Under one person: You also said that you are not an evil cultivator!

Chapter 179 The enthusiastic old horse, the terrifying Wu Doukai

The magnificent Buddhist hall seems to have descended from the void, as if it is a symbol of the coming of gods to the mortal world. Every piece of glazed tiles is shining with golden light, as if stars are twinkling in the night sky.

The interior luxury of the Buddhist hall is even more amazing. There are various murals hanging on the walls. In each mural is a radiant holy Buddha. The huge incense burner in the center is burning some unknown... Incense, the fragrance wafts out from the sky, making heaven and earth quiet.

However, all this magnificence is just a foil. When the shadow of the Buddha statue, which is so large that it is almost invisible in the sky, appears, the magnificent hall sits quietly in the center of its palm.

The face of the Buddha statue is calm and solemn, giving people a sense of peace.

"You evil beast, have you had enough trouble?"

His voice seemed to be filled with anger, but it also sounded like he was chanting sutras. His voice was deep and melodious, solemn and sacred. If Su Ming didn't know the source of their power, that is, where the incense came from, he might actually know how to do it. Because of such a word, he would bow down and be punished, but Su Ming knew.
He did not respond to the words of the Buddha's phantom. The so-called harsh words were just evidence of his lack of strength. But for him now, cutting off the Buddha's neck and taking off the Buddha's head was what he needed to do.

Su Ming's Ten Thousand Souls Banner is everywhere, and even the shadow of the Buddha statue cannot change this fact.

In front of the phantom of the Buddha statue, a sad woman suddenly sighed softly, and then exerted force with her feet, crushing one of the ghosts to pieces. However, the magnitude of the rush was also huge, and she had reached the palace almost in an instant. In front of him, the Buddha was still a shadow, and destroying the palace was what he needed to do most.

"How brave!" The monk next to the virtual shadow said in surprise, "Do you know how valuable the Lord of the Blood Palace is? You actually have the idea of ​​resisting!"

"Any organization that relies on Mount Sumeru has the power to suppress the world. Do you know that when the palace master gathers the power to succeed, you will be dead today?"

In fact, he could probably guess it even if he didn't mention Su Ming. When he first heard that there was an organization like the Blood Palace, and there was a huge system above it, he already guessed that in a world like this, if a force wanted To have the supreme power is to either possess everlasting strength or possess his unique charm, but now the monk has confessed that he has both.

In other words, it was this position that made them the so-called palace master, rather than the palace master suppressing everyone.

"It's okay, it's just one more corpse in my eyes."

Su Ming's voice was light, but it revealed endless murderous intent, and he rushed towards the palace.

The Buddha statue saw Su Ming's figure disappearing like a ghost, and then reappearing from those extremely weird ghosts. The most terrifying thing was that they could rush forward under such terrifying pressure.
At this time, his mentality has changed greatly from when he first saw the two corpses on the ground to now. For him, his current mood can no longer be described as furious. There is such an ant in front of him, and there is not even one like him. A small thing as big as a finger had ruined all his future, and might have ended his life if he hadn't immediately given away all his savings.

Now, the source of all this was right in front of him. When he saw his arrival, he didn't run around like a squirrel as expected, nor panicked as he should have. Instead, he started to attack directly.

This is the greatest disrespect to Buddha!

In the Blood Palace, he is truly inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. He can even be described as a ruler in this world. Everyone, all dragons, and all Buddhas must rely on his breath. It is precisely because of this that, When this catastrophic accident happened, it made him even more crazy.

Now, everything that can be done has been done. Taking down the culprit is his last chance to save his life. There is no way out.

All the emotions just turned into this wave of sound, rolling towards Su Ming overwhelmingly. At the same time, a finger like a pillar of heaven pressed down together, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Facing the wrath of the phantom of the Buddha statue, Su Ming rolled up the Ten Thousand Souls Banner in his hand. Countless ghosts seemed to have been ordered to attack the phantom's fingers and the palace almost at the same time. They were intertwined with each other like a terrifying picture. The big net, and at the front of the net, three golden needles did not penetrate Su Ming's body, so he was ready to hit hard!

