Chapter 57

This also makes sense, why this guy obviously has qi but has not used it all the time, but just passively defends against all this with a weapon. At this time, a blood sacrifice is performed.

As for why it wasn't done in the first place.
Don't underestimate the company!Especially for the intensity of small days!

Others may forget the pain in time and be fond of outsiders, but among the major sects whose inheritance has not been cut off, that period of the past can be said to be unforgettable.

On the way Su Ming rushed over, he picked off a few whole-body heads as souvenirs, and hurriedly rushed to Mr. Liu's side.

Before he could speak, the human head rolled to the ground, and with the blood stained on his body just now, he was even more embarrassed. Su Ming looked at him anxiously, "Sir, sir"

"You are the method of blood sacrifice, right?"

"Teach me! Teach me!"

His tone was strong and anxious, and he pointed at Wang Zhenqiu and Wang Zhenqiu, who had clearly gained the upper hand, and glanced uneasily at the few Quan Xings behind him who were still unwilling to give up.

"Teach me, I won't be able to get out of here today anyway, it's better to be like this."

"Why don't you use this body of flesh and blood to cast a curse on that naughty Wang Zhenqiu!"

"It's all because of him!"

"I want this survive! To die!"

His eyes were full of resentment, he had killed so many people, watched so many dramas, from the business and political elites to the slut Wang Zhenqiu, he could just learn a little bit.

And what he said can be said to speak to the heart of this little day.

No one wants to die, if there is hope of living, how can he be willing to sacrifice himself?

But in this situation, if he doesn't sacrifice himself, he will not die alone, but everyone related to him!

It's all because of that Wang Zhenqiu, and it's all thanks to him!
Not to mention deceiving one's feelings, but also deceiving a knife!

It was also because of him that his legs were still weak now.

He took a deep look at Su Ming, took a deep breath, then threw out something like a booklet and said in the worst Chinese, "Wo, cheese rice once!"

After speaking, he pointed to himself, signaling Su Ming to study hard.

The steps in the booklet are not difficult. The first step is to draw those weird patterns with blood on your body, the second step is to draw the same pattern as the magic circle on the ground, and the third step is to stand in the magic circle and recite the formula, do some Acts like a cult.

Of course, the most important thing is the line of qi, which is not connected to the network cable between the Inhuman Realm and all the forces of heaven and earth. The two qi lines of individual ascension and collective ascension are recorded on it.

Su Ming even took out his mobile phone and started recording, to ensure that he would not fall into the predicament of "what is Ma Mei".

As for the channel this guy built, it's not a big problem to kick him away when he's almost learned.

Thinking about it, Little Days has already started his performance, and his body is in some weird postures just by looking at it. If there is only the booklet and no instructions, it may not be possible to do it.

The pattern on his body is also like an earthworm looking for his mother. It makes people confused and makes Su Ming dare not blink his eyes. Fortunately, this step is not long. It seems that this guy is quite familiar. Prepared for this day, or rather he was prepared for this moment from the beginning.

When he stood in the magic circle drawn on the ground, Su Ming suddenly discovered that every word that this guy uttered was in extremely clear Chinese!

"With my flesh and blood body, I invite the five-pass gods, the holy gods of the nine netherworlds, the Great Dharma King of Yuansha, to lead the way to the netherworld, open the gate of Fengdu, and gain the power of the nine netherworlds, so as to..."

Just halfway through, there was a sudden gust of wind, and countless flesh and blood rolled up on the battlefield that had already been turned into a wilderness.

It's just that the hot wind in the dog days makes Su Ming feel a bit cold no matter what.

And the expression on that little day's face gradually became crazy, the raised hands suddenly inserted into his eyeballs, and disturbed.
"To open the evil door, save my soldiers!"

As soon as his words fell, an extremely strange scene happened.

A drop of blood was supposed to slowly drip down from his arm, but now it flew up uncontrollably, as if some force was pulling it, and it gradually became illusory until it disappeared into the void.

Then the second drop, the third drop
The flesh and blood began to fall off piece by piece, and then the bones, and even a gray shadow could be seen flying upward together.

