Chapter 12 Preparing for the Hunt
Dayan World.


Su Ming shouted, the black dragon's huge body seemed to be driven by something, slowly moved up, the joints were creaking, and even the eyes were no longer the same dead silence as before, but a little more radiant.

But this mutation only lasted for a moment, and the next second, the black dragon's body hit the ground again, making a dull sound.

Su Ming has already failed for a whole day. He originally thought that this method of controlling corpses would be a huge boost for him to expand his influence in this world, but now this fantasy has not been realized for a long time.

The so-called corpse control is a secret method of the Liu family. By planting the seeds of qi in the corpse, one can reach the level of connection with one's own mind. As long as there is enough qi, there is no upper limit.

And thinking about Liu Yanyan's talent, she didn't need to be so troublesome at all. For example, in Zhang Huaiyi's cemetery before, she just spread out the qi and then retracted it, and she had completed the control of the entire cemetery in an instant.

"Perhaps the target selected for the first time is a bit out of range."

In fact, he could also feel the reason for the difficulty, and wanted to find a weaker corpse for the experiment, but now he only had this one.

Sighing, Su Ming stroked his stomach with his palm, "I want to eat."

Naturally, he was talking about the Five Ghosts Feeding Body Method. He wanted to eat not because he was hungry, but because he was exhausted.

It's been a whole day, and those ghosts have never come to disturb the village again.

This was hard to imagine in the past, only one day came many times, not a single day.

It is actually a bit reluctant to say that Su Ming was afraid of being beaten. After all, the village chief said that only a small part of them were beaten back that day. I am afraid that this kind of emotion does not exist at all for a gathering place of ghosts.

The biggest possibility is to hold back a big wave!
Su Ming's heart will inevitably become anxious if he has not controlled the black dragon for a long time. If this is the case
Hurry up!

Now he can undoubtedly beat a black dragon, but if there is a big wave, he can't guarantee the safety of the folks.

It's not that he is so kind-hearted, but that everyone is his source of incense!
"Xiaoqing, ask the village chief to arrange a guard to see me!"

"Good son." Xiaoqing outside the door responded in a low voice, which could be heard a bit sad.

The son has changed!

The last time the young master came, it could be said that the situation was urgent, but this time, not only did he not have to enter the house to serve him, but he also brought the dark ghost leader into the house.

The movement of the whole process was not small at all, and she could hear it clearly outside the house.

“It lasted so long”

"Probably tired of me"

Gently wiping a trace of tears from the corner of her eyes, she had a hunch that if she didn't make some changes, she might really be abandoned.

Of course Su Ming didn't know about this, he just saw the village guards at the Huxin Pavilion.

It is said that the guards are actually just generals from among the dwarves. They are slightly stronger than ordinary village names, and they have really fought ghosts.
There was only one of the seven people, and the others, like other villagers, ran away when they saw it.

Before they came, they were still talking about yesterday's exaltation, but now they saw Su Ming, but they didn't even dare to take a breath.

They were all aware of Su Ming's previous killing methods. Although he used it to kill ghosts, the terrifying ghosts still made it hard for them to accept.

And Su Ming didn't have any intention of explaining all this, so he casually glanced at the seven people.

"As an outsider, I'm not going to judge whether your security work is incompetent."

"I came to you today just to do one thing."

Anyway, with so many lives in his hands right now, he couldn't hide his murderous intent, and just a quick glance lowered everyone's heads to a lower level.

"Kill ghosts!"

The moment these three words came out, all seven of them felt their feet go limp, and their faces turned extremely pale.

The gap between them and the ghost man is not a star. They have been the village guards for so many years. It is okay for them to scare the lost beasts. If they meet the ghost man...
If you can't escape, you have to die!


But Su Ming didn't give them a chance to play tricks, he stomped his foot lightly and made the whole lake pavilion tremble.

The meaning is obvious, if you say no, they are the ones who will die!
Some people were even paralyzed from fright, unable to speak for a while.

It took a long time before anyone spoke.

"Heroes, the most we can do is to cheer you on. When we really meet ghosts, we have one or the other and we are not a match for each other!"

He spoke with sincerity, causing the other six people to nod their heads one after another, but Su Ming showed no sympathy at all.

"I have a way to make you play a role, but before that, you must have the consciousness of death."

"Have the awareness to sacrifice for the village!"

There is another sentence that he did not say, "the consciousness of working for me".

His purpose is actually very simple, he is no longer a weak person in this world, the digestion of the five ghost feeding body skills before has made his strength climb a lot.

It may not be obvious in the world under one person, but in this world of Dayan, it can be said that killing the black dragon does not even need to be desperate!
The only problem is the quantity.

He was going to take the initiative to go to the wild to fill his stomach and replenish the corpses and soul flags.

But if you charge by yourself, it's hard to get distracted and clean up the souls and corpses. At this time, these guys are what you need. Of course, this is only secondary.

The main reason is to prepare spare food for themselves. If they really get into a deadly battle, then these guys can really dedicate their lives to the village.

Su Ming won't get lost in the "heroes", he is a master who can sacrifice anyone for his own self-interest!

(End of this chapter)

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