From one person to sow ten thousand worlds

Chapter 347 Su Mo arrives, and everything goes down

Chapter 347 Su Mo arrives, and everything goes down

Are these two goods here too?

Su Mo paused, with a speechless look on his face.

Because there are high-dimensional beings in this world used as a testing ground, many places cannot be judged based on common sense.

Therefore, it is extremely dangerous for super gods.

Even super-god-level experts are still in danger.

After all, not every super-god-level expert masters the application of some rules.

Similar to

That's right, the so-called weirdness is actually a certain rule, and a certain concept is transformed one by one after being introduced into the murder rules.

Very different from traditional ghosts.

It is impossible for traditional ghosts to involve the level of rules. Of course, if a super-powerful person on the technological side can thoroughly study the theory of the existence of ghosts, they may be able to come into contact with them.

The technological system can be said to be a kind of materialism, and creatures like ghosts are completely idealistic.

The reason why Wanye Corpse Immortal is able to transcend is because Shi Jian's own qualifications are astonishing, and he also has the knowledge of Third Young Master Aolai, as well as the accumulation of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.

This is not Su Mo's random talk.

Even the collision of two world views and two completely different principles will most likely make Karl a madman.

If Karl could thoroughly study the Yin Soul, advance to the level of Super God as a Yin Soul, and then combine it with his technological abilities to study it thoroughly.

Even more than that, the mysterious side has appeared far longer than the technological side.

If you really reach that level, you may have a chance to achieve a state of transcendence.

They have all been geniuses in three generations. After accumulating in three generations and relying on the blood of the Pangu clan's calculations, they can achieve half-step transcendence.

But this is not easy.

On the right track, but the odds of success are almost slim.

After all, they are almost two contradictory theories. If you are not mentally strong enough to contact them rashly, you will most likely become a madman.

Just like many powerful people on the mysterious side, most of them are on the right path, but among the billions of super powerful people, not one of them may be able to transcend.

It took a full 100,000 years for the technological side to study various theories of the existing world to reach the super-god level, and it also took 100,000 years to start studying the mysterious side again.

Even the god of death, Karl, who has studied the void the most deeply, has only scratched the surface.

Then only with the integration of the two can there be a small chance of success.

There is no one with poor qualifications who can become a super powerful person.

Of course, it is extremely difficult to achieve this level.

The degree of research is also an aspect.

Which of them has weaker qualifications than Karl?

A single approach is almost meaningless, but the integration of the two may lead to explosive growth, and it is not impossible to directly cross the biggest limit.

After half a step of transcendence and turning into the corpse immortal of all karma, all that is left is instinct.

If Wanye Corpse Immortal were not his clone and did not rely on his own strength, he might not be able to be killed or transcend in this life.

Worshiping the moon can lead to transcendence, and the same is true.

But at that time, the Wanye Corpse Immortal had already transcended, and his perspective on everything had already reached a higher level.

Baiyue and Wanye Corpse Immortal are actually two people, although they are both Su Mo.

This is the reason for the golden finger.

If not, other transcendent beings would have already begun to descend many clones to achieve enlightenment several times.

Detachment, luck, strength and talent are all indispensable.


Su Mo scolded lightly, and suddenly the originally illusory Taoist temple was slowly pulled from the timeline towards the normal timeline.

The statue of Sanqing God under his feet began to become illusory.

I don’t know where the Three Purities Statue is at this moment. The Three Purities Statues here are just the Three Purities Statues from other timelines that were connected to the jumping timeline of the clock.

The main body can burst out real power.

This is also one of the most difficult aspects of time ability. Su Mo loved that the blind Sanqing statue became real again, and the little Taoist boy's eyes suddenly widened.


How outrageous!

In the past, Xiao Daotong always felt that his strength was at the top level among ghost masters, and the ghosts he controlled were also among the strongest.

You can even make yourself almost indistinguishable from a living person according to the characteristics of the ghost.

Without the resurrection of the evil ghost, it is even possible to continuously control new evil ghosts.

The strength is naturally extremely strong!

When I came to suppress this Taoist temple, I also wanted to suppress the strange bell in the Taoist temple and turn it into my own power.

but now?

Where did this monster come from!

Freely jump the timeline, pull the weirdness on the timeline directly, ignore the cause and effect, ignore the timeline, the difficulty of it makes Xiaodaotong's scalp numb.


As Su Mo returned to the correct timeline.

The strange bell made a mournful sound.

At this moment, all the ghost masters felt something strange and slightly stuck in their bodies.

Just like a computer jammed, it fell into a deeper sleep the next moment.

Harnessing the power of ghosts has become even easier.

I couldn't help but look at the live broadcast in horror.

"Can this really change this era of strange resurgence?"

There are ghost masters who are ecstatic!

The strange changes in his body occurred after the young man in the video used the golden light spell.

It is natural to think that this change was caused by the young man in the video.

"He must die, die!"

A ghost master's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and a big word "death" suddenly appeared on the computer screen.

He was originally at the bottom of society, but it was because of his strange resurrection that he broke away from his original class and gained the power he wanted.

Although the resurgence of the evil ghost is approaching, others will never be allowed to destroy this best era!

"I'll wipe it~"

Morgana yelled and quickly distanced herself from the weird distance in front of her, with a look of fear in her eyes.

From the moment he was touched by this strange thing, his dark matter plane reminded him that he had died at least a hundred times during this period.

I am in a state of shutting down and restarting endlessly.

"Grandma, what a monster!"

Morgana was a little scared.

Morgana was not dead, but it was much scarier than death. Morgana even felt that if she remained in that state, the other party might be integrated into her body.

Although her aesthetics has been criticized by Su Mo and others, Morgana still cannot accept the weird aesthetics of the underworld.


It's just that she has gained some benefits. Originally, she had no access to the weird forums in this world, but now she can receive them without any hindrance.

Naturally, she also saw Zhang Chulan's live broadcast, and Morgana's eyes lit up.

These two little guys seem to be able to really restrain themselves from being weird~

I have to leave here, and I look at the weirdness in front of me with some fear, and the next moment the wormhole opens.

At the same time, in the Taoist temple.

"I've seen a layman on the trail!"

Xiao Daotong was too lazy to watch the scenes in the live broadcast.

The man in front of you is the real big daddy!

Su Mo ignored Xiao Daotong and looked at the live broadcast.

In the picture, Zhang Chulan moved~

(End of this chapter)

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