Chapter 6 Completely Crazy

"I'm here to help. Regarding your previous plan, I think that no matter how powerful the Ming Soul Technique is, it will be difficult to find many things on a corpse that has been dead for ten years. It's not that I suspect the Ming Soul Technique, but mainly because it took too long. "

Su Ming smiled lightly, feeling the arm that had gradually regained its movement, and given him a chance to speak, he would be able to give a reason that Gong Qing could not refuse.

"I can restore the vitality of the corpse. Although the effect is limited, it can provide a more favorable operating space for Ming Soul Art." His tone was determined, without the slightest meaning of joking.

"Oh?" Gong Qing couldn't help becoming interested when he heard his answer, and those who were incompetent became the second. "You seem to know what we are going to do next?"

"I bought some information, and I saw that you have already found out that Zhang Xilin is Zhang Huaiyi, and Zhang Chulan has people from the company who have been guarding it all the time, and combined with Lu Liang's magical means, they can guess a little bit." Su Ming was very calm. They are all on the bright side, and it is not difficult to combine them to make up a lie.

Zhang Huaiyi, the grandfather of the protagonist, relied on one of the Eight Miraculous Skills of Qi Body Origin and Flow to kill dozens of Jianghu masters who were chasing after him ten years ago. !

This kind of power will move anyone's heart, and Quan Xing has never given up on the investigation of this power, and now Zhang Chulan has been found.

"That's it~" Gong Qing rubbed his chin and thought for a while, at this time he was more like a child, "Interesting. So what do you want?"

Everyone present has their own needs, he is for his own guess, while others are more for the origin of the body, no one in Quanxing will offer help without asking for anything in return, and there is no A little sect's kindness, he knows this better than anyone else.

"Of course I can't have the appetite for the source of life, but everyone has seen that I have the skills now, what I lack is the means. If I really help to a certain extent at that time, I just want some unreliable skills. It’s just a means of self-preservation.”

Su Ming took a sip of the coffee he had seen before he continued to speak slowly.

"Of course, the evil method is the best. After all, everyone has seen it, and the effect is fast, and for me, there are too many lice, but it doesn't itch!"

Gong Qing nodded slightly, as if he could accept this explanation, then turned to look at Lu Liang, "Is the girl from the Liu family under you reliable?"

After getting an affirmative answer, he said to Su Ming, "Okay, you can follow Lu Liang from now on, we must be united and friendly!"

The implication is already obvious, since the contradiction already exists, then live and die at your own risk!
Su Ming could accept such a result, if it wasn't for the two methods he showed just now that were too unbelievable, he might not even have the opportunity to work with Lu Liang.

The latter arrangements are more important, not something that he, an unstable factor who has just joined Quanxing, can know. Even Lu Liang can only know about his own arrangements.

No one said a word until the two of them went out and the door slammed shut.

It took a while for Gong Qing's voice to resound, "One was half-coaxed, and the other was delivered to the door by himself. Neither is very reliable."

"Xia He, watch carefully, no matter whether those two guys can get the memory or not, the corpse must be got."

But before Xia He could reply, a refined man sitting next to Gong Qing smiled and said, "Let me go."

One of the four madmen of all sexes, Bane Miao, Shen Chong!
As he spoke, he stood up slowly, and stopped when he was about to take a step, as if he had thought of something, "By the way, is it okay for that Su Ming to play to death?"

"It doesn't have much impact. Even if what he said is true, it can only provide some memory fragments. Just don't die Lu Liang."

"Tell me about the plan?"

Su Ming rolled down the car window and felt the cool wind blowing on his face. In fact, he knew the general idea without asking him.

On the way, Lu Liang always seemed hesitant to speak, but he never spoke. Now it was finally Su Ming who spoke.

"Plan?" He glanced at Su Ming, "There is no plan for doing things whole-heartedly, but it's just for us to find a way to get this thing done. I joined not long ago, and I guess I will send someone to watch over us."

