, who is it? Why don't you get out of the way because of this little evil!"

Zhong Kui had a sullen look on his face.

If the other party is not a shady person in the underworld, I am afraid that I will have eaten the other party by now.

As for who Shi Jian is?

Zhong Kui didn't bother to think about it. There were so many ghosts to deal with every day. There were not even a thousand but eight hundred ghosts named Shi Jian. Who knew which one he was talking about.

Now that eight or so unknown cultivators have arrived in the underworld, Zhong Kui just wants to go to the underworld as soon as possible to support them.

A smile appeared on Karl's face, and it was exactly what he had guessed.

Shi Jian's reputation really cannot be suppressed in the void of the underworld.

The void is indeed the greatest!

"His name is Su Mo." The old man was stunned and then tentatively said Su Mo's name.

"Oh~ you are always Su Mo's master~ I wonder why you always look so kind, a bit like my long-lost biological father.

Old man, you also know that I have left my parents since I was a child. If the old man never abandons me, Zhong Kui would like to be my adoptive father! "


Karl was confused. At this moment, Karl really didn’t know what to say.

Everyone in Xiongbing Company was also stunned. Reina looked at Zheng Zibu beside her with a confused expression.

"No. Are all you people in the underworld like this?"

Isn't this too immodest?

Zheng Zibu smiled awkwardly.

"Actually, before that guy Zhao Li came to the underworld, the underworld was not like this."

A dry explanation is not convincing at all.

Zheng Zibu sighed.

I really don't know what earth-shattering things my senior brother has done these days, but just a name can scare Zhong Kui to this point.

Zhong Kui didn't know what other people were thinking, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care at all.

No, you little Karami know this~

As one of the top executives of the underworld, Zhong Kui had long known that Su Mo's elder was working as an errand in the underworld. However, Pluto had previously ordered that no private contact be allowed, so he gave up.

And that Su Mo's strength was far more terrifying than what the world saw.

It has been transcended for a long time, and what is left now may be just one of the Dharma images.

Doesn’t this thigh hug?


Immediately, Zhong Kui nodded and followed the old man, which greatly satisfied the old man's vanity.

He walked towards the Palace of Hades with great courage.

At the same time, the junction of the underworld.

"Brother Su, please, this is the underworld~"

Zhao Li nodded and bowed to welcome Su Mo in.

It’s not easy~(End of chapter)

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