Rebellious Contract Beast

Chapter 303 The drug store clerk’s advice

Chapter 303 The drug store clerk’s advice

At this moment, the old shopkeeper had put away the teapot and asked the previous clerk to withdraw the money. Now he regretted it, as it seemed that it was too late.


"You don't know how to bargain, do you? He said forty taels, so why don't you sell him forty taels? You stupid girl! I'm really numb..."

"But this is just an ordinary teapot..."

"I'm just saying that you are a stupid girl. What you see in front of you is an ordinary teapot, but it is not an ordinary teapot in other people's eyes. Look for yourself. They obviously want it. They just praised this broken teapot. He said it was forty taels. , don’t you know how to act? Make the performance more difficult, and then compromise, say eight or ninety taels of silver. If he is not satisfied, he will say that he bought it for fifty taels of silver, and then you lower it to ten taels or something. Isn’t it better than selling it directly without asking for the price?”

"Uh..." Tsurumi Chuyun rubbed her little hands, not knowing what to say. The truth was true, but her expectations in her heart were not as high as forty taels, and she didn't react for a while. For her, , now her only requirement is that the money from selling the teapot can be enough to buy the materials for alchemy.

As for whether she could actually sell it for a hundred taels of silver, she had never thought about it.

At this moment, the pawn shop clerk had already put forty taels of silver on the counter.

"This is forty taels of silver. Count it and put it away."

The materials for a Beast-accumulating Pill cost eight taels of silver, and the materials for a Peiyuan Pill cost ten taels. A total of thirty-four taels were spent, and the old witch could make at least fifteen Beast-accumulating Pills in one furnace, three times ten. Five equals forty-five. She has to keep three of the beast-accumulating pills for each furnace to exchange for money. She can only eat thirty-six. In this way, she can't replenish many units of red energy?

"Oh." Shen Yi nodded.

"What? I remember a certain eldest lady told me that when she got the money, she would make elixirs for me to eat..."

But if I want to come back, is wearing this so-called black stocking really worthy of me?

"Xuanli, Xuanli."

"…Also, you have to be gentle, it hurts me every time."


"What's different? Oh, I understand, you want to restrict my development? You want to surpass me!"

Shen Yi focused on her vision and saw her pulling up her skirt slightly, revealing a layer of black stockings on her calves. The texture on them was clear, giving people a very special temptation.

Hejian Chuyun came back to his senses and nodded quickly to the pawn shop clerk: "Yeah." After that, she stretched out her hand and put the forty taels of silver directly into the storage space. When she left, she said to Shen Yi: "Okay. Well, I’ve sold everything, and when I refine the elixir, we won’t be short of money.”

"Is my focus about money? You are stupid!"

Shen Yi's tone was half-joking and half-serious, but regardless of whether he was joking or serious, there was still a strong sense of expectation in his tone.

Probably six to seven units.

"I...can I do it?"

"I was in such a hurry to put on my clothes when I came out that I forgot to take them off, but others can't see it, so it's okay."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

Tsurumi Chuyun shook his head and threw away all the strange thoughts in his mind.

"Nothing, nothing...continue talking about you, what do you mean?"

In order to make the economy improve quickly, she planned to sell some pills that were easier to sell, among which were the Yun Beast Pill and the Pei Yuan Pill.

Hejian Chuyun pursed her lips and stopped talking for a while. Later, she seemed to remember something and squatted down on the roadside and called out to Shen Yi.

"Anyway, you just have to endure it for a few more days. As long as you don't make trouble with me, I will always wear stockings! Okay?"

"When did you become so enlightened?"

Shen Yi, who was in the conscious space, rolled his eyes. This old witch had stayed with him for so long and learned nothing else but how to be a hermaphrodite.

"Hmm..." She nodded her chin and thought. If the forty taels are used for food and clothing, it can be used for a long time, but if it is used to buy alchemy materials, not only can it be finished in one go, but it can also There are not many materials to buy.

"It's nothing! Just bear with it for a while, okay?"

"Yeah." Tsurumi Chuyun nodded, with a little helplessness on her face. However, after returning to Beiting City and staying at an inn yesterday, she discovered a particularly interesting thing, that is, even though she was wearing this A thin layer of stockings would make people feel a little ashamed, but this thing seemed to have a strange effect on Shen Yi. After wearing it, Xuan Li could do something he would never do before, and it was very positive.