Although his tone was still a bit harsh, Su Ming could clearly feel that he had changed after hearing the story of him killing more than a dozen people in one night.

That kind of feeling doesn't seem to be important. After all, I just took a coincidence. In fact, if I don't use Ruyi Jin to fight with qi, I still have no chance and will be crushed directly. On the contrary, it is more like a kind of envy!

Lu Liang is the young master of the Lu family, and he has been one of the most talented people in the Lu family since childhood.

Of course, he is also the most mischievous and mischievous. He has done a lot of bad things, but all of them have been tolerated by the elders of the family. But after the death of his sister, the family's attitude towards him has completely changed. Even the most loving person before insisted that he killed him , All the evidence is solid, and he is not even given a chance to refute.

Every day is tortured and interrogated, and every former family member has left scars on him. How can it be possible for a child who has been pampered and praised since childhood to have no resentment?

And his sister didn't kill him!
So he found an opportunity to escape, and after escaping, he did not seek help from the company, nor did he use his identity as the Lu family to seek asylum in a well-known decent sect, and joined Quanxing immediately.

His abilities are very strong, even surpassing many of his father's generation. During the escape, he wanted to kill his former relatives countless times, but he never stopped.

As for Su Ming's horrible deeds, he could tell just by hearing that the person sitting next to him was an out-and-out demon.

"So how are you going to accomplish this task?"

Su Ming didn't think too much about Lu Liang's attitude, it was a surprise to be able to use that method to bluff this guy, as for the future
Except for the one who sees joy and must die, everything else is within controllable range.

"I have a younger brother who has just been recruited. I have been pinched to death. She is good at this. Just let her do this kind of work of digging up corpses. Let's go to a safer factory now, and she will send the corpse over. That's when we started acting."

Lu Liang's tone was very calm, as if it should be like this.

But before he finished speaking, he heard Su Ming's voice, "Go and talk to him directly!"

It's not like a negotiation, it's more like an order.

All of this before was just to find a suitable excuse for myself to enter this incident, and this was the easiest opportunity to get close to Liu Yanyan in the whole process.

The Liu family in Xiangxi is the most famous sect in history to exorcise corpses, and those underworld methods are extremely rich.

But because it is not allowed in this society, and the inheritance is almost cut off, a talented Liu Yanyan finally emerged who has mastered all the means of the Liu family. Here's the chance.

He is walking a tightrope, actively getting involved in this kind of situation, he will either go to the peak of evil cultivator, or get into the ground safely.

But if he doesn't gamble once, he will feel uneasy!

"Are you crazy?" Lu Liang stared at Su Ming with wide eyes.

"Don't you know what you've done?"

When he proposed this plan, he never thought that Su Ming would refuse, after all, he was a murderous maniac who killed more than a dozen people last night!

After killing people, this murderous maniac not only didn't hide, but also swaggered to the coffee shop to meet the all-sex monster, which is incredible enough in itself.

But now it is making such a request again.

"That Zhang Chulan is just an ordinary person. He has to go back this time. Now that the Luotian Dajiao matter is fermenting, I can guarantee that almost 100% of the company's people are guarding him."

"The police and companies are probably looking for you all over the world now, how dare you post it?"

He couldn't figure out what was going on in this guy's mind!
Hearing this answer, Su Ming, who had been looking out the car window, couldn't help but chuckled, "What did you just say?"

Lu Liang's expression was a little dazed. He didn't know what Su Ming wanted to say, so he murmured, "I said you've thrown yourself into a trap."

"Not this one, but the last one!"

"Zhang Chulan is an ordinary person"

When Su Ming heard this, the smile on his face became wider. He took off his coat and wrapped it around his head, "Keep this speed."

Just as Lu Liang was getting more and more confused, he directly exploded the five ghosts' ambush technique. For a moment, the gray ghost image seemed to be rising against the wind, staggering out of the car window and heading straight for the bus not far away!
"Fuck!" Lu Liang couldn't help but let out a loud curse!

 Yanzu, are you watching?

(End of this chapter)

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