Rebellious Contract Beast

Chapter 301 The old witch is going dark!

Successfully subduing the evil spirit that brought disaster to the village meant that she could get her reward.

After getting paid and buying the alchemy materials, she no longer has to be a bounty hunter.

The bounty is indeed tempting to ordinary people, but for her, it is more comfortable and simple to make money through alchemy.

It's not like being a bounty hunter. It takes seven or eight days to earn seventy taels of silver.

As soon as Tsurumi Chuyun finished speaking, there was severe pain in the center of his eyebrows, a ray of light squeezed out, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into Shen Yi's appearance.


"Here." She pushed the bamboo tube around her waist.

"Give me Kangkang."

"Don't mess with it, or you'll let it out."

"I can really fit into such a small bamboo tube. Hey, you can't even see it out. You're quite capable."

He looked at the bamboo tube hanging around her waist curiously and praised it at the same time.

Although Tsurumi Chuyun didn't speak, a slightly proud smile appeared on her face, but she quickly suppressed the smile.

Shen Yi looked at it for a while, then raised his paws and tapped on the surface of the bamboo tube. The bamboo tube shook twice, and a "tap-tat-tat" sound soon came from inside. It seemed that something was beating hard inside the bamboo tube to try. Escape, and when the evil spirits inside speak, no one on the outside can hear them.

"What do you do with it?"

"When we get the money, we can just find a place and burn it."

"That's fine."

"Let's go, let's go on a mission."

He Jian Chuyun pulled Shen Yi's head, threw the long sword in his hand into the storage space, and walked towards the back of the village.

When they arrived at the open field, the villagers who had been waiting for a long time gathered around her when they saw her.

"Miss Mu! Miss Mu! How's it going?"

"Have all those Inferi been dealt with?"

"Well, it's solved."

"Miss Mu, have you seen my man? His name is Chen Siliu. The one you saw is the one who helped you carry water yesterday."

"Chen Siliu?"

"Yes, yes, he is my husband-in-law."

"Sister Mu, why hasn't my father come back?"

"This..." Tsurumi Chuyun hesitated for a while, and finally told Chen Siliu's wife what had just happened. After learning the news that Chen Siliu was dead, the other party seemed to be struck by lightning. Usually, he stayed in place for a long time without regaining consciousness. Finally, his eyes darkened and he fell directly to the ground and passed out.

"Sister-in-law Lian! Sister-in-law Lian! Wake up!"


"Carry her into the house first. Such a blow will be too great for her."

"Yes, yes, someone can help."

Seeing Chen Siliu's wife being carried away, the villagers' attention quickly turned to Tsurumi Chuyun.

"Miss Mu, what happened to the evil spirit that harmed people in our village?"

"Don't worry, I've already taken care of it. Look, it's right here." Tsurumi Chuyun smiled and patted the bamboo tube hanging around his waist twice as he spoke. Then he heard a burst of noise coming from inside. There was a rapid "tap-tat" sound, and those black men were beating the inner wall of the bamboo tube again.

"Then it won't appear in our village in the future?"

"Yes, I will find a place to deal with it later, so everyone can rest assured."

"Huh~ This evil spirit that was killed by God has finally been dealt with."

"Does it mean we don't have to live here anymore?"

"Of course, the evil spirits are gone, we can live in the house, and we no longer have to worry about being soaked in the rain when it rains!"


After receiving Tsurumi Chuyun's confirmation, the villagers in Tongfu Village began to cheer, sharing their joy, and the atmosphere became cheerful. However, behind the crowd, only Xu Sou had a sad face and didn't know what he was thinking.

Not long after, he stepped forward and said, pretending to be relaxed: "Miss Mu, since everything here has been settled, don't leave in a hurry. Stay in our village for a while. We will thank you for coming so much." God, as a landlord, I haven’t done all the things I should do as a landlord.”

Hearing his words, He Jian Chuyun quickly shook his head, waved his hands and responded: "No, no, no, no, no, no, I have important things to do in Beiting City, so it's not appropriate to stay here any longer."

"What is so urgent?"

"I can't say more about this. Anyway, I'm leaving tonight so I won't bother you any more."

"Is... leaving so soon?"

"There is also a chicken raised there. You can leave after dinner tomorrow."