Strategic contempt does not mean that he is really a fool. The feeling this person gives him is no less stressful than that of Ruhu, or even more. It's just that Su Ming is not what he used to be, and the ghost is everywhere. It means that his body is everywhere, and he can completely ignore these terrifying pressures without any pressure.

However, the phantom seemed to be in an invincible state, immune to attack but also extremely powerful. The moment Su Ming pressed down with two fingers, he had already made his decision and used his body strengthened by incense to resist. It was different. What's surprising is that at the second before the contact, an inconspicuous blush on the arm suddenly began to spread.

Looking carefully, I saw that the string of red beads was like melted blood, dissolving bit by bit, but each time it spread, it was metallic black, with only tiny red blood threads condensed on it. First, there was a Fingers, and then a whole arm. When the black covered the arm, the faint red light on it was like the eyes of a ghost, extremely terrifying.

This magical weapon is called Wu Doukai, and it is one of Lao Ma's most proud works.

Although Su Ming likes to walk a tightrope, he never seeks death. Why would he go to fight with others without any preparation?

That's not called evil cultivating, that's called Zhao Guizhen
This can also be said to be Ma Xianhong's most outstanding melee weapon. His talent lies in the Divine Machinery and the Hundred Refinements. In terms of craftsmanship, although he is extremely talented, his strength alone can only be used in a battle in Biyou Village. The level of a top-notch weapon, and it really allowed him to resist the almost abnormal siege by himself, any magic weapon is worthy of praise.

A bead with a red appearance, which is attached to the body with its own energy.Su Ming once marveled at the golden needle method used by the power of incense. The terrifying improvement in strength was almost intoxicating, and using it again and again did not put too heavy a burden on the body.

But now, after Su Ming opened the three-needle realm for the first time, he knew even before he had even experienced it. Using their methods to deal with them, maybe he was not weak, but facing such a blood palace master who wanted to rely on this Just winning would be too fanciful, so this head-on encounter was prepared for Wu Doukai.

The function of Wu Doukai is simple. It is to simply improve physical quality. All aspects of quality, whether it is strength, power, or speed, attack and defense. With its blessing, Ma Xianhong's defense has reached the temporary level. There was nothing he could do about it, and the attack was even more terrifying. One blow could directly destroy a magic weapon with his body.
This was still done with the frail body of a craftsman. You know, who were the people fighting with him at that time?

Not to mention anything else, Lao Xiao is a guy who is weaker than the ten guys. His outrageous Qi can kill people with just one breath. His elegance and precision are impeccable, followed by the clarinet and Feng Baobao, these two together can be said to be two different physical extremes in this world. One focuses on density and the other focuses on nature. But even so, so many of their temporary workers still died in the end.
Just thinking about it can make people feel the horror of this magical weapon, and Ma Xianhong, who is not good at fighting, can still do this, and this magical weapon was borrowed by Su Ming
This scene was destined to happen from the moment Su Ming got it, but it wasn't over yet. Su Ming never showed mercy to his opponent. The biggest problem was not killing those he could kill. force.

The palms that had been clenched slowly opened, and a golden bell suddenly appeared in the hands.

Su Ming has long heard of Ma Xianhong's enthusiasm. No matter who he is, no matter how guilty he is, as long as he is willing to play house with him here, he is his best brother. If he can also help him repair the stove
You can even ask him to call you dad, and he probably won't hesitate at all. After all, to him, or to Qu Tong, the boss of Yao Xing Club, this is the only value. That's why Zhuge Qing had There was also a scene where Su Mingdang offered to borrow the Wudou Armor and Ma Xianhong gave away most of his original equipment.

Being able to stand here and fight this so-called palace master in a bloody battle was mainly due to Ma Xianhong's enthusiasm. Of course, Su Ming left Sheng Xie there for his study.

jingle bell~
The crisp ringtone was like a few aimless fireflies, flying out of Su Ming's palm and then disappearing into the air.