It's not that Su Ming didn't want to stop it, it's just that he found that he couldn't even get close. From the moment the ceremony ended, this was already the evil god's table.

And with the disappearance of his flesh and blood, a phantom of a huge black gate suddenly appeared on the vast battlefield, magnificent but evil.

It really seems like the gates of hell!

The kind of things that flowed out inadvertently made it difficult for everyone to look directly at it. Those who were a little weaker even had their eyes bloodshot after just one glance, and they might be blinded even if they looked at it for half a second.

Su Ming was not relaxed either. Seeing that blood was already shed, everyone was the same as him.

Under the coercion of the gates of hell, the battlefield finally ushered in a short break. Both Quan Xing and the two temporary workers all looked towards this side.

Because it was so shocking, even in nightmares, it might not be possible to have the strong atmosphere of horror now.

The "physical ascension" of flesh and blood in Xiaotian is still going on, and it is getting faster and faster. Every piece of flesh and blood is opened up a little bit, and no drop is wasted.

Now half of the body has opened a gap in the door. Countless people want to see the inside through that gap, but all they get is endless black mist.

Until the complete head clearly appeared during the ascension process. Tooth marks?

Su Ming shook his head violently, hoping that he was wrong, but he was the closest to Mr. Liu, less than two meters away, so how could he be wrong?

There are more and more tooth marks on the skull, not like human beings, small, but extremely dense!
He's seen it somewhere else!

The last time he returned from the ghost mountain, it was nightfall when he returned to the village, and there was a corpse that was crippled. Su Ming didn't bother to take care of it, but a second before entering the village, he was captured by the black mist of Dayan World. erosion!

Only half of the skull was left in the village, and the traces on it were exactly the same as the present one!
His mind buzzed, maybe this world really has something to do with Dayan's world!
It is doubtful that his incense power can be used in this world. At that time, he only attributed it to the strength of Goldfinger. Later, Shen Chong was able to share his original power, which he attributed to himself as one of the two worlds. The transfer station, which belongs to two worlds, has never thought that the two worlds will be half connected, after all, the difference is too great.

But now
But before he had time to think about it, he saw the gate of hell open!

The dense black mist covered the sky and the sun, and as the flesh and blood of that little day were consumed, the gate of hell finally stopped with a harsh friction sound.

The door is very grand, but the gap opened at this time is not large, and it can only accommodate one person to pass through.

In the next second, a thin body rushed out first, but he looked a little embarrassed, as if he had gone through countless hardships to get here.

The classic samurai dress of the day, with a slender katana on his waist, he chose to draw the sword the first second he came out, and then looked at everyone vigilantly.

The knife pattern on the knife body is almost exactly the same as that on the zhiwan, except that there are no rust and mottled traces of time, maybe this is what zhiwan used to look like.

The clarinet of the "Ishikawa family" gritted his teeth and spoke, looking as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

You must know that even if he faced more than a dozen Quanxing alone before, he still had a relaxed expression, but the method was a little cruel.

But the person who came out now made him so vigilant!
Wang Zhenqiu also restrained his smile slightly, "Brother Guan, I have long heard that I am the most idle among the temporary workers. My side is because everyone gives me face, and your side is the busiest. I spend a lot of time on it." abroad."

As he spoke, he pointed to that little day, and asked with some doubts, "Know?"

Clarinet's eyes were deep, and he didn't speak for a long time. He recognized the family emblem the second he saw it.

Then he took a deep breath, took out a pair of goggles and said while putting them on, "Little Days does not have an official organization like a company, it is managed by artist organizations from all over the world, and one of these alien organizations has to be taken seriously The behemoth of the Buddha Sword Ishikawa family!"

"And the first time I went to their country, the first information I got was about their family!"

"This family is a kendo family. It can be said that the influence in Xiaotian is more authoritative than that of the company. It is true that it is true. All forces that challenge their authority in their country will have to die."

While speaking, he had already put on the goggles, and simply tore off the clothes that were already full of filth, as if preparing for the next battle.