For example, I asked him to pour water, put things away, etc., and he became easy to talk to.

Yes, what's the use of thinking about this?

"Okay! It must be okay! I won't bother you at the head office. Hurry up and buy some things. We'll go to the inn."

"What are you doing?"

Of course, it is impossible for me to just take these thirty-six pills. I will definitely have to prepare more on the way...

"Look at what I'm wearing."

He was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said in confusion: "You didn't take off your clothes?"

The two sides were silent for a while, and then Shen Yi asked again: "Old witch, you have forty taels of silver now, what materials are you going to sell?"

So she quickly replied: "I'm going to sell three parts of the ingredients for the Beast-Yun Dan, and one part of the vegetable seedlings for the Peiyuan Dan."

"Uh uh... what do you mean? Could it be... this seems a bit exciting..."

Just when Shen Yi was thinking about this, He Jian Chuyun said: "By the way, Xuanli, I told you in advance that I don't have much material that I can buy with the money I have now, so I won't let you eat it. Wait for me Buy some more beast-enhancing pills and refine them for you to eat..."

"I haven't endured it long enough? How long has it been since I took the Beast Presence Pill? Okay, okay, forget it, I'll endure it a little longer, but today's dinner is the old witch..."

"It's like I really did something to you... Hey, why don't you just touch it? I'll just be gentler from now on. Go quickly and buy something."

"This is different!"

"...Well, I'm stupid, I'm extremely stupid, and Xuan Li is the smartest." Tsurumi Chuyun agreed. Anyway, she was used to Shen Yi calling her an old witch, so naturally she was used to him calling her stupid, so she was a bit Don't care.

According to Shen Yi, even if she doesn't want to wear it, her contracted beast will force her to wear it, which is totally unreasonable.

Just wear it. Anyway, the person wearing Quxian Yi is not a human being, just a contracted beast with some weird quirks.

She comforted herself in this way, and then walked towards a busy street not far away, and there was a drug store open over there.

When she came out of the inn, she had already dressed up. The alchemy materials she wanted to buy this time were not many, and she was not going to buy them secretly, but walked in openly.

As soon as she entered the pharmacy, she went directly to a store clerk and asked him politely: "Brother, may I ask, who is the manager here?"

The waiter was bored and used a cattail fan to disperse the summer heat. Hearing this, he said a little impatiently: "If you have anything, just tell us. There is no need to ask our shopkeeper."

"I have something to tell you, the shopkeeper, but since you said so, I hope you can make the decision."

"Hey, goodbye, if it's a big deal, I can't make the decision. You'd better go to our shopkeeper, the one sitting there."

The clerk quickly pointed to the back of the drug store.

Tsurumi Chuyun looked in the direction of his finger. It was a man sitting on the Taishi chair and looking at the account book.

"Thank you." After thanking her, she left the store clerk and walked towards the man. When she came to him, she didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point: "Are you the shopkeeper here?"

Hearing her voice, the man put down the account book in his hand and raised his head. When he looked at Tsurumi Chuyun's appearance, the other party also saw his appearance clearly. He should be in his early twenties, with a frown on his face. , obviously very embarrassed by the contents of the account book.

"who are you?"

"The little girl's name is Mu Yinxiang. She's here to buy some medicinal materials."

"To buy medicinal materials, you can just ask the clerk in the store. Why are you looking for me? You don't see me busy?"

"This..." Tsurumi Chuyun hesitated for a moment, and finally stopped talking and handed over a piece of paper.

The young man looked puzzled, but he still took the piece of paper she handed over and opened it. There were some medicinal materials written on it, and even the kilograms and taels were clearly marked.

"Ji Ling Jade, snake flower stems... celadon flower juice... I thought it was something. If you just want these, just ask the store clerk to pick them up. Just go away and don't bother me!"

After reading the above content, the young shopkeeper threw the paper out of his hand, with impatience written all over his face. After finishing this, he lowered his head to look at the account book.

Tsurumi Chuyun was a little dazed, but he still reached out to catch the paper on which he had written down the required medicinal materials.

"This..." The young shopkeeper's reaction made her confused. Shouldn't she ask herself what she was buying these medicines for?

She had already thought of excuses, saying that she wanted to become an alchemist. Although she had not yet realized the alchemy, she wanted to use these medicinal materials to test the waters in advance.

As a result, the young man's indifferent attitude made her unable to do anything.