The Soul Shaking Bell attacks the soul and directly blasts the human soul out of the body.
The product produced by Ma Xianhong is extraordinary, and Su Ming is not meant to be used alone. The magic weapon made by Ma Xianhong for the soul can make people temporarily lose consciousness no matter how bad it is.

For Su Ming, this is enough
The baptism of zombies and souls that he will face next, and the Tianwen soul refining that will be launched with full force almost at the same time, Su Ming feels like he is covered in cold sweat just thinking about it. No matter which one of these two sets, it can make people Scalp numbness.
"Okay, everything is ready, the next step is to grab a lucky person to experience it." The moment Su Ming raised the corner of his mouth, Xuying's fingers finally collided with his palm.


The terrifying loud noise made the air tremble violently, and the huge impact even turned half of the ghost mountain into fly ash, and even the rest continued to collapse.
"Buddha Amitabha." The eyes of the monk who led the way were filled with falling rocks, the trembling void, and his pupils that were constantly dilating.

He once saw the scene where Su Ming killed a middle-aged monk with one hand, and at that time he was so frightened that he was almost frightened. Fortunately, he was lucky and did not rush out directly. When he came back, he sounded the loudest noise as soon as possible. Alarm, recall the palace master.

Su Ming was strong, even to him, he was as strong as a crusher. If he and Su Ming were to face off, he would kneel down without hesitation, but after all, his opponent was not him, but the Palace Master.

As the manager of the lower-level organization of Mount Xumi, he knew how terrifying the Palace Master was. He once thought that the Palace Master would crush Su Ming even more decisively than Su Ming crushed him.

If anyone has the most accurate prediction of this battle, it is undoubtedly him, but now what he sees
The sound of swallowing saliva was blown into the air by the terrifying impact. In front of him was the collision of two phantoms, one gold and one black. They hadn't dispersed even a little bit yet. The two actually showed a strange stalemate. The state is extremely terrifying.

He suddenly exclaimed, and the disbelief in his eyes was like a raging tsunami, drowning all his consciousness.

In the eyes of the Lord of the Blood Palace, only a moment passed from contempt and anger to disbelief. The scene he imagined of crushing Su Ming to death with one finger did not appear, and even the tendency to suppress it did not appear. No, that feeling of being evenly matched is definitely true, and there is a faint pain spreading in the center of his fingers. Now he has no possibility of pulling back the force to separate. Once he pulls away, the force will sweep over him with majestic force. .

But overall it's pretty good.

Although he was surprised, this was not his full strength, and the kid in front of him had obviously tried his best. As long as the next step
"Jingle bell~"

The tiny sound was like a small insect, and it should have had no impact on him, but how could there be other sounds under such an impact? !
His eyes widened in an instant, and his body tried to resist the injury this time, but it was already too late.
His eyes seemed to have fallen into a quagmire for an instant. First, he looked at the mud all over the world and fell into a daze. When he finally tried to break free, the white cotton wool had covered almost every corner of the shadow, and then his eyes met. that moment
The palace owner saw it and saw his breasts.

He was still young at that time, and it was also at that time that his great-grandmother took him to his family's manor for the first time. There were farm tools and crops in it. Those farm tools were okay, but those who lived in the abyss of blood and darkness every day of human beings.
He clearly had hands, feet and thoughts, but like all young Buddhas, he asked the question "Why?"
Why are they the masters of this world?
The answers he got were all the same, and he had already heard the almost identical answers on many occasions before he even asked. However, he still asked at that time.

It’s not for any reason, I just want to ask myself, what if the person inside is me?
Can I endure a life that is not dominated by myself?

But the kindness at that time gradually disappeared as he grew up. When he became an adult, that is, when he was sent to be selected by his family, he was completely lost.

After that, he became accustomed to the death of ants and their worship, and gradually became like all the normal Buddhas in this world, feeling that this world should be like this.
"But why." (End of chapter)

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