"Yeah, it's so late now. It's not a good time to go to Beiting City, right? Besides... our village is far away from Beiting City. It's dark at night. What if there's an accident?"

"You don't need to worry about this. My Xuanli can fly. It only takes half a stick of incense to reach Beiting City. It will be here soon." Tsurumi Chuyun said, turning his head and focusing on Xu Sou: " Xu Sou, according to the agreement, the evil spirit that harmed your village has been taken away by me. Now..." Tsurumi Chuyun didn't say the rest of the words completely, but all the villagers present knew what she meant, but Xu Sou heard the words. , the expression on his face became unnatural.

"This one……"


"Um...oh, Miss Mu, it will take a long time to raise money now, otherwise Miss Mu should wait until tomorrow."

"No, I'm not in a hurry now, just give it to me today."

"But..." Xu Sou's face looked a little ugly and he didn't know what to say to delay it. He hesitated for a long time and finally fell silent.

And He Jian Chuyun seemed to have realized something, and frowned slightly.

"Xusou, you..."

Knowing that he could not avoid the reward of seventy taels of silver promised to Tsurumi Chuyun, Xu Sou scratched his face, raised his head and said bravely: "Hey~ Miss Mu, let me tell you the truth, we don't have So much money.”

"..." After Xu Sou finished speaking, Tsurumi Chuyun also fell silent. The air suddenly became quiet. The villagers looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.

After a while, He Jianchuyun said quietly: "You don't have seventy taels of silver, so give me sixty taels."

"Miss Mu... I'm sorry..."

"If you don't have sixty taels, then fifty taels."


"Forty taels?"


"Thirty taels?"

"Miss Mu, we really don't have that much silver now, only ten taels..."

"Xusou, you said at the beginning that you would give me seventy taels of silver as a reward when the thing is done. Is it possible that you want to break your promise now?"

"Miss Mu, it's not that I want to break my promise, it's that I really have no choice, so I came up with this last resort... Sigh~" Xu Sou sighed and told all the things that had happened in Tongfu Village before. No one in the villagers stopped him. Just listen quietly.

"I won't hide it from you, actually..."

The actual situation of what happened in the village was different from what he told Tsurumi Hatsuun at the beginning, but it was roughly the same.

In fact, two and a half months ago, Xie Zuihei's son had left Daliang and came to Tongfu Village. At first, it was indeed pretending to be a mountain god to let all the villagers in the village know its existence through dreams, but it was nothing. It didn't do anything. After letting the villagers know him as the "mountain god", he would take some prey from the mountain and deliver it to the entrance of the village almost every day. He would also help drive away the jackals, tigers and leopards coming from the mountain. According to his words, He said, this is called the mountain god’s protection.

With these kind deeds, even if it is not a mountain god, to the villagers, it is a mountain god.

People did not doubt its existence, and quickly cleared out a relatively large ancestral hall as a temple to worship the mountain god, and even prepared to carve a stone statue for it.

However, evil spirits are evil spirits after all, and they make a living by absorbing negative emotions. How can they do their kind deeds without asking for anything in return?

But it seemed too anxious to achieve its own goal. After getting along with the villagers peacefully for a month, it gradually began to ask for rewards from the villagers. At first, it asked the villagers to sacrifice live pigs to it.

At that time, the villagers thought that because of the prey sent by the mountain god in the past month, every household had a lot of game on the table, and it was natural to sacrifice a few live pigs or something, so they agreed, and what happened next, He Xu What the old man said was exactly the same. A few days later, Xie Suihei's son asked the villagers not to sacrifice live pigs, but to sacrifice cattle that could plow the land. The villagers endured the heartache and accepted it, but a few days later, it was given to the villagers. A very strange suggestion.

That is to let the villagers leave the village and try to deal with people from the outside world. However, this deal is not the kind of deal that ordinary people think. What it really means is to let the villagers leave the village and become bandits, robbing people who pass by. Caravans and travelers have a good reputation. Only in this way can the villagers of Tongfu Village live a better life.

At that time, no one knew what the purpose of the evil spirit was, but although Tongfu Village was located in a remote area, the villagers had lived here all their lives. Although they were not rich, they had no worries about food and clothing. There was no reason at all to become bandits who robbed homes and homes. So they did not accept the evil suggestion and continued to live the same life as before.

But in doing so, they succeeded in angering the evil spirit, and it began to ask the villagers to sacrifice their souls to it.