"I heard that their family lost a sword that has been fed for generations, so it is this one!" After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and made an attacking gesture, the fierceness in his eyes was completely released, as if it might explode at any time tiger.

Su Ming followed suit with a slight nod. He still remembered that the Ishikawa family represented the government during the Nathan Island incident. This alone can prove its extraordinary power!
However, this was not what surprised him the most, because more than one person came out of that gap!

Behind him, five people dressed almost exactly like him rushed out, tall, short, fat and thin, with the same ball head, the same knife, the same movement, and the same look in the eyes.

During the few days when they came out, their eyes kept wandering around everyone, as if they were searching for something, until they fixed on the wooden box on Wang Zhenqiu's back.

At that moment, almost everyone yelled in unison. Although Su Ming said something that Su Ming couldn't understand, it seemed that Su Ming was fighting for something.

One more thing that deserves everyone's attention is that these people are very strong!
Just the vigilance on their bodies that may erupt at any time has already explained the problem.

The seventh one walked out a woman in a red kimono, the suffocatingly thick white face almost covered all her features, but when she came out, the energy of the gate of hell seemed to be almost exhausted, already Slowly becoming a little illusory.

That is to say, the moment she landed, her hands started to make quick movements one after another, and then she bit the tip of her tongue so that the blood dripped onto a piece of yellow paper that she had already prepared in her hand, and finally she let out a loud shout. The yellow paper was pressed to the ground.

The densely packed distorted runes were like countless wriggling tiny bugs, continuously extending towards the surroundings, and soon formed a large magic circle, and eight white sumo wrestlers appeared in the eight corners of the magic circle!

And on their bodies are the same weird patterns as Mr. Liu, and the movements they are doing now are also exactly the same!
This is to use the power of eight people to activate the blood priest again, and then summon more combat power!
This preparation is not insufficient, and almost every link has been utilized to the extreme. The six Ishikawa family members who came out are already very strong, but now they need to further expand the team!
Their movements are extremely fast, and they are even more skilled than Mr. Liu.

Clarinet bombarded his fist on the barrier recklessly, but there was no sound other than a loud noise and the blood on his fist.

The expression on his face became more and more serious, and he also knew that he couldn't wait any longer, these six swordsmen were already tricky enough, if he continued to indulge like this.
But the gate of hell hasn't disappeared yet, and the evil god seems to be guarding its tribute, not allowing anyone to take a step forward.

The flesh and blood had already started to soar, and all eight of them, like Mr. Liu, chose to insert their two fingers into their own eyes at the first second when the madness appeared in their eyes, without any hesitation.

Immediately after the flesh and blood began to soar, the clarinet seemed to have thought of something, and threw Wang Zhenqiu out, "Their goal is the knife, you go!"

But it was already too late, the process and effect of the collective blood sacrifice method were far beyond what a single person could match.

The flesh and blood disappeared quickly, and Wang Zhenqiu had re-fixed the gate not far away, and then people poured out of it one by one.

one, two
And because the door opened this time is enough for three people to pass through together, the number is still increasing. When seventeen people came out in one breath, those people chose to walk out of the barrier by themselves, with thick faces on their faces. Looking anxious, most of the people rushed towards Wang Zhenqiu at a terrifying speed the moment they came out.

It seems that Wang Zhenqiu's move of running away with a knife is useful, forcing them to stop the blood sacrifice ahead of time and pursue Wang Zhenqiu!
But it was also at that moment that the ceremony stopped, and No. 18's body was just halfway out, and the gate of hell disappeared directly
Only the half of the pig-like body was left in the sky, and then it suddenly fell to the ground and picked up small dust.

"It's really well prepared for this knife!" Su Ming sighed softly and wanted to back away.

After all, the one holding the knife is Wang Zhenqiu
But Su Ming still underestimated their murderous intentions. They seemed to have allocated tactics from the very beginning. Except for the eight people who chased and intercepted Wang Zhenqiu, the remaining 15 people started to attack almost at the same time!
The target is everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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