Under one person: You also said that you are not an evil cultivator!

Chapter 50 I'm watching it vigorously, don't interrupt!

Chapter 50 I'm watching it vigorously, don't interrupt!

After walking out of that range, Su Ming began to dissipate the power of the medicine, and it was only now that he truly realized the power of the Tiger Leopard Pill. The majestic power of the medicine was like a rushing river, nourishing every corner of his body.

The Tiger Leopard Pill that was given before was indeed a product after cutting corners and materials. Although the potency of the medicine was not bad, more of his limbs and skeletons existed.

Now this series of two more powerful medicines swept through, and the medicines stored before were also rushed together.

The blood is accelerating, the bones are strengthening, and the muscles are jubilant. Every inch of the drug force makes his body jump even more.

Hearing this, I was stunned with anger, something is wrong with the development of this plot.
Taking another look at the respectful look of the man in the black robe, he realized now even if he had no brains, this guy is singing a double reed and acting!
With a dark face, he took a step forward, "Kill him, then you'd better have a way to get rid of the poison on my body."

But before he finished speaking, Su Ming suddenly opened his eyes, the black qi in his hand exploded, and then he slapped out an unpretentious palm splitting!
Hearing the anger, he didn't expect Su Ming to attack suddenly. Before, he looked like he was about to die, but now just a word made him violent. He was already poisoned before, and he hastily raised his energy to resist.

Smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the earth trembled.

Su Ming looked at the palm of his hand with satisfaction. He now felt that he was stronger than ever before. That feeling seemed to be filled up by a powerful medicine after years of inactivity. If he had used the same qi before, he would definitely Can't play such a terrifying effect.

But this is just an expedient measure. He is also practicing the exercise book brought by the Liu family these days, but the speed of his qi cultivation is far faster than the speed of qi and blood growth, and it is not a little bit.

Now the void is temporarily filled by two Tiger and Leopard Pills, but this is the only chance to make up for it. He can feel it. If there is another one, the effect may be negligible.
His eyes slowly moved to the area that was photographed just now. Now he is much stronger than before in terms of perception and strength. Feeling the dangerous aura emanating from the smoke, he chuckled, "I thought I couldn't climb. got up?"

While putting away the lizard man, he suddenly stepped back.

Sure enough, before the smoke cleared away, a ragged big-eared thief shot straight up from it, and his ears stirred, and there was an astonishing explosion where he was standing just now, accompanied by a loud roar.

"My second brother has Baijie Pill, give it to me and I won't pester you anymore!"

The same as the six thieves, each position was punched out with one punch, he knew very well how strong Seeing Xi was, even if this Su Ming won, it would be a narrow victory.

Having gone through a bloody battle, it is inevitable that there will be no more state, maybe the palm just now is his last strength.

And his own body knew that Baijie Dan was his only hope now that the patient was dead, and there was no way out.

Su Ming's retreating body slowly stopped, but he just smiled lightly, "Is there any? I haven't seen it before, you remember it wrong."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stomped heavily on the ground, and the whole person shot towards the ear listening to the anger!

Countless tiny black qi on the raised fist are entangled and entangled with each other, like countless anxious poisonous snakes, eager to give the enemy a chance to kill.

Su Ming will give them this opportunity!

The majestic qi can be unscrupulously swayed, with the strong support of Jian Jianxi, now he doesn't need to care about consumption at all, this is the first time Su Ming's body has experienced such extreme speed, extremely carefree!

Sensing the imminent threat, Su Ming's body, which had been shooting quickly, unexpectedly changed direction under the impetus of the majestic qi, but he sped up again, with an evil smile on his face, "Jie jie jie!"

"even if!"

As soon as the words fell, the black qi erupted in an instant, and those tiny poisonous snakes had turned into giant pythons several feet in an instant, engulfing the sky and covering the earth.

The smoke and dust are billowing, like waves that are higher than one layer, never ending.

Listening to anger is the residual blood, I am afraid that there is not much possibility of surviving under this move.
But in the next second, Su Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Out of the smoke and dust, a girl in ancient costume with eyes full of sadness stepped out, so weak that she could be blown away by a gust of wind. Her green draped skirt and beige skirt set off her abnormally white face even more pitifully.

Her figure was somewhat illusory, and Su Ming could even see the battle behind her clearly. Every step seemed to fall, but the slender hands easily lifted the blood-stained ear to listen. angry.

There was a hint of sadness in his resentful eyes, and he looked at Su Ming and said softly, "Is that a wicked person who killed my second brother?"

Her voice gave Su Ming a feeling that he would cry if he didn't get an affirmative answer, and it made people want to step forward to comfort her.

"Second brother?" Su Ming subconsciously circulated his original power, and then he dispelled the pity in his heart, and said with a light smile, "Who are you?"

He is very clear that the woman in front of him is not some weak woman, she is one of the six thieves [Body Worry]!
There seems to be a natural magnetic field on her body, which makes people unable to help but feel sorry for her. Once she keeps her hands in battle or gets a little worried, it will be fatal.

The woman sighed softly, and the sadness on her face became stronger. She could understand the gunpowder in Su Ming's tone, but it also proved Su Ming's strength, and he could easily break free from his methods. Not many, especially this kind of evil cultivation.

"The official took out the bag, and the little girl made way for the official, okay?"

Su Ming was stunned for a second when he heard this, and couldn't help chuckling, "Tsk, brotherly love really is!"

"I killed your second brother, neither you nor that big ear, didn't even bother to mention the word "revenge", and just kept talking about it. You have been expecting him to die and inherit his property for a long time, right?"

It is in line with the whole nature of traditional arts, there are no shit feelings, only interests.

Bian Benyou didn't even change his face, he just waved his sleeves lightly and pointed to the other side of the battlefield, "Now the officials still have a way to choose, if my brother calls later, it won't be possible~"

It was only then that Su Ming noticed that earth-shaking changes had taken place on the battlefield.

He took a look at Zhao Guizhen's side, mainly because it was not far from Han Changwen's side.

Relying on the foundation of his original practice on the mountain, the seven evil spirits he used to save his body are not easy, they are vicious and deadly, and there is nothing to do except that they seem to be unable to stop. He has killed a large number of Quan Xing before, but now
Lying on the ground motionless, if not for the Qisha on his body and two howling, he would have thought he was dead.

Wang Zhenqiu hasn't paid attention to Wang Zhenqiu since he took it away. Wang Zhenqiu, who looks embarrassed to others, has been acting all the time, in order to break Mr. Liu's tortoise shell and create opportunities for his "horse of love to kill chickens". , there is no danger at all.

but now
Another wave of fire suddenly appeared on the battlefield, hitting Mr. Liu's cracked light ball fiercely, and Wang Zhenqiu avoided it by rolling and crawling.

From the traces on his body, it seems that there are not a few who have not escaped. Behind him, apart from Changsi with a weak tongue, there is also an ugly man whose eyes and ears are neighbors, and his tongue is on the corner of his mouth. He was staring at Wang Zhenqiu with crazy eyes.

One of the six thieves, desire!

Wang Zhenqiu tried his best to crawl towards Mr. Liu. Anyone who watched him would have to say "loyalty", but his desire didn't give him a chance, and he had already launched an attack again.

This time it was even more shocking than before, and a hill was moved from not far away!
It was about to be smashed down, but there was a worrying whisper in my ear, "The slave family is for the good of the officials, and eats the pockets."

"Shut up!" Su Ming cursed in a low voice without turning his head, "I'm watching with enthusiasm, don't interrupt!"

(End of this chapter)

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