But what is a living soul?

It's something that belongs to people. If they want to get a living soul, it means they have to kill someone.

The suggestion given by Xie Sui at that time was also very simple. Let the villagers capture some people from other villages to sacrifice to it. If they don't go, then blood sacrifices will be made to the people in the village.

Of course, it is impossible for the villagers to do such a thing, nor to sacrifice their own people in the village.

At that time, Xu Sou and others had realized that the so-called mountain god was an evil spirit that was harmful to people, so the first thing they thought of was to go to Beiting City to find an expert to subjugate and eliminate demons.

Although no one in the village was doing business, and no one family was better off than the other, the whole village was able to scrape together thirty or forty taels of silver. The forty taels of silver he scraped together went to Beiting City. After learning in the city that the evil spirits in the village were difficult to deal with, he went to a black money bank, that is, a loan shark, and borrowed twenty taels of silver there.

Sixty taels of silver. Logically speaking, it is not difficult to invite an expert to come to the village to subdue evil spirits. Unfortunately, Xu Sou made a big mistake. He did not choose to go to the City Affairs Department, but casually walked on the roadside. I found a guy who looked like an expert. In fact, that guy had some abilities. He had just reached the advanced level in cultivation. At that time, he boasted about Haikou, saying that he was 100% sure that he could clean up the evil spirits that brought trouble to the village. He could eat and drink. After having fun, not even a day after arriving in the village, a corpse appeared inexplicably at the entrance of the village.

And this person still belonged to a certain force in Beiting City, and the villagers of his death did not dare to speak out, let alone ask for the sixty taels of silver returned to him.

This is also the reason why they were beaten by several big men in the "Ji Zuo Shi" restaurant and demanded debts.

Since then, the evil spirit has sealed off the surrounding area of ​​the village, preventing the villagers from leaving the village as easily as before. Until Xu Sou led all the young men in the village to leave forcibly, and later met Tsurumi Chu. cloud.


After hearing this, Tsurumi Chuyun almost laughed out of anger.

"So, you didn't plan to give me money from the beginning and let me go back empty-handed?"

"Miss Mu, you misunderstood. We don't have that much money, but it's not that we won't give it. Otherwise, girl..." Xu Sou put his hand into his sleeve, took out ten taels of silver and handed it over.

"You can accept this money."


"Miss Mu, these ten taels of silver are already all the money in our village. Just do it. Besides, it will cost money to rebuild those destroyed houses."

"You... how could you do this!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Mu."

"Miss Mu, we will definitely pay back the money."

"Miss Mu, we were wrong, but Xu Sou had no choice but to do it."


The surrounding villagers began to comfort her, but as they spoke, they all suddenly shut up.

Tsurumi Chuyun seemed to have remembered something, and the expression on her face disappeared and became cold. Her eyes fell from the ten taels of silver in Xu Sou's hand to his eyes.

Seeing her looking at him like this, Xu Sou's heart skipped a beat and he realized something.

"Miss Mu..."

"When you came to me, you weren't sure whether I could deal with this evil spirit, were you?"

"..." Xu Sou didn't answer immediately. He just lowered his head and the hand holding the silver began to tremble. It took a long time before he responded: "Yes..."

"Haha." He Jian Chuyun laughed twice and then stopped talking.

She suddenly remembered that when she was in Caizi Village, the village chief there had deceived her, saying how easy it was to deal with the evil spirit of Hei Zi. But what was the result?

If she hadn't contracted a Class-A life god, she might have died there like the previous monks.

In Tongfu Village, there are the same evil spirits and the same encounters, but the people are different. Although Xu Sou has some elements of broken jars and broken objects in it, the problem is that if she is not strong enough, won't she also become a The ghost buried in Tongfu Village?

To the villagers, Xu Sou's actions were excusable, but to Tsurumi Chuyun himself, Xu Sou's actions were evil and unforgivable.

If she wins, everyone will be happy, but if she loses, she and Shen Yi will be holding hands on the Huangquan Road, and Tongfu Village still has a slim hope. To put it bluntly, Xu Sou is indirectly plotting to kill her.

In the conscious space, Shen Yi noticed her emotional changes and couldn't help but bared his teeth.

"What's wrong, the old witch is going to turn black!" (End of this chapter)

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