Her little mouth opened. She wanted to ask something else, but in the end she closed her mouth tactfully and nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Get out of here, you ugly girl, you really poked me in the eye."

Tsurumi Chuyun didn't dare to stay longer, so he quickly took the paper and went back to find the guy who had spoken before, and handed the paper to him again.

After taking it, the other party glanced at her sideways and said with some humor: "I really thought it was something important that I wanted to tell our shopkeeper. Originally, it was just to buy medicine. They said that if you have anything, you can just talk to us. Why bother? ?”

"Brother, please stop teasing me, and please help me get the medicinal materials as written here."

"Okay, just wait."

The store clerk glanced at the content on the paper and didn't find anything strange. He stood up, stretched and walked towards the warehouse.

He saw Chuyun leaning against the door, crossing his arms and tapping his arms lightly with his fingers, not knowing what he was thinking.

After the shop assistant left, Shen Yi's devilish laughter rang in his mind.

"Get out of here, damn ugly girl box box box box box..."

"What's so funny about this?"

"There's nothing funny, hehe. It's just that I have a low point of laughter."

"You are not human..."

"Why am I not a human being? I am your master! Have you forgotten again?"

"No no……"

"If I'm not a human being, what am I?"

"The master is the supreme dragon clan!"

"Humph, are you reacting now? It's too late. I'm angry anyway. Just go back and wait."


"Who told me that I was not a human being just now?"

"Where did I scold you? You are not...well~"

"Uh... let's put it this way, in our era, when you humans called each other, you called others not human. Do you understand? So saying that so and so is not human, in my opinion, is calling people names."


"Go back and put on your maid uniform. Don't forget to put on the ribbon. Also, put more thought into the makeup on your face. I want to be a cuter old witch, hehehehe..."

"You are just trying every possible way to find excuses to bully me!"

"I don't care... Oh, by the way, don't wear black stockings when you go back. White stockings are better."


Not long after, the store clerk from before came and handed the already packaged alchemy materials to Tsurumi Hatsuun.

Seeing this, she quickly reached out and took it, thanking her profusely.

"Thank you, thank you, please."

"It's okay." The store clerk waved his hand, sat on the chair for a while, picked up the cattail leaf fan and continued to fan himself.

He Jian Chuyun picked up the medicinal materials in his hand and weighed them. The weight was just right. It was indeed the weight of three parts of Yun Beast Pill and one part of Peiyuan Pill.

After confirming that there was no problem, she turned around and left, but then she thought of something and looked at the store clerk and asked, "Well, brother, who is your shopkeeper?"

"Our shopkeeper?" The other party was stunned for half a second, then glanced at the young man in the distance who was still checking the account book, and then said: "He is a young master from the Liu family behind our pharmacy. He just came here not long ago... It seems I just came here yesterday, and I don’t understand a lot of things, and now I’m really worried about the mess left by our pharmacy.”

He Jian Chuyun was thoughtful, then nodded.

"Yeah, thank you."

"Thank you, these are all trivial matters." The store clerk waved his hand again, but the next second he suddenly realized something and looked at Tsurumi Chuyun with a strange look on his face: "Hey girl, you are not interested in our shopkeeper, are you? ?”


"I think you should forget it. As far as I know, the new shopkeeper of our drug store already has someone he likes. Have you heard of Li Yang's fourth daughter? She is as beautiful as a fairy. You Judging from your appearance, alas, this thing can't be done. For the sake of calling me big brother, I advise you to give up as soon as possible, so as not to end up wasting half your life in depression."

"Uh... uh... thanks for reminding me."


Not long after, Tsurumi Chuyun came out of the medicine shop, but the word "speechless" was written all over his face.

In the conscious space, Shen Yi had long been amused by the store clerk's words so much that she was laughing so hard that Hexianhe's magical laughter echoed in her mind like a repeater, making her even more speechless. .

"Stop laughing." She shouted lowly, but the laughter in her mind not only did not stop, but instead laughed even more unscrupulously.

"Hahahaha Hexianhe... I'm laughing so hard. Old witch, did you hear clearly? I told you not to take advantage of this young master. You look so ugly. Give up as soon as possible for the better. Hehehe, you want me." Say, old witch, don’t bear it anymore, take off your makeup quickly, and really amaze that rich young man, hahahaha..."

Seeing that Chu Yun was too lazy to care about Shen Yi, He lowered his head and walked away thinking about something. He only said: "You are so annoying~"

(End of this chapter)

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