Rebellious Contract Beast

Chapter 51 Unknown Ultimate Move

Chapter 51 Unknown Ultimate Move

The change of the "filter" of the eye image did not allow him to see anything more, and he got used to it quickly, and he couldn't even remember what filter it was before.

As for the feeling of being full of qi in his body, it didn't give him any substantial benefits.

"Uh, no, it seems that the defense power has increased." Hitting the wall behind, the scale armor easily scraped out a piece of numbness.

Looking at the blood pool again, he found that the blood was not as scarlet as before, and the color had faded a lot.

As the contracted beasts were taken away by their owners one after another, there were not many left in the blood pool.

Counting him and Ersha, there are only fourteen heads.

The body's ability to absorb nutrients is slowly weakening, which should be the reason for the decrease in nutrients in the blood pool.

Standing outside the door, the Elder Lantern, who was like a rock unmoved for thousands of years, finally made a move at this time.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the blood pool, his cloudy eyes regained a little clarity.

His throat squirmed, and his mouth made strange syllables again.

Soon, the blood pool boiled up, and the contracted beasts who had soaked in the blood pool and felt their bodies warm were suddenly howled by the rising temperature, and quickly jumped out of the blood pool.

The moment she realized something was wrong, Shen Yi was the first to leave the blood pond, looking at Elder Lantern with some displeasure.

"At least let me remind you, you are so bad."

Elder Lantern didn't respond to Shen Yi's inner dissatisfaction, his eyes regained the cloudiness before, and he slammed on the lantern in his right hand with a stick in his hand.

Let the irresistible scent of the contracted beasts dissipate, the elder Lantern left, and the rest of the contracted beasts followed obediently.

His pace was as slow as before he came here, his eyes were looking ahead, step by step, he was as sluggish as a walking dead, ignoring the outside world.

Glancing at the contracted beasts around her, Shen Yi felt strange.

Why did some contracted beasts be picked up by their master before, but the rest of the contracted beasts, including him, had to follow the elder Lantern?
Where are you going?
This question just flashed through his mind.

Soon, Shen Yi calmed down, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

He seemed to know that something had changed in him.

He just noticed it just now, and quickly started researching it.

"It's a strange feeling... to release your spiritual consciousness?"

How should I put it, he has an extra perspective, a very strange perspective.

Under normal circumstances, his eyes have a range of vision, and things beyond the range of vision cannot be seen clearly.

For example, behind the tail, unless he turned his head away, he couldn't see what was going on behind him.

But now, he can see, but what he sees exists in a very abstract form, so he can understand it.

It was so strange, and it was difficult for him to describe this feeling clearly, only someone who has experienced similar experiences can understand.

The conscious body seems to be separated from the brain, extending the KIA radially towards the surroundings.

When he touches something, he can perceive the existence of this thing.

But there is also a range of extension, which cannot be extended indefinitely.

"These contracted beasts, and Ersha..."

Let's call it divine consciousness, Shen Yi thought so.

In addition, he found that the anchor point of the inexplicable connection with the old hag was somewhat similar to the mysterious gas filling his body.

But not many similarities.

It's just a little like that.

The mysterious gas is attacking this connection anchor point, trying to eliminate this connection anchor point, but the progress is very slow, just like a computer downloading a certain game, you waited for a long time, only to find that the progress bar has only reached 0.0001%
If there were not enough decimal points, you in front of the computer would never know that there are changes.

As for Shen Yi, although there is no accurate data to show, but because of his spiritual sense, he can feel that the connection anchor point is being worn out.

The same sex repels each other, it is the mysterious air that wears away the connection anchor bit by bit with the slightest similarity.

Although it is very slow, at least one day this connection anchor point will be completely cleared.

You can't have no hope at all, can you?
After all, this connection anchor point is not a good thing for Shen Yi.

Spiritual consciousness walks behind each of the contracted beasts. From the perspective brought by the spiritual consciousness, they are all off-white, giving Shen Yi the same feeling as in space, nothing special.

But the Elder Lantern in front is different, he is bright white!

The sect disciples who walked on the other chain bridges were also bright white.

He touched his spiritual sense to the elder Lantern who was walking in front, until the moment his spiritual sense touched the other party, he plunged into it!
"Eh? Got it?"

Shen Yi was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Elder Lantern, who didn't respond at all, so he couldn't help but feel relieved.

The spiritual consciousness was connected with the other party, and a bridge seemed to be built between himself and Elder Lantern in an instant. The mysterious energy in his body became agitated, and all of them were ready to go. When Shen Yi gave an order, all of them rushed to Elder Lantern !
"What is this?" Shen Yi was full of curiosity, so no matter how slow Elder Lantern walked, he would not be in a hurry.

The ghost knows what will happen if you send those mysterious qi into the opponent's body.

What could be the killer move?
This can't be used casually, you have to find someone to experiment with it.

Who can I turn to?

Shen Yi encountered a difficulty, and then withdrew his divine consciousness, thinking that in a few days, he would try to find a disciple of the sect that he didn't like.

The mysterious air is transported a little bit, just see what the effect is.

If it was really a killer move, wouldn't he be able to kill people with his eyes in the future?
What's the difference between this and hanging up?
He just hoped that this ability could be completely controlled by himself, rather than killing people, he wanted to make the old witch feel uncomfortable.

One look, it hurt her so much that she couldn't stand up...

Thinking about it, Shen Yi's steps were much lighter, and he clumsily controlled his consciousness to look around.

Not long after, a group of contracted beasts followed Elder Lantern to a mountain peak.

There are a total of seven peaks in Qingyuanzong, and the mountain where Shen Yi is now is called Dingsheng Peak, and it is also the mountain with the most buildings.

A huge platform was built on the mountainside, and there were sheds on the platform, which should be residences.

"Eh? The old witch didn't build me a mansion in the sect?"

Shen Yi was a little strange, following Elder Lantern into Dingsheng Peak, he hurriedly ran up to a man in his 30s from a distance, holding a smaller lantern in his hand.

I don't know what I said to the other party, the elder Lantern didn't move, and the lantern in his hand suddenly went out.

The one who led the group of contracted beasts became that man.

As soon as the wooden stick hit the lantern, the scent continued to attract the contracted beast.

The smell that Shen Yi's nose smelled changed from herbal sour soup chicken to green pepper fried pork.

The man shook his head and didn't know what he was looking at, and led a total of fourteen contracted beasts including Shen Yi all the way up.

Then blend into another group of contracted beasts.

After possessing divine consciousness, the freshness still persisted, and Shen Yi didn't notice anything wrong. At this moment, he heard someone calling himself.

"Xuan Li Xuan Li!"

Turning her head to look, it was Qiu Yu, holding two Yun Beast Pills in her hand, seeing this, Shen Yi directly left the team and came over.

"Come on, let's eat first. Miss is already preparing for your residence. You will stay here for two nights first, and you will move the day after tomorrow."

After eating the Yun Beast Pill, Shen Yi nodded her head as a response, and then felt her head was patted.

"Okay, you go back, I will send you food tomorrow."

Nodding again, Shen Yi didn't wait long and returned to the herd.

Qiu Yu also walked away, but as she walked, she suddenly realized that something was wrong, looked back, and then asked a sect disciple not far away.

"Senior brother, why are you going to enter Xuanzi No. [-] together at different times?"

Hearing this, the disciple of the sect cast a glance at her, saw that she was just a maid, and replied coldly: "This is the arrangement of the sect, and it is your turn to teach these things, a lowly servant?"

(End of this chapter)

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